2012年2月13日 星期一


Prepared for emergencies
Italian paintings for charity
MIT shoes on the decline

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show, in view of the frequency of earthquakes in Hualien, Taiwan, the local government is handing out go-bags to all 125,000 households in the county.

●Inspired by Tzu Chi”s worldwide charity commitment, Italian artist Vittorio Amadio decided to donate 100 of his paintings to help further Tzu Chi”s cause.

●And, in our featured report on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we investigate the rise and fall of the shoe-making industry that was once known for its high quality handmade footwear.




1.花避難包發放Emergency relief pack

2.新閣揆訪杉林Premier visits Shanlin Community

3.身障護老Tzu Chi volunteers visit nursing home

4.約堡新春祈福Honoring the New Year

5.義畫家慈濟緣Italian artist Vittorio Amadio visits Tzu Chi

6.義畫家介紹Background picture to visiting artist

7.台大吉貝環保NTU students help out on Penghu

8.360皮鞋街(一)Rise & fall of Shoes Street

9.360皮鞋街(二)Breathing new life into old shoes


1.花避難包發放Emergency relief pack

Located on the east coast of Taiwan, Hualien is frequently threatened by natural disasters, like earthquakes and typhoons. To raise disaster prevention awareness, the county government is handing out emergency relief packs to each of region”s 125,000 households.


2.新閣揆訪杉林Premier visits Shanlin Community

On Thursday, February 9, Taiwan”s new premier Chen Chong made a visit to the Shanlin Da Ai Community in Kaohsiung, where some of the survivors of Typhoon Morakot in 2009 now live. The tour allowed the premier to better understand the residents” living conditions, their means of livelihood, and any other needs that will help them further establish their lives.

台灣新任閣揆 9日星期四,前往高雄杉林大愛園區,關懷莫拉克風災災民,了解目前園區居民生活,產業推動及就業情況,以及他們的其他需求。

3.身障護老Tzu Chi volunteers visit nursing home

Staying in Kaohsiung, when Tzu Chi volunteers pay their regular visits to nursing homes, many local residents take the opportunity to help. In our next story, we meet three physically disabled residents, who use their voices to entertain the elderly.


4.約堡新春祈福Honoring the New Year

In South Africa, volunteers from Pretoria and Johannesburg recently held a celebration to honor the Chinese New Year. Many of those invited brought their full bamboo banks to be donated. As well, three local volunteers who had recently received certification in Taiwan, shared with the audience stories of their time in Taiwan, their meeting with Master Cheng Yen, and their determination to spread Tzu Chi”s message of love.

慈濟南非約堡和普利多利亞的志工,舉辦新春祝福,許多會眾都把存滿的竹筒送回娘家,而剛到台灣受證成為慈濟委員的三位本土志工 和在場的會眾,分享親眼見到上人的喜悅,同時也發願,要將慈濟的美善推廣出去。

5.義畫家慈濟緣Italian artist Vittorio Amadio visits Tzu Chi
Italian artist Vittorio Amadio is visiting Taiwan after an introduction from Tzu Chi volunteers in Germany. Touched by the good work that Tzu Chi does around the world, the artist donated 100 paintings to the NGO. After he handed his paintings to Master Cheng Yen, Amadio visited Tzu Chi Hospital in Taipei, where he was inspired by the way the volunteers made the patients and relatives feel at home. He also visited an environmental station, where he noticed how the old and young carefully sorted recyclables to clean up the planet.

經由德國慈濟志工介紹義大利藝術家-維多利奧˙愛瑪迪歐,抵台了解到慈濟志工遍布全球,要捐出一百幅畫作行善,拜會上人後 前往台北慈濟醫院,受到慈濟志工膚慰病患的感動,也來到慈濟內湖環保站參訪,對於環保志工愛護地球的決心印象深刻。

6.義畫家介紹Background picture to visiting artist
The well travelled artist Vittorio Amadio has lived in many parts of the world, and is now settled back in his birthplace of Italy. The 78-year-old has established a workshop and foundation, to help use art to inspire people all over the world.


7.台大吉貝環保NTU students help out on Penghu
Last week, we learned that students from National Taiwan University”s ”Children of the Sea” club were in Penghu to volunteer their time. In addition to holding a camp for local elementary school children, the college students also took time to help recycle, and visit solitary seniors. Let”s see how the college students spent their winter break this year.


8.360皮鞋街(一)Rise & fall of Shoes Street
Nowadays, pretty much everything you buy is ”Made in China”, but not too long ago, these same items were ”Made in Taiwan.” In fact, during the ”80s, Taiwan was known worldwide as the shoe kingdom. Today, we take you to Kaonshiung”s Dalian大連 Street, which was once called Shoes Street, to look back at the rise and fall of the trade.


9.360皮鞋街(二)Breathing new life into old shoes

New shoes often come with a painful break-in period, and even expensive brand names don”t necessarily guarantee comfort.That”s why people like to hold onto their old shoes. But what to do when your old shoes really need a makeover We now introduce you to a shoe repairman in Kaohsiung, who has customers in Japan and the United States, who still come to him for their shoe troubles.



Tri-Valley Tzu Chi Academy in California is the latest addition to Tzu Chi”s line of educational establishments in the United States. Recently, the school held a charity sale and also started a book drive for the children of South Africa. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.



