2011年8月31日 星期三


< Nanmadol relief in Taiwan >
< Cash distribution in Japan >
< Veg for builders in Malaysia >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today”s show, volunteers hand out hot meals and other aid supplies to victims of Typhoon Nanmadol in southern Taiwan. The fourth disaster relief team to be sent by Tzu Chi to Japan completes a cash relief distribution in Miyagi prefecture. And Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia prepare Muslim vegetarian food for builders working on the Jing Si Hall in Selangor.


1. 南瑪都屏東 Pingtung County inundated
2. 南瑪都台東 Recovery work after Nanmadol
3. 南瑪都恆春 Hot food for disaster victims
4. 南瑪都美濃 Riverbank homes at risk in Meinong
5. 登米市星勉 Aid distribution in Miyagi Prefecture
6. 南三陸佐佐木 Cash distribution in NE Japan
7. 獨老颱風關懷 Helping against typhoons
8. 慈濟英士關懷 Food & toiletries for evacuees
9. 花收容便當 Bringing food to the needy
10. 馬開齋茹素 Vegetarian construction workers
11. 0831歷史的今天
12. 四川吳孝珍 70 years young!
END: 美人文開學

1. 南瑪都屏東 Pingtung County inundated

Before it headed to China”s Fujian Province, Typhoon Nanmadol lashed south and southeastern Taiwan with heavy rain. Pingtung County was among the hardest hit areas, with roads on the outskirts of both Linbian(林邊) and Jiadong(佳冬) temporarily submerged, until the flood water could be pumped out. Tzu Chi volunteers stocked up on provisions for the coastal communities of Xinyuan(新園) and Donggang, ready to deliver food and supplies to those trapped by the deluge.


2. 南瑪都台東 Recovery work after Nanmadol

More than 3,000 houses in Taiwan lost power when Typhoon Nanmadol made landfall, in Taitung County. Torrential rain also caused landslides, that blocked parts of Provincial Highway No. 9. A cleanup was conducted after the storm weakened, and the 1,200 people, who were evacuated to safety, will be going back to their homes when the rain lets up.


3. 南瑪都恆春 Hot food for disaster victims

In the southern tip of Taiwan, a few roads in Hengchun are still flooded, and eight bridges in the area were brought down by the Typhoon Nanmadol. A total of 1,914 people in Pingtung county were evacuated. Tzu Chi volunteers thoughtfully prepared hot food for residents who were too busy cleaning up their flood-damaged homes to eat.


4. 南瑪都美濃 Riverbank homes at risk in Meinong

While shoring up the levee, beside the Meinong River, in south Taiwan, back in May, careless workers caused a landslide, that swept away the backyards of nine homes along the riverbank. The recent heavy rain, brought down by Typhoon Nanmadol, gave the worried residents a sleepless night, as they wondered if the rest of their homes would slide into the river. Our reporter went to Meinong to see how they were coping.


《 靜思語 》

With a broad and open heart, we will not hurt others. With a simple and pure mind, we will not be hurt by others. >


5. 登米市星勉 Aid distribution in Miyagi Prefecture

For three consecutive days in northeast Japan, Tzu Chi”s fourth disaster relief team distributed consolation cash to a total of 2,991 families affected by the March 11 tsunami and earthquake. Before the program ended in the town of Mi-na-mi-san-riku, a 55-year-old local resident, who was helped by volunteers during the distribution, returned to visit caregivers twice with tokens of his appreciation.


6. 南三陸佐佐木 Cash distribution in NE Japan

At the distribution in Mi-na-mi-san-riku on Saturday, August 27, 1,025 residents received consolation cash in a single day. One 86-year-old woman said the money will help warm up her winter, and her life.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Religions
There are countless people in the world in need of assistance. Love must be delivered to them no matter where they are in the world. It is important to keep an open heart and an open mind, and let go of religious prejudices. One must cultivate devotion instead of being fanatical about to one”s religion. All religions should respect each other.


7. 獨老颱風關懷 Helping against typhoons

Back to Typhoon Nanmadol, and although central Taiwan only saw light rain, local volunteers still made sure elderly residents in particular were prepared. The volunteers knocked on doors, in an old housing community for veterans in Taichung, to check up on the seniors.


8. 慈濟英士關懷 Food & toiletries for evacuees

After all 200 residents of Yingshi(英士) village in Taiwan”s Yilan county were evacuated on Sunday to escape the typhoon, 51 were housed in the dormitory at the Northern Taiwan Vocational Training Center. Tzu Chi volunteers from the Yilan area arrived the next morning with toiletry bags and sweet rice porridge for villagers sheltering at the center.


9. 花收容便當 Bringing food to the needy

As Typhoon Nanmadol headed for China, rain continued to fall in Taiwan. To help those still living in temporary shelters, Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien prepared vegetarian lunchboxes, and delivered them to a local temple, where residents were staying. Noting that most of the recipients were seniors, the volunteers thoughtfully changed the dishes the next day, to ones easier for the elderly to eat.


10. 馬開齋茹素 Vegetarian construction workers

Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia are surrounding workers at the Jing Si Hall building site in Selangor with love and care. To encourage the construction workers to try a meatless diet, the volunteers prepared a vegetarian dinner for them, complete with Muslim dishes. The feedback from the workers, who are currently observing Ramadan, was quite positive.

馬來西亞雪隆慈濟志工來到靜思堂,關懷建築工人,為了鼓勵靜思堂穆斯林建築工人吃素,特別準備了 穆斯林風味的素食晚餐,對正值齋戒月的工人來說,回應也都相當好。

11. 0831歷史的今天

1996 1st Free clinic at Kinmen
Members of TIMA from the northern district of Taiwan arrived in Kinmen on this day in 1996, to carry out their first free clinic on the off-shore island. Since then, free clinics have become a regular event, and volunteers also work with local hospitals, to improve healthcare services.

1997 Princess Diana dies in crash
On a trip to Paris, France, while avoiding the press, the car carrying Princess Diana and her then-boyfriend Dodi Al-Fayed, crashed inside the Alma tunnel. The People”s Princess died later in the hospital on this day in 1997. The accident raised the issue of media ethics.

2003 Fire in Luzhou
A fire occurred at around 1am after an argument between a couple at their apartment in Luzhou, of the now New Taipei City, on this day in 2003. The blaze took away 13 lives and injured some 69 residents. Tzu Chi volunteers set up a disaster command center, to provide drinks, food and emergency funds for fire victims and their families, as well as to chant for the deceased.




12. 四川吳孝珍 70 years young!

Following Tzu Chi”s disaster relief efforts after the Sichuan earthquake of 2008, many local residents began to recycle their garbage. Some of the most energetic volunteers are 70 and over. For example, Wu Xiaozhen(吳孝珍) from Sichuan”s Deyang City, patrols her community in search of recyclables. The 79-year-old has also been a regular attendee of the weekly recycling day at Tzu Chi”s Hanwang Service Center for the past three years. In addition to picking up plastic bottles, the grandmother actively promotes conservation, in hopes that more people can join her in taking care of the earth.


END: 美人文開學

After the summer break, 194 students at the Tzu Chi Academy in San Dimas, of the United States, went back to class. Both children and parents turned up wearing the school uniform. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2011年8月30日 星期二


< Nanmadol dumps heavy rain >
< Cash aid for tsunami survivors >
< The end is just the beginning >

Coming up in the show, Typhoon Nanmadol makes its way through Taiwan, with flash rains triggering landslides. The army and volunteers are mobilized to flooded areas to deliver aid. Some 4,000 tsunami affected families in Ofunato City, in Japan”s Iwate Prefecture, receive consolation money, at the latest Tzu Chi distribution. And, as the sign language musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Text saw its final performance in Taiwan, we speak to the production team to understand the level of work that went into the project.


1. 南瑪都台東+恆春+烏日颱風關懷 Typhoon Nanmadol hits island
2. 艾琳慈濟 Hurricane Irene hits east coast
3. 大船渡市發放 Cash relief in Ofunato
4. 南三陸川井 Cash relief in Minamisanriku
5. 慈悅最末場 Curtain falls on Water Repentance
6. 彰懺拆台 Volunteers dismantle Changhua stage
7. 彰懺來賓 Good and great in Changhua
8. 彰懺大醫王 Water Repentance comes to an end
9. 歷史的今天 On this day, 30th of August.
10. 雪梨吳如玉 Working with immigrants in Syndey
END: 宜蘭靜思小築

1. 南瑪都台東+恆春+烏日颱風關懷 Typhoon Nanmadol hits island

Typhoon Nanmadol slammed into Dawu(大武) Township, in Taitung, southeast of Taiwan just after 4 o”clock on the morning of August 29th, bringing with it torrential rain and gale force winds. Before the tropical storm made its way north, Tzu Chi had already set up an emergency command center in central Taiwan, to organize and dispatch manpower and supplies where needed. As we went to air, Taiwan”s armed forces were on duty in inundated areas, sealing off damaged roads and rescuing those trapped by the storm. We go to Taitung first, where Typhoon Nanmadol made landfall.


