2013年2月22日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130221

New Year festival in Johor Bahru

US TC volunteer donates organs

Ta Fa Long Elementary School

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


● Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia`s Johor Bahru held a charity fair to fundraise for their dialysis and education centers.

● US Tzu Chi volunteer Luo-Liu Guizhen(羅劉桂珍), who passed away last week, continues to give after death by donating her organs to those in need.

● And, in Hualien, Taiwan, the Ta Fa Long(太巴塱) Elementary School, against all odds, continues to coach young baseball players.

● 今日的提要,馬來西亞新山慈濟志工舉辦園遊會,為檳城洗腎中心與教育中心募款。

● 美國慈濟志工羅劉桂珍在上星期往生,同時也將器官與大體捐贈,幫助更多的生命。

● 來到在台灣花蓮的太巴塱國小,我們來看一位棒球教練,如何鼓勵一群棒球小選手繼續實現夢想。


1. 新山新春祝福 New Year Fair in Johor Baru Branch

2. 北新春團拜併 New Year blessing ceremonies

3. 水懺三兄弟 Three brothers take part in musical

4. 美羅媽媽器捐 The life of Luo-Liu Guizhen

5. 美共修培訓 Training seminars across the country

6. 美廣播結緣 Speaking professionally

7. 夢想圓舞曲 (3) 太巴塱棒球隊 Home of baseball players

8. 尼助學簽約 Helping students fulfill their dreams

9. 印尼掃靜思堂 Clean up of Jing Si Hall


1. 新山新春祝福 New Year Fair in Johor Baru Branch

We kick off today`s program in Malaysia, at this year`s Lunar New Year holiday, the Tzu Chi Johor Baru Branch held a charity fair, to raise funds for the construction of dialysis and education centers. Among the volunteers were college students of different nationalities, who gave up their holidays to join the effort.


2. 北新春團拜併 New Year blessing ceremonies

Moving to Taiwan; on February 17th, Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City held New Year blessing ceremonies, respectively in Xinzhuang(新莊), Sanchong(三重) and Banqiao(板橋). Activities were held help newly certified volunteers understand their duties and missions, as well as improve parent-and-child relationships for participants.

來台灣 ,在2月17日慈濟志工在新北市,分別在新莊、三重、板橋舉行新春團拜活動,還有歡迎新進委員的儀式,讓他們體驗慈濟人所要承擔的責任和使命,以及促進親子關係。

3. 水懺三兄弟 Three brothers take part in musical

At the New Year celebration in Sanchong(三重) of New Taipei City, Tzu Shaos came together to put on the sign language performance of the Water Repentance Sutra. The Lv(呂) brothers, whose mother is a Tzu Chi volunteer, were among the performers taking part. After joining the musical, the three boys all decided to change themselves for the better.


4. 美羅媽媽器捐 The life of Luo-Liu Guizhen

In the United States, New York Tzu Chi volunteer Luo-Liu Guizhen (羅劉桂珍), also known to volunteers in the US as “Mama Luo”, suffered a cerebral haemorrhage on Febuary 14th and was later pronounced brain dead . Luo`s family then agreed to donate her organs and body for medical research, fulfilling Luo`s lifetime wish.

在美國, 紐約慈濟志工羅劉桂珍是大家口中的羅媽媽,在2月14日,因腦溢血導致腦死,家屬決定依照羅劉桂珍的遺願,簽署器官捐贈和大體捐贈同意書。

5. 美共修培訓 Training seminars across the country

Staying in the United States, despite the snowy weather, a volunteer training seminar was held at the Chicago Tzu Chi Chapter, for volunteers to cultivate blessings and wisdom. Meanwhile, at Tzu Chi Headquarters in San Dimas, California, a media volunteer training seminar was also held for senior volunteers to share their experiences.


6. 美廣播結緣 Speaking professionally

Also in the United States, since its establishment on the 1st April 2012, the hosts of Da Ai Radio in Northern California of the United States, have been putting together programs for their audience, and also regularly hold study groups to learn about Tzu Chi`s humanitarian spirit and improve their broadcasting skills. Let`s take a look.


7. 夢想圓舞曲 (3) 太巴塱棒球隊 Home of baseball players

In our next report, we go to Hualian(花蓮), Taiwan, to meet a group of young baseball players from the Ta Fa Long(太巴塱) Elementary School, which is famous for nurturing professional baseball players. Though the school is currently facing a lack of players, the coach says, he will train the students as long as they are willing to play.


8. 尼助學簽約 Helping students fulfill their dreams

In Indonesia, for those families that live below the poverty line, the first expense that is usually cut is their children`s tuition fees. To help, the Indonesia Tzu Chi Chapter has partnered up with two schools, to offer scholarships to academically gifted, but economically impoverished students, thus, ensuring that those who need it most have access to life changing educational resources.


9. 印尼掃靜思堂 Clean up of Jing Si Hall

To welcome the start of the Chinese New Year, Tzu Chi volunteers in Indonesia gathered at their local Jing Si Hall on February 17th, to spring clean the premises. With the assistance of some 100 volunteers, the Jing Si Hall was left spotless inside out.



We go back to the United States at the end of the program, the Tzu Chi Los Angeles Academy held a charity fair last weekend, where all the proceeds went to help the victims of Hurricane Sandy. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

在節目的最後,我們回到美國,洛杉磯的慈濟人文學校在上個周末舉辦一場義賣園遊會,義賣所得將會全數捐助美東災民,在場也有藝術家 捐出自己的作品,也有許多家長帶來各種物品來義賣。最後一起來看看,謝謝收看,再會。


