2012年12月11日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121211

TW tour bus accident leaves 13 dead

Scholarships supporting needy students

Happy 4th Birthday DA.AI Technology

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, Hsinchu(新竹) Tzu Chi volunteers are bringing love and care, to the survivors and family members, of the tour bus accident in Jianshih(尖石) Township.

●In Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter, is holding the 1st New Shoots Scholarship award ceremony, helping a total of 688 students.

●And, to celebrate its 4th birthday, DA.AI Technology is holding a fashion show, to display its eco-friendly products.





1. 尖石翻車 新竹慈濟關懷 TW tour bus accident leaves 13 dead

2. 菲156次義診 TIMA’s 156th free clinic

3. 劉川慈小啟用 甘肅若笠發放 TC shows love to Gansu Province

4. 巴西水災發放 Handing out relief items & Christmas gifts

5. 馬新芽頒獎 1st New Shoots Scholarship award ceremony

6. 馬六甲新芽獎(六) A story behind each scholarship recipient

7. 教養跟智慧(五) Students inspire parents to volunteer

8. 大愛感恩四年 Happy birthday DA.AI Technology

9. 加助小學圓夢 A trip to the aquarium

10. 美花車裝飾 Rose Parade float honors donors


1. 尖石翻車 新竹慈濟關懷 TW tour bus accident leaves 13 dead

Over the weekend, a tragic accident occurred in Hsinchu(新竹), Taiwan, where a medium sized bus, plunged into a valley in Jianshi(尖石) Township, at 3pm on December 9th, leading to the deaths of 13 passengers, and injuring another 10. The 22 passengers on board, were all members of the alumni association of Taishan(泰山) Elementary School, in New Taipei City. Over 100 volunteers in Hsinchu(新竹) were mobilized to care for the survivors and be-reaved family, and prepared hot meals and ginger tea for the rescue workers.

上周末,在台灣新竹發生悲劇車禍,一台中型巴士在12月9日下午三點於尖石山區整車翻落,造成13人不幸罹難 另外10人輕重傷,乘客都是新北市泰山國小的校友,超過100位慈濟志工動員,前往醫院安慰傷患及家屬並為工作人員提供熱食。

2. 菲156次義診 TIMA’s 156th free clinic

In the Philippines, Chiang Kai Shek College Alumni Association in Manila, invited TIMA doctors to join them on a free clinic, for ophthalmological patients. For TIMA doctors in the Philippines, this was the 156th free clinic.


3. 劉川慈小啟用 甘肅若笠發放 TC shows love to Gansu Province

China Tzu Chi volunteers, have continued to distribute winter aid supplies, to families in need in Jingyuan(靖遠) Township, Gansu(甘肅) Province. With the help of many local volunteers, the supplies were efficiently handed out. Also in Gansu(甘肅) Province, a new elementary school was established in Liuchuan(劉川) Township. This school will offer students an education with Tzu Chi’s humanitarian spirit.


4. 巴西水災發放 Handing out relief items & Christmas gifts

In Brazil, I-ta-pe-vi City, Sao Paulo, was flooded in November, thus, Tzu Chi volunteers conducted a relief distribution to help the flood victims. As Christmas is around the corner, the volunteers also prepared Christmas gifts for the children.


5. 馬新芽頒獎 1st New Shoots Scholarship award ceremony

Moving to Malaysia, on December 9th, the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter held the first New Shoots Scholarship award ceremony. This program rewards students for scholastic achievement, filial piety, full attendance and academic improvement, among other things. The volunteers hope that, with their encouragement, the students can not only achieve good grades but also practice good behavior.

轉到馬來西亞,在12月9日慈濟馬六甲分會舉辦了首屆新芽獎學金頒發典禮,這次分別有 品德、孝悌全勤、進步等等,志工希望透過鼓勵,學生不但可以在學業上繼續努力,更把好品行落實到生活中。

6. 馬六甲新芽獎(六) A story behind each scholarship recipient

Also in Malaysia, behind each New Shoots Scholarship recipient, is a moving and inspiring story of determination and willpower, despite hardship. 9-year-old Sha-ha-dat’s father passed away this April from a heart attack. Since then, he has stepped into his father’s shoes, taking on the responsibility of looking after the household, and also helping his mother at their stall. Because of he action, he was nominated for the filial piety scholarship award.

在馬來西亞,每一位新芽獎學金得主的背後都有一個令人省思的故事, 9歲的沙哈達爸爸在2012年四月因為心臟病往生,他小小年紀就要代替爸爸負起照顧家庭生活的責任,每天幫媽媽擺攤位做生意,沙哈達的孝心讓他獲得慈濟馬六甲分會獎學金孝悌獎的推薦。

7. 教養跟智慧(五) Students inspire parents to volunteer

Tainan(台南) Tzu Chi Senior High School, is known for its humanistic education, which not only influences students but also parents. Two brothers who enrolled in the school five years ago, not only made the tea ceremony tradition a part of their daily lives, but also motivated their parents to become volunteers. The Tzu Chi spirit has truly inspired this family.


8. 大愛感恩四年 Happy birthday DA.AI Technology

To celebrate its 4th birthday this year, DA.AI Technology held a fashion show to display its latest designs, featuring Tzu Chi volunteers and family members as models. The spotlight item of course was Tzu Chi’s eco-friendly blanket, which are often given to disaster victims at the organization’s international relief work.

大愛感恩科技過四歲生日,今天有場服裝設計回顧走秀,搶眼的還是 援助賑災用的,由寶特瓶製作成的環保毛毯。

9. 加助小學圓夢 A trip to the aquarium

In Canada, to give underprivileged students at the Admiral Seymour Elementary School, a chance to learn about Mother Nature, Tzu Chi volunteers organized a field trip to the Vancouver Aquarium. Upon seeing the sea animals, the students were very excited and happy.


10. 美花車裝飾 Rose Parade float honors donors

With a history of over 100 years, the Rose Parade, which takes place annually in California, has attracted over one million viewers and participants. Tzu Chi and Donate Life have collaborated, decorating floats to commemorate organ donors. On December 1st, family members of donors gathered to lend a helping hand in the decoration efforts.

在美國加州,有一百多年歷史的玫瑰花車遊行,吸引超過百萬名的觀眾,慈濟志工和器捐組織合作花車布置工作紀念器捐者,許多器捐者的家屬也來一起幫忙 緬懷親愛的家人。


Moving back to Taiwan at the end of the show, 25 medical staff from the Fuding(福鼎) Hospital in China, visited the Jing Si Hall in Kaohsiung(高雄) City. The medical staff were surprised when they saw senior volunteers cleaning up the place and even took photos with the volunteers to record the special encounter. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

節目最後來到台灣,中國福鼎醫院有25名人員前往台灣高雄靜思堂參訪,醫療人員看到八十多歲的志工還勤耕福田,感到驚訝,紛紛跟志工們合影留下感動身影。一起來看看,感恩收看, 再會。