2. 艾琳慈濟 Hurricane Irene hits east coast

While Typhoon Nanmadol was buffeting Taiwan, Hurricane Irene was creating havoc on the east coast of the United States. As the storm approached, US Tzu Chi volunteers kept in close contact with rescue units, and New York Chapter volunteers visited emergency shelters to plan for relief work. Though Irene was downgraded to a tropical storm, in New Jersey some houses were still submerged in water. Local Tzu Chi volunteers mobilized to help flood victims clean up their homes.


《 靜思語 》

Interact with our family members with the wisdom of a Bodhisattva; care for the world with the tolerance of a parent.


3. 大船渡市發放 Cash relief in Ofunato

It”s almost half a year after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and Tzu Chi”s aid to Japan”s disaster areas continues. The latest cash relief distribution took place in Ofunato City of Iwate Prefecture. In two-days, volunteers handed out consolation money to about 4,000 families.


4. 南三陸川井 Cash relief in Minamisanriku

Staying on the topic of post-quake relief, but moving to Miyagi Prefecture, the fourth Tzu Chi Japan disaster relief team arrived in Minamisanriku over the weekend to hold a two-day cash distribution. 95 percent of the town was destroyed on March 11th by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami. In two days, 2,430 families received Tzu Chi”s aid. Volunteers were also pleasantly surprised to run into an old friend.

也是地震後的報導,不過鏡頭轉到宮城縣,慈濟東日本賑災第四梯次周末在南三陸町展開兩天的見舞金發放,3月11號9級地震引發的海嘯,毀損了9成5以上的城鎮,2天的發放幫助了2,430 戶家庭,志工也意外的遇到了老朋友。

《 衲履足跡 》

On Preaching Dharma
Focusing on where to preach the dharma, may not help people become enlightened. Instead, it is mort important to discipline oneself spiritually. Do rather than preach. Sincerity from within the heart to serve will have a more profound impact.


5. 慈悅最末場 Curtain falls on Water Repentance

The musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Text, that took some eight months to produce, concluded in Changhua over the weekend after 24 shows around Taiwan. The production team was made up of less than ten people, none of whom were trained in the art of theater; nonetheless, an unrelenting determination and team spirit ensured a very successful outcome. The stage production was also unique, in that almost every performance had a different set of supporting cast members, who numbered from around 1,000 to just over 2,000. In total, more than 30,000 Tzu Chi volunteers from all over Taiwan served as performers, bringing to life the ancient Buddhist scripture of the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance and inspiring hundreds of thousands of viewers all over Taiwan.


6. 彰懺拆台 Volunteers dismantle Changhua stage

When the curtain fell on the last performance of Water Repentance in Changhua, and the audience drifted away from the stadium in central Taiwan, a group of Tzu Chi volunteers started working through the night to tidy up the arena, dismantle the stage, lighting and mats, and pack everything up in crates and bags.


7. 彰懺來賓 Good and great in Changhua

The Sunday morning showing of the Buddhist sutra Water Repentance at the Changhua Stadium was performed by Tzu Chi volunteers from Changhua and Nantou. Changhua magistrate Mr. Zhuo Boyuan(卓伯源) and Nantou magistrate Ms. Li Chaoqing(李朝卿) both came to watch the performance. Apart from praising the epic performance, the two thanked Tzu Chi volunteers for their years of community service and care for vulnerable residents.


8. 彰懺大醫王 Water Repentance comes to an end

As Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical production came to an end on Sunday, Typhoon Nanmadol was approaching Taiwan. In our next story, we take you to the final show, where cast and audience members came together in a prayer that the typhoon would not seriously damage the island.


9. 歷史的今天 On this day, 30th of August.

1990 The passing of Qian Mu
Known as one of China”s greatest philosophers and historians, Qian Mu passed away on this day in 1990, at the age of 96. The scholar”s residence in Waishuangxi, Taipei, would later be open to the public, to commemorate his works.

1994 Sending love to Nepal
After 6 months of construction, a Da Ai village consisting of prefabricated houses for 800 households, built by the Tzu Chi Foundation for Nepal flood victims was finally complete. Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan traveled to Nepal on this day in 1994, to hand over the houses, and hold an aid distribution.

1999 East Timor independence
Once colonized by Portugal and later by Indonesia, a referendum was passed for East Timor to gain independence on this day in 1999. The country was formally established on May 20, 2002, becoming the 193rd independent nation.




10. 雪梨吳如玉 Working with immigrants in Syndey

Tzu Chi volunteer Wu Ruyu(吳如玉) has lived in Sydney, Australia for over 14 years. After seeing local volunteers canvassing for relief funds for the tsunami that devastated Southeast Asia in 2004, Ruyu was inspired to join Tzu Chi. Although a busy professional, Ruyu always manages to find time to join her Tzu Chi sisters and brothers in delivering food and supplies to their care recipients, many who come from different countries around the world.


END: 宜蘭靜思小築

Finally today, a new Jing Si Books and Cafe opened in Taiwan”s Yilan City, at the newly completed Tzu Chi Liaison Office. We join the opening ceremony at the bookstore as community residents flock in to take part in the festivities. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2011年8月29日 星期一


Rice for poor in Indonesia
A home for displaced trees
Look back at Hurricane Katrina

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up, the month of Ramadan is made easier for the poor in Indonesia, as Tzu Chi hands out rice to more than 3,600 households.
●In the last of our featured reports on Taiwan”s specialist banks, we look into ”tree banks” that help facilitate the preservation and relocation of trees.
●Later, Hurricane Katrina made landfall in the United States, on this day six years ago -- in our history report, we look back on the impact of the storm, and how residents in the hardest-hit city of New Orleans were given hope.



1.山口洋大米Rice distribution in Singkawang
2.菲杜瑪那修屋Following up on 2 seniors in need
3.越南助學金Scholarships with Women”s Association
4.慈青南非送禮Love from America
5.彰懺冰粽護持Water Repentance refreshments
6.嘉懺范文林Surgeon in Water Repentance
7.銀行不存錢(5)樹木銀行Saving old trees in the bank
8.0829歷史的今天On this day. August 29.
9.卡崔娜風災The light in the tempest

1.山口洋大米Rice distribution in Singkawang

In Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteers from Jakarta distributed 80 tons of rice to 3,644 families in Singkawang. Most of the residents are Muslims, and the rice from Taiwan helped made fasting during Ramadan a little easier.


2.菲杜瑪那修屋Following up on 2 seniors in need

Several weeks ago in the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers carried out a large scale rice distribution in Marikina City, during which volunteers came across two solitary seniors in need of assistance. Recently, the volunteers returned to help the seniors repair their rundown homes, and inadvertently inspired their neighborhood to get involved as well.


3.越南助學金Scholarships with Women”s Association

The Tzu Chi New Shoots scholarship program in Vietnam is in its third year. Volunteers continue to work with local Women”s Association to find and assist needy children from poor families. This year, the number of students receiving scholarships rose to 246.


4.慈青南非送禮Love from America

Recently, a group of Tzu Ching from the United States spent part of their summer vacation doing voluntary work in South Africa. The American students brought with them school supplies and books collected back at home to share with the disadvantaged children in their host country.

日前美國慈青和志工們,利用暑假前往南非取經,慈青們募集了書本和文具,走訪了約堡和德本的學校 送上愛心物資。

5.彰懺冰粽護持Water Repentance refreshments

The performance of Water Repentance in Changhua took place on the weekend. Local Tzu Chi volunteer Huang Zhiqing(黃志清), had already donated 20,000 frozen zongzi, to refresh the hardworking cast at the Taichung showing of Water Repentance, and for the opening of the new zone at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital. For the weekend performance of the sutra in Changhua, Huang and his wife, both of whom are also acting in the show, again treated the cast of thousands.


6.嘉懺范文林Surgeon in Water Repentance

In the next story we meet another cast member for the Water Repentance show in Changhua: Dr. Fan Wenlin(范文林) from Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital, who is very dedicated to Tzu Chi”s work despite leading a very busy life.


7.銀行不存錢(5)樹木銀行Saving old trees in the bank

Not all banks are places to hold your money. As we found out last week, there are food banks, seed banks and time banks. Today, we take you to Taiwan”s tree banks, that serve as safe-havens for old and valuable trees, most of which had to be moved to make way for construction projects. The tree bank staff say: although they don”t deal in cash, they know the value of their work.


8.0829歷史的今天On this day. August 29.

1842 Treaty of Nanjing
Signed on this day in 1842 by representatives from the Qing and British Empires, on HMS Cornwallis in Chinese and English, the Treaty of Nanjing opened up Chinese ports for trade, and ceded Hong Kong to the Britain.

2005 Hurricane Katrina
Over a million people were evacuated from New Orleans when Hurricane Katrina made landfall in southeast Louisiana on this day in 2005. It was fiercest storm the Atlantic had ever seen. NGOs from over 20 countries, including the Tzu Chi Foundation, helped the rescue and recovery effort.

2007 Tainan Tzu Chi School
Tainan Tzu Chi Junior High School officially opened on this day in 2007, and classes started at the first Tzu Chi school outside the Hualien area. Thanks to the efforts of local people and volunteers, groundbreaking and construction started in 2005. The school is a model institution for good character building.




