2012年11月30日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121130

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Tuition support for students

Reduce water usuage to help TW

The life of a kindergarten principal

●Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam are partnering with a local organization, to distribute scholarship support to needy students.

●As water resource is becoming more precious, many businesses in Taiwan are implementing new steps to reuse, reduce and recycle water.

●And, we meet the principal of a kindergarten, Ceng Meiyuan(曾美媛), who continues to care for the children in her community.





1. 越南新芽發放 Visiting the Binh Tan District

2. 美合作模式併 NGOs expand disaster relief work

3. 南非+愛爾蘭勸募併 Love pouring in from far and wide

4. 同仁募愛助南非 Helping each other’s dreams come true

5. 消失的地平線(3)工業 Industries & its conservation efforts

6. 360幼教員 The life of a kindergarten principal

7. 澎湖素食結緣 A charity fair in Penghu

8. 愛心家園義診 Free dental clinic for Chengshin


1. 越南新芽發放 Visiting the Binh Tan District

In Vietnam, since the establishment of the New Shoots Scholarship program, Tzu Chi volunteers have been helping underprivileged students in various districts. This time, the volunteers joined hands with the Ho Chi Minh City Union of Friendship Organizations and distributed scholarships in the Binh Tan District, helping a total of 146 students.


2. 美合作模式併 NGOs expand disaster relief work

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, Tzu Chi volunteers in the US have been conducting relief distributions to help victims restore their lives to normal. As the short-term relief work has come to an end, the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter and the Red Cross have now started planning mid-term relief work. The Red Cross will continue to provide lists of needy people and cleaning tools, while Tzu Chi will offer manpower and aid supplies.


3. 南非+愛爾蘭勸募併 Love pouring in from far and wide

Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are continuing to contribute their share, to help Hurricane Sandy victims in the United States. One Tzu Chi volunteer in Ireland, Zheng Jijin(鄭濟慬), donated the money from garbage collection and hair cut to Tzu Chi. Meanwhile, Tzu Chi volunteers in South Africa held a food fair in China Mall, Johannesburg, to fundraise for disaster victims. Let’s take a look.


4. 同仁募愛助南非 Helping each other’s dreams come true

Moving toTaiwan, the Tzu Chi Foundation staff in Hualien knows that every year local volunteers from South Africa will return to their spiritual homeland. Despite their hardships, these volunteers are devoted to helping others. Therefore, the foundation staff took the lead to canvass for donations for South Africa’s local volunteers. Within a month’s time, they raised a total of 1 million and 60,000 NTD.

鏡頭轉到台灣,台灣志業體的同仁知道每年南非的本土志工都會回花蓮尋根,而且知道當地志工在貧困的生活條件下仍堅持助人,因此 ,同仁自發性的為南非慈濟志工 募款,短短不到一個月的時間,總共募得106萬台幣。

5. 消失的地平線(3)工業 Industries & its conservation efforts

Although Taiwan receives an abundant rainfall every year, due to the nature of its topography, most of this rainwater runs into the sea, thus water shortages remain an ongoing problem. Today, 9 percent of Taiwan’s water reserves are used by its industrial sector. However, during water shortages, factories cannot cease operation or take more than their allocated share. As water resources slowly become stretched, water-intensive businesses have begun treating water, as a valuable natural resource, and have introduced water conservation and recycling steps into their manufacturing process. Thanks to these steps, companies have managed to cut down on their annual water usage, thus, helping not only themselves, but Taiwan’s environment as a whole. Here’s more.

雖然台灣雨量充沛,但因為地勢的關係大多數的雨水都流入海洋,因此台灣經常面臨缺水危機,目前台灣的水資源有百分之九是工業用水,然而 在缺水期間工廠不能停止作業,或是佔用過量的水資源,正當水資源漸漸吃緊,大量用水的企業,開始重視水資源並且在廠房製程中,引進省水回收的機制,因為這種機制企業得以削減年度用水量,幫助到的不只是自家企業,還有台灣整體的環境,請看以下報導。

6. 360幼教員 The life of a kindergarten principal

Before Ceng Meiyuan(曾美媛) was a kindergarten principal, she was a stay-at-home mom, but with her husband’s support, she started her own kindergarten to help working mothers, take care of their children. In the past 35 years, her kindergarten has seen the expansion of up to 300 students, however, with Taiwan’s declining birthrate, her enrollment has decreased to some 30-40 students. Many ask, why doesn’t she just retire, but Ceng feels that her calling to care and love these children outweighs anything else.

在當幼稚園園長前 ,曾美媛原本在家帶小孩,在先生支持下,從此投入幼兒教育,35年來學生人數多高達三百人,直到現在因為台灣少子化,幼稚園學生數銳減到三、四十人,人們問她,要不要就退休,但只要想到這群孩子能夠有人疼、有人教,再怎麼辛苦 ,她都願意扛。

7. 澎湖素食結緣 A charity fair in Penghu

In Taiwan’s Penghu(澎湖), the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families, held a year-end charity fair, where various groups and participants gathered together to show their love to those in need. Local Tzu Chi volunteers sold meatless dishes, in hopes of promoting vegetarianism to more people, and all the money raised was donated, to the Taiwan Fund for Children and Families Penghu(澎湖) Chapter.

在台灣, 澎湖區家扶中心舉辦歲末送暖親子園遊會,來自各界的團體或個人共同來付出愛心,澎湖慈濟志工義賣素食,希望推動素食人文將義賣所得捐贈澎湖家扶中心。

8. 愛心家園義診 Free dental clinic for Chengshin

On November 18th, Taoyuan Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff, visited the Chengshin(誠信) Special Home and held a free dental clinic for the children there. As most of the youngsters were afraid of receiving treatment, volunteers and doctors all patiently accompanied the children and treated them as their own family members.



Going into autumn every year, is the season in which Canada experiences a great amount of falling maple leaves. Cherishing any natural resources, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vancouver turned the leaves into rose-shaped flowers and gave them to senior residents at the local nursing home. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



