2013年6月6日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130606

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, China Tzu Chi volunteers travel to Daan(大安) City, Jilin(吉林) Province, to meet impoverished students. We meet Children’s bookstore owner Xiao Wenfu(蕭文福), who is giving kids a place, to embrace the world of books. And, we go to Yangming(陽明) Home for the Disabled, to see how the facility, is helping mentally challenged A-Guo(阿國) become independent.



1. 南投災情+鹿谷校舍安全

2. 吉林助學訪視

3. 馬育苗助學金

4. 檳城茶花道課

5. 消失的書店(2)

6. 關山復健病友

7. 大林養生粽

8. 阿基師好煮義

9. AED捐贈

10. 陽明院生自立

11. 美四合一精進

END: 美癌友接力走

1. 南投災情+鹿谷校舍安全

we kick of the show in Taiwan, following the earthquake, many areas in Nantou(南投) County were hard-hit, with some schools severely damaged. Reconstructed following the 9/21 earthquake, the Lugu(鹿谷) Junior High School, did not with-stand the tremor. However, the nearby Lugu(鹿谷) Elementary School, which was reconstructed by Tzu Chi, in the aftermath of 9/21 strong quake, remain standing.


2. 吉林助學訪視

To give underprivileged students, a chance to continue schooling, China Tzu Chi volunteers, traveled to Daan(大安) City, Jilin(吉林) Province for the first time, to carry out the initial selection process, for the upcoming scholarship distribution.


3. 馬育苗助學金
In Johor Bahru,Malaysia, we meet filial piety award receipient, You Junkai(尤俊凱), who has been helping his mother, make ends meet since his father suffered a stroke. Thanks to Tzu Chi’s financial assistance, You(尤) can continue his schooling, free from worries.


4. 檳城茶花道課

Also in Malaysia, the Penang Jing Si Hall, holds tea ceremony and flower arrangment classes, on a regular basis. For many new volunteers, the classes not only help them, understand Tzu Chi’s ideals, but also helps cultivate their spirituality.


《 靜思語 》

Respectfully point out others’ mistakes, and gratefully accept others’ critiques.


5. 消失的書店(2)

In our next report, we go to New Taipei City’s Luzhou(蘆洲) District, to meet Xiao Wenfu(蕭文福). Xiao(蕭) comes from an underprivileged family, and was once illiterate. To make sure no children, suffer the same faith, he decided to open a children’s bookstore. Despite making no profit for the past 13 years, Xiao(蕭) insists on staying in business, so children can have a place, to let their imagination run wild.


6. 關山復健病友

For those who have had a stroke, rehab is often a long and torturous journey, with many patients giving up half way. To help, doctors at the Guanshan(關山) Tzu Chi Hospital rehab clinic, have put together a program, that is fun and interesting, in an effort to keep patients on the path to recovery.


7. 大林養生粽

As Dragon Boat Festival is just around the corner, dietitians and Chinese medicine doctors of the Dalin(大林) Tzu Chi Hospital, created a healthy version of the glutinous rice dumpling, to help members of the public enjoy a healthy holiday.


8. 阿基師好煮義

Chef Zheng Yanji (鄭衍基), also known to most Taiwanese, as Chef A-Ji(阿基), recently paid a visit to Hualien(花蓮)’s Jing Si Hall, where he spoke to the general public, on the importance of filial piety. The chef also took the opportunity, to teach everyone on how to cook delicious vegetarian food.


《 衲履足跡 》
Studying the Water Repentance Sutra

For Tzu Chi Foundation’s 45th anniversary, Tzu Chi volunteers participated in the musical adaptations of the Water Repentance Sutra through sign language and songs. During that time, everyone also came together in sincere prayer and vegetarianism to save the earth from more disasters. Master Cheng Yen is grateful to see so many embracing the dharma and thus helping to bring about another day of peace.


開示:慈濟45週年,要求慈濟人共修『水懺』 練習手語,舉行經藏演繹。也呼籲人人虔誠祈禱,以長時間的齋戒茹素祈求天下平安無災。上人感恩大家法入心,讓大家平安度過每一天。

9. AED捐贈

An Auto-mated External De-fi-bril-lator or AED, is a life saving equipment. It is a portable electronic device, that a lay-person can use, to help a person suffering from a car-di-ac arrest. If a person suffers from a heart attack, by using the AED within one minute of the attack, the chance of re-sus-ci-tation is 90 percent. Earlier this year, Mr. Lin from New Taipei City was out biking, when he suddenly suffered a heart attack. It was the use of a combination of AED and CPR, that saved his life.


10. 陽明院生自立
Next, we meet mentally challenged student, A-Guo(阿國), who is currently staying at the Yangming(陽明) Home for the Disabled. Thanks to the assistance of an occupational therapist, and an ice cream shop owner, A-Guo(阿國) now is able, to earn a living on his own.


11. 美四合一精進

In Taiwan, a Tzu Chi volunteers intensive training seminar, was held from May 29th to June 1st. 93 Tzu Chi volunteers from around the United States, returned to Hualien(花蓮), where they shared their experiences as volunteers, with their counterparts.


END: 美癌友接力走

We go to the United States at the end of the show, where San Dimas Tzu Chi volunteers joined the "Relay For Life" event held by the American Cancer Society. During the event, volunteers not only showed their support but also encouraged cancer patients to face their sickness with courage. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