9.卡崔娜風災The light in the tempest

The 2005 Hurricane Katrina was one of the strongest tropical cyclones to hit the United States, making two landfalls and leaving behind a trail of destruction along the Gulf coast from Florida to Texas. The city of New Orleans was among the hardest hit. Tzu Chi quickly launched fundraising drives across more than 30 countries to help survivors; while locally, more than 1,000 Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States were mobilized to give medical and material assistance in the disaster area. We go back to 2005 - one of New Orleans” toughest periods - to see how the city and its residents pulled through with the help of Good Samaritans from near and far.



Finally today, we go to Guangdong, China, where volunteers enjoyed a visit to a local nursing home. For some of the newer caregivers, time spent with the seniors taught them to be more loving towards their own parents and elderly family members. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.


2011年8月26日 星期五


< Cash relief distribution in Gunma >
< Last chance for Water Repentance >
< Preserving seeds for our future >

< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. >

In Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers from Tokyo deliver consolation money to victims of the March 11th disaster sheltering in Gunma Prefecture. The last four public showings of Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical in Taiwan will take place in Changhua this weekend. And, we visit Taiwan”s National Plant Genetic Resources Center where over 70,000 different seeds are being preserved for future generations.



1.日群馬發放 Cash distribution in Gunma
2.菲加洛干火災 Fire relief in Caloocan City
3.星啟智牙科 Dental clinic for mentally ill children
4.彰水懺倒數 Changhua: counting down
5.彰場地貼標 Reusing resources at Changhua show
6.水懺聯誼併 Continuing dharma of stage show
7.水懺謝佳穎 Dharma transforms mother, daughter
8.銀行不存錢(3)種子銀行 Noah”s ark for plant life
9.0826歷史的今天 On this day, August 26.
10.美小學制服 Help for needy students

1.日群馬發放 Cash distribution in Gunma

To help survivors of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami in northeast Japan, on Monday, Tzu Chi volunteers from Tokyo arrived in Gunma Prefecture, where some survivors are temporarily sheltered in the cities of Sano and Kiryu. 257 families received consolation money plus some instant rice with which to prepare meals.


2.菲加洛干火災 Fire relief in Caloocan City

Next to the the Philippines; about an hour”s drive from Manila, a fire broke out in Caloocan City, which left 16 families homeless. Tzu Chi volunteers quickly arrived with supplies and clothes, to comfort the traumatized families.


3.星啟智牙科 Dental clinic for mentally ill children

The Tzu Chi free clinic center in Singapore is again offering dental work to those in need this year. Recently, the dentists worked on 16 mentally challenged youngsters, at the MINDS Foundation. The medical workers dressed up for the occasion, to help put their patients at ease. Let”s see how they did it.


《 Words of Wisdom 》 靜思語

Gratitude is the world”s most beautiful language and the most genuine way for people to interact.


4. 彰水懺倒數 Changhua: counting down

The last four showings of the Water Repentance musical production will be taking place in Changhua this weekend, at the Changhua County Stadium. For five consecutive days, more than 100 Tzu Chi volunteers have been mobilized to set up the stage, lighting, audio, and flooring for the show. On Wednesday night, the 1,008 cast members of the show carried out their first major dress rehearsal, running through scene after scene, in the hot and humid arena, with determination and joy.


5.彰場地貼標 Reusing resources at Changhua show

Earlier at the Changhua County Stadium, major work was being done by nearly 100 volunteers to mark the floor with stickers that assist performers with the complicated choreography. The stencils used to do the marking were recycled from the shows in Kaohsiung, making a good use of existing resources.


6.水懺聯誼併 Continuing dharma of stage show

Although the Taipei performance of the Water Repentance musical came to a successful close two weeks ago, the performance continues to reverberate in the hearts of the volunteers who took part. In the Neihu and Nangang districts of the city, as well as Taishan and Linkou in New Taipei City, performers held separate gatherings to thank the musical”s volunteers for their six months of hard work. The volunteers say they want the dharma joy, that was cultivated by the musical, to continue to grow in their hearts and their communities.


7.水懺謝佳穎 Dharma transforms mother, daughter

Xie Jiaying and Shi Xiaohua (謝佳穎和施曉樺)are another mother-daughter pair participating in Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical. Xie Jiaying used to be quick tempered and impatient, but now she is nurturing and loving. To Shi Xiaohua, it is as if she has a new mother.


《 衲履足跡 》On Religion 談宗教

Some of the duties of Tzu Chi volunteers are to dispel superstitions, promote true Buddhism, and raise awareness of what the religion represents.
These are guidelines and protocols to life. Ethics and morality should serve as guiding lights for humanity.


8.銀行不存錢(3)種子銀行 Noah”s ark for plant life

In our continuing series of feature reports on banks with a difference, today we introduce you to a seed bank. (CG) Taiwan”s National Plant Genetic Resources Center is a huge vault, with a collection of over 70,000 different seeds. The bank has a basketball-court sized refrigerator, which stores seeds at around zero degrees Celsius, for mid-term periods; and a smaller freezer, at minus 18 degrees, which can hold seeds for 50-100 years. () Some people say the seed bank is a modern Noah”s ark, that rescues and preserves valuable wild plants, for the benefit of future generations.


9.0826歷史的今天 On this day, August 26.

At an all-night vigil, organized by Taiwan”s ”houseless cooperative”, on this day in 1989, protestors lobbied the government for affordable housing. The demand by residents to own their own homes was the country”s first ever mass movement for metropolitan reform.

Pros join mock
surgery class
The simulated surgery course at Tzu Chi University, which was originally for medical students, was opened up to professional doctors on this day in 2005. Senior resident and attending doctors at Tzu Chi General Hospital conducted mock operations on cadavers, donated by ”silent mentors”. The program is designed to improve the quality of surgery, and reduce malpractice.

eye clinic
Volunteers at Tzu Chi”s health center in Zamboanga of the Philippines held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new eye clinic on this day in 2006. At the event, the mayor of Zamboanga declare the day as Tzu Chi Day. Two years later, the completed eye clinic was opened. Serving local poor patients, the new center is the most modern ophthalmology facility in the area.



2006年,大愛眼科中心三寶顏動土,位在菲律賓三寶顏的醫療中心,2006年這天動土興建眼科中心,與會的三寶顏市市長也宣布這天是三寶顏慈濟日,兩年後 眼科中心完工啟用,是當地最先進的眼科機構,服務當地貧苦病患。

10.美小學制服 Help for needy students

As the summer break is about to end, underprivileged students who cannot afford bags, uniforms and stationery, are worried about starting the new semester. In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in San Francisco have joined the City Government once again at the annual backpack distribution to help needy students.



At the end of today”s program, we return to Singapore, where Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth volunteers have come together for a two-day seminar to talk about their troubles and their devotion to attaining enlightenment. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.



Swaziland winter aid
Time is money
Indonesia Da Ai TV

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today”s show, volunteers from South Africa deliver rice donated by the Taiwanese government, and other supplies, to poor families in Swaziland.
You scratch my back, I”ll scratch yours - we find out how time banking works in Taiwan, with the latest in our continuing series on banks with a difference.
And in our history feature, we revisit the launch of Indonesia Da Ai television, which went on air, on this day, four years ago.



1.桃園義診 TIMA visits Taoyuan nursing home
2.史瓦濟蘭發放 Love and care for the needy
3.銀行不存錢(2)時間銀行 Volunteer service swap
4.彰舞臺 Readying Changhua Stadium
5.彰懺張黎鄉Paragon of virtue and filial piety
6.懺後迎無常 Water Repentance inspires
7.內湖國際青年 Visitors at Neihu recycling station
8.歷史的今天 On this day, August 25
9.(慈濟)印尼大愛台 Da Ai TV Indonesia founded

1.桃園義診 TIMA visits Taoyuan nursing home

But first up today: the Hsin-Teng Education and Nursing Institute, in Taiwan”s Taoyuan County, is a center for children and teenagers with mental disabilities. It was recently visited, once again, by members of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association - or TIMA - who organized a free clinic for the youngsters. One volunteer even brought his ten grandchildren to play with the residents.


2.史瓦濟蘭發放 Love and care for the needy

The landlocked country of Swaziland, in southern Africa, is facing a severe drought. According to the World Vision, 22 percent of the population are starving, which means that more than one out of every five people do not have enough to eat. Knowing the difficulties the people are under, Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa decided to lend a helping hand. Volunteers brought two containers of rice, and other relief supplies, to distribute to 4,000 families.


《 Words of Wisdom 》 靜思語

To cherish life is one”s duty; to love and respect each other is a blessing.


3.銀行不存錢(2)時間銀行 Volunteer service swap

In our continuing series of features on banks in Taiwan that do not deal in money, (CG in) we look at time banks. The idea started in the United States in the 1980s and has going in Taiwan for 10 years. Volunteers log the number of hours they work into the bank, and exchange the time for equivalent help from other volunteers. Some 30 countries have adopted the system, but do time banks take away the true value of selfless volunteering? We went to a time bank at the Hongdao Foundation - which is an NGO in Taiwan for elderly people - to find out more.


《 衲履足跡 》 On Faith 談信仰

The law of cause and effect would not be applicable if people believed only in prayers and empty wishes; and not in the wisdom of ”you reap what you sow”.
Given that, sense should be exercised when practicing the teachings of one”s religion.


