2012年11月30日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121129

Aid distribution for Ocean Township

Reduce groundwater dependency

Ensuring martial arts shines on

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today’s show, US Tzu Chi volunteers continue to help Hurricane Sandy survivors with a relief distribution in Ocean Township of New Jersey.

●In our feature reports on land subsidence in Taiwan, we find out what the government is doing to help farmers change their farming methods.

●And, we meet a martial arts master, Lin Changxiang (林昌湘), who is doing what he can to ensure this traditional art shines on.

●今天的題要 ,美國慈濟志工來到新澤西海洋城發放,持續幫助風災的受災民眾。

●今天的消失地平線 ,台灣專題中,看看政府如何協助農人們改變耕種方式。



1. 海洋城發放 Ocean Township relief distribution

2.美電話慰災民 Phone calls caring for victims

3.洛杉磯義診 Recipients become givers at free clinic

4. 澎湖西嶼往診 Home visitations in Penghu

5. 消失的地平線(2) 農業 Government helps solve water problem

6. 360武術教練 Ensuring martial arts shines on

7.廣州訪視 Bringing hope to needy families

8. 南非監獄關懷 Seizing every opportunity


1. 海洋城發放 Ocean Township relief distribution

In the United States, the Tzu Chi New Jersey Chapter, carried out its 8th aid distribution, at a local school to help 227 households in Ocean Township and Bar-ne-gat Township.


2.美電話慰災民 Phone calls caring for victims

At the Tzu Chi US Headquarters in San Dimas, volunteers made phone calls to disaster victims on the east coast to show their support. During their conversations, the volunteers learned how some of the residents felt abandoned by the government, as they were ineligible to apply for subsidies. However, there were inspirational stories as well, in which survivors devoted their time to help Tzu Chi volunteers distribute hot meals.


3.洛杉磯義診 Recipients become givers at free clinic

Tzu Chi volunteers in Los Angeles recently held a free clinic, at the Lytle Creek Elementary School in San Ber-nar-di-no County. Serving at the clinics were bilingual local volunteers and Tzu Chings from UC Irvine and other colleges.


4. 澎湖西嶼往診 Home visitations in Penghu

In Taiwan, Northern District TIMA medical staff and volunteers, arrived in Penghu and visited the homes of care recipients in Huxi(湖西) Township, Xiyu(西嶼) Township and Magong(馬公) City.


5. 消失的地平線(2) 農業 Government helps solve water problem

Continuing on our series of reports on the issue of sinking foundations in Taiwan, we find out today what the government is doing to help lessen Taiwan’s groundwater dependency, and how some farmers are already doing their part to help, by changing the ways they grow crops.


6. 360武術教練 Ensuring martial arts shines on

In today’s feature reports on Taiwan’s fading trades, we meet one martial artist, Lin Changxiang (林昌湘), who have taught martial arts in some 40 schools in Taipei and New Taipei City. 12 years ago, the martial arts master, who is also a national coach, even established his own club to pass on the tradition to those interested.

在今天的真情臉譜專題,我們來認識 武學大師林昌湘,先後在台北與新北市的40間學校的武術社教武術,12年前也是國家級教練,他正式開設武館教導有興趣學習的人 。

7.廣州訪視 Bringing hope to needy families

Next, in China, every month, Tzu Chi volunteers in Guangzhou(廣州), visit 37 needy families living in Zhongluotan(鐘落潭) Town. Most care recipients live in poor conditions and volunteers brought care and love into their lives.


8. 南非監獄關懷 Seizing every opportunity

As the first Overseas Volunteers Training Seminar came to an end, local volunteers from South Africa, returned to Tzu Chi’s spiritual homeland in Hualien, where they seized every opportunity to give. The volunteers not only served at the Hualien Tzu Chi General Hospital, but also visited inmates at the Hualien Prison.



We go to Malaysia at the end of our program today, and join the students at the Kuala Lumpur Da Ai Educare Center in Malaysia, as they come together to fundraise for Hurricane Sandy survivors. The youngsters putting away spare coins in their bamboo coin banks and donated them at the monthly parents study group. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目最後,我們帶大家到馬來西亞吉隆坡大愛兒童教育中心,在每個月一次的家長讀書會上為美國風災募心募款 ,捐出日存下的竹筒,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2012.11.29)

