2013年1月21日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130121

China`s winter aid distributions

Searching for passion to go on

Turning over a new leaf in life

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, in China, Guangdong Tzu Chi volunteers are delivering relief items to senior residents at a local nursing home.

We begin a new series of feature reports, ”Out of the White Tower”, to see what doctors in Taiwan are doing, to help citizens of the Solomon Islands.

And, inmates at the Taichung Drug Abuser Treatment Center are turning over a new leaf as they put on Tzu Chi`s sign language performance.




1.東莞發放Receiving aid for family of 7

2.宿遷發放Prayer ceremony before distribution

3.宿遷老人院Warming hands and hearts

4.關丹水災Worst flood in 50 years

5.走出白色巨塔(1)Lack of basic medical care

6.印尼慈大交流Practicing language ability

7.大林感恩懿德+ 懿德水滴燈籠One and only top quality chocolate

8.戒治所入經藏Seeds of compassion planted

9.馬歲末回饋A dance for TC`s event

10.加社區接引80 participants taking part in the seminar


1.東莞發放Receiving aid for family of 7

First up in China, at a recent distribution in Guangdong`s(廣東) Dongguan(東莞), volunteers held the distribution at the Shi Wan(石灣) Nursing Home, which meant that the elderly people, had their aid supplies delivered, right to their doorstep.


2.宿遷發放Prayer ceremony before distribution

In China`s Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, Tzu Chi organized a winter aid distribution in Suqian(宿遷) City, helping over 12,000 poor families. Besides local volunteers, more than 100 Tzu Chi volunteers from all walks of life also joined the relief efforts.


3.宿遷老人院Warming hands and hearts

One of Tzu Chi`s recent aid distribution in Jiangsu(江蘇), was the first entirely hosted by Nanjing(南京) Tzu Chi volunteers. Held in front of the Daxing(大興) Nursing Home in Suqian`s(宿遷) Suyu(宿豫) District, the distribution helped over 1,800 households.


4.關丹水災Worst flood in 50 years

On Christmas Eve of 2012, a heavy rainstorm in Kuantan City, Malaysia, resulted in a severe flooding. On January 6th, 300 Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized and, after conducting a disaster survey, relief supplies were distributed to 504 households.


5.走出白色巨塔(1)Lack of basic medical care

Starting from today, we begin our new series, ”Out of the White Tower”, in which we travel to the Solomon Islands, located in the South Pacific. As the country lacks adequate medical resources, Taiwan, one of its diplomatic allies, has sent medical staff from the Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, to conduct regular free clinics in this country.

從今天開始,我們推出走出白色巨搭系列報導,要帶您來到索羅門群島,索羅門群島位於南太平洋,因此缺乏醫療資源,為了幫助台灣南太平洋邦交國之一的索羅門群島,高雄醫學大學附設醫院的醫療人員 定期來到此,舉辦義診活動。

6.印尼慈大交流Practicing language ability

Recently, 29 students and teachers of the Tzu Chi University, traveled from Taiwan to Indonesia and followed Tzu Chi volunteers on their home visitations. The students, many who study social work, through the door to door visits, all gained a valuable life lesson.


7.大林感恩懿德+ 懿德水滴燈籠One and only top quality chocolate

To express their gratitude, to the volunteers for their dedication over the past year, medical staff at the Dalin Tzu Chi General Hospital, made lanterns in the shape of water droplets as well as chocolates filled with nuts and dried fruit.


8.戒治所入經藏Seeds of compassion planted

Beginning 2008, volunteers from the Tzu Chi Teachers Association in Central Taiwan, regularly visited the inmates at the Taichung Drug Abuser Treatment Center, and have inspired them to learn the sign language of sutra scriptures. Let`s take a look.


9.馬歲末回饋A dance for TC`s event

At Tzu Chi`s year-end distribution in Malacca, Malaysia, among the performers is 25-year-old Darma Tawar, who was once a scholarship recipient. Today, having become a professional dancer, Darma is reciprocating Tzu Chi`s love by putting on a dance at the year-end distribution.


10.加社區接引80 participants taking part in the seminar

In Vancouver, Canada, at a training seminar, held at the local Jing Si Hall, where 80 volunteers arrived to participate, Hurricane Sandy`s relief work experience was shared and a short skit was also put on to show Tzu Chi`s work in Surrey over the past 5 years.



In the United States, since a large wildfire devastated the community of Fallbrook in San Diego County of California, in 2007, Tzu Chi volunteers have been caring for the local residents. Recently, volunteers returned to hold a free clinic, with medical staff coming from far and wide, to give a helping hand. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


