2011年12月22日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111222

< TC aid arrives in S Philippines >
< Best rice for China”s poor >
< Away with disposable tableware >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.


●In the aftermath of Tropical Storm Washi that claimed hundreds of lives in the Philippines, Tzu Chi”s aid supplies arrive in the hard-hit Cagayan De Oro City.
●In the face of the recent food shortage, Tzu Chi volunteers searched high and low to find the best quality rice for the winter aid distributions in China.
●And later, we turn the clock back to 20 years ago, when the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan implemented a no disposable utensils and tableware policy, following Master Cheng Yen”s first call on the importance of conservation work.


1.菲律賓勘災 Helping in the aftermath of Washi
2.1220泰慈濟 Cash for work in Rai Khing
3.北朝鮮二梯返台 Mission cut short by Kim Jong-il death
4.華東大米學問 Readying rice for winter
5.發放困難回顧 The art of aid distributions
6.星新芽手語 New Shoots Scholarships
7.1222歷史的今天 On this day, December 22.
8.1220(慈濟)慈院餐具 Hualien TCH cuts carbon footprint

1.菲律賓勘災 Helping in the aftermath of Washi

Following the destruction caused by tropical storm Washi, the government of the Philippines has appealed for international aid. One of the first organizations to respond was Tzu Chi, with volunteers from Manila, Cebu, and Zamboanga carrying out a disaster assessment in the affected areas on the island of Mindanao. Tzu Chi”s chapter house in the Philippines also sent supplies of blankets, pots, and clothing to the area, which will soon be distributed to the needy.


2.1220泰慈濟 Cash for work in Rai Khing

As Tzu Chi”s rescue and recovery efforts carry on apace in the Philippines, volunteers in post-flood Thailand have made a cash-for-work scheme available for the people living in Rai Khing Township, in Nakhon Pathom Province”s Sampran District. Residents of Pruksa 5 Community weren”t freed from the floods until last week, and on December 15th and 16th, Tzu Chi volunteers came to the area to distribute hot food, before they began the relief work program on the 17th.


3.北朝鮮二梯返台 Mission cut short by Kim Jong-il death

Tzu Chi”s second aid relief team to North Korea were in the country when the news of supreme leader, Kim Jong-il”s death was announced. The four-day distribution was cut short after just one-and-a-half days, and since the country entered a long period of national mourning, the volunteers decided to come home. Although disappointed to be returning so soon, the volunteers are confident their partner organization in North Korea - the International Trade Commission - will be able to finish the job.


《 靜思語 》

Only by allowing mountains and forests to thrive can humans live in peace.


4.華東大米學問 Readying rice for winter

Tzu Chi”s winter aid distributions in China this year are covering 13 provinces - which is more than ever before. The first stop is Hebei, where nearly 5,900 households will receive aid, starting in five townships of the poor Yi County. The aid includes noodles, cooking oil, salt, cotton quilts, and rice. This winter”s distribution was made difficult by the flooding in Thailand and Cambodia, which caused an international rice shortage. In our next story, we find out how Tzu Chi volunteers secured the best quality rice at a reasonable price.


5.發放困難回顧 The art of aid distributions

In Tzu Chi”s winter aid distributions in China this year, local volunteers will play a pivotal role in facilitating the handouts. In the next report, we spoke to some of the most experienced Tzu Chi volunteers in China, to understand what challenges they have to overcome, and the kind of work that goes into the preparation of the annual event.


《 衲履足跡 》談學佛 On Practicing Buddhism

Being a Buddhist doesn”t mean simply praying to Buddha or reciting sutras, but to take Buddha”s spirit to heart and to understand Buddha”s wisdom. Tzu Chi people do not pray to Buddha for blessing but lend a helping hand to those in need. We should answer our calling instead of asking Buddha to respond to us.


6.星新芽手語 New Shoots Scholarships

Singapore Tzu Chi Chapter is organizing a New Shoots Scholarship Award ceremony this month, and one of the items in the program is a sign-language performance of Chinese songs by the students. As most of these children are from Indian and Malaysian backgrounds, and can barely read Chinese, let alone sing in the language, volunteers are doing what they can to make the learning easier for them.


7.1222歷史的今天 On this day, December 22.

1989 Brandenburg Gate crossing
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989, the Brandenburg Gate was reopened on this day of the same year. West German chancellor Helmut Kohl walked through the gate to greet East German Prime Minister Hans Modrow. The event marked an important milestone toward German reunification which occurred the following year in October.

2001 Karzai Interim Afghan President
To end the tragic conflict within Afghanistan; when political leaders gathered in Germany for the International Conference on Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai was appointed the president of the Interim Administration. Karzai was sworn in on this day in 2001 and was later elected as the President of Afghanistan in December, 2004.

2002 Indonesia needy students
Tzu Chi”s Indonesia Chapter has helped numerous underprivileged students in Tangerang Province, over the past ten years. To let students have the experience of attending a school outing, volunteers organized a year-end gathering activity on this day in 2002. Over 200 children were invited to the chapter grounds where they felt the love and care of the Tzu Chi volunteers.

1989年 柏林圍牆大門 正式開啟

2001年 阿富汗臨時政府 宣誓成立

2002年 印尼助學童 首次歲末團聚

8.1220(慈濟)慈院餐具 Hualien TCH cuts carbon footprint

It”s been 20 years since Master Cheng Yen first called on her disciples, and the people of Taiwan, to start doing recyling work.
Today, Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are actively promoting environmentalism and the number of recycling stations in Taiwan also continues to increase. We travel back in time to December 20th, 1992, when Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital stopped providing its staff with disposable utensils, and requested that everyone bring their own reusable tableware, to support Master Cheng Yen”s call for a greener lifestyle.



At the end of today”s program, we go to Tai-An Hospital, in Taichung, where staff are being both creative and environmentally-friendly by using recyclables to decorate the hospital. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


