2011年10月11日 星期二


Flooding in Thailand getting worse
Taro Aso first visits Taichung school
Saving Haiti by growing moringas

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.

●In Thailand, a continuous downpour exacerbates over two months of flood misery in the country.
●We find out why the former Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso, who is in Taiwan for the centennial celebration, first paid a visit to a school in Taichung.
●And, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States hope that a ”miracle tree” can work its magic to help improve life in Haiti.


●接著,美國慈濟志工希望奇蹟之樹,能夠發揮奇蹟 幫助海地人民改善生活。

1.泰水患發放 Tzu Chi work continues
2.菲卡倫畢勘災 Flood survey in Calumpit
3.傑出公共服務獎 Tzu Chi wins FDR award
4.日前首相感恩 Taro Aso visited Jianming Elementary
5.宗門營開營+ 經藏 Annual Tzu Chi staff training
6.四川人文帶動 Drive to volunteer
7.台灣影像展 Rhythms Monthly photo expo in Tainan
8.攝影陳憲彬 Expressing love through photos
9.1011歷史的今天 On this day, October 11th
10.海地辣木推廣 ”Miracle tree” may help quake recovery
11.馬友族發放 Year-end celebration in Batu Pahat

1.泰水患發放 Tzu Chi work continues

Parts of Thailand have been inundated by floods for over two months now. Recent storm systems only brought more rain to the country, and the weather forcast predicted more rain is on the way. As the country bolstered its flood defenses, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived in Pakjan Township of Ayutthaya Province to help those in need.

泰國水患超過兩個月,最近的風暴又帶來更多的雨量,氣象預報表示 還會下更多的雨量,泰國與水患對抗之際,慈濟志工來到那空欒縣巴扎鄉,展開發放 幫助受災居民。

2.菲卡倫畢勘災 Flood survey in Calumpit

Staying on flood relief, we now go to the Philippines. Typhoon Nesat brought heavy rain to Calumpit, in Balucan Province, and after a swollen dam failed to discharge water in time, the municipality became severely flooded. Philippine Airlines chairman Lucio Tan arranged for a helicopter to send eight Tzu Chi volunteers into the disaster area, who then drew up a plan of to carry out aid distributions at the earliest possible date.


3.傑出公共服務獎 Tzu Chi wins FDR award

On the weekend, representatives from the Roosevelt Institute in the United States came to Taiwan to present their annual Distinguished Public Service Award to Master Cheng Yen. The award is recognition of Tzu Chi”s work to alleviate poverty and suffering all over the world - goals that were shared by Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, who founded the award.

這個周末,美國羅斯福基金會,安娜‧艾黎娜‧羅斯福代表來到台灣,為頒贈證嚴法師 「傑出公共服務獎」,表彰證嚴法師帶領全球慈濟人,無遠弗屆膚病救苦的慈悲精神,也呼應了創辦這個獎項 羅斯福總統,一生奮鬥和努力的目標。

4.日前首相感恩 Taro Aso visited Jianming Elementary

Jianming Elementary School of Taichung”s Dali district was seriously damaged during the 9/21 earthquake of 1999. At the time, Hyogo Prefecture of Japan helped raise over two million USD for the school”s reconstruction. Remembering the kindness of the Japanese people, the school quickly made a donation on March 11 when a 9.0 earthquake struck northeast Japan. Former Prime Minister of Japan, Taro Aso, personally visited the school to convey his gratitude.

台中市大里區的健民國小,在1999年的九二一地震,校舍嚴重損毀,當時是日本兵庫縣認養了這所學校,捐贈了2百多萬美金幫助學校重建,帶著感恩的心 在日本311地震時,全校師生也發起勸募活動送愛到日本,日本前首相 麻生太郎,也因此來到這裡道謝。

《 靜思語 》

Accept the Dharma and grow our wisdom, then inspire others to do the same.


5.宗門營開營+ 經藏 Annual Tzu Chi staff training

The annual Tzu Chi staff training in Hualien, Taiwan, took place over the long weekend. Colleagues from Tzu Chi”s schools, hospitals, clinics, and offices, as well as the Humanitarian Center, went to Tzu Chi”s heartland to recharge their batteries, and refresh their knowledge of the dharma. Whether treating hospital patients or producing healthy TV shows - everyone was united by the desire to bring comfort to the needy.


