2012年1月12日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20120111

Final push of Honduras aid

Local volunteers in China

Rise of dough figurine art

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today”s show: we bring you footage of the latest and last distribution Tzu Chi is scheduled to organize for victims of last year”s flooding in Honduras.

●More on the winter distributions in China, focusing on the huge response of local volunteers in the provinces of Jiangsu and Yunnan.

●And the rise and fall and rise again of the traditional art of making dough figurines in Taiwan, as we meet a family of three generations of model makers.






1.宏國食物發放 Residents line up despite heat

2.宏國最後發放 20,000 relief packs

3.蘇北冬令發放 To better accommodate residents

4.雲南學校發放 Guizhou”s poor flock to Panlong

5.360捏麵人(一) Dough figures stand the test of time

6.360捏麵人(二) Wus started model making 40 years ago

7.醫師打掃過新年 Helping a disadvantaged family


1.宏國食物發放 Residents line up despite heat

Honduras was hit by flooding in October last year, as heavy rain swept through the Central American county. Tzu Chi carried out a series of disaster relief programs in the aftermath of the crisis. This month, volunteers from the United States, El Salvador, and Honduras, worked together to hold the last emergency aid distribution, for flood victims. The event that took place in the city of Morcavia, was also accompanied by a year-end blessing ceremony, where volunteers and locals came together to pray for a world free of disasters.

中美洲宏都拉斯,去年十月歷經嚴重水患,因此慈濟展開一連串的救災活動,這個月由美國 薩爾瓦多,和宏都拉斯三國慈濟人攜手,展開最後一波的水患發放,發放在馬可比雅市進行,而志工們也特別安排歲末祈福儀式,和居民們一同誠心祈求,願災難遠離。

2.宏國最後發放 20,000 relief packs

On the first day of the distribution in Honduras, volunteers handed out food, while on the second day, they concentrated on clothes and blankets. To get ready for the big event, the care-givers spent three days packing 20,000 bags of clothing.


《 靜思語 》

To keep the carbon emissions in check, we must first keep our mind in check.


3.蘇北冬令發放 To better accommodate residents

We move to China for our next story, where, on Sunday, Tzu Chi carried out winter relief distributions in ten different locations, across Shuyang(沭陽) and Suqian(宿遷) counties in Jiangsu Province. The events wouldn”t have been possible without the support of over 500 volunteers. The huge show of support was the result of Tzu Chi”s good work in China, over the past 18 years.


4.雲南學校發放 Guizhou”s poor flock to Panlong

The relay of love carried on in Yunnan Province, where local residents also lent a helping hand at Tzu Chi”s three-day winter relief distribution. A local official carried supplies for residents in the Wuhua五華 district, while at the event in Panlong盤龍 district, a Muslim woman and her Christian husband lent a bipartisan helping hand.


《 衲履足跡 》談合心協力 On Cooperative Efforts

Master Cheng Yen reminds Tzu Chi volunteers to not judge fellow volunteers for choosing to only do what suits them because spiritual cultivation is about reaping what you sow.

Be generous with your encouragement and compliments, and help train new volunteers for the sake of the entire organization.



5.360捏麵人(一) Dough figures stand the test of time

Not so long ago in Taiwan, at temple festivals you would see carefully crafted figures, made of dough, placed on the altar, to represent offerings to the gods. But because temples don”t hold festivals every week, the makers of these beautiful models struggled to get by. In today”s episode of our continuing series on the more unusual trades in Taiwan, we find out if we will soon see the last of these stalls, set up outside temples, with dough figurines on sold on chopsticks.

早期,在台灣只要有廟會活動,就可以看到捏麵人的小攤販出現,民眾以捏麵做成的成品,取代真正的祭品來祭拜,不過 廟會活動並不是會週週舉辦,捏麵師傅難以這項技藝維生,今天360行,各行各業的報導專題中,帶大家看這個在台灣不平凡的行業,等會的影片中,將會看到在廟會前,一個個插在竹筷上的捏麵人,


6.360捏麵人(二) Wus started model making 40 years ago

Despite the slump in the dough modeling business, the Wu family, who you just saw in the last story are keeping up the old tradition. After father, Wu Qijun, and son, Wu Junde, a third generation of dough figurine makers is picking up the baton. In a moment we will go to Mr. Wu Junde”s family home, which he has turned into a dough figurine factory, complete with an exhibition area, and a classroom, to teach children the tricks of the trade. But first, we find out how it all started, from Mr. Wu senior.


7.醫師打掃過新年 Helping a disadvantaged family

As Chinese New Year approaches, many residents here in Taiwan are already busy cleaning their homes in advance of the holiday. But what about people who are too frail or incapacitated to do the spring cleaning With them in mind, doctors and nurses at Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital in south Taiwan, gave up their weekend to go to the Lin family home, to help with the New Year”s housework. With the father partially-paralyzed by a stroke, the responsibility for the household chores, has fallen on the shoulders of the eldest daughter. However, since she is also the family”s breadwinner, she doesn”t have a lot of spare time to tidy up. Thankfully, with the volunteer”s help, the Lin household is now ready to meet the Lunar New Year, in style.



As Chinese New Year approaches, the famous Dihua Street in Taipei comes to life, with all sorts of seasonal decorations and other goodies on sale. Among the stalls this year is one selling Jing Si publications and recycled products from Da Ai Technology. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


