2013年2月6日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130206

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in the show today, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers are visiting the homes of their fellow volunteers, who are also affected by the flooding last month. In a new series of feature reports on "Compassion for Jordan", we take a look at the lives of Syrian refugees in Jordan. And, in our continuing report on Hainan(海南) Island, we meet newly certified Tzu Chi volunteer Chen Wen(陳文), who promises to inspire more residents to join Tzu Chi.



1. 印尼法親關懷

2. 德國歲末

3. 緬甸歲末祝福

4. 慈悲約定(一)烽火漫天

5. 智利夏季發放

6. 黃豆的真相(1)

7. 海南愛啟航(2)陳文

8. 馬感恩會圓緣

END: 印尼水患打掃

1. 印尼法親關懷

In Jakarta, Indonesia, a severe flooding last month has affected tens of thousands of residents. Some Tzu Chi volunteers were also among the flood victims, who selflessly devoted themselves to relief work, before cleaning up their own homes. As flood survivors’ lives are slowly returning to normal, Tzu Chi volunteers in Jakarta, visited their fellow volunteers with gifts and aid supplies.


2. 德國歲末

Recently in Germany, Tzu Chi volunteers from different cities, came together in Hamburg and held a year-end blessing ceremony. The 210 partcipants at the event, included members of the Chinese community and other local residents.


3. 緬甸歲末祝福

In Myanmar, Tzu Chi volunteers held a year-end blessing ceremony, at the Kema Nunnery School in Yangon. For the past four years, volunteers have held regular free clinics, to safeguard the health of these nuns. To reciprocate Tzu Chi’s love, many of them donated money from their bamboo coin banks.


《 靜思語 》

The best way to live a long life is to uphold the right views and avoid covetous thoughts.


4. 慈悲約定(一)烽火漫天

In what started as a peaceful demonstration in March of 2011, has become a civil war between government and opposition forces, that rages in Syria till this day. The months of fighting, have left many people homeless, many whom have fled to neighboring countries, for safety and shelter. For the next few days, we take a closer look at the war and the problems that have arisen as a result.

2011年3月 一場和平示威,引發了敘利亞政府與反抗軍之間的內戰,至今仍未有停止的跡象,長達數月的戰事,讓許多人無家可歸,許多人都逃到鄰國尋求庇護,未來幾天,要帶大家看看戰爭的無情,以及所產生的問題。

5. 智利夏季發放

In Chile, the Tzu Chi Santiago Liaison Office, held an aid distribution, which saw 33 volunteers come forth to help out. To show their respect to the recipients, volunteers bowed, as they handed out relief items. Besides daily necessities, each aid pack was also filled with Tzu Chi’s love and care.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Cultivating the Dharma

Tzu Chi volunteers, no matter where they are, possess a limitless love, a pure wisdom, and a heart from which the Dharma flows.

The Master says she is simply a guide showing the way, and actually it is up to volunteers to walk the road of spiritual cultivation themselves.



6. 黃豆的真相(1)

According to statistics, Taiwanese purchase over 11 kilograms of soybeans per capita each year. Since the Taiwanese government opened its doors to soybean imports, locally grown soybeans are no longer favored, as they are more expensive. Currently, about 90 percent of the soybeans are imported from abroad. In this series of reports, we take an in-depth look, at what soybean consumption means for us in Taiwan.


7. 海南愛啟航(2)陳文

In our second feature report on the Hainan(海南) Island, we meet newly certified Tzu Chi volunteer, Chen Wen(陳文). In 2010, Chen met Nanjing(南京) Tzu Chi volunteer, Li Wancai(李萬財), and began promoting Tzu Chi’s work in Hainan. At the end of last year, Chen finally received her volunteer certification.


8. 馬感恩會圓緣

In Malaysia, to raise funds for the construction of the Tzu Chi education center and dialysis center, Penang Tzu Chi volunteers held a total of 20 charity concerts. As the concerts have come to a successful end, volunteers gathered together and shared their thoughts and changes after volunteering at the events.


END: 印尼水患打掃

We go back to Indonesia at the end of the show, as floodwaters from last month’s flooding have receded, many local residents are currently busy cleaning up their homes. To help, Jakarta Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at different communities, to help local residents with the cleaning work. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


