2012年2月3日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines _ 20120203

Cold winter in Thailand

 2012 TIBE commences
Sweet sugary maltose

< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. >
Coming up in the show today, as winter in tropical Thailand can also have its cold days, Tzu Chi volunteers deliver food and other supplies to a mountain community to help villagers endure the chilly season.

For avid readers in Taiwan, the six-day Taipei International Book Exhibition is happening now, with a mesmerizing selection of local and foreign titles to choose from.

Maltose, or malt sugar, is a traditional candy in Taiwan that is fast going out of fashion-- we find out why one maltose peddler hasn”t given up on his trade after 30 years.






Though Thailand is known as a tropical getaway, the country”s northern mountainous regions do get cold in winter. Thus Tzu Chi volunteers from Chiang Mai traveled to hilly Pah Dang Village, to bring blankets and winter jackets for some 2,000 villagers, so they may better endure the cold.


Moving to the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers from Manila visited the neighboring Pasay City, to bring aid to victims of a recent slum fire. Survivors remained optimistic after the blaze and willingly donated what they could to Tzu Chi”s bamboo banks.


Bringing love and support to the needy, in Guatemala, recently Tzu Chi volunteers distributed more than 100 stationery sets at the Tzu Chi Villa de Oriente elementary school, to students who cannot afford school supplies.


《 靜思語 》
One who lives a simple life is the most content. One who helps others is the wealthiest.


In Cupertino, California, the local Tzu Chi office has been holding a Water Repentance study group for five months. Some participants decided to become vegetarians for life and others underwent dramatic transformations. Let”s hear it directly from them.



Staying in the United States, during the New Year”s holidays, Tzu Chi Academies across the country held various activities to celebrate the arrival of the Year of the Dragon. We go to New York and Las Vegas to find out more.



In San Bernardino, California, for the past six years Tzu Chi volunteers make monthly trips to Lytle Creek elementary to promote humanistic education. The same inspirational lessons have also been introduced to Charles H Lee School, through games and storytelling.


Back to Taiwan, the 20th Taipei International Book Exhibition is taking place now at the Taipei World Trade Center. One of the major topics of the six-day fair is ”green living”, and the different kinds of reading experience. Let”s get a glimpse of what the fair has to offer.


As school students in Taiwan get ready to go back to class after the Chinese New Year break, the Department of Health is urging parents to be aware that a flu epidemic is a distinct possibility. To help children and their parents avoid flu or the common cold, Chinese Medicine doctors at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital have some suggestions on how you can boost your immune system, in a natural and safe way.


While some students make the most of their winter break by going out with their friends or catching up on sleep, others think the time would be more productively spent by volunteering at hospitals. A group of college volunteers from all over Taiwan recently volunteered their services at Hualien”s Tzu Chi Hospital, where they said they gained immensely by helping make life easier for the patients.


《 衲履足跡 》On Considerations 談心念

Minute by minute considerations are never far from the dharma, and each day should be a memorable page in your life history.

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, the Master urged everyone to be ”wholehearted” Tzu Chi volunteers, and use the power of ”one begetting infinity” to lead the public onto the bodhisattva path.



We continue with our series of reports on Taiwan”s fading trades. For those who were born in Taiwan before the 80”s, you probably have memories of a peddler who walked around your neighborhood selling malt sugar. However, with an abundant selection of candies and biscuits on the market nowadays, it”s no surprise we see less and less of the traditional dessert. But, we meet Lin Huosheng(林火生) in Taichung, who has been peddling malt sugar for over 30 years.


Malt sugar peddler Lin Huosheng spent almost half of his life selling the traditional Taiwanese candy, and has never thought about giving up, despite the numerous challenges he came across. Lin says, as long as he can make ends meet, he doesn”t have to make millions.



The Chinese Lantern Festival will take place on February 6th this year. Staff at Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital made a healthier version of the seasonal dessert - sweet rice ball soup - that tasted just as good without the extra calories, and shared it with patients and their families. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.


