2011年12月19日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAiHeadlines_ 20111219

< The warmth of Christmas >
< Reaching beyond the Earth >
< Water Repentance in KL >

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show, in the Philippines, for needy families without the means to celebrate Christmas, Tzu Chi”s rice distribution came at the right time.
●In the continuation of our featured series from Tibet, today we find out why the Taiwanese observatory set up on the high plateau is the perfect place for star-gazing.
●Later, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia are preparing to introduce the musical rendition of the Water Repentance sutra to the community, in the upcoming year-end blessing ceremony.


1.菲馬拉汶大米Early Christmas presents
2.列治文耶誕 Bringing festivity to nursing homes
3.慈大獲獎 Say No to drugs
4.這兒的星星最亮(2)獅泉河望遠鏡 Perfect place for star gazing
5.蘇州農場油菜 New organic farm in Suzhou
6.大愛媽學素食 Da Ai mothers cook away
7.馬水懺排練 Geared up for Water Repentance
8.印尼三合一 Media volunteer training on Batam
9.1219歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of December.
10.矯正牽引法 Helping accident victim

1.菲馬拉汶大米Early Christmas presents

Christmas is widely celebrated around the world, but for many low-income families, there is little cash to spare for the festival. Luckily, for the needy households in the Philippines, Tzu Chi is once again distributing rice from Taiwan. Recently, in Malabon City, 1,007 families each received a 20-kilo bag of rice as an early Christmas present .


2.列治文耶誕 Bringing festivity to nursing homes

Christmas spirit is also in the air in Richmond, Canada, where Tzu Chi volunteers have built a strong friendship over the years with the elderly residents of Fraserview Nursing Home. Volunteers prepare gifts for the seniors there every Christmas, and this year, the goodies include pillows made by young volunteers.


3.慈大獲獎 Say No to drugs

The Taiwanese films ”Rebellious Son” and ”Breaking the Waves”, were produced by the Ministry of Justice in partnership with the Tzu Chi Foundation. Based on the real-life struggles of former drug addicts, the movies have been part of a national anti-drug campaign, since November of 2009. Recently, Tzu Chi University and the Tzu Chi Teachers Association were also recognized for promoting the anti-drug campaign.


《 靜思語 》

Those who do good deeds make others grateful; those who commit bad acts create vexation for others.


4.這兒的星星最亮(2)獅泉河望遠鏡 Perfect place for star gazing

Astrologers are always trying to see deeper and further into space, to uncover the secrets of the universe. Besides a powerful telescope, they also need good weather conditions to clearly see the stars. That”s why a team of Taiwanese scientists has built an observatory on the Tibetan plateau. The clean air, cloudless sky, and minimal light pollution from human settlements, make the area ideal for observations.


5.蘇州農場油菜 New organic farm in Suzhou

Eating organic vegetables is good for your health and the environment, which is why Tzu Chi volunteers in Suzhou, in China”s Jiangsu province, are cultivating a piece of farmland in Yangshan(陽山) that is entirely dedicated to growing chemical- and pesticide-free vegetables. Volunteers from Xiamen, with experience in organic farming, came especially to lend a hand; and local farmers also volunteered to share some very useful tips.


6.大愛媽學素食 Da Ai mothers cook away

A greener lifestyle isn”t complete without a plant-based diet. A team of Da Ai Mothers in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, recently took up a vegetarian cookery class to improve on their cooking skills. Lessons like this help give Da Ai mothers more ideas on how to prepare healthy meals for their children.


《 衲履足跡 》談惜福 On Cherishing Blessings

Wherever in the world Tzu Chi volunteers serve, they always advertise that the Buddhist charity and the humanistic values it represents are from Taiwan to build good karma for the country. Taiwanese people should cherish such blessings.


