2012年10月4日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121004

Tending to vehicle accident victims
A BRT system for the people of Taiwan

Guide dog trainer, Zhong Haoyu

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, in Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteers are providing care and support to vehicle accident victims in Bandung of West Java.

●We visit Seoul, in South Korea, to see how their BRT system is helping the city reduce 20 percent of vehicle usage.

●And, in Taiwan, we join guide dog trainer, Zhong Haoyu(鍾皓羽), as she carries out her daily training session with her guide dog named Add.





1.萬隆車禍 Tending to vehicle accident victims

2.美馬哈威發放 Bring care to Mojave Desert

3.菲火災發放 Fire destroys 63 houses

4.菲牙科啟用 TC dental clinic finally open

5.快行優先BRT(二)路權革命A BRT system for the people of Taiwan

6.360導盲犬訓練師 Guide dog trainer, Zhong Haoyu

7.印尼靜思堂(一) No boundary between religion and faith

8. 深圳大愛館 DA.AI Technology in Shenzhen


1.萬隆車禍 Tending to vehicle accident victims

In West Java, Indonesia, on a mountain road prone to accidents in Bandung, another tour bus found itself involved in misfortune, killing 4 tourists and injuring 9. To this day, there are still 8 passengers in the hospital, and Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers are lending support to those in need.


2.美馬哈威發放 Bring care to Mojave Desert

In the United States, the Mojave Desert is home to a group of illegal immigrants and farmers with no medical insurance. 2 weeks ago, they were jolted by over 200 earthquakes and a sudden rain storm, resulting in a severe flooding. To help the residents, on September 22nd, Tzu Chi volunteers brought 300 barrels of cleaning supplies.

在美國,馬哈威沙漠住著一群沒有醫療保險的農工和非法移民,兩個禮拜前,那裡遭遇兩百多次地震,加上突如其來的暴雨,造成當地鹹水湖氾濫成災,9月22日 為此慈濟志工帶了三百多桶清潔用品。

3.菲火災發放 Fire destroys 63 houses

In the Philippines, a community in Pa-ra-na-que City was struck by a fire that destroyed 63 houses, leaving 170 families without roofs over their heads. After conducting a disaster assessment, Tzu Chi volunteers quickly held a relief distribution that helped victims regain the strength to move on.


4.菲牙科啟用 TC dental clinic finally open

Staying in the Philippines, but moving to Marikina City, the dental department at the Tzu Chi Free Clinic Center, officially opened on September 7th. Since then, every Friday and Saturday, TIMA doctors and Tzu Chi volunteers have been providing dental services to the local residents.

也是菲律賓的報導,來到馬利僅那市慈濟環保教育站旁的牙科中心,在9月7日 正式啟用了,每個星期星期五及六,人醫會醫師和志工為當地居民提供拔牙、洗牙及補牙的服務。

5.快行優先BRT(二)路權革命A BRT system for the people of Taiwan

Next, we visit Seoul, the capital city of South Korea, which, since 2004, has been working to limit the amount of vehicle use by the city’s residents, through such programs as the BRT. Thanks to the city’s promotion of public transportation system, vehicle use has dropped by 20 percent, as commuters and residents are increasingly finding the BRT, a quick and convenient solution to their transportation needs.


6.360導盲犬訓練師 Guide dog trainer, Zhong Haoyu

Today, we are meeting a guide dog trainer, Zhong Haoyu(鍾皓羽), and her currently- under-training guide dog, ‘Add’. We often see these guide dogs on the roads, helping the visually impaired travel to their destination. In fact, it takes a great amount of effort and care to train one of these guide dogs.

今天要帶您來認識導盲犬訓練師鍾皓羽,以及正在受訓的狗狗 Add,我們常常會在路上看到導盲犬協助主人去他們要去的地方,實際上,要照顧與訓練導盲犬是需要花上很多時間跟精力的。

7.印尼靜思堂(一) No boundary between religion and faith

For the past 18 years, Tzu Chi has been promoting its mission of helping the needy in Indonesia, where 80 percent of the population is Muslim. Seeing the good work Tzu Chi has been doing, many local residents have overcome the differences in religion and faith to join Tzu Chi’s volunteer training seminars.


8. 深圳大愛館 DA.AI Technology in Shenzhen

In China, DA.AI Technology recently opened up its first branch, in Shenzhen(深圳) of Guangdong(廣東) Province, to promote eco-friendly textiles, as well as Master Cheng Yen’s ideals of living in harmony with the planet. Local business also donated a place for volunteers to hold study groups, as a way to introduce Tzu Chi to more local residents.

在中國 大愛感恩科技公司,在廣東深圳開設了第一家分店,要將證嚴上人推動的與地球共生息理念在當地落實,業者也捐出一塊場地,固定讓慈濟志工舉辦讀書會,讓更多民眾了解慈濟。


October 1st marks the National Day in China, and this year, it falls on the day right after the Moon Festival, thus, the Chinese people go on long holiday. Many of them have decided to travel to Taiwan, and are visiting the Tzu Chi Guandu Ground, to learn about the Buddhist NGO’s mission and philosophy. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

10月1日是中國的國定假期,今年假期來到中秋節之後,因此有連休假期,許多人會因此安排來到台灣旅遊,也安排到慈濟關渡園區參訪,希望更了解慈濟各項志業和上人理念。感恩收看, 再會。


