2011年10月26日 星期三
Local volunteers come good
Turkey Tzu Chi after the quake
Good goods at Buddhist fair
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Anthony Carlisle. It”s good to have you with us.
●Coming up in today”s show, we meet more of the local volunteers who have been joining Tzu Chi since the earthquake and tsunami struck northeast Japan.
●After the major earthquake that hit Turkey on Sunday, we hear from Tzu Chi volunteers on the ground, to get the latest progress report.
●And later in the show, we meet the man behind Tzu Chi”s participation in an international exhibition of Buddhist items and crafts in Xiamen, China.
●今天節目開始,帶各位認識幾位 自日本地震海嘯後,加入賑災行列的當地志工
1.湊小相邀做志工Local volunteers at aid site
2.日電視節慈濟Tzu Chi at TFFCOM 2011
3.胡光中電連Update from Hu Guangzhong
4.東區人醫義診Free clinic for Chenggong Town
5.新芽萌愛(三)鄭羽晴Sisters work to help parents
6.仙人掌情緣Prickly but soft on the inside
7.馬歲末發放Aid for Indian care recipients
8.馬吉膽島環保1st recycling station in Crab Island
9.琉球到喜捨A field trip to Xishe Recycling Station
10.1026歷史的今天On this day, 26th October.
11.廈門賴國香Lai Guoxiang brings Tzu Chi to Xiamen
1.湊小相邀做志工Local volunteers at aid site
We start today”s show in Japan, where Tzu Chi volunteers who handed out consolation cash to victims of the tsunami and earthquake, were helped by a woman originally from Heilongjiang in China. Fumi Abe, who married a Japanese man and emigrated to the country a decade ago, also brought along her niece, Haruna Chiba, and other friends, to help out at the distribution site.
2.日電視節慈濟Tzu Chi at TFFCOM 2011
Staying in Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers were invited to TIFFCOM 2011 - a renowned international film festival in Tokyo - to share their experiences of disaster relief work. The CEO of Da Ai Television, Tang Jianming, the general supervisor of the Tzu Chi Japan chapter, Chen Jinfa, and other members of the 7th disaster relief team, who had just completed their mission the night before, all attended the event.
3.胡光中電連Update from Hu Guangzhong
Another earthquake, this time a 7.2 magnitude tremor, struck eastern Turkey on Sunday. Local Tzu Chi volunteer Hu Guangzhong has been in close contact with the authorities, and other NGOs, to see how Tzu Chi can provide assistance. Even though there are not many Tzu Chi volunteers in Turkey, they are ready and willing to do what they can.
10月23號星期天, 土耳其東邊發生規模7.2級的地震,慈濟在土耳其的負責人胡光中,持續和當地志工與NGO組織保持聯繫,看看能如何給予災區協助,當地慈濟人雖然人數有限,也希望能盡一分心力。
4.東區人醫義診Free clinic for Chenggong Town
Eastern Taiwan TIMA medical staff and volunteers recently held a free clinic in Chenggong town, of Taitung county. Local residents lined up early in the morning to get their ailments treated by top doctors, including the superintendent of Hualien Tzu Chi Hosptial.
5.新芽萌愛(三)鄭羽晴Sisters work to help parents
Zheng Yuqing(鄭羽晴) is in her second year, at Xinhua Industrial High School, in Tainan. Her father, who is disabled with polio, has never had a steady job; and her mother relies on the small amount she makes from doing processing work, to get by. To take some pressure off the family, Yuqing took a part-time job, and switched to the cooperative class in school, so she could combine her studies with work. Her younger sister is equally responsible. Both girls are supported by Tzu Chi”s ”New Shoots” scholarship program.
6.仙人掌情緣Prickly but soft on the inside
To take care of his autistic son, Lin Quansheng from central Taiwan opened a cactus allotment, where he is training his son to be a gardener. The father plans to open the garden up, free of charge, to other autism sufferers, turning it into a training ground for families, to spend quality time with their disabled relatives.
7.馬歲末發放Aid for Indian care recipients
Recently, Tzu Chi”s Malaysia Chapter held a special aid distribution for its Indian care recipients, to coincide with the Hindi festival of Diwali. During the event, volunteers took time to introduce Tzu Chi”s conservation work to the participants. One blind man shared his moving testimony of being a environmental volunteer.
最近慈濟馬來西亞分會,配合印度裔的屠妖節 ,特別舉辦印度裔照顧戶的歲末發放,活動中,慈濟志工也讓照顧戶了解慈濟的環保工作,其中一位失明的照顧戶莫迪,也分享了資源回收工作的心情與經驗。
8.馬吉膽島環保1st recycling station in Crab Island
Pulau Ketam, also known as Crab Island, is situated off the coast of Port Klang, Malaysia. For years, many of the residents simply threw their garbage into the sea. Then, two years ago, Tzu Chi volunteers began promoting conservation on the island. Today, Crab Island not only has a recycling station, but several environmental volunteers.
9.琉球到喜捨A field trip to Xishe Recycling Station
On another beautiful island - Lamay - or Xiao Liuqiu - off the coast of Taiwan, students from Liuqiu Middle School, recently took a field trip to a Tzu Chi recycling station in Kaohsiung, to learn about conservation, and how to practice environmentalism at home.
10.1026歷史的今天On this day, 26th October.
1974 Taiwan District Sports Carnival
Since Taiwan held its first provincial sports carnival in Taiwan University in 1946, all together 28 carnivals were held through-out the years. After the name of ”Provincial Sports Games” was changed to ”District Sports Games”, the first event was held in Kaohsiung on this day in 1974, becoming an important occasion in the sporting calendar.
1971 Letter of encouragement
After a resolution was passed by the United Nations General Assembly on the 25th October 1971, to make the People”s Republic of China the only legitimate representative of China, Taiwan”s then-president Chiang Kai-Shek wrote a letter of encouragement to Taiwan”s citizens. The letter stated that despite the circumstances, the fate of the country lies within the hands of the people.
2006 Back to Bamboo Era
On this day in 2006, in Hualien”s Jing Si Abode, Master Cheng Yen reminded Tzu Chi volunteers of the spirit of saving a penny a day when the foundation was first established. Later, on the 30th of the same month, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital held the first ”Return to the Bamboo Coin-bank Era” event.
1974年首屆台灣區運高雄揭幕,自從台灣省在1946年於台灣大學舉辦第一屆運動會之後,多年來總共舉辦二十八次,將名稱從全省運動會改為台灣區運動會,之後 ,在1974年的這一天,首次在高雄舉辦,成為台灣地區體育壇的盛事。
11.廈門賴國香Lai Guoxiang brings Tzu Chi to Xiamen
This year”s Xiamen International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair was bigger than ever, with some 2,200 stalls. Among them was Tzu Chi”s Jing Si Publications. New to this year”s fair were vegetarian and tea exhibitions. The organizer of the event, Lai Guoxiang(賴國香), also happens to be a Tzu Chi volunteer.
今年廈門舉辦的佛事用品展,每天人潮很多,還有兩千兩百個攤位 當中靜思書軒是唯一與文化出版有關的攤位,而且展場裡的素食養生展,以及茶業展,而主辦單位負責人賴國香,也是慈濟的志工。
Halloween is almost here. To put the pacemakers of elderly residents at a nursing home in Kaohsiung to the test, local college students came to dress them up in costumes. One 88-year-old was transformed into a hula girl. That”s all we have time for today. Tune in tomorrow for more Da Ai Headlines. Good bye.
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