2012年12月5日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121205

Helping Hurricane Sandy survivors in Haiti

It is difficult to apply for a prof. care-giver

56-year-old jade sculptor, Huang Fushou

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in the show today, Haiti Tzu Chi volunteers are conducting a disaster survey, at the mountainous area in Leo-gane.

●In our new series of feature reports, we take a look at the problems families with special needs, encounter in applying for professional care-givers

●And in today’s feature report on Taiwan’s sunset trade, we meet Huang Fushou(黃福壽),who has over 40 years of experience in jade sculpting.



●接著,今天台灣真情臉譜專題中,帶大家認識 從事玉雕工作超過40年的黃福壽。


1.海地桑迪勘災 Struck by Hurricane Sandy

2. 美美景港發放 Aid distribution continues

3. 三重海外培訓併 Learning the simple way of life

4.牽你一輩子(1)家庭照顧者 Home care assistant for families

5. 教養與智慧(一) TCHS cultivates well-rounded students

6. 360玉雕 56-year-old jade sculptor, Huang Fushou

7. 亞庇環保站(一) 1st recycling station in Kota Kinabalu

8. 加西蒙贈書 Deliver books to needy elementary

END: 愛爾蘭募愛

1.海地桑迪勘災 Struck by Hurricane Sandy

First up in Haiti, where Hurricane Sandy also tore through the country, and took the lives of 51 people, with 20 others still missing. Leo-gane, which is located west of Port Au Prince, was flooded, and a massive amount of crops was destroyed, resulting in food shortages. On December 2nd, local Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the mountain area to conduct a disaster survey.


2. 美美景港發放 Aid distribution continues

Following the disaster caused by Hurricane Sandy, New York Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at Belle Harbor in Rockaways, to carry out a relief distribution. Now, with Tzu Chi’s cash cards in hand, the victims were also motivated to reciprocate.


3. 三重海外培訓併 Learning the simple way of life

To welcome all the Tzu Chi volunteers from abroad, the kitchen volunteers at the Tzu Chi Sanchong(三重) Grounds, arranged a special dinner for their guests, to help them experience the frugal way of life, at the Jing Si Abode. Here’s more.


4.牽你一輩子(1)家庭照顧者 Home care assistant for families

In Taiwan, family care subsidy is provided for elderly people over the age of 65; however, coverage for people with special needs do not have a standard guideline. Today, we take a look at a new series of feature reports on, families that need care, and the problems they face in getting the help they need.


5. 教養與智慧(一) TCHS cultivates well-rounded students

Tainan(台南) Tzu Chi Senior High School in Taiwan, will celebrate its 5th anniversary on December 18. Over the past 5 years, its unique humanistic education, has not only won recognition in moral education, but also cultivated well-rounded students, who excel in all aspects of life.


6. 360玉雕 56-year-old jade sculptor, Huang Fushou

In today’s feature report on Taiwan’s fading industries; we meet 56-year-old Huang Fushou(黃福壽), who entered the world of jade sculpting, when he was just 17. With a strong passion for art, Huang(黃) creates works that are not only creative but also lively.


7. 亞庇環保站(一) 1st recycling station in Kota Kinabalu

In Malaysia, the first recycling station in Kota Kinabalu, was recently set up in the shopping district of Ta-man Su-ria. Thanks to the establishment of the recycling station, the elderly in the area have a place to contribute their efforts, to help turn our planet into a cleaner place.


8. 加西蒙贈書 Deliver books to needy elementary

At the Admiral Seymour Elementary School located in Vancouver, Canada, most students come from low-income families. Due to limited funding, the school is unable to buy new books for the school library. To help, local Tzu Chi volunteers delivered books with Jing Si Aphorisms, which both the students and teachers loved.


END: 愛爾蘭募愛

Moving to Ireland at the end of the show, as Christmas is just around the corner, Ireland Tzu Chi volunteers seized the opportunity, to encourage particpants at a Christmas Party, to support the Hurricane Sandy victims, by donating a little of their love. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目尾聲,帶大家到愛爾蘭,耶誕節要到了,各地都充滿著歡慶氣氛,慈濟志工把握機會,在耶誕聚會中鼓勵大家,為美東風災的災民 募心募款。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。


