2012年12月26日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121219

Providing help to Typhoon Bopha victims

Internet changing our lives for the better?

Traditional peanut candy vendor, Lin Xueqing

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in the show today, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers, are carrying out a disaster assessment, and free clinic, to provide immediate assistance, to Typhoon Bo-pha victims.

Today, we start a new series of feature reports, on Internet addiction, and see how the internet, is changing our lives.

And, in our regular look on Taiwan`s sunset trades, we meet Lin Xueqing(林雪清), who is still making peanut candy, the traditional way.




1.菲寶發勘災Disaster survey after Typhoon Bopha

2.加街友發放+多倫多冬令Distributions to homeless people

3.蘭溪發放個案Bringing relief items to recipients` home

4.喜出網外(一)電玩會上癮Internet addiction

5.幸福廚房Love Kitchen to pay it forward

6.謝王金鸞追思Memorial service of Xie-Wang Jinluan

7.360土仁粿A taste of old-fashioned sweetness

8.關渡+板橋歲末祝福Year-end blessing ceremonies

9.綠色奇蹟An eco-friendly community


1.菲寶發勘災Disaster survey after Typhoon Bopha

In early December, Typhoon Bo-pha struck the Philippines, with the Island of Min-da-na-o being the worst hit. Upon arriving at the disaster sites, Tzu Chi volunteers, saw the devastation caused by the storm. Although the United Nations, has provided rice to the survivors, tents and medicine are still urgently needed. As Tzu Chi volunteers carried out their disaster survey, they also held a free clinic, hoping to provide immediate assistance to the survivors.


2.加街友發放+多倫多冬令Distributions to homeless people

In Canada, as the temperature continues to drop, Tzu Chi volunteers carried out, two winter aid distributions for the homeless people. In Toronto, on December 13th, Tzu Chi volunteers prepared hot meals, sleeping bags, gloves and other supplies to 250 people. Meanwhile, their counterparts in Vancouver, distributed 180 packs of relief supplies to the homeless.


3.蘭溪發放個案Bringing relief items to recipients` home

Moving to China, during the winter aid distribution in Zhejiang(浙江) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the home of Grandpa Xu Genqing(徐根清), who lives with his wife, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter, in Lanxi(蘭溪) City. This family is not well-off and his granddaughter, has to rely on Tzu Chi`s scholarship, to go to school. On December 16th, the volunteers not only brought relief items, but also helped clean up their living environment.


4.喜出網外(一)電玩會上癮Internet addiction

In recent years, Internet addiction is on the rise, it is the result of many, never being too far away from a computer or a smart phone. Today we start a new series on Internet addiction, and take a look at, how the Internet is changing lives, for better and for worse.


5.幸福廚房Love Kitchen to pay it forward

After Typhoon Morakot hit the community of Jingzaitou(井仔頭) in Pingtung(屏東) County, 3 years ago, residents made through the difficult time, and were able to rebuild their homes. , thanks to the love poured in from surrounding communities. Now, residents there, are paying the love forward, by building a Love Kitchen, to provide hot lunches for seniors living nearby.


6.謝王金鸞追思Memorial service of Xie-Wang Jinluan

Here in Taiwan, Tzu Chi Honorary Board member Xie-Wang Jinluan (謝王金鸞), who is also the mother of Jing Si Abode Master De Geng (德耕) and De Guo(德果), passed away on the evening of December 16th. Tzu Chi volunteers and family members, held a memorial service on the morning of December 17th, in her honor.

慈濟榮譽董事謝王金鸞女士,是靜思精舍德耕法師 ,以及德果法師的俗家母親,在12月16號傍晚往生,慈濟志工和她的家人在12月17號上午,法親為她舉辦追思會。

7.360土仁粿A taste of old-fashioned sweetness

In our feature reports on Taiwan`s sunset industries, we take a look at the owner of one shop in Penghu(澎湖), that makes peanut candy entirely by hand, and without any harmful chemical additives or preservatives. Let`s take a look.


8.關渡+板橋歲末祝福Year-end blessing ceremonies

Recently Tzu Chi volunteers around Taiwan, are holding year-end blessing ceremonies. On December 16th, a year-end blessing ceremony at the Banqiao(板橋) Jing Si Hall, was attended by Yang Yizheng(楊益政) and his sick mother. Meanwhile, at the Tzu Chi Guandu(關渡) Grounds, Tzu Chi volunteers put on a short skit, to bring to life, the story of media volunteer Zhang Yichuan(張義川), who has vowed to spread the Master`s wisdom far and wide.


9.綠色奇蹟An eco-friendly community

In our next report, we travel to Taichung(台中), Taiwan, to visit a green community, located around the Dadu(大肚) Mountain. To make their community more eco-friendly, residents of the Liquan(立全) Community, made a wind-mill out of recycled materials, collect rain water to irrigate their organic farms, and even decorated the community with recycled items.

下一則新聞,我們來到台灣台中,來認識一個位於大肚山附近的社區,為了讓他們的社區更環保,立全社區的居民用回收品 做了一個風車,接收雨水,來灌溉有機農場,更利用回收物佈置社區。


Moving back to China at the end of the show, on December 15th, Shanghai Tzu Chi volunteers, held a dinner gathering for their care recipients. The event was joined by two children, who suffered from burn injuries. Thanks to the love and care from the volunteers, the children learned to help those in greater need, by donating money to the bamboo coin banks. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


