2012年12月5日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121204

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, New Jersey Tzu Chi volunteers, are carrying out relief distribution at the Central Regional Middle School, helping 600 families. In Haiti, local Tzu Chi volunteers, are holding a relief distribution in Cap Haitian, to provide immediate assistance to 250 families, who are victims of the recent flood. And, as environmental awareness is on the rise, we find out what DA.AI Technology is doing, to keep its water footprint low.

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是廖珮如,感恩您的加入。今天一開始來看題要:新澤西慈濟志工來到 中央地區中學發放,共幫助六百戶人家。在海地,當地慈濟志工來到海地角發放,幫助受水患之苦的250戶居民。接著,因為環保意識提升,大愛感恩科技也努力節省水資源,為環保盡心力。


1. 美海灣發放

2. 紐約災後服務站+募愛

3. 安格莊發放

4. 易縣牛崗發放

5. 海地角發放

6. 萬隆水災熱食

7. 消失的地平線(5)企業改變

8. 馬六歲兒持素

9. 用愛彌補頒獎

END: 泰廟前環保日

1. 美海灣發放

In the United States, as relief work continues for Hurricane Sandy victims, Tzu Chi volunteers in New Jersey carried out another large-scale aid distribution, at the Central Regional Middle School in Bay-ville, helping 600 households. The event was organized by over 100 volunteers, and participated by those, who once received Tzu Chi’s help.


2. 紐約災後服務站+募愛

Also in the United States, it has been a month since Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast. To make sure those who couldn’t make it to the aid distributions could still receive the cash cards, the volunteers decided to set-up a service booth, at the Tzu Chi Chinatown Liaison Office in New York, which will run until December 21st.


3. 安格莊發放

In Yi (易) County, Hebei (河北) Province, China Tzu Chi volunteers carried out a three-day winter aid distribution. On the last day, Tzu Chi volunteers went to Ange(安格) Township, which is close to Yishui (易水) Lake. Just recently, the village has experienced torrential rain. To help, nearly 400 Tzu Chi volunteers from Taiwan and China, brought rice and clothes to help 2,899 people.


4. 易縣牛崗發放

Still in China, on December 1st, over 390 volunteers from Shanghai(上海), Tianjin(天津) and more, arrived at Niugang(牛崗) Township and Ganhejing(甘河淨) Township, for a distribution and free clinic. In Niugang(牛崗) Township, over 2,754 residents from 12 villages receive supplies from Tzu Chi.


《 靜思語 》

A compassionate heart is a Buddha heart; serving all humankind with love and perseverance is walking on the path of the Bodhisattva.


5. 海地角發放

Since the beginning of November, Haiti’s second largest city, Cap Haitian, has been ravaged by torrential rain, which resulted in severe flooding, and took the lives of 16 people. Recently, an aid distribution was carried out, and 250 families received help.


6. 萬隆水災熱食

In Indonesia, as heavy rain continues to fall in So-re-ang(索勒昂), the Pa-me-un-ta-san(巴枚汶達汕) Village faces the most devastating flood, it has seen in 20 years. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers in Ban-dung partnered with the local Red Cross, to prepare hot meals for disaster victims.


《 衲履足跡 》

On The Four in One Structure

Through caring and loving one another, Tzu Chi volunteers work harmoniously together with one heart and mind. Master Cheng Yen hopes that all volunteers learn the spirit behind the Four in One Structure, and put it into practice.


開示: 如果大家同心協力,自然就會做到互愛;彼此互愛關懷,做事就會歡喜,自然相處和氣;能相處和氣,是來自合心將慈濟精神確實傳承。期許大家深切體會並落實。

7. 消失的地平線(5)企業改變

As safeguarding the environment is high on everyone’s list, our carbon footprint is something that we are familiar, but have you heard of water footprint? A water footprint reflects the fresh water, that is consumed in the manufacturing and consumption of products. Let’s take a look at how DA.AI Technology is keeping its water footprint low.


8. 馬六歲兒持素

For the past 2 years, the Tzu Chi Butterworth Kindergarten, in Malaysia, has been promoting its "Passport for Vegetarian Land". Among the particpant is 6-year-old He Wanying (何宛穎), who is devoted to the cause. Touched by her enthusiasm, her parents finally agreed to join in.


9. 用愛彌補頒獎

In a world without sound and language, how do we communicate with our loved ones? To interact with his father, 9-year-old Dan Yangde(淡養德) from Taiwan, drew his life story with his deaf-mute father, and was even awarded the gold medal in the 15th Children’s Literature Award, held by Noordhoof Cra-nio-facial Foundation.

在沒有聲音和語言的世界裡,如何跟家人溝通呢?為了能與父親溝通,在台灣,九歲的淡養德,把自己和聾啞爸爸的故事畫成一本書 ,更因此得到羅慧夫顱顏基金會第十五屆用愛彌補兒童文學獎的金獎。

END: 泰廟前環保日

Moving to Thailand at the end of the show, Tzu Chi volunteer has been encouraging the public, to practice recycling around temples and medical centers in Nak-hon Sa-wan. Other than sorting recyclables, volunteers also look for reusable items, hoping to give them a second lease of life. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目最後來到泰國,濟志工廣招社區民眾,在寺廟附近和醫療中心參與環保行動,除了做環保分類 ,還會尋找可利用物品延伸其物命,一起來看看,感恩收看。(2012.12.04)

