2012年11月26日 星期一

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121126

370+ Malaysia TC volunteers

Inter-faith blessing ceremony

Aviation safety inspector

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是陳美瑾 ,感恩有您的加入。

●Coming up in today’s show, we join the 373 Malaysia Tzu Chi volunteers as they participate in this year’s global training seminar in Sanchong.

●US Tzu Chi volunteers in New Jersey are sharing their experiences of the-recent relief distributions at an inter-faith blessing ceremony.

●And, we meet aviation safety inspector, Su Chongyi(蘇崇義), who many refer to as the housekeeper of Taoyuan International Airport.



●另外,我們來認識航務師 蘇崇義,許多人稱他們為桃園國際機場的管家。


1. 三重馬國志工 With Tzu Chi illness does not matter

2. 亞庇父子受證 From bad to good relationship

3. 聖荷西冬令 Helping the homeless in CA

4. 沙加緬度街友 Handing out clothing to the homeless

5. 新澤西宗教祈福 Thanksgiving Day for family gatherings

6. 雪隆新芽 Awarded Best Character Award

7. 九十歲阿嬤做環保 Why join recycling work?

8. 澎湖個案打掃 Skills put to the test

9. 360航務師 Aviation safety inspector

10. 智障友獨立 No longer a difficult task


1. 三重馬國志工 With Tzu Chi illness does not matter

At the first 2012 Overseas Volunteer Training Seminar; of the 453 volunteers at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds, 373 are from Malaysia, and all are learning what it takes to be a certified Tzu Chi volunteer. All participants share a firm commitment to Tzu Chi and its missions around the globe.

2012年慈濟海外志工研習營,453位家人齊聚 三重靜思堂,其中就有373位志工來自馬來西亞,學習授證慈濟會員的過程,所有參與研習營的志工要分享追隨慈濟志業的經驗。

2. 亞庇父子受證 From bad to good relationship

Among this year’s participants at the global volunteers training workshop, is a father and son team from Malaysia’s Kota Kinabalu, who are here to be certified as Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members. The son used to be a misguided teenager with lots of anger issues. However, that all changed after he met Tzu Chi, and his father while accompanying him on the Tzu Chi path, also changed for the better as well.


3. 聖荷西冬令 Helping the homeless in CA

In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in San Jose, not only partnered with a local church to provide free breakfast once a week to the homeless people, but also have been holding winter aid distributions since 2001, giving blankets, daily necessities and sleeping bags to those without shelter.


4.沙加緬度街友 Handing out clothing to the homeless

Also helping the homeless in the United States, are Tzu Chi volunteers in Sacremento, who held a winter aid distribution before Thanksgiving last week. Relief items included blankets, scarves, gloves and hot meals.


5. 新澤西宗教祈福 Thanksgiving Day for family gatherings

On the eve of Thanksgiving Day, an inter-faith blessing ceremony was held in New Jersey’s Cedar Grove Township. Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to share the moving stories they came across, at the recent aid distributions for Hurricane Sandy victims.


6. 雪隆新芽 Awarded Best Character Award

Recently, in Malaysia, a New Shoots Scholarship ceremony was held at the Tamil La-dang Coal-field Primary School. Among the scholarship recipients, Ree-shan-than, who comes from a single-parent family, was awarded this year’s Morality Award. To support his family, Reeshanthan taught himself how to fix computers and wants to become a computer engineer one day.


7. 九十歲阿嬤做環保 Why join recycling work?

Moving to Taiwan, in Tainan’s Dingmei(頂美) Recycling Station, one will find 90-year-old Gao Yulian(高玉蓮) happily sorting recyclables. A daily fixture at the recycling station, the senior resident says her time spent in recycling, keeps her healthy and happy.

將鏡頭轉到台灣,台南頂美環保站 有一位高齡九十的阿嬤高玉蓮,她每天一早就會來到環保站,她說來這裡做環保讓她身心都健康。

8. 澎湖個案打掃 Skills put to the test

Also in Taiwan, but in Penghu(澎湖), Tzu Chi care recipient, Mr. Weng (翁) suffers from diabetes, and his arms and legs are covered with wounds which cannot come into contact with water; thus, his living environment has slowly degraded over the past 2 years. On November 18th, 20 Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the home of Mr. Weng to help him clean his home.


9. 360航務師 Aviation safety inspector

According to statistics, some 500-600 flights depart from and arrive at Taiwan’s Taoyuan International Airport each day, bringing 70,000 travelers in and out of the island on a daily basis. With such a large amount of travelers, flight safety is the main concern of all those working at the airport. It takes not only aircraft maintenance staff and load controllers, both of whom we have met in the past few days, to ensure the safety of those traveling by air, but also the aviation safety inspectors who are in charge of a variety of tasks. Apart from ensuring the runways are clear, these inspectors are on a 24-hour shift, during which they act as the housekeepers of the airport. Let’s take a look.

根據數據顯示, 桃園國際機場 每天約有500~600架的班機起降 ,帶來7萬名旅客進出台灣 ,這樣大量的旅客進出台灣,飛航安全是機場首要任務 ,飛航安全不只需要飛機維修員,還有行李管制員來維持,我們過去兩天認識的人,還有需要負責許多工作的航務師,除了確認跑道的維持,航務師必須24小時輪班,許多人說他們是機場的守護員,讓我們一起來看看 。

10. 智障友獨立 No longer a difficult task

Next, we meet Xiaopang(小胖) who is mentally handicapped and lives in Taichung. With the assistance of the Parents Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities of Taichung City, Xiaopang(小胖) has gradually learned to take care of herself. Today, Xiaopang(小胖) keeps herself busy through recycling work and sorting out second hand clothing, and has learned to become more independent in the process.



Back to the United States at the end of our program; to contribute their share to help Hurricane Sandy victims, a local elementary school in Queens County of New York set up a fundraising campaign. Though many students came from low-income families, they all generously donated what they can. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