4.彰舞臺 Readying Changhua Stadium

The last stop of Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance sign-language and musical spectacular is Changhua County Stadium, in central Taiwan, on Saturday and Sunday. Workers and volunteers are already busy setting up the venue for the weekend event.


5.彰懺張黎鄉Paragon of virtue and filial piety

One of the volunteers, who is taking part in the Water Repentance musical in Changhua, is Zhang Lixiang(張黎鄉), from Ershui(二水). Called a paragon of virtue and filial piety, Zhang has taken care of her sick mother-in-law for over ten years. Although that keeps her very busy, Zhang did her best to arrange her schedule so that she had time to join the cast of Water Repentance. As a results, she says has found peace of mind.


6.懺後迎無常 Water Repentance inspires

Another volunteer who is firmly on the Tzu Chi path is Ms. Xu Renxiang(許任香). The 60-year-old has been an avid recycler for six years, despite suffering a stroke several years ago, that affected her speech and mobility. Last year, her son”s business failed, which cost her entire retirement savings. She says she probably wouldn”t have recovered from that set back, had she not watched the recent Water Repentance show in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.


7. 內湖國際青年 Visitors at Neihu recycling station

Back in Taiwan, Tzu Chi”s environmental work is attracting overseas visitors, who stop by the Neihu recycling station in Taipei, to learn more. Recently, over 30 youths in an international exchange program, arrived at the station, to experience sorting recyclables. The group were much inspired by the experience.


8.0825歷史的今天 On this day, August 25

After intensive research and numerous experiments, Italian scientist Galileo demonstrated the world”s first telescope on this day in 1609. The telescope could be used to study the surface of the moon, and went on to improve man”s understanding of the universe.

At the grand old age of 83, Scottish inventor James Watt died on this day in 1819. Renowned as the ”king of steam” because of his improvements and developments to engines that drove the industrial revolution, Watt was one of the driving forces behind modernization.

is dead
Another great mind to pass away on this day was Friedrich Nietzsche, who came up with the ideas of the ”overman” and ”eternal recurrence”. As well as being a writer and philosopher, Nietzsche was also a sharp historical critic, who left a deep and lasting influence on Western philosophy. Suffering from mental illness for years, Nietzsche had a breakdown in his final years, and died on this day in 1900, at the age of 55.

12-yr Taiwan
Taiwan”s Ministry of Education extended its career-orientated national curriculum on this day in 1983, giving students more opportunities to enter high schools, five-year colleges, and cram schools. Students were able to take further studies and after-school courses in professional subjects, to build the basis for extending compulsory education to 12 years.

N Korea
Consecutive years of flooding and drought led to a food shortage in North Korea, which turned into a humanitarian crisis. Tzu Chi”s founder Master Cheng Yen sent volunteers to the country for the first time to understand the situation. After years of discussion and negotiations, an aid relief program was finally launched in 1999.

Da Ai TV
After over two years of planning, the Indonesia Da Ai TV channel organized a launch event at the Indonesian Tzu Chi Chapter on this day in 2007. Local staff in the television business broadcast Indonesian news and shows, suited to the local culture, adding to the stream of great love.






2007年,印尼大愛台開播,跨國無線淨人心,經過兩年多的籌備,印尼大愛無線電視台 2007年這天在印尼慈濟分會舉行開播典禮,由當地電視從業人員,製播印尼新聞和節目,融入印尼文化,帶動大愛清流。

9.0825(慈濟)印尼大愛台 Da Ai TV Indonesia founded

As you just saw, on August 25, 2007, Da Ai TV Indonesia officially went on the air. Like its mother station in Taiwan, the channel aims to promote love, respect and gratitude. In our next story, we go to Jakarta to find out more about how it all started.


While volunteers in Taiwan prepare for the final leg of the Water Repentance stage show, their counterparts in Malaysia are rehearsing hard for a new tour of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings. At the end of today”s show, we drop in on preparations in Selangor. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.


2011年8月24日 星期三

Da Ai Headlines 20110824

Spiritual ”ghost month”
Chip in for Food Bank
Repent - the end is nigh!

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today”s show, volunteers in Hong Kong and Malaysia encourage residents to mark so-called Ghost Month in a different way.
We start a new series on banks with a difference in Taiwan, starting with a food bank that collects unsold bread, and delivers it to the poor.
And the epic Water Repentance sign-language and musical show moves to Changhua, on the final leg of its current tour of Taiwan.



1.馬吉祥月祈福 Celebrating an auspicious time
2.香港齋戒 Eating vegi for 7th lunar month
3.銀行不存錢(1)食物銀行 Roll up for the bread bank
4.馬國諾雅麗莎 Determined to live on in face of illness
5.小巨蛋撤場 Reuse, reduce and recycle ”Water”
6.彰懺鄭小楹 From luxury to abstinence
7.四川教育交流 Tzu Chi teachers visit Sichuan
8.0824歷史的今天 On this day, August 24
9.新來義永久屋 New Laiyi Settlement

1.馬吉祥月祈福 Celebrating an auspicious time

First up today, we go to a Tzu Chi gathering in Batu Pahat, of Malaysia”s Johor State, where volunteers promoted the seventh lunar month - commonly known as Ghost Month - as a month of filial piety and gratitude instead. In traditional Chinese culture, Ghost Month is a time when spirits roam the earth, and people burn ghost money and make food offerings to appease them. However, from Tzu Chi”s perspective, the month should be marked by honoring your parents and giving up eating meat. We joined the gathering in Malaysia, to see how the message was delivered.


2.香港齋戒 Eating vegi for 7th lunar month

Meanwhile over in Hong Kong, to persuade people to regard Ghost Month as a ”special cultural period” Tzu Chi volunteers held a 6-day blessing event. Every day, 120 residents were invited to enjoy a meatless meal, and learn more about becoming a vegetarian. Volunteers said they hoped Hong Kongers would be inspired to start eating vegetarian at home.


《 靜思語 》

Minimize our desires to naught and maximize our love to fill the universe.


3.銀行不存錢(1)食物銀行 Roll up for the bread bank

Starting today, we”ll be bringing you a series of feature reports on banks with a difference in Taiwan, starting with a food bank. Taiwan”s version of the ”Youth Peace Corps” has been running a bread bank for 13 years. Everyday, volunteers go around local bakeries who have joined the program, to collect unsold bread, and give it to the poor.


4.馬國諾雅麗莎 Determined to live on in face of illness

After the food bank, we”ll take you to a time bank tomorrow. But back to today, and the small town of Kinarut in Malaysia”s Sabah, where 12-year-old Mor Ahliza started losing the use of her arms and legs two years ago, to the point where now she has become unable to walk or even feed herself. But despite her illness, she has not given up on life. Here”s her story.


《 衲履足跡 》 On Dignity & Love 談自愛愛人

Tzu Chi volunteers must strive to look after this world. To do that, it is important to be humble and dignified.
The ability to respect oneself ensures the capacity to love all without prejudice. Only then can harmony be achieved in all human affairs.


5.小巨蛋撤場 Reuse, reduce and recycle ”Water”

The Water Repentance show in Taichung, took place in a huge inflatable dome, by the local Tzu Chi Hospital. After the last show, more than 700 volunteers and workers stayed up the entire night to dismantle everything, and take what could be reused to the Changhua Stadium, for the next leg of the tour.


6.彰懺鄭小楹 From luxury to abstinence

As the Water Repentance musical moves to its last destination in Changhua this coming weekend, (CG in) on the 27th and the 28th it will be showing at Changhua Stadium, with volunteers from Nantou, Changhua, Yunlin, and Chiayi making up the cast of 1,008 performers for each of the four shows. (CG out) In our next story, we take you to meet one Tzu Chi volunteer, Zheng Xiaoying(鄭小楹), who is taking part in the Changhua show. Before joining Tzu Chi, she was close to suicide after losing a fortune on a bad investment, but now she has found new meaning to life, beyond luxury goods and designer labels.

水懺經藏演繹即將在周末8月27、28號於彰化體育館演出,總共有1008位來自於南投、彰化、雲林及嘉義的志工投入,四場次的表演,在我們接下來的報導中,我們來認識一位慈濟志工鄭小楹,以前過著奓此的生活,喜歡買名牌包及服飾,在一次投資中失去了畢生積蓄後,她還曾經有過輕生念頭,幸好她認識了慈濟, 並重新找回生命的意義。

7.四川教育交流 Tzu Chi teachers visit Sichuan

Members of Tzu Chi”s Teachers Association in Taiwan are visiting schools built by Tzu Chi in Sichuan, China after the 2008 earthquake. Not only did the teachers take time to share Tzu Chi”s humanistic values with their local counterparts, but they also helped host summer camps, to teach the students about filial piety.


8.0824歷史的今天 On this day, August 24

Europe”s only live volcano, Mount Vesuvius, erupted burying the Italian city of Pompeii in ash on this day in AD 79. It wasn”t until the 18th century that archeologists uncovered Pompeii, which became an important historical site. The last time Mt. Vesuvius erupted was 1944.

Taiwan Little
League champs
On this day in 1969 in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, at the 23rd Little League World Series the Jinlong(金龍) Little League from Taiwan defeated the Briarwood Little League from the US 5-0 in the final, taking the first Little League World Series for Taiwan, and starting a national baseball craze.