7.馬水懺排練 Geared up for Water Repentance

The Tzu Chi-Selangor/Kuala Lumpur chapter will be holding its year-end blessing ceremony on January 1, 2012, at the Putra Indoor Stadium in Bukit Jalil. Volunteers are giving the event a special touch with a performance of a section of the Water Repentance sutra. Cast members are currently in rehearsals, and, to make sure no one misses out on the practice sessions, volunteers have been helping each other out. How? Let”s find out more in this next story.

送舊迎新 馬來西亞慈濟雪隆分會,將於2012年1月1日,在布特拉室內體育館舉辦歲末祝福,其中特別帶給大眾,《慈悲三昧水懺》手語劇的演繹,雪隆慈濟志工努力排演,為了讓每位入經藏菩薩,都有機會參與練習,志工互相補位,讓我們來看看,他們的是怎麼做到的。

8.印尼三合一 Media volunteer training on Batam

Da Ai TV is able to broadcast Tzu Chi”s work around the world thanks to media volunteers who help capture the truth, goodness, and beauty of Tzu Chi activities. On Batam Island, Indonesia, there are only five media volunteers. To recruit new blood, volunteers held a training seminar, with the help of Indonesia”s Da Ai TV.


9.1219歷史的今天 On this day, the 19th of December.

1848 Short lived Emily Bronte
At the age of 29, English novelist and poet, Emily Jane Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights, which would become one of the world”s top ten novels. The book would be the only one written by Emily as she died on this day in 1848 at the age of 30.

2004 Winter relief in N Thailand
In winter, the temperature in northern Thailand can drop to five degrees Celsius. On this day in 2004, local Tzu Chi volunteers held a winter distribution for the poor at the soon-to-be-finished Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School. Blankets and clothes were handed out to make the winter warmer.

2005 Afghan National Assembly
In front of foreign diplomats including US Vice President Dick Cheney, and led by Afghan President Hamid Karzai, some 350 upper and lower house members, of the new National Assembly of Afghanistan, were sworn into office. It was the first National Assembly to be elected by the people after the Taliban regime was deposed by the United States.

2009 Homeless relief In Onshi Park
Onshi Park of Tokyo”s Ueno is a gathering place for the city”s homeless, who have made the park their home. With the global economic slump, their numbers increased. Notified by a local hiking club, on this day in 2009, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with blankets. The homeless received the gifts in an orderly fashion and were very grateful.

1848年 咆哮山莊作者 艾蜜莉病逝
英國作家與詩人,艾蜜莉 勃朗特,二十九歲時創作咆哮山莊,終將成為世界十大小說名著之一,但這也是她一生唯一的一部長篇小說,因為1848年的這天,年僅三十歲的艾蜜莉就過世了。

2004年 泰北嚴冬 慈濟送暖
泰北山區冬天最冷的時候,僅有攝氏五度,2004年的這天當地的慈濟志工,在即將完工的清邁慈濟中小學裡,將棉被 毛毯以及保暖衣物,送給當地的窮困居民,好讓冬天更暖和。

2005年 首屆民選議會 正式運作  
包括美國副總統錢尼在內的外國政要們,共同見證這場由阿富汗總統 哈米德主持,帶領阿富汗上與下議院,共三百五十多席議員宣誓就職,是美軍推翻塔利班政權之後,阿富汗首次的民選議會。

2009年 日本慈濟 關懷街友

10.矯正牽引法 Helping accident victim

A resident of Taichung, Taiwan, 56 year old Lin Xianglan(林香蘭) was involved in a road accident in October of last year, which severely dislocated and fractured her jaw. Eating, breathing and speaking became extremely difficult. Surgery was recommended, but since there was a chance that it could affect her facial nerves, Xianglan decided to go to Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital instead, where doctors used traction therapy to get her jaw, and surrounding muscles, back in line.



It is coming to the year”s end, and Tzu Shao members in Yonghe, in Taiwan”s New Taipei City decided to give the local Tzu Chi retreat - where they take their lessons - a good cleanup. Their effort also extended to the rest of the building, for other users. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


