2012年11月9日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121109

Relief work continues in the US

Taiwan`s hard working doctors

Topping up petrol for vessels

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States are continuing with the relief work to help hurricane survivors.

To celebrate the coming Doctor`s Day in Taiwan, we begin a new series of feature reports on hard working medical staff around the island.

And, in our regular look at Taiwan`s unique trades, we meet the crew of a refueling tanker, that provides petrol to needy vessels.




1.南湯姆斯河市勘災Disaster survey in South Toms River

2.洛克威服務點Rockaway beach follow-up

3.福建冬令關懷併Bringing love door-to-door

4.印尼藍衣受證Continuing TC work

5.與人醫談心(1)黃同村Treating patients like family

6.土地的幸福契約(3)Foreign researchers at Nature Valley

7.360海上加油員Refueling tanker

8.張四妹魚鱗癬Fishskin disease


1.南湯姆斯河市勘災Disaster survey in South Toms River

First up in the United States, the South Toms River is another disaster area severely hit by Hurricane Sandy. Its mayor, Joseph Champagne formed a special affinity with Tzu Chi as he recently took part in the musical of the \Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents\ in New York. After the superstorm, Tzu Chi volunteers conducted a disaster survey and held a relief distribution over last weekend.


2.洛克威服務點Rockaway beach follow-up

Staying in the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers have been stationing at the Rockaway Beach for three days now. As usual, the volunteers showed up at 4pm to hand out aid supplies, before leaving at 6. As another storm is expected to hit, local residents were evacuated to safer locations.


3.福建冬令關懷併Bringing love door-to-door

In China, Tzu Chi volunteers visited im-poverished families, in the Guandong(廣東) and Fujian(福建) Province. Upon arrival, they witnessed many families either troubled by illness or poverty. Tzu Chi volunteers went door to door, bringing each person the much needed care and support they have been waiting for.


4.印尼藍衣受證Continuing TC work

To become a certified Tzu Chi commissioner, one needs to undergo a series of training classes. Here in Indonesia, a certification ceremony took place on November 4th, at the newly built Jing Si Hall, where 332 grey uniformed volunteers were certified as blue uniformed volunteers.


5.與人醫談心(1)黃同村Treating patients like family

As November 12th is Doctor`s Day in Taiwan, we begin a new series of feature reports related to doctors. First, we meet Dr. Huang Tongcun(黃同村), who is an E.N.T doctor at the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital. Dr. Huang, who is known to his patients as a loving and caring person, has learned that he needs to take care of his own health, to help even more patients in the future.

在台灣 11月12號是醫師節,從今天開始我們要推出新的專題關於醫生,今天我們來認識台北慈院耳鼻喉科-黃同村醫師,細心是出了名的好,同時他也學習到,只有把自己的身體照顧得好,他才可以幫助更多的病患。

6.土地的幸福契約(3)Foreign researchers at Nature Valley

Due the ecological abundance of the land, Nature Valley has attracted many researchers both local and abroad. Its most recent guest is Alex Blume, a young researcher from Germany, who will be staying at Nature Valley for two months, to track the insect population there. Alex says that she is amazed at the diversity of animal life in Taiwan, which far exceeds her own country of Germany.


7.360海上加油員Refueling tanker

We all know that when our cars are running out of petrol, all we have to do is drive to the nearest petrol station. But what happens when ships or ferries at sea need to refuel? In fact, every harbor has a re-fueling tanker, that goes around providing fueling services to ships in need, 24 hours a day, and 7 days a week. One of these supply ships can carry up to 800 kilo-litres of petrol, equivalent to 40 petro-leum trucks. In today`s feature report on Taiwan`s unique trades, we head to the Keelung Harbor, and join a tanker as they top up petrol for any needy vessels.


8.張四妹魚鱗癬Fishskin disease

Ich-thy-o-sis is a rare genetic disorder that causes the skin to harden and flake, giving the body a scaly look. One sufferer of this disorder is Zhang Simei (張四妹) from Malaysia. Born in 1965, Zhang(張) was often seen as a monster. 30 years ago, upon her first visit to Taiwan`s Chang Gung(長庚) Medical Hospital, she was finally able to receive the treatment she needed to live a normal life. Now 65, Zhang(張) returns to Taiwan in hopes of keeping her vision in her left eye.

魚鱗癬症是一種先天性的罕見疾病,因為皮膚就像魚鱗一樣,一片一片的脫落,一名魚鱗癬症患者,馬來西亞的張四妹,在65年前出生時,從小被叫怪物,三十年前,台灣的長庚醫院免費幫她治療 ,她才能有類似正常的生活,如今六十五歲的她,在次來到台灣,醫治僅存左眼的視力。


We go back to the United States at the end of our program; depsite the first snow fall in New York this winter, Tzu Chi volunteers from all around the nation are coming together, to carry out relief work for displaced victims of Hurricane Sandy. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


