2011年11月11日 星期五


Sharing in Thailand
Prefab life in Japan
Indonesia TIMA is 9

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. Thank you for joining us.

Coming up in today”s show, members of the Tzu Chi disaster assessment team, in Thailand, give television interviews on how to recover from the flood.
In our continuing series of feature reports on rebuilding work in Japan, we find out what life is like for a 90-year-old resident of a temporary home.
And, on this day in 2002, the TIMA chapter in Indonesia was officially formed. We look back on the history of Tzu Chi”s free medical clinics in the country.



1.泰慈濟Flood coverage
2.撥雲見(建)日Life in prefab community
3.中義診有愛TIMA free clinic in Miaoli
4.路邊董事長(3)張信語Giving without thought of return
5.松山紅包製作Blessing & Wisdom envelopes
6.1110歷史的今天On this day, the tenth of November.
7.印尼人醫會成立Indonesia TIMA turns 9
8.發心救心Behind each Tzu Chi free clinic
9.立冬進補Bolstering immune system for winter

1.泰慈濟Flood coverage

First up today, we go to Thailand, where aid agencies are afraid that infectious diseases, spread by the flood waters, could cause a humanitarian crisis. The flooding is the worst the country has suffered in decades, and is likely to drag on for another month. Members of the Tzu Chi disaster assessment team, who are currently in the country, recently appeared on Thai television, to encourage the public to reach out a helping hand to their neighbors. But just getting to the TV station proved to be a challenge. Let”s go to Bangkok, to find out how they did it.

節目首先來到泰國,當地援助單位,擔心水患會造成疾病感染,屆時可能會造成人道救援的危機,水患困擾泰國幾十年,以這次最嚴重,看來,似乎還會拖上一個月,泰國慈濟志工 用心與當地媒體互動,藉由媒體力量 呼籲大家,伸出雙手一起來付出,不過只要出門,就必定是重重波折,一起去曼谷,看看如何克服困難。

2.撥雲見(建)日Life in prefab community

From Thailand to Japan, where after the tsunami destroyed their homes on March 11th this year, many survivors have been living in prefabricated housing communities. In our next story, we go back to the upper northern area of Miyagi Prefecture, to meet 90-year-old Mrs. Misako, who lives alone in one of the temporary units. However, the optimistic woman says, her son lives nearby, and she is used to looking after herself. Indeed, she escaped the tsunami all by herself. Although her future is uncertain, Mrs. Misako says, at her age, she can only take each day as it comes.


3.中義診有愛TIMA free clinic in Miaoli

Central Taiwan TIMA volunteers regularly visit remote mountain areas in Miaoli County, to hold free clinics for elderly residents. As well as treating chronic complaints, the volunteers say they also make connections with the locals. On their latest trip to Nanzhuang, one grandmother signed up as a paying member of Tzu Chi.

把握分秒,中區人醫會定期到偏遠山區義診,也為長者做往診服務,除了治療慢性疾病,更用心建立彼此感情,這次訪視中 一位阿嬤受感動,因而加入慈濟會員。

4.路邊董事長(3)張信語Giving without thought of return

”Giving without thought of return” is the motto of Zhang Xinyu(張信語), from Changhua County in Taiwan. Instead of staying at home and enjoying her role as a grandmother, she grows magnolias in her garden to sell at the market. And what she earns from peddling the flowers, she donates to charity. Passionate about her fundraising work, Zhang Xinyu says that giving is better than receiving.

付出無所求,下一則報導,帶大家到台灣彰化,認識一位張信語阿嬤,但她不以坐在家裡含飴弄孫為滿足,反倒種了二十多株玉蘭花,天天摘下到市場叫賣,賺來的錢全都拿來佈施,阿嬤說,懂得付出 收穫更多。

5.松山紅包製作Blessing & Wisdom envelopes

With New Year just around the corner, volunteers around Taiwan are picking up the pace of their work to make Tzu Chi”s signature ”Blessing and Wisdom” envelopes. At the Tzu Chi Liaison Office in Taipei”s Songshan District, one elderly volunteer commutes an hour each way to come help; while another has come all the way from Germany, to better understand how making these envelopes brings people together.


6.1110歷史的今天On this day, the tenth of November.

Death of Yu Youren
Born in China”s Shaanxi Province during the Qing Dynasty, Yu Youren(于右任) was an accomplished scholar and calligrapher who later headed the ROC”s Control Yuan for 34 years. Always appearing in traditional Chinese attire, Yu”s calligraphy has become a collectors” item. He died on this day at the age of 85 in Taipei.

Tzu Chengs
build a
After the 921 earthquake of 1999, Tzu Chi was asked to help build Zhongshan(中山) Experimental Kindergarten in the then Taichung County. Over 7,000 members of Tzu Chi Faith Corps were mobilized and after 302 days of construction, on this day in 2002, the school was handed over to the teaching staff.

In Indonesia, Tzu Chi began holding free clinics with the help of local medical volunteers in 1999. On this day in 2002, over 60 medical personnel came together to form the Indonesia TIMA chapter to deliver quality medical care to the needy wherever they were.



2002年,印尼愛心醫護成立人醫會,印尼地區的慈濟志工,自從1999年邀請當地醫護人員,為貧病居民義診,2002年的這天 六十多位醫護志工,正式組成人醫會,定期提供義診與緊急醫療服務。

7.印尼人醫會成立Indonesia TIMA turns 9

As we just saw in our history feature, the Indonesia TIMA chapter was formed on this day in 2002. Over the years, its membership has grown from 60, to now over 300. As of October this year, TIMA Indonesia had held 79 free clinics, all over the country, and treated over 200,000 cases. In our next story, we look back at the chapter”s years of service.


8.發心救心Behind each Tzu Chi free clinic

For every TIMA free clinic, numerous volunteers invest hours preparing all the necessary equipment; and when the event is over, they spend just as much time cleaning and sterilizing the tools, and putting them back in place. In our next story, we meet one such volunteer, Shen Juanjuan(申娟娟) who is a member of the Tainan TIMA chapter.


9.立冬進補Bolstering immune system for winter

Tuesday marked the beginning of winter in Taiwan. As the weather starts getting colder, with the temperature dipping to below 20 degrees Celsius at times, many sun-loving people in Taiwan are looking to tonics, to bolster their immune system. Adding traditional herbs to make rich soups is one way to nourish the body. The experts suggest adding root vegetables, like yams and sweet potatoes, along with some mushrooms and tofu, to make the soup more hearty.



Dentists from Tainan TIMA, in south Taiwan, regularly visit a home for the mentally disabled, to check the residents” teeth. It takes a lot of patience to deal with the patients. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


