2013年2月13日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130213

Providing vouchers to quake survivors

Historical site turned into guesthouse

Importance of fulfilling filial duties

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in the show today, in Italy, Tzu Chi volunteers are holding two winter aid distributions, helping last year`s earthquake victims.

●We go to Zhushan(竹山) Township in Taiwan and visit a traditional court-yard house, that has been transformed into a guest-house.

●And we join Malaysia Tzu Chi volunteers, as they prepare for their upcoming performance, of the musical adaptation of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings.






1.義大利冬令發放 Helping quake survivors

2.精舍初二 Returning to spiritual heartland

3.初二高雄靜思堂+慈濟三代娘家 Celebrating Chinese New Year

4.三峽關懷用心+三峽收容關懷 Visiting detention center inmates

5.古宅˙轉生術(2)天空的院子 A historical house in Nantou

6.過年醫療不打烊 Safeguarding residents` health

7.馬醫療新春 Tea gathering for medical volunteers

8.馬無量義經(三) Educate minds and open hearts

9.澎碼頭環保 Recycling work in Penghu

10.食物銀行推廣 Teaching residents how to save resources


1.義大利冬令發放 Helping quake survivors

In May of 2012, two earthquakes of 6 and 5.8 magnitude devastated Italy. Although it has been almost eight months since the disaster, thousands of quake victims are still living in temporary shelters. To help, Tzu Chi volunteers from five different countries arrived at the temporary housing camps, to organize two winter aid distributions.


2.精舍初二 Returning to spiritual heartland

With the Lunar New Year finally here and everyone traveling home for the holidays, many Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan are using this time, to return to their spiritual homeland in Hualien(花蓮). At the center of it all, the Jing Si Abode, welcomes the visitors with an atmosphere, that calms the mind, inspires the spirit, and brings joy to the heart of all those present.


3.初二高雄靜思堂+慈濟三代娘家 Celebrating Chinese New Year

According to Chinese tradition, the second day of the Lunar New Year is a day, when married daughters visit their parents, relatives, and close friends. In Taichung(台中), Taiwan, to celebrate this special day, many decided to visit their local Tzu Chi Chapter with their filled bamboo coin banks. Meanwhile, the Kaohsiung(高雄) Jing Si Hall also held a New Year`s event, which was filled with delicious food and activities for both young and old.


4.三峽關懷用心+三峽收容關懷 Visiting detention center inmates

Also in Taiwan, instead of heading home to celebrate the second day of the Chinese New Year, Sanxia(三峽) Tzu Chi volunteers, wanted to bring the festive atmosphere to those in a detention center. Volunteers planned the event with singing and dancing, to give the inmates, a temporary escape from their current situation.


《 靜思語 》

With a tranquil and peaceful heart, the road is smooth. With a broad and open heart, the road is wide.


5.古宅˙轉生術(2)天空的院子 A historical house in Nantou

Staying in Taiwan, we take you to Zhushan (竹山) Township in Nantou (南投) County, to visit a once abandoned traditional court-yard house, which belonged to the Zhang (張) family. Later, a young man named He Peijun (何培鈞) became determined, to restore the historic site to its former glory. Thanks to this dream, the historic site was transformed into a guest-house.


6.過年醫療不打烊 Safeguarding residents` health

In Taiwan, when shops and restaurants are closed for the Lunar New Year, Tzu Chi hospitals continue to be fully staffed. The influx of visitors into the Hualien(花蓮) and Taitung(台東) area, has not allowed staff there, any breathing space, and the larger Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi Hospital, has even added more shifts to take care of all the patients.


7.馬醫療新春 Tea gathering for medical volunteers

At the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center in Penang, Malaysia, over the past 15 years, medical volunteers have been bringing care to dialysis patients on a daily basis. To express their appreciation, the center`s staff held a tea gathering to offer a big ”thank you” for the volunteers` assistance.


《 衲履足跡 》談以身作則 On Leading by Example

The beauty of Tzu Chi is how it works as a team. A team has those who lead and those who follow, each knowing their proper place. Those who lead should do so by personal example, because only then can they inspire those behind to follow them on the path of goodness.


8.馬無量義經(三) Educate minds and open hearts

On February 16th, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia will put on a performance of the musical adaptation of the Sutra of Innumerable Meaning. Also new to the performance this year, is the recreation of the story of a Tzu Chi Dialysis Center patient. As for the performers, the hours of practice helped them realize the importance of carrying out filial duties.


9.澎碼頭環保 Recycling work in Penghu

In Taiwan`s off-shore island of Penghu(澎湖), Magong(馬公) recycling volunteers, gather once or twice a month to help load recyclables, that arrive from Jibei(吉貝) by boat, before taking them to the local recycling station. As the event only occurs twice a month, there are usually a lot of garbage to sort through, thus, these recycling volunteers give it their all, as they work to safeguard the planet.


10.食物銀行推廣 Teaching residents how to save resources

During the Lunar New Year holidays, many families end up purchasing too much food or snacks. To educate members of the public not to waste food, Taiwan People`s Food Bank Association, held an event in Taipei`s Huashan(華山) Creative Park, where residents were shown how to deal with their extra items, by donating them to the needy.



We go to Australia at the end of our show, where Melbourne Tzu Chi volunteers, held a Chinese New Year banquet, for many Taiwanese residents, who are on their working holiday. The volunteers thoughtfully prepared many traditional dishes to ease their homesickness. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


