2012年8月17日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120814

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today”s show, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers are conducting disaster surveys in Rizal Province and providing emotional support to flood victims. As Tzu Chi”s recycling stations are needing more space to store recyclables, we take a look at the bottle compressor that is designed to do the task. And, we join the closing ceremony of the 2012 Tzu Chi International Humanitarian Aid Seminar and see the changes in the participants.



1.菲黎剎省勘災 Bringing love to flood victims

2.菲巴拉拉發放 Helping the flood victims

3.計順以工代賑 Work-relief programs to help clean up

4.減容壓縮機 90,000 tons of recycled PET bottles

5.靜思生活館-環保尖兵 Environmental pioneers

6.人援會圓緣 2012 TIHAA seminar in Hualien

7.八八三周年(五) A bright future ahead

8. 杉林大愛祈福 Auspicious Month blessings

9.雪隆助學家訪 Visiting scholarship applicants


1.菲黎剎省勘災 Bringing love to flood victims

On August 12 th, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in Rizal Province, in the Philippines, to conduct a disaster assessment as 80 percent of the area was flooded. In the mu-ni-ci-pality of Tay-tay, about 50,000 households still travel around using rafts. Meanwhile, after Typhoon Ketsana in 2009, the government encouraged many residents to move to the municipality of Rod-ri-guez. However, this time around, this area was also flooded.


2.菲巴拉拉發放 Helping the flood victims

Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers recently held a relief distribution at the Old Ba-la-ra Elementary School in Quezon City, helping a total of 1,040 households. The relief supplies included straw mats, pots, and 10 kilograms of rice. Local volunteer, Ma-rie, also a teacher at the school, took part in the distribution, and shared with residents, the importance of recycling.


3.計順以工代賑 Work-relief programs to help clean up

Also in the Philippines, building on their experience in the aftermath of Typhoon Ketsana, Tzu Chi volunteers on August 10 started another round of work-relief programs--this time in Barangay Ta-ta-lon, Quezon City. Currently there are already 400 people participating.


4.減容壓縮機 90,000 tons of recycled PET bottles

To allow more space in Tzu Chi”s recycling station and reduce the need to transport recyclables, Tzu Chi has been working, with the Industrial Technology Research Institute, to design a bottle compressor. Volunteers and researchers hoped to come up with an easy to use, safe, and environmentally friendly machine. Today, the newly designed bottle compressor, can squash 600 plastic bottles into one stack, reducing storage space by up to 90 percent.


5.靜思生活館-環保尖兵 Environmental pioneers

In the United States, the new Jing Si Books and Cafe in San Diego, California, is not only decorated with recycled materials and selling green products, but even the employees have to be environmentally con-scious. Many of the employees might have recycled little or none in the past, but since working there, things have changed.


6.人援會圓緣 2012 TIHAA seminar in Hualien

The 2012 Tzu Chi International Humanitarian Aid Seminar successfully concluded last Sunday,August 12 in Hualien, Taiwan. The three-day workshop helped entrepreneurs, professionals and scholars from different coutnries to better understand Tzu Chi”s humanitarian spirit.

2012年,在台灣花蓮舉辦的慈濟國際人道援助年會,在8月12日圓滿結束 ,志工們經過三天課程薰陶後更加了解慈濟,發願要將人文關懷的理念帶回職場,並且發揮所學幫助需要的人。

7.八八三周年(五) A bright future ahead

Following Typhoon Morakot, many indigenous people decided to leave their homeland for the government housing available off the mountain. For some, it was an economic consideration, while for others, it means a better life and education opportunities for their children. Despite the difficulties and loneliness, now many of the families have finally adapted to life off the mountain.


8. 杉林大愛祈福 Auspicious Month blessings

On August 4 th, the Tzu Chi Qishan(旗山) Liason office in Kaohsiung (高雄), Taiwan, held an Au-spi-cious Month celebration, and invited the children from Shanlin(杉林) Da Ai Community to participate. The day before the event, the children helped out in writing good deeds cards, in hopes of bringing blessings to others during the celebration.


9.雪隆助學家訪 Visiting scholarship applicants

This year, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter in Malaysia, received over 8,200 applications for its New Shoots Scholarship program. Local volunteers were all mobilized to visit the homes of applicants before the new semester starts. Despite the difficulties in distance, Tzu Chi volunteers visited every potential scholarship recipient.

馬來西亞慈濟雪隆分會,收到超過八千兩百多份,新芽助學金的申請,雪隆地區的志工全體總動員,拜訪申請助學金的清寒學子,儘管距離遙遠 地形崎嶇,志工不辭辛勞 一一進行家訪。


At the end of the show, we stay in Malaysia, but go to the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter, where Tzu Chi volunteers held the ”Au-spi-cious Month” blessing ceremonies, joined by 632 residents. The volunteers performed sections of the Water Repentance Sutra and hope to inspire the participants to see the ”Ghost Month” with a more positive perspective. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.




