2013年6月25日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130625

Smog bad for our health

TC works with Global Medic

Principles of Journalism

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


Coming up in today`s show, we investigate the affects, of the smog from Indonesia, on residents in Singapore and Malaysia.

In Canada, Tzu Chi volunteers, join the annual Rapid Response Training Day, held by the Global Medic in Toronto.

And, we take a look at the responsibility of media, and why it is important for reporters, to follow the Principles of Journalism.




1.馬柔佛煙霾+星口罩發放Surviving Indonesia smog

To clear away forests cheaply, farmers and developers in Indonesia, resort to using fire, to burn down trees; however, the resulting smog, has enveloped nearby Singapore and Malaysia, lowering visibility and affecting citizens` respiratory systems. Here`s more.


2.紐食物發放Food distribution in Papatoetoe

In New Zealand, to help families in need, Tzu Chi volunteers worked with, South Auckland`s Community Development and Safety Department, and Papatoetoe`s City Budgeting Services, to come up with a list of low income families, which volunteers planned to distribution food, every two weeks. Since this was the first time, a charity organization, requested to personally deliver the supplies, to those in need, Tzu Chi`s request was at first denied. But eventually, volunteers were finally granted permission.

紐西蘭,為了幫助需要的家庭,慈濟志工透過南奧克蘭社區開發部門,與帕帕托伊托伊社區取得聯繫,針對該社區低收入戶,每二星期進行一次食物發放活動,由於從沒有慈善團體,要求親自把食物送到低收入戶手中,因此一度遭到拒絕,但在最後 終於獲得允許。

3.洛杉磯義診Free clinic aids 3,000 people

In the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers recently held another clinic, in San Bernardino County, California, the second so far, that has been held in this relatively poor district, which lies outside of Los Angeles. Overall, the three-day clinic, served over 3,000 patients. Also making an appearance was Tzu Chi`s new mobile vision clinic, which helped many see the world, in clarity once again.


4.印菲優娜就醫Helping 9 yr old Viona

In Cengkareng, Indoneisa, a little girl by the name of Viona, was diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, when she was just 3 years old. Her medical bills, further worthened her family`s financial situation. Upon receiving the news, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived, to offer the family financial assistance, as well as emotional support.giving Viona a chance to receive the best treatment on her path to recovery.
印尼山口洋有一位小女孩,在三歲時被檢查出患有心臟疾病 ,因為家庭不富裕,根本付不出醫療費,慈濟志工得知消息後,從中幫助,給於經濟援助還有膚慰,讓菲優娜有機會接受最好的治療,擁有健康的身體。

5.加東救災訓練Global Medic`s Training Day

Global Medic is a Canadian NGO, based in the city of Toronto, which offers emergency relief services, to disaster victims around the world. Recently the organization, held its annual Rapid Response Training Day, and invited local Tzu Chi volunteers to join them. Both NGOs hope, that they will be able, to work with each other, in future disaster relief works, and together, help more people in need.


6.舊屋修繕Helping care recipient repair house

In Taiwan`s Pingtung(屏東), we meet Tzu Chi care recipient, Mr. Chen(陳), who was the sole bread winner, for his two daughters and parents. Unfortunately, last year a car accident, left him unable to work. Thankfully, Tzu Chi volunteers were by the family`s side. Recently, volunteers discovered, Mr. Chen`s(陳) house had a leak, and decided to help him repair his roof, before the typhoon season begins.


7.北京敬老關懷A day of bliss with seniors

On June 15th, Tzu Chi volunteers in Beijing(北京), China, visited a nearby nursing home, bringing seniors much bliss and laughter. Through the day`s event, many volunteers say, it was a much rewarding experience. Let`s take a look.


8.0621媒體責任The purpose of the media

Last week, we investigated the impact of Next Media on Taiwan`s media landscape, in the past 12 years. Next, we take a look at the responsibility of media, and why it is important for journalists, to follow a professional code of ethic, when reporting news.


9.慈技環教獎TC recognized for environmental work
On June 23rd, the Tzu Chi College of Technology, and the Dalin(大林) Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan, both received a National Environmental Education Award, from the Environmental Protection Administration, for their effort in promoting environmentalism. Here`s more.


10.慈大追思御慈Coming home to remember

To remember, National Taiwan University, Hospital doctor Zeng Yuci(曾御慈), who was hit and killed by a drunk driver, in June of this year, her former classmates, returned to their al-ma mater, Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi University, to perform and speak in her memory.


We go to Tzu Chi Sanchong(三重) Gounds in Taiwan, at the end of the show, where volunteers gathered together, to load 280 second-hand computers onto cargos, that will later be sent, to schools in South Africa. It is hope that these computers, will help increase level of education in the country. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


