2011年11月29日 星期二


< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. >


< Free clinic for Thai flood victims >

< 440,000+ North Koreans helped >

< Take control and go proactive >

In Thailand, after floodwaters receded in parts of Bangkok, Tzu Chi organized a free clinic to help treat residents making their way back home. In North Korea, Tzu Chi delivered aid to over 440,000 people through 27 distributions in just four-and-a-half days. And, cyclist Lu Zhirong (盧志榮), who recovered from stage-four laryngeal cancer, empowers other cancer patients with his story.



1.1127泰慈濟 Bangkok free clinic

2.北緯38度(3) Breaking the ice at winter distributions

3.檳城洗腎動工 New dialysis center planned

4.馬新芽陳韋宏 The filial Chen Weihong

5.科學的一百堂課捐血分離(一) Blood donation 101

6.口口相傳 Keep the faith workshop in Hualien

7.新店小志工法船 Children perform Buddhist sutra

8.1129歷史的今天 On this day. November 29th.

9.陸官賑災服務 Military students help load relief


1.1127泰慈濟 Bangkok free clinic

The floodwater in the Don Muang area of Bangkok, which is near the airport, has gone down far enough for residents to return to their homes. Thinking ahead, Tzu Chi organized a free clinic in the neighborhood, especially to help people with chronic conditions, who need regular medication. The happy smile of one rookie volunteer doctor, who was taking part in a free clinic for the first time, was an immediate antidote for the patients. And the flood victims left the clinic knowing that a lot of people care about them.


《 靜思語 》

Only by being understanding can one turn anger into kindness.


2.北緯38度(3) Breaking the ice at winter distributions

Tzu Chi”s relief mission in North Korea brought aid to a total of 440,393 people in just four-and-a-half days. The supplies were delivered directly into the hands of the recipients. At each of the 27 distribution events, the villagers were divided into six lines, and the 31 Tzu Chi volunteers who went to North Korea split into three groups of around 10 volunteers, to manage each distribution. Every event was full of songs and laughter, as the volunteers hit it off with the villagers.


3.檳城洗腎動工 New dialysis center planned

According to Malaysia”s National Renal Registry in 2010, over 20,000 citizens were on dialysis, an increase of 4,500 from 2009. At the Tzu Chi Dialysis center in Penang, space is becoming a premium. With a waiting list of more than 50 names, the Buddhist charity has decided to build a bigger 140-bed center, that is scheduled to be completed in two years. With the new center, Tzu Chi hopes to have sufficient space to serve those in need.


4.馬新芽陳韋宏 The filial Chen Weihong

Staying in Malaysia, but moving to Kuala Lumpur, we introduce you to 15-year-old Chen Weihong (陳韋宏) in our next story. Originally from a well-to-do and happy family, Weihong”s father”s business began to lose money starting in 2008. Then, his mother passed away, and his father”s Parkinson”s disease grew worse. To help with the family finances, Weihong”s two older sisters had no choice but to work, and so it has fell on 15-year-old Weihong to take care of his increasingly sick father. Not long after, the family was introduced to Tzu Chi. Volunteers not only took the family under their wings, but also gave Weihong a New Shoots Scholarship, and hope for the future.

在馬來西亞吉隆坡,有一名15歲的男孩陳韋宏,原本來自一個幸福美滿的家庭,不過 2008年開始,接連遇到父親的生意漸差,母親因病往生,加上父親罹患帕金森氏症越加惡化,家庭經濟陷入困境,韋宏的兩位姐姐只好努力打工賺錢,而照顧爸爸的責任就落在了韋宏身上,因緣聚會,慈濟人走入關懷,不僅給予心靈上的援助,還頒發新芽助學金給予韋宏,讓一家人的未來有了希望。

《 衲履足跡 》On Self-Respect and Love 談自愛愛人

We should love ourselves and be determined to cultivate wisdom. Only when we love and respect ourselves, will we be able to love others, and inspire them to do the same.


5.科學的一百堂課捐血分離(一) Blood donation 101

People might have experience donating blood, but many may not know how their blood is processed afterwards. Today we have prepared a special mini-series that will answer your questions.


6.口口相傳 Keep the faith workshop in Hualien

In Taiwan, the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital held its annual ”Keep the Faith” workshop, where cancer patients from the ENT department were encouraged to battle their illness. The guest speaker this year was cyclist Lu Zhirong (盧志榮) who made a full recovery from stage-four laryngeal cancer.


7.新店小志工法船 Children perform Buddhist sutra

At the end of each year, Tzu Chi holds year-end blessing ceremonies in communities all around Taiwan. This year, the ceremonies made a head-start in Taipei. On Sunday, a year-end blessing event was held at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, where 54 youngsters performed a short version of the Water Repentance sutra. The youngest among the performers was only 3 years of age, and the oldest 12 years old. Let”s take a look.


8.1129歷史的今天 On this day. November 29th.

1947 Palestine partition

The United Nations” Partition Plan for Palestine was adopted by Resolution 181 on this day in 1947, to separate the British Mandate for Palestine into Jewish and Arab states. The proposal was accepted by the Jewish community but rejected by the Arabs in Palestine. In May of 1948, an independent state of Israel was created, which was immediately followed by the Arab-Israeli War - the first episode in the continuing conflict between Israel and its neighbors.

1964 Nanjichang apartments

In the Guting district of Taipei, Taiwan, a ribbon cutting ceremony, hosted by then premier Yan Jiagan(嚴家淦) was held for Nanjichang(南機場) public housing community, on this day in 1964. The project consisted of 11 apartment buildings, to accommodate some 1,200 families from the areas of Shuiyuan(水源) and Shuangyuan(雙園) that were flooded in August 1959. The five-story buildings were the tallest apartments at the time, and are among the oldest public housing projects in Taipei.

1998 Clothes for C America

In the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch, which wreaked havoc in Central America, Tzu Chi not only organized emergency medical services, but also, on this day in 1998, launched a clothing drive in Taiwan. In nine days, more than 60 containers of clothes were collected. Summer garments were packed and sent to victims in six countries, including Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti; while winter clothes were shipped to North Korea.




9.陸官賑災服務 Military students help load relief

Over the weekend, military academy students arrived at Kaohsiung”s Jing Si Hall, in south Taiwan, to help load and sort boxes of relief items. Moving 20kg boxes of clothing was easy for the fit young men, who all said they were happy to give what they could.



To help strengthen family bonds, Tzu Chi regularly holds parent-child seminars. At the end of today”s program, we join one such event in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, where parents learned to better communicate with their children. That is all the time we have for. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


