2013年1月30日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130129

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, we follow Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, as they restore their city back to normal, after the recent flood. Next, we go to China and meet a volunteer couple, Li Wei(李偉) and Han Bin(韓斌), to see how Tzu Chi has changed their lives for the better. In our series of feature reports, "Out of the White Tower", we look at the change in attitude, of these Taiwanese doctors, after devoting themselves, to help the Solomon Islanders.



1. 0128印尼慈濟

2. 0127印尼慈濟

3. 山東愛萌芽(5)--韓斌夫妻

4. 基隆三重發放

5. 關渡發願圍爐+關渡葉惠雯

7. 走出白色巨塔(8)

8. 澳伊普貢獻獎

END: 汐止圍爐發放

1. 0128印尼慈濟

We start off today’s show in Jakarta, Indonesia, as the flood-waters have receded, roads are filled with garbage and mud. To help, more than 500 Tzu Chi volunteers, and the Indonesia National Armed Force, joined hands, to restore the roads conditions back to normal.


2. 0127印尼慈濟

Staying in Indonesia, as the flood-waters have receded, many residents have started cleaning up their homes. Since the district of Plu-it in North Jakarata, was one of the worst hit areas, the Jing Si Books and Cafe in that area, also suffered severe damage. To limit their loss, local Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized, to save the waterlogged items.


《 靜思語 》

We need to cherish current circumstances and be at ease with their passing to avoid disturbing our mind with worries.


3. 山東愛萌芽(5)--韓斌夫妻

In Shandong(山東), China, we meet a volunteer couple, Li Wei (李偉) and Han Bin (韓斌) from the Tzu Chi Qingdao(青島) Retreat. 3 years ago, husband Han Bin(韓斌), made a donation to Tzu Chi, on his child’s birthday, as a sub-stitute for the typical birthday event. Furthermore, the set-up of the local retreat, saw this entire family, devote themselves unconditionally to Tzu Chi.


4. 基隆三重發放

In Taiwan, winter aid distributions are being held all around the island, to help poor families get ready for the upcoming Lunar New Year. In our next report, we join volunteers in both Sanchong(三重) and Keelung(基隆), as they carried out their year-end distribution.


5. 關渡發願圍爐+關渡葉惠雯

Tzu Chi Guandu(關渡) Grounds, also held a winter aid distribution to celebrate the upcoming Lunar New Year. We meet kitchen volunteer Ye Huiwen(葉惠雯) and her boyfriend, who were inspired to join Tzu Chi’s ranks. But first we join volunteers, as they prepare a vegetarian banquet and relief supplies for their care recipients.


6. 宜蘭冬令打包+歲末發放

We stay in Taiwan, as Tzu Chi continues to organize year-end gatherings and winter aid distributions, across the island. This time, we meet care recipients in Yilan(宜蘭), who were invited to attend a year-end banquet by Tzu Chi volunteers. Meanwhile, at the Tzu Chi Luodong(羅東) Liaison Office, volunteers were packing relief supplies, for their upcoming aid distributions.


《 衲履足跡 》

The Lamp in our Heart

In the heart of every person is a lamp. The enlightened have already lit this lamp, while ordinary men and women are unaware that such a lamp exists, or of ways to light it. When studying Buddhism, one should learn how to light this lamp so as to illuminate the path of the self and to guide others along that same path.



7. 走出白色巨塔(8)

In our past series of feature reports "Out of the White Tower", we explored as series of health care problems in the Solomon Islands. Over there, Taiwan’s medical team often faces different obstacles and hardships, while providing medical services to the Solomon Islanders. In today’s feature report, we look into the changes of these Taiwanese doctors, after volunteering their time in this island country.


8. 澳伊普貢獻獎

In 2011, Australia’s Queensland suffered from serious flooding, with Ip-swich being one of the hardest hit. At a celebration event of the Australian Day, the mayor recognized the volunteers’ contribution to the town for its relief work, with a service award.


END: 汐止圍爐發放

We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, where Tzu Chi volunteers held a re-union banquet for 300 underprivileged people, at the Tzu Chi Xizhi(汐止) Liaison Office. For many care recipients, it felt like home-coming. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


