2012年3月28日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120328

< Remote Area Medical clinic in Oakland >
< Renewable energy classes in Germany >
< Nuclear waste site on Taiwan”s Lanyu >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, the US NGO Remote Area Medical and Tzu Chi jointly organize a mammoth free dental clinic, in Oakland, California. Renewable energy is part of the way of life in Germany. We find out how practical lessons in German schools help prepare students for the future. And as Germany phases out nuclear power, we investigate the hazards of nuclear waste disposal in Taiwan, on the beautiful island of Lanyu.



1. 奧克蘭義診

2. 義診廢水處理

3. 馬模擬中心

4. 花觀光醫療啟動

5. 一個城市的綠色旅程(9)環保意識

6. 核不沉默(1)核廢料在蘭嶼

7. 豐原居關整修

END: 大馬教育展

1. 奧克蘭義診

Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, again joined the US NGO, Remote Access Medical, to host a four-day free clinic in Oakland, California, from February 22-25. Before the event started, patients who lacked the money, or the health insurance, to get the treatment they needed, had already started lining up outside.


2. 義診廢水處理

At the recent free clinic held in Oakland, close to 100 dental chairs, were set up to serve the public. 50 of them were donated by Tzu Chi. However, since each of the dental stations produced a steady stream of wastewater, it was up to several volunteers, to help dispose of the effluent, and keep the checkups running on schedule.


3. 馬模擬中心

Malaysia University established a simulated surgery center on Friday, March 23. The center will allow doctors to practice complex procedures on donated full bodies, and thus help raise medical standards in the country. But, like Taiwan, ideas, in Malaysia, about death are quite conservative, and relatives like to preserve the corpse of their loved ones, in a complete state, for the funeral. Tzu Chi University began promoting the idea of full body donations, in Taiwan, 17 years ago. And now, Malaysia University, with help from Tzu Chi and the Xiao En (孝恩)Group, is taking the same route.


4. 花觀光醫療啟動

The Department of Health in Hualien, Taiwan, recently started consolidating its tourism and medical services. When tourists come to scenic Hualien, other than seeing the sights, they can also have a health-check, or take advantage of other medical services. Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital is joining the program.


《 靜思語 》

In life there is no turning back; meet adversity courageously as it comes.


5. 一個城市的綠色旅程(9)環保意識

In today”s trip to Germany, we visit a vocational college in Hamburg, to see how students learn about renewable energy, in class. As we will find out, the issue of conservation is high on the agenda, at all levels of German society.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Independence

For someone to change their ways, they must first reflect on themselves, and make up their own mind to change. We can only keep them company and teach them along the way. The person being helped must stand up on their own, and make a genuine effort to develop their talents, before they can plant their feet on the ground, and work towards becoming stronger.



6. 核不沉默(1)核廢料在蘭嶼

Germany was prompted to phase out its nuclear power program by the Fukushima disaster in Japan. Here in Taiwan, there are three nuclear power stations, with a fourth, currently under construction. In our next report, we begin a new series on Taiwan”s atomic program, starting with how the authorities deal with radioactive waste.


7. 豐原居關整修

Staying in Taiwan for our next report, we take you to Taichung”s Fengyuan district, to meet Tzu Chi care recipient Mr. Zhang, his Indonesian wife, and their eight children. To help support the struggling family, a group of volunteers recently arrived to clean up their home.


END: 大馬教育展

The Tzu Chi dialysis center in Penang, Malaysia, took part in a huge education fare, for the first time. Staff hoped to recruit more young people to join the nursing team. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


