2012年1月6日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20120106

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. ●Coming up in the show today, as the Chinese New Year is just around the corner, Singapore”s Tzu Chi volunteers treat care recipients to an early celebration. ●In another one of our featured series on the living fossils found in Taiwan”s Shei-pa National Park, we find out what the nature reserve has done to improve the chances of survival for a rare salamander species. ●Later, we take a look at a day in the life of a traditional vinegar maker in Taiwan, whose family business has been up and running for almost a century. 歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是蔡力薇,感恩您的加入。 ●節目一開始,農曆新年即將到來,新加坡慈濟志工為照顧戶提早慶新年 ●另一個專題介紹大家在雪山上的化石,利用天然的方式,為快要絕種的山椒魚改善生存機會 ●帶大家看看台灣傳統做醋的一天生活,而這一家做醋的家族企業,已經經營近百年了 1.星新春發放Celebration with care recipients 2.全椒敬老院A 20-year-old friendship 3.大愛HD更精彩Making the switch to digital from analog 4.NCC訪大愛NCC at Da Ai TV 5.雪山上的活化石(三)復育棲地Forests home to many species 6.360手工醋(1)Sharp end of vinegar making 7.360手工醋(2)Hard work in the name 8.受證陳宇昱Paralyzed cancer patient with a dream END:鳳林環保十年 1.星新春發放Celebration with care recipients We start the show in Singapore, where the Tzu Chi Chapter organized a New Year celebration for some 280 care receiving families. The festivities included a series of performances by volunteers, as well as free hair cut services and a vegetarian banquet. Each family also received a gift package. 一開始帶大家看看慈濟新加坡分會和照顧戶歡慶新春佳節,有280多位照顧戶前來參與,除了一連串的節目表演,還有義剪服務、素宴招待,每個家庭也都能領到一帶滿滿豐盛的禮包來過年。 2.全椒敬老院A 20-year-old friendship For the past 20 years, Tzu Chi volunteers in China”s Anhui province have been caring for ten local nursing homes. In their latest visit to the one in Quanjiao(全椒), caregivers not only brought along winter goods, but also prepared cakes and noodles, to celebrate the birthdays of some of the elderly residents. 過去20年來,中國大陸安徽省,慈濟志工援助十所敬老院,日前志工拜訪了全椒敬老院,帶來過冬物資,還準備了蛋糕和壽麵,慶祝老人家生日。 3.大愛HD更精彩Making the switch to digital from analog On July 1 this year, all of Taiwan”s five broadcast TV platforms will switch to digital. This means viewers in Taiwan will be able to enjoy better sound and image quality in their homes, and the number of wireless stations will rise from 5 to 16. 今年七月一日開始,台灣五家無線電視台都要改以播送數位訊號,也就是,從此觀眾都能收看到音質與畫質都更加清晰的節目,本來只能看五台的無線電視頻道,也將增加到十六個頻道。 4.NCC訪大愛NCC at Da Ai TV A delegation from NCC visited Da Ai TV on Wednesday. The commissioners were very impressed with the efforts the TV station has invested in the digitization of its programming, and its upgrade from standard definition to high definition quality. 這星期三,NCC國家通訊傳播委員會的委員,來到關渡人文志業中心參訪,委員們讚賞大愛台在數位化上的努力精進,以及順利轉型HD高畫質節目製播。 5.雪山上的活化石(三)復育棲地Forests home to many species For the past couple of days, we have been introducing you to the endangered Taiwan Lesser Salamander. These amphibians of the Ice Age now face extinction because of man”s abuse of the environment. To help keep the species alive, Shei-pa National Park is trying to create a safe haven for the salamanders. 過去兩天以來,我們為您介紹瀕臨絕種的觀霧山椒魚,這些兩棲類度過了冰河時期,卻逃不過人類對大自然的破壞,為了保存這個物種,雪霸國家公園重建牠們的棲地生態以便復育。 6.360手工醋(1)Sharp end of vinegar making Vinegar is an essential item in any kitchen, especially in Taiwan. In Taichung city, you will find the Liao family vinegar store, which has been open for nearly 100 years. We meet owner Mr. Liao Rongzhong, and find out what life is like for a traditional vinegar maker. 「醋」是日常生活中不可或缺的調味料之一,特別是在台灣,在台中有一家純手工釀醋近百年的老店,到現在已經傳承了三代,100年了,帶大家去看看廖榮中老闆做傳統醋的生涯。 7.360手工醋(2)Hard work in the name As you just saw, Mr. Liao is the third generation vinegar maker in his family. His young son is keen to continue the family tradition. Before we meet the son, we find out how the Liaos started making vinegar, after a happy mistake. 就如同剛剛所看到廖老闆,是第三代純手工釀造的傳人,他年輕的兒子也一塊傳承這項技藝,帶大家看這個兒子之前,先看廖家人在研發失敗後,如何研發新口味的醋。 8.受證陳宇昱Paralyzed cancer patient with a dream Though paralyzed and suffering from oral cancer, 50-year-old Chen Yuyu(陳宇昱) from Taoyuan in Taiwan decided to train to become a Tzu Chi volunteer. We find out what had motivated him to serve others. 儘管下半身癱瘓又罹患口腔癌,台灣桃園50歲的陳宇昱,最近受證成為慈濟志工,一起來看看他的故事。 END:鳳林環保十年 Finally today, in Hualien, Taiwan, Fenglin Town”s Tzu Chi recycling station celebrated its 10th birthday. A new Tzu Chi office will also open in town during Chinese New Years. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye. 節目最後,台灣花蓮的鳳林環保站,已經十年了,新的集會所即將在農曆年啟用,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2012.01.06)