Klang Free
Clinic Center
The Tzu Chi Free Clinic Center in Port Klang, Malaysia, officially opened on this day in 2003. The center offers family medicine, Chinese medicine, and dental care - free of charge. Apart from treating patients from long-term Tzu Chi care-recipient households, the center promotes health education in remote indigenous communities.
79年,維蘇威火山爆發,淹沒龐貝城,歐洲唯一的活火山 79年這天大噴發,大量的泥石流淹沒了義大利度假勝地龐貝城,直到十八世紀中葉,考古學家才將龐貝城挖掘出土,成為重要的歷史遺產,而維蘇威火山最近一次的噴發是在1944年。



9.新來義永久屋 New Laiyi Settlement

The New Laiyi(來義) Settlement, which will accommodate displaced victims of Typhoon Morakot, from Laiyi Village in Pingtung County, officially opened on Sunday, August 21. The settlement is approximately 25 hectares in size and the first set of housing includes 232 two-storey buildings put up by the Red Cross. Apart from the classic design and great environment, residents were overjoyed to find out they could see their old hometown from their new homes.



To mark Mother”s Day in Thailand, which is celebrated on the queen”s birthday on August 20, local Tzu Chi volunteers are organizing a month-long series of activities in schools, to encourage children to respect their parents. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


DaAi TV Engligh News_ 20110823

Taichung TCH first zone opens
Cultivate spirituality in Taichung
Empowering Toronto”s homeless

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.

The newly completed first zone, of the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, opened on Sunday, August 21st. Also on Sunday, Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance musical ended its last public showing in Taichung, after inspiring tens of thousands to cultivate themselves spiritually. And, in Canada, we join Toronto”s Tzu Chi volunteers in caring for the city”s homeless.


台中慈濟醫院第一院區於上周日 8月21日 正式開幕,同一天慈濟的水懺演繹,啟發了許多人後,在台中圓滿落幕,另外在加拿大,我們跟著多倫多慈濟志工

1.中慈院啟用 TCH First Zone opening ceremony
2.中慈院來賓 VIPs at hospital opening
3.中慈院細說 The story of Taichung TCH
4.0821中懺演出+水懺末場 Water Repentance closes in Taichung
5.水懺特色(三)李靜映手語 ”Repentance” choreographer Li Jingying
6.覺醒懺文(四)-歌仔戲創新 Water Repentance star role
7.加夏令發放 Summer distribution for the homeless
8. 0822歷史的今天 On this day, the 23rd of August

1.中慈院啟用 TCH First Zone opening ceremony

On Sunday, August 21st , the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital”s first zone officially opened. Master Cheng Yen personally attended the ceremony and expressed her gratitude for the sacrifices made by the hospital”s staff in making the transition to the new zone a smooth one.


2.中慈院來賓 VIPs at hospital opening

The opening ceremony of the new zone at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital was attended by a number of local luminaries and political leaders. Taichung city mayor Hu Zhiqiang (胡志強) and Taiwan provincial governor Lin Zhengze (林政則) were just two of the VIPs to show their support. As well as being a milestone for Tzu Chi”s medical mission, the new hospital zone is a landmark facility for central Taiwan.


3.中慈院細說 The story of Taichung TCH

The idea to build Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital was first conceived in 1990. Tzu Chi bought the land in 1995, and a groundbreaking ceremony was later held in 2002. Now, nine years later, a new zone has been added, after seven years of construction. In our next story, we travel back to the beginning, to find out how this much-loved landmark in central Taiwan was built.


《 Words of Wisdom 》 靜思語

Those who are content are never lacking.


4.0821中懺演出+水懺末場 Water Repentance closes in Taichung

The curtain fell on the last Water Repentance show in Taichung on Sunday, August 21st, after three days of sold-out performances. Eight months of rehearsals and preparations paid off, as thousands of performers and backstage personnel put their efforts together, to give an audience of more than 30,000 people a show to remember. The theme of karmic retribution and the captivating choreography profoundly moved the audience to cultivate themselves spiritually and act for the benefit of others.


5.水懺特色(三)李靜映手語 ”Repentance” choreographer Li Jingying

The beautiful sign-language movements in the Water Repentance show were choreographed by Tzu Chi volunteer Li Jingying(李靜映). She worked very hard to come up with an easy but elegant interpretation of the sutra. Li was also responsible for training sign-language teachers all over Taiwan. She says: it was a challenge she could not turn down.


6.覺醒懺文(四)-歌仔戲創新 Water Repentance star role

Renowned Taiwanese opera performer, Xu Yafen(許亞芬), plays the role of Master Wu in Tzu Chi”s Water Repentance sign-language musical. The actor, however, had to set aside the traditional dramatic and passionate performance she is accustomed to, and come up with a new way to play her role. To properly illustrate the inner struggle of the Buddhist master, Xu had to also make changes to the traditional sleeve dance, which uses long sleeves to illustrate emotions.


《 衲履足跡 》 Spreading the Seeds of Charity 談揚善

This desire can be considered as Taiwan”s pride. Although evil can never be eliminaled, it is still important to inspire everyone to do good, and stay away from immoral deeds.


7.加夏令發放 Summer distribution for the homeless

Tzu Chi volunteers in Toronto, Canada, have been working with the local NGO, Street Health, for the past six years, to give relief to the homeless. At this year”s summer distribution, volunteers once again prepared essential items such as shampoo, shower gels, dental kits, clothes and food. And, as always, Tzu Chi”s love moved and inspired many to give what they could.

加拿大多倫多慈濟志工和街友關懷團體 (Street Health)合作,連續六年在夏天和冬天為街友送來物資,在今年的夏令發放,志工們為每個人準備了個人的衛生用品包,裡頭有洗髮精、沐浴乳、口腔清潔組、衣服還有食物,如同以往,慈濟的愛感動了許多人,讓他們也深受啟發,行善付出。

8. 0822歷史的今天 On this day, the 23rd of August

1948 5,000,000 yuan note
The largest ever denomination banknote issued by the Central Bank of China, worth 5 million yuan, went into circulation on this day in 1948. During the civil war between the nationalists and communists, a rush for gold and foreign currencies led to hyperinflation. The huge banknote lasted 10 months before it was discontinued.

1958 Second Strait Crisis
At around half past six in the afternoon, on this day in 1958, the People”s Liberation Army of China began an artillery bombardment of Taiwan”s Kinmen island. In two hours, over 40,000 shells were fired. After the intervention of the United States, the PLA announced a ceasefire in October, putting an end to the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis.

1989 Baltic Way
Around 2 million people formed a human chain stretching 600km through the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in a peaceful demonstration for independence. Six months after the protest, Lithuania became the first republic to declare independence from the Soviet Union.

1992 Dallas TC office
Tzu Chi volunteers Cheng Yirong(程一蓉), Xu Peihua(徐佩華) and others introduced Tzu Chi to the Texas public on this day in 1992, before formerly opening the Dallas Liaison Office. Offering further charitable services to the local community, in 2008, the office would be upgraded to a chapter.

1994 Mountain rescue
Starting in July 1994, Taiwan was hit by a series of typhoons which left a swathe of destruction in the center and south of the country. On this day, Tzu Chi volunteers, helped by local 4x4 clubs, set up mountain rescue teams, to deliver food and bedding to indigenous peoples, living 2,300m above sea level. Later the first Tzu Chi village would be built for residents of the Cuiluan翠巒 indigenous community.







In Brisbane, Australia, Tzu Chi volunteers are presenting the ”Sutra of Innumerable Meanings” performance to the public on September 24th and October 16th. At the end of today”s program, we join one of their practice sessions. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2011年8月23日 星期二

DaAi TV Engligh News_ 20110822

Free healthcare for Vietnam”s poor
Recovering holiday spirit in Japan
Nursing: a passion of 25 years

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi”s latest free clinic in Vietnam brought healthcare to a secluded and impoverished community, mostly populated by the old and weak.
●Japan”s tsunami survivors are able to liven up the holiday mood in emergency shelters by celebrating a local festival-- thanks to the donation of free clothing for the occasion.
●And, continuing with our series of features on Tzu Chi”s 25 years of healthcare service, we meet the nursing team at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, who are as passionate as they are professional about their job.



1.越南義診12th free clinic in Cu Zhi Precinct
2.波特蘭發放Summer distribution for homeless
3.泰照顧建屋A new house for a needy family
4.加油吧!氣仙沼(五)Seaweed farmer starts again
5.緬甸吉祥月”Auspicious Month”
6.四分之一世紀的感恩(4)護士篇25 years of Tzu Chi nurses
7.中慈急重症ER at Taichung TC Hospital
8.中懺悔照顧戶 Care recipient overcome difficulties
9. 0822歷史的今天On this day, the 22nd of August.
10.杜園志工抗癌Learning to live with cancer

1.越南義診12th free clinic in Cu Zhi Precinct

In Vietnam, healthcare professionals and volunteers have put together their efforts to bring about Tzu Chi”s free clinic in Cu Zhi Precinct, the 12th of ts kind in the country. In the remote and secluded community, most of the younger people have left to work in the city, leaving only the old and frail behind. Due to poverty, many of the residents cannot afford medical treatment. Tzu Chi hopes to remedy the situation with long-term care.


