2012年11月23日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121123

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers from around the globe are returning to Taiwan, to takepart in the first overseas training workshop. To increase Taiwan’s food self-suffi-ciency rate, the government is encouraging young farmers to return home to grow crops on rented lands. And, in our regular look on Taiwan’s unique trades, we learn the work of a load controller at Taoyuan International Airport.



1. 海外研習報到+三重迎接海外

2. 海南冬令初勘

3. 雪隆新芽

4. 糧危CPR(3)

5. 義賣助美東

6. 360行李管制員

7. 劉文義獲獎

8. 愛心眼鏡

END: 海外營香積

1. 海外研習報到+三重迎接海外

First up in Taiwan, the 2012 Overseas Tzu Chi Volunteers Training Workshop officially began yesterday, November 22nd, at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds and Tzu Chi Banqiao Grounds, with volunteers from 11 countries taking part. As the hosting country of the seminar, volunteers at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds did their best to make their guests feel at home.


2. 海南冬令初勘

In China, Tzu Chi volunteers are carrying out their initial survey for a winter aid distribution, in Haikou City(海口) of Hainan(海南) Province. In the recent years, the economic and cultural situation in Haikou(海口) City has improved greatly, yet for those living in remote villages, life is still difficult and many are in need of Tzu Chi’s help.


3. 雪隆新芽

Next, in Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, held 22 award ceremonies for New Shoots Scholarship recipients this month. Since organizing the first scholarship award ceremony here in 2008, Tzu Chi volunteers have continued to provide free health checks and other services, to help Indian families.


《 靜思語 》

If we want blessings from others, first create blessings and we will receive love and blessings in abundance.


4. 糧危CPR(3)

In order to increase Taiwan’s food self-sufficiency rate, the government is encouraging farmers to grow crops on their-now fallow land, by renting it out to willing farmers. Besides the rent income, landowners will also receive a small amount of subsidy. We meet a group of young farmers, to see how they are doing their part, in helping Taiwan maintain its food self-suffi-ciency rate.


5. 義賣助美東

In order to help Hurricane Sandy victims in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taipei’s Neihu recently held a jewelry charity fair, as a way to gather donations for the victims, and to continue spreading the message of Tzu Chi in the US.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Good Healthcare

The world’s most beautiful smile is the smile of a patient. At the Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, which covers a large area, patients are smiling more than ever. It is a sign that they are getting the best care, whether physically or spiritually, from the volunteers and medical staff.



6. 360行李管制員

Many of us probably have had the experience of traveling abroad, and some might be curious as to how our baggage is loaded onto the planes we are traveling on. In today’s feature reports on Taiwan’s unique trades, we meet one load controller, Chen Ying(陳瑩), and see the hard work that goes into ensuring all cargo and baggage are loaded correctly and in time.

相信大多數的人都有出國的經驗,而有些人或許會好奇我們的行李是如何運上飛機的,在今天的真情臉譜專題,我們來認識一位行李裝載管制員陳瑩,了解原來裝載管制行李並不容易 ,而且必須確認讓行李正確又及時抵達目的地。

7. 劉文義獲獎

In Taiwan, we meet the winner of this year’s Disable Laborer Award, Liu Wenyi(劉文義), who works at the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Taipei. Nine years ago, Liu was diagnosed with third stage colon cancer and wanted to end his life. Luckily, he met Tzu Chi and found the strength to go on.


8. 愛心眼鏡

Buying a pair of glasses may be considered a luxury for impoverished families. To help those in need, the Changhua(彰化) Parent Union Advisory Council invited 50 optometrists, to provide free eye examinations and prescription glasses for poor students in remote areas. To date, 300 students from low-income households have been seen and given free prescription glasses.


END: 海外營香積

With over 850 volunteers gathered at the Tzu Chi Sanchong Grounds for this year’s global volunteers training seminar, 45 kitchen volunteers from the Songshan District were mobilized to help prepare meals. Though most of the volunteers are over 70 years of age, all happily give what they can. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