6.四川人文帶動 Drive to volunteer

Next a story about someone who volunteers during his work breaks. Zhang Chaoming(張超明) is a driver for Tzu Chi in Hangwang, Sichuan. After taking volunteers to their destination, instead of resting, the driver jumps out of his car, to help out the team. He says, he does whatever he can, whenever he can.

接下來的是一群利用假日做志工的報導,張超明是慈濟在漢旺的駕駛,載客抵達的目的地之後 他不休息,反而下車幫忙,他說,他能幫忙就幫忙,何時何地都盡力而為 。

《 衲履足跡 》 談把握因緣 Taking Opportunities

After installing an appliance, you have to know how to use it before it has value, and look after it to make it useful.
People also have to apply their talents. If you are over-protective of your health and safety, you will never do anything, and gradually lose your ability to move.


7.台灣影像展 Rhythms Monthly photo expo in Tainan

Tzu Chi”s 2011 Rhythms Monthly Photo Exhibition is currently being shown at the Yongkang Community Center, in Taiwan”s Tainan. The educational display helps teach people about their connection with the land, and inspires them to learn how to better care for the environment.


8.攝影陳憲彬 Expressing love through photos

Central Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteers also recently held a photo exhibition, which showcased 40 pictures at Nantou”s City Hall. Among the contributors was Tzu Chi volunteer, Chen Xianbin(陳憲彬). A former firefighter, when Chen retired at 61, he took up photography as a hobby. Following the death of his mother, he begin volunteering, helping record Tzu Chi activities around Taiwan as a way to express his love for his mother.


9.1011歷史的今天 On this day, October 11th

1994 Run like the wind
At the 12th Asian Games held in Hiroshima, Japan, in 1994, Chinese Taipei athlete Wang Huizhen(王惠珍) won the woman”s 200 meter gold medal. Wang”s performance was the best among Taiwan”s female track and field athletes since Olympic medalist Chi Cheng(紀政) in the 1960s. Wang later retired due to a foot injury, and began a quilting business.

2003 Jakarta”s new TC free clinic
On this day in 2003, at the free clinic center in Jakarta”s Da Ai Village, in Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteers from nine countries, including Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand and the United States, came together to provide their services to cataract and hare-lipped patients. More than 3,000 patients were treated.

2005 Tzu Chi Hospital baby-friendly
On this day in 2005, Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital launched the ”Integrated pre- and post-natal care program”, which offers interdepartmental support for women during and after pregnancy. In 2010, the hospital received Taiwan”s Mother-Baby Friendly Hospital Excellence Award.

2007 Poverty alleviation in Guizhou
In Guizhou, China, the Tzu Chi Foundation, in cooperation with the local government, launched a relocation program for impoverished farming villages. The Wanxin(灣心) Tzu Chi New Village was thus opened in Pingyan(平岩) Township for 64 families, on this day in 2007. Each house in the new community came with a balcony for sun-drying grain, as well as a shack for keeping livestock.

1994年 台灣風速女王 廣島亞運奪金

2003年 義診中心新啟用 九國志工齊照護
來自台灣、日本、香港、泰國,以及美國等九個國家的慈濟志工,這天起在印尼雅加達大愛村的義診中心,舉辦白內障 兔唇等義診,總計有三千多位病患接受治療。

2005年 整合醫療 照顧嬰兒與母親
台北慈濟醫院這天推出「整合式周產期醫療照顧」,讓孕婦從懷孕開始,一直到生產過後,都由各科別所組成的醫療團隊共同照顧 。2010年,台北慈院更獲頒母嬰親善醫院特優獎。

2007年 貴州扶困助遷村 平岩鄉民有新家

10.海地辣木推廣 ”Miracle tree” may help quake recovery

Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States have been back in quake-hit areas of Haiti to introduce local residents to the moringa tree. The moringa is called the ”miracle tree” because it is fast-growing, and has highly nutritious leaves, fruit, flowers and seeds. Volunteers say growing the tree could help solve Haiti”s long-term problems of malnutrition and poverty.


11.馬友族發放 Year-end celebration in Batu Pahat

The Tzu Chi liaison office in Batu Pahat, Malaysia, recently organized a year-end blessing ceremony for the care recipients in non-Chinese communities. The yearly event is a perfect time for volunteers and care recipients to come together. Gifts and red envelops were given to the guests, to wish them a prosperous new year to come.



The Republic of China celebrated its 100th anniversary yesterday, Monday, October 10th. In commemoration, a series spectacular parades and military demonstrations were held in front of the Presidential Palace. Let”s join the festival at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