2.波特蘭發放Summer distribution for homeless

Also bringing care and love to the needy are US Tzu Chi volunteers in Portland, Oregon, who held a distribution for homeless people. Donated items included clothes, bags, daily provisions and food from a food bank. On the big day, the homeless recipients said they felt respected and loved.


3.泰照顧建屋A new house for a needy family

We go back to Asia, where Thailand Tzu Chi volunteers met 12-year-old Thiphaphorn through their New Shoots scholarship program, and during a home visitation to her house, found the family of five living in poverty and in a rundown house. Volunteers immediately decided to give the home a makeover. Let”s see how it went.


4.加油吧!氣仙沼(五)Seaweed farmer starts again

After the Japan earthquake and tsunami, the combined gymnasium in Kesennuma City became an emergency shelter. For the local Azabu-juban ”summer night” festival in mid-August, a kindhearted person donate free clothing to the survivors, so they could get into the spirit of the occasion. In the latest in our series of reports from Kesennuma, we meet an 81-year-old grower of kombu - edible Japanese seaweed - who says he is restarting his business from a tatami mat.


5.緬甸吉祥月”Auspicious Month”

While the Japanese celebrate their summer festival, in Myanmar people are marking a period known as the Ghost Month-- the seventh lunar month-- by burning incense, paper money, and giving offerings. So this year, Burmese Tzu Chi volunteers held their first blessing ceremony for what Buddhists regard as the ”Auspicious Month” to dispel the misconceptions surrounding this time.

日本慶祝納涼節的同時,在緬甸,人們正慶祝著農曆七月,所謂的鬼月,燒紙錢、拜拜,以及準備供品,今年 緬甸慈濟志工首次舉辦七月祈福會活動,希望破解緬甸民眾對農曆七月的迷思。

6.四分之一世紀的感恩(4)護士篇25 years of Tzu Chi nurses

In Taiwan, part of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital”s 25 years of success has been its dedicated nursing team. Their enthusiasm and professionalism allows doctors to focus their attention on treating the sick, and also gives the hospital a friendly atmosphere. For nurses Lin Zhihui and Lin Jinlan, their 25 years on the job have passed by in a flash.


7.中慈急重症ER at Taichung TC Hospital

A hospital”s emergency room sees life and death on a daily basis. Teamwork, professionalism, devotion and dedication are vital in order to save patients” lives. We now take you the ER at the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, where doctors have saved several patients, suffering aortic dissections, from death”s door, with the help the cardiology department.


8.中懺悔照顧戶 Care recipient overcome difficulties

A Tzu Chi care recipient in Taichung, Taiwan, 71-year-old Ms. Chen was involved in a vehicle accident two years ago that left her right leg permanently damaged. Having to take care of her mentally handicapped son, life became too difficult to bear for the senior resident. Luckily, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with financial and emotional support. Now, the elderly woman not only participates in recycling work, but also joined the sign-language musical ”Water Repentance”.


9. 0822歷史的今天On this day, the 22nd of August.

1904 Comrade Xiaoping born
Born on this day in 1904 in Sichuan, China, Deng Xiaoping would later lead China towards a market economy. China has Deng to thank for its current strength. Deng also opened up and improved diplomatic ties with the West.

1981 Far Eastern 103
A Boeing 737-222 operated by Taiwan”s Far Eastern Air Transport had just departed Taipei on its way to Kaohsiung when the plane disintegrated in mid-air killing all 110 people onboard on this day in 1981. An investigation by the Civil Aeronautics Board concluded that severe corrosion to the hull led to explosive decompression.

1986 Typhoon Wayne
The longest-lived tropical cyclone on record for the western Pacific Ocean, Typhoon Wayne, struck central Taiwan on this day in 1986. The first storm to arrive from Taiwan”s western shore zigzagged the South China Sea for 22 days before dissipating. Taiwan Premier Yu Guohua(俞國華) instructed all government agencies to help with the rescue and recovery effort.

1987 The advent of Taiwan EPA
Originally a branch under the Department of Health of Taiwan”s Executive Yuan, the Environmental Protection Agency was made the Environmental Protection Administration directly under the cabinet on this day in 1987. The inauguration ceremony was hosted by Premier Yu Guohua(俞國華). The first Minister was Jian Youxin(簡又新)

2003 Water friendly Dalin TCH
The Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital in southern Taiwan is designed to coexist in harmony with nature. Porous interlocking bricks were installed around the hospital grounds to help absorb rain water and allow the earth to breath. The hospital was recognized for its water friendly design on this day in 2003.

2007 Tainan Tzu Chi Elementary
Tzu Chi”s elementary school in Tainan, Taiwan, began its very first semester on this day in 2007. There were a total of four grades and 21 classes in the first year. Every class was accompanied by friendly and nurturing Tzu Chi volunteers. Just like all Tzu Chi schools, the academy prides itself in teaching children proper values and humanity besides knowledge.






2007年台南慈濟小學開學典禮,台南慈濟小學在2007年的今天開學,第一屆四個年級 21班,每一班都由慈濟志工陪伴關懷,如同慈濟的其他學校一班,學校不僅傳授知識,也以品德教育為教學重點。

10.杜園志工抗癌Learning to live with cancer

70 year-old Xie Songxiong(謝松雄) is a Tzu Chi member, and a volunteer at Taitung”s Duyuans - a spiritual retreat in eastern Taiwan established by the renowned Tzu Chi contributor Du Junyuan(杜俊元). Mr. Xie is a retired teacher, who educated many students, and was even recognized as the model father this year. Early last year, Xie discovered he had lung cancer, but found a way to coexist in harmony with his disease.



A team of Tzu Chi college volunteers from the United States recently traveled to South Africa, to see for themselves the efforts their counterparts have put in to empowering disadvantaged local communities. Many of the American students said that their visit to the townships was an eye-opening experience, as they not only saw extreme poverty, but also the uplifting power of humanity. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2011年8月19日 星期五

DaAi TV Engligh News_ 20110819

< Helping Kesennuma prosper again >
< Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital anniversary >
< The love between Taiwan & Turkey >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. We revisit Kesennuma City in Japan”s Miyagi Prefecture, where survivors of the March 11th earthquake and tsunami are finding the strength to carry on. The Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital is one of the top 17 medical centers in Taiwan today, thanks to a group of young doctors from the prestigious National Taiwan University Hospital. And, we learn how Tzu Chi helped built the strong bond between Taiwanese and Turkish people, in our On This Day feature.


1. 日震慈濟人 Japanese volunteers back ”home”
2. 加油吧!氣仙沼(三) Fishermen ride waves of disaster
3. 四分之一世紀的感恩(3):醫師篇 Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital: 25 years on
4. 開枝散葉:張耀仁 25 years of Tzu Chi medical mission
5. 中慈一般外科 Keyhole surgery at Taichung TC Hospital
6. 腦麻畫家圓夢 Cerebral palsy artist Bao Jinrong
7. 0819歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of August.
8. 慈濟土耳其 1999 earthquake relief
END: 中懺鐘鼓彩排

1. 日震慈濟人 Japanese volunteers back ”home”

But first we start today”s program in Taiwan. In her address to the overseas volunteer leadership seminar in New Taipei City, Master Cheng Yen told the delegates that their reports once again showed the determination of Tzu Chi volunteers to overcome all obstacles. One group who had a mountain to climb earlier this year were the delegation from the Japan Chapter. They shared their problems winning over the Japanese people, and getting permission to distribute aid in the disaster area. As soon as they return to Japan, the volunteers will start organizing the latest of their distributions.


2. 加油吧!氣仙沼(三) Fishermen ride waves of disaster

The Karakuwa district of Kesennuma City in northeast Japan was one of the areas hit hardest by the tsunami on March 11. Many of the homes in Karakuwa were less than 100m from the ocean, and stood little chance against the tidal wave. In the latest in our series of features from Kesennuma, we meet some of the fishermen who lived in the Karakuwa peninsula.


《 靜思語 》

Unity of hearts enables limitless accomplishments.


3. 四分之一世紀的感恩(3):醫師篇 Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital: 25 years on

25 years ago, on August 17th, the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital first opened its doors to the public. From its humble beginnings, the hospital has grown to be a pioneer in surgical procedures, medical education and ethics. However, success was not always assured. We noww see how the hospital became an ISO9002 certified medical center.


4. 開枝散葉:張耀仁 25 years of Tzu Chi medical mission

Dr. Zhang Yaoren(張耀仁) has been there since the beginning the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital and was there for much of its initial growing pains. Now vice superintendent of the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Dr. Zhang continues to serve with tenderness and dedication.


5. 中慈一般外科 Keyhole surgery at Taichung TC Hospital

Next we go to the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital where laparoscopic surgery, which is a minimally invasive operation technique, has helped treated more than 30 senior citizens including one centenarian.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Appreciating Blessings
Although Taiwan gets a large amount of rainfall, do not imagine that the country is free from water shortage problems. With cause and effect in mind, we should use our water with care, and not spoil or waste it. We should reflect on the disasters we see all over the world, and be vigilant.


