2013年5月15日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130515

Buddha Day celebrations worldwide

TC`s endless love in Sichuan, China

More than just preparing a banquet

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in Canada and the United States, are holding Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration of, Buddha day, Mother`s Day and Global Tzu Chi Day, to honor the Buddha.

In China, we take a look at how Tzu Chi volunteers` love and care, have helped Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake survivors, through the past five years.

In Yunlin(雲林),Taiwan, we meet Ding Wenling(丁玟玲), who has become a banquet chef,as a way to fulfill her filial duty.




1. 美加浴佛Praise the Buddha

We kick off the show in Canada and the United States, where Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration of Mother`s Day, Buddha Day and Global Tzu Chi Day were held at various places. But first, let`s take a look at the ceremony, held at the US Tzu Chi Headquarters in California, where eight chefs from Panda Express, a fast food Chinese restaurant chain, were on scene, to cook delicious vegetarian meals, for members of the public, as a way to show their support for the Buddhist NGO.

一開始,帶大家到加拿大和美國,慈濟在不同的地點舉辦母親節、佛誕日和全球慈濟日,三節合一的慶典,不過首先,我們先來看看慈濟美國總會所舉辦的浴佛節,典禮上 八位來自熊貓集團的廚師也來到現場,為大家煮美味的素食,來表示對慈濟的支持,讓我們來看看。

2.護理護你(二)志為護理鄭雅君Committed to nursing

Experts believe that the shortage of nurses in Taiwan, is due to a lack of passion in the profession. And many nursing students upon graduation, have second thoughts, about entering the field, when faced with the reality of the hard work, a career in nursing entails. Zheng Yajun (鄭雅君), head nurse of the pe-di-a-trics ward, at the Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi Hospital, once felt that way, but now nursing has become a part of her life.


3.川 愛伴重生(1)五年Love`s influence in disaster times

On May 12th, 2008, China`s Sichuan(四川) Province, experienced a 8.0 magnitude earthquake; it not only shook local residents, but also the world. Everyone jumped to assist with rebuilding efforts, and in less than four years, rebuilding was completed. During this time, Tzu Chi and other NGOs arrived in China, inspiring local charity organizations to flourish as well. In our new reports, we take a look at how love has influenced Sichuan(四川), in the past five years.

2008年5月12號,四川發生芮氏規模8.0強震,不僅居民驚嚇,也震驚世界,全世界的愛心湧入,協助四川重建,四川在不到四年的時間重建完成,期間,慈濟以及其他NGO團體 都進駐中國,因此也讓中國NGO團體也蓬勃成長,今天的專題愛伴重生,看看五年來,愛的力量所產生的影響。

4.0511傳承報親恩Staying connected thru cooking

Often times when children want to be filial to their parents, the parents might no longer be around. It is therefore important to seize the moment to honor our parents. Today, we introduce you to the story of Ding Wenling(丁玟玲). She hated manual labor and working in a hot and oily environment, but is now an successful banquet chef in Taiwan`s Yunlin(雲林) County, because of her love for her father.


5.慈母慈濟情(1)林郭阿菊A mother`s love

Next, we meet 70-year-old Mrs. Lin(林) in Taichung(台中)`s Fengyuan(豐原) District. In spite of having sustained arm and shoulder injuries in accidents and wearing a knee pros-thesis, she still insists on caring for her son, who has been semi-paralyzed by a stroke. To pay for medical bills, Mrs. Lin(林) works part-time as a dishwasher in a local restaurant. She and her son have been listed as Tzu Chi care recipients, but recently Mrs. Lin(林) has requested that the money Tzu Chi gives her, be used to help others in greater need.


6.雙和孝親Promoting filial piety

Prior to Mother`s Day, Zhonghe(中和) and Yonghe(永和) Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City, both organized events to promote filial piety. Through puppet shows, interactive activities and serving tea to parents, children all realized their parents` hardship, in raising a family, and vowed to do whatever they could, to ease their parents` burden.


We go back to China at the end of the show, where Tzu Chi Suzhou(蘇州) Grounds, held a blessing ceremony and charity fair, to raise funds and pray for those, who suffered from the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


