2011年10月20日 星期四


< Flood aid in Thailand >
< Improved rice strains >
< From one to 4,000 >
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.Coming up in the show today, as floodwaters continue to swamp Thailand, Tzu Chi volunteers prepare hot food and medication for those living in Bangkok”s low-lying areas. In the continuation of our featured reports on Taiwan”s rice production, today we meet rice experts who are developing new, award-winning strains that are strong and high-yielding. Later, in Malaysia, we find out how the number of Tzu Chi volunteers in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor went from a handful in 1993, to 4,000 today, as the scale of charity work expands exponentially.


1. 曼谷低窪訪視 Worst flood in 50 years
2. 泰國斯麗樂 Tzu Chi to the rescue
3. 新芽萌愛(2)蔡孟妤 Cai Mengyu runs like the wind
4. 找一碗飯(二) Science of rice farming
5. 四川環保宣導 Recycling on the rise
6. 印佛環保論壇 Bandung Buddhists battle global warming
7. 1020歷史的今天 On this day, the 20th of October
8. 慈濟吉隆坡 From one to thousands
END: 高雄樂活農園

1. 曼谷低窪訪視 Worst flood in 50 years

First up today, Thailand is currently facing the worst flood in 50 years. Beginning as early as late July, about 75 percent of the country is now under water. Tzu Chi volunteers have come to the aid of deluged communities for the past two months. Recently, they set up a soup kitchen in Lop Buri Province, and also began to help flooded areas of the capital, Bangkok.


2. 泰國斯麗樂 Tzu Chi to the rescue

Staying in Thailand, we meet 32 years old Sirilak, who underwent an operation for a curved spine 17 years ago, only to be left paralyzed from the waist down. Unable to walk or exercise, Sirilak has become obese to the point that she could no longer fit into taxis. With her bed sores requiring a visit to the hospital, her mother, who learned of Tzu Chi through a client of hers, called for help. Thanks to the volunteers at the Tzu Chi Thailand Chapter, Sirilak not only made it to the hospital, but is also learning how to become self-sufficient.


3. 新芽萌愛(2)蔡孟妤 Cai Mengyu runs like the wind

Continuing our series on students who received Tzu Chi”s New Shoots Scholarship this year, today we meet (蔡孟妤)Cai Mengyu from Taichung”s Shalu district. The young girl has to help care for her nearly blind father and her deaf-mute grandparents at home, but has still managed to win first place at a recent sports competition.


《 靜思語 》

Contribute according to one”s ability; tiny droplets of love have the collective power to achieve great things.


4. 找一碗飯(二) Science of rice farming

Rice is the most important agricultural produce in Taiwan. But since 2002, when Taiwan joined the WTO and opened its market to rice imports, local production has fallen. The government implemented a set-aside policy, and now 220,000 hectares of farmland are left fallow. The farmers who are still in business turn to the experts for new and improved strains of rice, that can help them compete in the international market.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Carbon Reduction
Cutting emissions and reducing pollution can be achieved by curbing on our shopping desires that drive the consumer market. Today”s unpredictable weather patterns highlight the need for more environmental efforts, and the preservation of resources.


5. 四川環保宣導 Recycling on the rise

It has been three years since the earthquake that devastated Sichuan in west China. Three years after the tragedy, homes and school have been rebuilt, and residents are getting on with their lives. Badly damaged Hanwang Town has been divided into nine villages and ten small districts. To keep up their work in the area, Tzu Chi volunteers are encouraging residents to recycle. The call to protect the planet and raise money to help other disaster victims, has produced a big response from the villagers.


6. 印佛環保論壇 Bandung Buddhists battle global warming

Staying on the topic of environmentalism, but moving to Indonesia, in Bandung, Buddhists have come together for a seminar on battling global warming. The local Tzu Chi office was among the many guests invited to share their insights. Many participants were surprised to find out that it doesn”t take a lot to start making an impact.


7. 1020歷史的今天 On this day, the 20th of October

1973 Sydney Opera House opens
Situated in Sydney Harbour, Australia, the Sydney Opera House was designed and largely built by Danish architect, Jorn Utzon. Opened on this day in 1973, the performing arts center was heralded as one of the most iconic buildings in the world, and was also made a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007.
(Jorn Utzon pronounced as John Wut-Sohn)

1980 Police Radio traffic news
Taiwan”s first public radio station, the Police Radio Station, came into being in 1954, providing information on traffic and public safety. On this day in 1980, the station began airing instant traffic news updates on national highways and major cities.

1996 KL TC chapter opens
In 1993, Taiwanese Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia”s Kuala Lumpur began doing charity work. On this day in 1996, graced by Buddhist leaders, a ribbon cutting ceremony was held for the local chapter house. The new establishment would attract more locals to join the ranks of the humanitarians.

2009 Work relief program
At the end of September, 2009, Typhoon Ketsana wreaked havoc in Marikina City in the Philippines” Manila. In the following month, Tzu Chi launched a relief work program, where typhoon victims were paid to clean up their own communities. On this day of the same year, Tzu Chi volunteers held a blessing ceremony to mark the end of the program. Attendants took Tzu Chi”s coin banks home, to start saving for those in greater need.




2009年,愛灑馬利僅那,延續善緣大愛。凱莎娜颱風在2009年九月底重創菲律賓馬利僅那市,慈濟志工從十月份發動以工代賑,帶動居民清掃家園,在即將完成清掃工作的這天,慈濟志工舉辦愛灑人間祈福活動,居民們踴躍認養竹筒撲滿,存下善款 幫助需要的人。

8. 慈濟吉隆坡 From one to thousands

Tzu Chi”s work first began in Malaysia in 1992. The following year, a liaison office was opened in the capital, Kuala Lumpur. As volunteers increased in number, and a regular meeting place became ever more necessary, in 1996, then director of the office Liu Jiyu(劉濟雨) and his wife, Jian Cilu(簡慈露) donated their apartment as the new chapter house, which was later renamed the Tzu Chi Selangor-Kuala Lumpur Chapter. It marked the beginning of an exponential growth of local charity work, which now involves around 4,000 volunteers and 120,000 donating members.


END: 高雄樂活農園

Finally today, children in Kaohsiung, Taiwan, are getting a taste of what it feels like to be self-sufficient. The Kaohsiung First Community University has launched a farming project for youngsters by creating organic vegetable gardens in schools. Through the project, many young participants have come to appreciate nature more. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

今天最後,台灣高雄的孩童體驗自給自足的方式,高雄市第一社區大學自然樂活農園社在國小 推動「校園實驗菜圃」,教小朋友栽種蔬果,透過耕作,讓孩子學會感恩,感謝大自然。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會 。(2011.10.20)