6. 腦麻畫家圓夢 Cerebral palsy artist Bao Jinrong

Recognized by the United Nation for her artistic talents, cerebral palsy patient Bao Jinrong (包錦蓉) returned to Taiwan recently from the US, to hold her an exhibition. During her trip back home, the artist joined the students at the children”s home to share some painting tips. She also hopes to inspire more people with her life story, and to never give up hope.


7. 0819歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of August.

1946 Stop hitting children
Even during Japanese occupation, corporal punishment was banned in Taiwan”s middle and elementary schools. On this day in 1946 after the Republic of China took over Taiwan, a mandate was passed to ensure all schools knew not to beat their students. However, it was not until 2006, when the ”Zero Corporal Punishment” Act was passed that educational institutions in Taiwan truly gave up the abusive disciplinary measure, and Taiwan became the 109th country in the world to forbid caning.

1989 Remembering 228
On this day in 1989, a plaque was erected in Taiwan”s Chiayi to honor those who died in an anti-government uprising against the Kuomintang on February 27, 1947 known as the 228 Massacre. It was the first 228 memorial in Taiwan. In spite of the lifting of the 40-year martial law which was imposed after the uprising, the plaque”s designer, Zhan Sanyuan, was later imprisoned for designing it. He was one of the last victims of White Terror in Taiwan.

1999 Turkey quake relief
On August 17th, 1999, a 7.4 magnitude quake struck Turkey killing 17,000 people and leaving half a million homeless. Tzu Chi volunteers, who were in Kosovo to discuss a possible medical outreach program, immediately went to the disaster area to offer assistance. They were the first foreign aid workers to arrive.

2000 Qianqi Tzu Chi School
In 1996, Typhoon Herb caused extensive damage in China”s Fujian Province. As Tzu Chi carried out relief distributions, a school reconstruction project was put in place. On this day in 2000, Qianqi(前岐) Tzu Chi High School was completed after nearly three years of construction. The school is home to over 1,000 students and has dormitories for pupils from out of town.





8. 慈濟土耳其 1999 earthquake relief

A 7.4 magnitude quake struck northwestern Turkey on August 17, 1999. As we just saw in our On This Day feature, Tzu Chi volunteers who were in Kosovo, arrived in Turkey two days later. They were the first foreign relief workers to reach the disaster area. Although just over a month later, Taiwan would be rocked by the 9/21 earthquake, the volunteers stayed at their posts, and served their duty, which touched the Turkish people.


END: 中懺鐘鼓彩排

Later today, Tzu Chi”s musical rendition of the ”Water Repentance” sutra will open in Taichung. At the end of today”s program, we join cast members at their final rehearsals. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.


DaAi TV Engligh News_ 20110818

Tzu Chi Hospital 25 years old
Finding lost memories in Japan
Gansu water cellars since 1998

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today”s show, a quarter of a century of healthcare, as we celebrate 25 years since the first Tzu Chi hospital opened in Taiwan.
●We find out more about the effort to salvage lost photographs and other possessions for victims of the Japanese tsunami.
●And in our history feature, we look back at Tzu Chi”s program to build thousands of water cellars, in the drought-hit Chinese province of Gansu, which started in on this day in 1998.



1.四分之一世紀的感恩(2)志工篇+花慈25朝山 25 years of medical care
2.醫療傳承簡瑞騰Holistic care for patients
3.中慈整型外科Plastic surgery changing lives
4.泰母親節愛灑A heartwarming Mother”s Day
5.加油吧!氣仙沼(二)Recovering memories
6.菲父女慈濟緣Father-and-daughters in Tzu Chi
7.0818歷史的今天On this day, the 18th of August.
8.甘肅水窖Building water cellars in Gansu

1.四分之一世紀的感恩(2)志工篇+花慈25朝山 25 years of medical care

At five o”clock on Wednesday morning, nearly 500 hospital staff, community volunteers and nuns from the Jing Si Abode, went on a walking meditation to celebrate Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital”s 25th anniversary. Lined up to form the number ”25”, the pilgrims looked back on the past quarter of a century, and looked forward to the future. A defining characteristic of Tzu Chi Hospitals is their volunteers, who help the nurses and doctors take care of the patients and their families. In our first item today, we meet some of these hospital helpers.


2.醫療傳承簡瑞騰Holistic care for patients

Since Tzu Chi built its first hospital 25 years ago, many professionals have been trained through the holistic healthcare system. Dr. Jian Ruiteng(簡瑞騰) from Dalin is one of them. He says he was taught to look after the patient as well as cure the disease.


3.中慈整型外科Plastic surgery changing lives

At Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, the plastic surgery team brings professional treatment to patients in central Taiwan. Cleft lip specialist Dr. Yu Zhongzhi(余忠志), who comes from Taipei, makes his expertise available to the region, and cosmetic surgeon Dong Dongzan(蕫東瓚) serves in Taichung once a week. In our next story, we find out what motivated these plastic surgeons to work away from home.


4.泰母親節愛灑A heartwarming Mother”s Day

Mother”s Day is celebrated on August 12 in Thailand. To mark the occasion, Bangkok Tzu Chi volunteers went to a local school, to arrange for the students to wash their mom”s and dad”s feet. The intimate experience helped the children and their parents appreciate each other.


5.加油吧!氣仙沼(二)Recovering memories

Kesennuma City in Miyagi Prefecture of northeast Japan was wiped out by the tsunami on March 11. Those who survived lost all their possessions. Volunteers are still sifting through the wreckage, sorting what can be salvaged, and waiting for people to claim it. Their only hope is to give residents the joy of finding something that was lost.


6.菲父女慈濟緣Father-and-daughters in Tzu Chi

Overseas volunteers returned to Taiwan recently, to attend a leadership seminar in Taipei. Yang Guoying(楊國英) from the Philippines joined Tzu Chi 14 years ago. He attended with his two daughters, who were inspired to become volunteers after joining their father on a large-scale distribution event in July.


7.0818歷史的今天On this day, the 18th of August.

1850 Adieu, Honore!
French novelist Honore de Balzac died on this day in 1850 at the age of 51. His masterpiece, La Comedie Humaine, which contains 91 short stories and novels featuring more than 2,400 characters, presents a panorama of what life was like in France after the French Revolution.

1997 Lincoln Manors collapse
Improperly built on a dip slope in Taiwan”s Xizhi, the Lincoln Manors collapsed after the torrential rain brought by Typhoon Winnie triggered a landslide. The condominium community was home to about 1450 families. 28 people died, and more than 100 families had no home to return to. Tzu Chi immediately assisted with the ensuing rescue and relief effort.

1998 Water cellars in Gansu
To help residents of China”s Gansu endure an ongoing drought, on this day in 1998, Tzu Chi began constructing water cellars in the province. After a decade, 19,000 water cellars were built. However, the cellars were rendered useless without rainfall, thus, Tzu Chi began relocating residents closer to water sources in 2008, in what was the largest relocation project the province had ever seen.




8.甘肅水窖Building water cellars in Gansu

As you just saw, Tzu Chi began constructing water cellars in China”s Gansu Province, on this day in 1998. While many people take water for granted, in the dry plateaus of northwest China, every drop of water is precious. In our next story, we look back at Tzu Chi”s cellar building program, and what it meant to local people.



To help young children in Taiwan appreciate the value of each drop of water, Tzu Chi volunteers organized an event for nearly 300 junior high school students in Tainan, which included a trip to the Shanlin Da Ai Community. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


DaAi TV Engligh News_20110817

< Thai fire victims receive aid >
< 25 years of medical mission >
< 1998: flood relief in Peru >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.Coming up in the show, a fire in Bangkok, Thailand robbed 21 families of their homes. Tzu Chi quickly brings the victims relief supplies and emotional support. In a brand new featured series on Tzu Chi”s 25 years of commitment to healthcare for the poor, we start with the key role the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital plays in Eastern Taiwan. And, in our history feature, we revisit Peru, which received Tzu Chi”s aid after widespread flooding in 1998.

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是蔡力薇,感恩收看。節目一開始,泰國曼谷一場大火,燒毀21戶的家園,慈濟立即為受災居民帶來物資與心靈援助;慈濟醫療志業 25周年,秉持為貧戶守護健康,首先帶大家到東台灣扮演重要角色的花蓮慈濟醫院;接著,在歷史的今天專題中,帶大家到祕魯,從1998年一場水患後,牽起慈濟與秘魯因緣。

1. 基督城發放 Lighting up the winter
2. 泰火災發放 Fire relief in Bangkok
3. 日本轉送捐款 Helping those who helped others
4. 加油吧!氣仙沼(一) Returning to Shishiori
5. 四分之一世紀的感恩(1):病人篇 Hualien TC hospital”s 25 years of service
6. 中懺舞台準備 Taichung gears up for Water Repentance
7. 0817歷史的今天 On this day, the 17th of August
8. 慈濟秘魯賑災 Helping flood victims
END: 基隆中元節

1. 基督城發放 Lighting up the winter

Following the New Zealand earthquake in February of this year, Tzu Chi volunteers have been helping locals through distributions of relief supplies and emergency funds. In July, volunteers from Auckland held the first winter distribution to give food aid to local residents. Today, the volunteers are back in Christchurch with blankets to give the residents a warmer winter.


