2012年12月14日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121214

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Helping needy students in China

Hualien TC Hospital receives awards

Hong Gen’s fight against cancer

●Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in China are helping underprivileged students continue with their studies throug the Spring Buds program.

●The Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital is receiving awards, for creating a smoke-free environment and a healthy working lifestyle.

●And, after getting in touch with nature, 72-year-old Hong Gen(洪根), a cancer patient proves his doctor’s prognosis wrong.





1. 蘇北春蕾助學 Helping needy students in China

2. 河北暖陽(3)中國志工 Devoted TC volunteers

3. 馬照顧戶清居Volunteers help to clean up house

4. 登嘉樓無量義(二) Performance in Terengganu

5. 花慈健康促進 Hualien TC Hospital receives awards

6. 紀邦杰好人好事 Good Deed Representative award

7. 360字畫維修 Chinese painting restorer

8. 與大地共舞(3) Hong Gen’s fight against cancer

9. 巴西耶誕禮物Celebrating Christmas with children


1. 蘇北春蕾助學 Helping needy students in China

First up in China; since 2007, Tzu Chi volunteers in Shanghai(上海), have been taking part in a local program, the Spring Buds, held in northern Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, to help needy students finish their schooling. This year, in Suqian(宿遷) City, 259 students received scholarship support. To reciprocate, the students later volunteered to help out at winter aid distributions.


2. 河北暖陽(3)中國志工 Devoted TC volunteers

Over the past 2 days, we have joined Tzu Chi volunteers in China, as they carried out their series of winter aid distributions in Yi(易) County, Hebei(河北) Province. At this year’s distributions, apart from Tzu Chi volunteers, people from all walks of life joined the event, to contribute their share to help those in need. The distributions were all organized and planned by China Tzu Chi volunteers. Among them was 37-year-old Zhang Lian(張連), one of the first volunteer in Tianjin’s(天津) Ji(薊) County, who met the Buddhist NGO in 2010, and was certified this November. Meanwhile, Beijing(北京) Tzu Chi volunteer, Liu Yi(劉毅), has put his dream of living a luxurious life behind him, to devote himself to serving others.


3. 馬照顧戶清居Volunteers help to clean up house

In Penang, Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers helped one care recipient, Mrs. Chen(陳) clean up her house. After her husband passed away a year ago, the widow has been buried in grief and has disregarded all household chores. To help, over 10 Tzu Chi volunteers assisted the family clean up their home, in hopes of helping Mrs. Chen overcome her loss.

在馬來西亞的檳城,慈濟志工幫助照顧戶清理房子,陳女士的先生 一年前因病往生,無法走出喪夫之痛的她無心整理家務,十多位檳城的慈濟志工幫她做個大掃除,希望整潔環境能讓她改變心情。

4. 登嘉樓無量義(二) Performance in Terengganu

The last of a series of musical performances, of the Sutra of In-nu-me-rable Meanings in Malaysia, is held in Te-reng-ga-nu, an area that only has 57 training volunteers. To ensure the sign language performance was a success, many volunteers took part in the musical with their family members.

馬來西亞,清淨大愛無量義公演最後一站 來到登嘉樓州,當地培訓志工只有57位,所以為了完成這次的公演很多志工都是全家出動。

5. 花慈健康促進 Hualien TC Hospital receives awards

Recently, Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi General Hospital, held a year-end celebration event, to present their year long effort, at keeping the hospital a smoke-free environment, and encouraging the staff to maintain a healthy body. The staff’s efforts did not go un-noticed as the hospital was given an award of excellence, by the Taipei Department of Health.


6. 紀邦杰好人好事 Good Deed Representative award

On December 12th, the 2012 Good Deed Representatives award ceremony took place in Taiwan. Among the 32 awardees were entrepreneurs, policemen, doctors and others who have remain dedicated to their cause, serving the public till this day. One of them, Dr. Ji Bangjie (紀邦杰), has practiced medicine for over 40 years, and has helped countless residents in remote areas. It is this spirit for which he was also awarded the “Eight Virtues Award” - the highest honor receivable.


7. 360字畫維修 Chinese painting restorer

When visiting a museum, we see paintings that are hundreds or sometimes thousands of years old; however, what happens when a painting cracks or creases? In today’s report on Taiwan’s unique trades, we bring you the story of Chinese painting restorer, Lin Huansheng(林煥盛), who combines skillful hands and a knowledge of ancient history, to repair old works of art for posterity.

我們到博物館就可以欣賞流傳百年甚至是千年以上的文物藝品,如果這些物品破損或皺褶怎麼辦? 今天我們介紹一位書畫修復師林煥盛,經過他以雙巧手修補後,一幅破損的畫作重獲新生。

8. 與大地共舞(3) Hong Gen’s fight against cancer

In our next report we travel to Taiwan’s Qingshui(清水) District in Taichung City, to meet 72-year-old Hong Gen(洪根). 4 years ago, Hong(洪) was diagnosed with liver and colon cancer and was given only a year to live. Determined to put his remaining time to the fullest, Hong(洪) spent much of his time in the mountains planting trees and shrubs. Not only did this time prove to be spiritually fulfilling, but the constant contact with nature helped Hong(洪) beat his doctor’s prog-no-sis and now several years later, he is still alive and healthy.


9. 巴西耶誕禮物Celebrating Christmas with children

As Christmas is right around the corner, Tzu Chi volunteers in Brazil traveled to Fran-cis-co Mor-a-to City, where they handed out gifts to children from the city’s slum area. In addition to lollies and stuffed animals, the volunteers also handed out new sports shoes to the older children. Many of the gifts were donated by local businesses, while gift-wrapping was handled by local volunteers. Thanks to the efforts of everyone involved, the children enjoyed a Christmas celebration of a lifetime.



Moving to Sydney, Australia, at the end of our show today, where Tzu Chi volunteers organized a large-scale dental clinic at the Blacktown Youth College, and their counterparts from Brisbane and Perth also arrived to give a helping hand. The college’s sports stadium was originally empty, but was soon filled with medical equipment and dental chairs. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



