2012年10月30日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121030

Giving children a chance at education

Volunteers Return to the spiritual home

Underweight is a problem in Taiwan

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show, we join the groundbreaking ceremony of the opening of the Centre Prescholaire Carmen Rene Durocher kindergarten in Haiti.

●In Taiwan, senior Tzu Chi volunteers are returning to the Jing Si Abode to share their experiences of carrying out Tzu Chi’s missions.

●In our series of weight problems in Taiwan, we take a look at how under-weight can also lead to serious health problems.





1. 海地幼兒動土 & 動土準備 Giving children a chance at education

2. 新芽頒獎併 (桃園&高雄&基隆) New Shoots Scholarship recipients

3. 資深委員話慈濟 Volunteers Return to the spiritual home

4. 山鶯惜福站 Shanying Tzu Chi market

5. 印修屋入厝 TC reconstruction efforts

6. 台灣是胖的(5) Underweight women a norm

7. 肥胖運動策略 The best way to lose weight


1. 海地幼兒動土 & 動土準備 Giving children a chance at education

After the Haiti Earthquake in 2010, Tzu Chi volunteers have continued their love and care for the local residents. Tzu Chi has not only established a farm to plant Mo-rin-ga but also has been helping rebuild schools. In Haiti, on October 26th, Tzu Chi volunteers held a groundbreaking ceremony of the opening of the Centre Prescolaire Carmen Rene Durocher, a kindergarten that was severely damaged after the earthquake. Since Haiti was also affected by Hurricane Sandy, the groundbreaking ceremony was conducted indoors.

2010年海地大地震,慈濟志工持續為居民帶來愛與關懷,慈濟不僅推廣辣木也陸續援建校舍,在海地 10月26日進行了遭受地震肆虐的杜柫榭幼兒園動土典禮,這一次 桑迪颶風來攪局改到室內舉辦。

2. 新芽頒獎併(桃園&高雄&基隆) New Shoots Scholarship recipients

As we continue to feature stories on New Shoots Scholarship recipients, we go to Taoyuan(桃園), Keelung(基隆) and Kaohsiung(高雄), to meet a few individuals who are bravely facing diversity. Whether it is being filial towards their parents, or overcoming mental challenges to complete everyday tasks, every one of these stories deserves our applause.

我們繼續報導新芽獎學金者,來到桃園、基隆 和高雄,看看幾位,勇敢面對困境,有些是把握機會、報親恩,有些是克服學習障礙,每個都是感動的故事。

3. 資深委員話慈濟 Volunteers Return to the spiritual home

On October 27th, more than 30 senior Tzu Chi volunteers return to the Jing Si Abode in Hualien,Taiwan to share their experiences of working in Tzu Chi. Master Cheng Yen also took the chance to express her gratitude towards the volunteers and encouraged them to continue the good work.

10月27日,超過30位的資深慈濟志工回到台灣花蓮靜思精舍,分享參與慈濟的點滴, 證嚴 上人也勉勵大家,把握生命良能,精進不懈。

4. 山鶯惜福站 Shanying Tzu Chi market

Also in Taiwan, recently the Shanying(山鶯) Tzu Chi market was established. The market was once a factory that belonged to volunteer Huang Chongxun(黃崇訓), who came from Guandong(廣東)’s Shantou(汕頭) City. Since Huang(黃) and his wife live in China all year round, they decided to donate the place to Tzu Chi. Here’s more.


5. 印修屋入厝 TC reconstruction efforts

Since 2006, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers have been rebuilding houses for disaster victims, whether it’s from fire, floods or just plain ruined houses. Through this program, Tzu Chi has improved many people’s lives.


6. 台灣是胖的(5) Underweight women a norm

Over the past few days in our series on Taiwan’s growing weight problem, we have shown viewers the dangers and frustrations that go with being overweight. However, there is another group in Taiwan that is equally at risk as those overweight. Among women 20 to 29, one out of every four is under-weight defined as having a BMI of under 18, those underweight usually don’t exercise and use a strict control of food intake to reach their weight loss goals. This extreme approach, however, weakens the body and can lead to health problems later in life.


7. 肥胖運動策略 The best way to lose weight

Do you want to lose weight? Do you know how to lose weight? Some think that weight training doesn’t fit into a weight loss regime; others think that after swimming, if you eat, all the calories will be absorbed and the time spent swimming will have gone to waste. Today we find out that weight training is one of the best ways to slim down, and after swimming, it’s ok to eat.



At the end of the show, we go to New zealand where a tea gathering was joined by 40 New zealand Tzu Chings. The Tzu Chings took the chance to share their experiences in cleaning up the streets, caring for the seniors and others. The Tzu Chings hope to continue the good affinity and spread Tzu Chi further into their communities. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

節目最後, 帶大家到紐西蘭,四十位紐西蘭慈青齊聚參予茶會活動,共同分享在淨灘、掃街、關懷老人等活動時付出的歡喜,期待這份緣繼續下去,深入家庭社區。一起來看看,感恩收看, 再會。