2. 泰火災發放 Fire relief in Bangkok

Moving to Bangkok, Thailand, a blaze in a local community has left 65 residents homeless. Fortunately, Tzu Chi soon came to their aid with relief supplies, and the landlord also decided to waive three years” worth of rent.


《 靜思語 》

With love, one will enjoy harmonious relations; with harmonious relations, there will be peace.


3. 日本轉送捐款 Helping those who helped others

Although it has been 5 months since the devastating tsunami in Japan, love continues to pour in for victims. One of them, Mr. Sato, is a resident in Iwate Prefecture, who died after saving 20 Chinese co-workers. Now one man from China wants to show his appreciation by helping out the family that Mr. Sato left behind. Let”s see how he did it with Tzu Chi”s help.


4. 加油吧!氣仙沼(一) Returning to Shishiori

Staying in Japan, we now go to Kesennuma of Miyagi Prefecture, to see how survivors are faring in Shishiori District, one of the worst-affected areas in the tsunami.


《 衲履足跡 》

Protect and Maintain
Building Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital was a demanding experience, but it brought out the best in many people, who served with their hearts and souls to protect and maintain the new hospital. Tzu Chi people everywhere reached out their hands in support of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. Everyone worked in the same direction, to lay the way for this bodhisattva path.


5. 四分之一世紀的感恩(1):病人篇 Hualien TC hospital”s 25 years of service

From today, we bring you a new series of features on Tzu Chi”s 25 years of healthcare service to the people living in the less developed east coast of Taiwan. In the early years of Tzu Chi, through home visitations to the poor, Master Cheng Yen was deeply struck by the harsh reality of how illness had the power to impoverish a family. So on this day in 1986, the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital opened, with a goal to deliver human-centered healthcare. We meet Zhu Chenfu(朱陳復), whose life was saved by the doctors at the hospital 21 years ago.


6. 中懺舞台準備 Taichung gears up for Water Repentance

Staying in Taiwan, the Water Repentance musical production that toured Kaohsiung and Taipei will next open in Taichung this coming Friday, and will be held inside an inflatable dome. Sound and lighting have been set up, and dozens of smaller tents have also been erected around the dome to give the audience and performers a place to take a break before and during the show. In the next report, we find out the level of labor involved in setting up the lighting and sound equipment for the show.


7. 0817歷史的今天 On this day, the 17th of August

1945 End of Manchukuo
The puppet state, Manchukuo, established by Japan in 1932 with the last Qing Emperor, Puyi, as the ruling monarch came to an end on this day in 1945 as Puyi signed a dissolution declaration following the defeat of the Japanese Empire.

1986 The 1st Tzu Chi Hospital
After two groundbreaking ceremonies and two years of construction, The Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital finally opened its doors for business on this day in 1986. The groundbreaking ceremony for the Hualien Jing Si Hall was also held on the same day. In 2002, the hospital was promoted to the status of regional medical center by the government.

1998 Flood relief in Peru
In light of the massive flooding in Peru due to El Nino, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan join their brethren in the US, Argentina, Paraguay and other countries to hold a week long distribution and multiple free clinics in the disaster area on this day in 1998. Tzu Chi would later help the flood victims with rebuilding their homes, which moved the government to install utility lines for these new homes.

Foreign laborers in Taiwan
Taiwanese businesses have been able to apply for a special permit to employ foreign workers since 1989. However the law pertaining to the employment and management of foreign laborers was not publicly announced until July of 1992, and on this day of the same year, 7,000 foreign home assistants were officially allowed to work in Taiwan.

Homes for Toraji victims
After Typhoon Toraji caused extensive damage to southeastern Taiwan, Tzu Chi decided to help Jianqing Village(見晴) of Hualien”s Wanrong(萬榮) Township erect 12 prefabs, which were completed and moved into on this day in 2001. As residents later found permanent homes, the homes were dismantled in 2003 and used to build the Hualien Tzu Chi recycling station.






8. 慈濟秘魯賑災 Helping flood victims

Extreme weather due to El Nino from late 1997 till the beginning of 1998 caused extensive flooding to Peru in South America. Over 300 people died and nearly 70,000 families were affected. By May of 1998, Tzu Chi volunteers from North and South America began surveying the disaster areas. And on this day of the same year, they returned to hold free clinics and hand out supplies for about 2,000 families.


END: 基隆中元節

The Chinese Ghost Festival that took place in Keelung Taiwan attracted masses who left behind just as much litter. For the fifth year now, Tzu Chi volunteers, in partnership with the local Bureau of Environmental Protection, helped clean up the waste. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


2011年8月16日 星期二

DaAi TV Engligh News_20110816

Ausipicious time in Cape Town
Dharma hidden in choreography
Tzu Chi”s origin in Hong Kong

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in the show, volunteers in Cape Town, South Africa celebrate the seventh lunar month in true Tzu Chi style that aims to inspire kindness and faith.
●One of the strong features of the Water Repentance show is the choreography and formations-- we take a closer look to explore their meanings.
●In our On This Day feature, we take an indepth look at the origin of the Hong Kong Tzu Chi Chapter.



1.南非吉祥月Auspicious month celebrations
2.0814水懺演繹Water Repentance closes in Taipei
3.外賓水懺Ambassadors moved by the musical
4.大愛台守慧命Da Ai TV staff work tirelessly
5.水懺特色(二)Water Repentance formation how & why
6.覺醒懺文(五)母女入經藏A mother-daughter bodhisattva pair
7.水懺陳國池Creating blessings instead of karma
8.0816歷史的今天On this day, the 16th of August.
9.0816(慈濟)香港分會Tzu Chi in Hong Kong

1.南非吉祥月Auspicious month celebrations

The 7th lunar month is an auspicious month according to Buddhists. Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa”s Cape Town are holding a special event to celebrate accordingly. Volunteers hope that the event will bring together the public in doing good deeds.


2.0814水懺演繹Water Repentance closes in Taipei

Moving to Taiwan, the Water Repentance successfully concluded in the Taipei Arena on Sunday, August 14. By turning the scripture into a musical, the content of the ancient text was made more accessible for all.


3.外賓水懺Ambassadors moved by the musical

At the Water Repentance in Taipei, ambassadors from different countries were also among the audience. We speak to some of them to find out how they have been inspired by the musical production.


4.大愛台守慧命Da Ai TV staff work tirelessly

The Water Repentance show would not have been possible without the help of the professionals, such as program directors and cameramen, from Da Ai TV station. We joined them at the Taipei Arena.


5.水懺特色(二)Water Repentance formation how & why

The Water Repentance musical involves months of planning and the efforts of tens of thousands of volunteers and performers. In the next story, we speak to the production team to unlock the meaning behind each of the complex formations that accounted for much of the visual impact of the show.


6.覺醒懺文(五)母女入經藏A mother-daughter bodhisattva pair

Next up, we meet Wang Lijuan(王麗娟) and her daughter Ma Kaili(馬凱莉), both of whom performed in the Water Repentance show in Taipei. Although Kaili will be in 12th grade soon, she still takes time every day to practice for the musical. As for Lijuan, she intends to make up for being a rebellious daughter she once was by walking with her child on the Bodhisattva path.


7.水懺陳國池Creating blessings instead of karma

We meet another Water Repentance performer, Chen Guochi (陳國池) who was once a meat wholesaler. It was not until Chen and his wife began learning Buddhism that the couple realized they were creating bad karma by killing lives. They ended their business last August, and found inner peace by taking part in the sign language musical.


8.0816歷史的今天On this day, the 16th of August.

1949 The death of Margaret Mitchell
Born in Atlanta, Georgia and growing up surrounded by American Civil War veterans and relatives who had lived through the war, Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell would later author Gone with the Wind. The book won Mitchell a Pulitzer Prize in 1937 and sold more than 30 million copies. The film adaptation of the book became the highest grossing film in the history of Hollywood. On this day in 1949, Mitchell died at the age of 48 after being struck by a speeding vehicle five days earlier.

1992 Radioactive homes
The radioactive home cover-up scandal in Taiwan was finally made public as Taiwan”s Atomic Energy Council began an island-wide investigation on this day in 1992 on homes built with radioactive contaminated steel between 1982 and 1983. More than 1,000 homes in Taiwan were discovered to be built with the polluted steel. Homeowners were only able sell the homes back to the Agency at 70 percent of the original purchase price or accept installation of lead-barrier boards.

1992 1st certified Tzu Cheng
On this day in 1992, at Taipei”s Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Tzu Chi volunteers attended a sermon hosted by Master Cheng Yen, including 545 male volunteers who later became the first ever certified Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members.

1993 New home in HK for Tzu Chi
Tzu Chi”s Hong Kong liaison office was moved to a new location on this day in 1993. Dharma masters from Hualien”s Jing Si Abode and Tzu Chi commissioners attended the grand opening ceremony.





9.0816(慈濟)香港分會Tzu Chi in Hong Kong

Tzu Chi”s work in Hong Kong focuses on community service, but also actively participates in international relief. It all started in early 1990s with a group of local women, who barely understood Mandarin, but had a heart full of compassion.



Finally today, after the Water Repentance musical closed with resounding success in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, local volunteers immediately followed with an abridged version of the show. The cast consisted of junior and senior high school students and their parents, who have gained new insights by their own participation. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
