2012年12月12日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121212

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Providing care to bus accident victims

Helping Lingling clean up her house

Creating art using sewing machines

●Coming up in the show today, Tzu Chi volunteers are visiting the victims of the Hsinchu(新竹) tour bus accident, and providing them with emotional support.

●In China, Xiamen(廈門) Tzu Chi volunteers, are visiting the home of 22-year-old Lingling(玲玲), and helping her clean up her house.

●And, in today’s feature reports on Taiwan’s unique trades, we meet a group of women, who is creating em-broid-ery artwork, using the sewing machines.




1. 尖石翻車傷亡後續 退休警罹難 Providing care to bus accident victims

In Taiwan, following the bus accident in Jianshi (尖石) Township, Hsinchu(新竹) County, on December 9th, 13 people have been confirmed dead. While the authorities have yet to determine the cause of the accident, it is suspected, that it may have been caused, by a stalled engine. The 22 passengers on board, were all members of the alumni association, of Taishan(泰山) Elementary School, in New Taipei City. The tragedy killed three married couples, while four other people, lost either their husband or wife. Let’s take a look.

在台灣,來關心最近在新竹尖石鄉發生的翻車事件,12月9日 13名遊客喪命,意外發生的原因目前還正在調查,疑似是引擎熄火所造成的,車上的22名乘客都是新北市泰山國小校友,這次的意外奪走了三對夫妻的性命,還有四對夫妻卻陰陽永隔,讓我們來看看。

2. 阿里山傷患關懷 Alishan tour bus accident

Also in Taiwan, another tour bus accident, took place in Alishan(阿里山) of Chiayi(嘉義) County, on December 10th. Fortunately, injuries sustained by those 16 passengers on the bus, were not life-threatening. The victims were sent to two separate hospitals, where Tzu Chi volunteers, arrived with much need emotional support.


3. 長灘島發放 Continue assistance in New Jersey

To care for survivors of Hurricane Sandy, Tzu Chi volunteers from the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter, carried out the 10th aid distribution on Long Beach Island. Besides relief items and cash cards, the volunteers also brought love and care to the survivors.


4. 廈門冬令初訪 Volunteers assist helpless family

Preparations for winter aid distributions have begun, and are well underway here in Xiamen(廈門), China. During the initial survey, Tzu Chi volunteers came across the home, of 22-year-old Lingling(玲玲), who suffers from mental disability, and lives with her father and uncle, in an apartment filled with clutter; their living environment was extremely dirty. On December 9th, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived, to help this family clean their home.


5. 河北暖陽(1) 易縣牛崗探訪 Extending Tzu Chi’s love to the needy

Tzu Chi first began its charity work in China after the severe flooding in the east of the country in 1991, and its principle of “Direct, Focused and Respectful” when carrying out relief work, slowly gained the country’s recognition. In 2006, Tzu Chi volunteers began holding regular winter aid distributions and free clinics, in the poorest areas of China, including Laiyuan(淶源) County, Hebei(河北) Province.This year, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan, worked with their counterparts in China, and held a series of winter aid distributions in Yi(易) County. Apart from handing out packs of relief supplies, volunteers also remembered to make door to door visits, to the residents, and learned of the difficult lives of these villagers.

慈濟基金會在大陸賑災援助,自1991年華中華東大水患開啟因緣,基於直接、重點、尊重、原則,慈濟大愛精神逐漸獲得認同,2006年愛的足跡 跨及大陸一級貧困縣、河北省淶源縣,從此開展冬令發放與義診服務。 今年,台灣結合大陸當地慈濟志工,來到易縣四鄉發放過冬物資,關懷腳步同步啟動,走入牛崗鄉,挨家挨戶進行探訪,發現村民的生活都相當辛苦。

6. 360電繡 Sewing machine embroidery

Children who study in Taiwan must take their school uniforms to get their school ID or name em-bro-ider-ed on them. This seasonal job is usually done by family sewing workshops, but during the off-season, a group of women have challenged themselves, to create works of art with their needlework. This field of artwork has blossomed into a new hobby for some.


7. 與大地共舞(1) Planting trees to save the planet

Xu Guozheng(許國政), the owner of a metal processing plant, used to be so busy that he never had the chance to enjoy and appreciate the beauty of living. However, in the wake of the devastating 9/21 Earthquake, he began flipping through the Jing Si publications, his wife brought home. The words of Master Cheng Yen taught him the importance of cherishing and preserving Mother Earth. Inspired to take action, Xu has planted over 500 trees, and motivated friends to join his efforts, in safeguarding the planet.

許國政是一名金屬加工廠的老闆,曾經為了打拼事業錯過了身邊的美好事物,在九二一地震當時,許國政無意間翻閱到 證嚴 上人的衲履足跡,體會護林種樹的重要性,不但種植了五百多棵樹木,還帶動山友加入善待土地的行列。


Moving to Canada at the end of the show, to help some underprivileged indigenous people in Vancouver, Tzu Chi volunteers held a winter aid distribution that provided them with warm jackets and daily necessities. The volunteers also seized the opportunity, to share Jing Si Aphorisms with them. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


