2013年4月17日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130417
TC volunteers cleaning after celebration
Brave foreign spouse living in Taiwan
Establishing an ecological park & farm
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s show, Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi volunteers in Dajia(大甲) District, are cleaning up the streets and picking litters, after the annual Mazu(媽祖) Pil-gri-mage Pro-cession.
● We go to Meinong(美濃) District in Kaohsiung(高雄) City, to meet foreign spouse Du Sixuan(杜思璇), who is raising her children on her own, after her divorce.
● And, students at the Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi University, are turning an empty land, near their dormitory, into an eco-logical park and farm.
● 今天的提要,馬祖遶境圓滿後,大甲慈濟志工動員進行街道清掃。
● 來到高雄美濃,外籍配偶杜思璇離婚後獨自撫養小孩。
● 接著,花蓮慈濟大學的學生,將宿舍附近的空地變成生態農園。
1. 媽祖安座掃街 Cleaning the streets of Taichung
2. 疾管疫情 & H7N9傳播途徑 H7N9 continues to raise concerns
3. 學生教養院義診 Malaysia interns visit Tzu Chi
4. 愛上台灣味(1)野蓮的幸福 A different side of foreign spouses
5. 肌萎慈母情 Helping family help themselves
6. 南非法親關懷 Remembering Jiang Fude
7. 防菜價跌 How to avoid drastic price drops?
8. 慈大生態農園 Creating an eco-park at Tzu Chi Univ.
1. 媽祖安座掃街 Cleaning the streets of Taichung
The Mazu(媽祖) Pil-gri-mage Pro-cession in Taichung(台中) City, Taiwan, successfully ended last weekend. The event attracted many visitors to the Dajia(大甲) District, but also left a large amount of garbage. To ensure the streets are clean before members of the public get back to work, Tzu Chi volunteers and community workers were mobilized, to pick up rubbish and sweep the grounds.
媽祖遶境於上周末落幕 ,台中市大甲區湧入的人潮眾多也帶來了大量的垃圾,為了確認街頭恢復原來的整潔慈濟志工與社區志工一起動員清掃街道。
2. 疾管疫情 & H7N9傳播途徑 H7N9 continues to raise concerns
As of April 14th, 60 cases of H7N9 infection, have been reported in China, with the death toll at 13. Although currently, there is no concrete evidence, of human-to-human transmission, new research shows, genetic changes in the H7N9 strain, could possibly make the virus more infectious. Meanwhile, in Taiwan, the Council of Agriculture, expressed the possibility, that the ban, on the slaughtering of live poultry, at traditional markets, may come earlier than planned.
截至4月14號為止,中國H7N9流感累計60人感染 13人死亡,但是目前還沒有足夠證據有人傳人的傳播,根據世衛組織公布的資料顯示,目前H7N9病毒已經有一個變異,另一方面,台灣農政單位表示,因應疫情上升逐步禁止傳統市場屠宰活禽的實施時間可能提前。
3. 學生教養院義診 Malaysia interns visit Tzu Chi
A group of Malaysia medical students recently came to Taiwan, to learn how the medical system operates here. As a part of their trip, the students followed TIMA medical staff to a nursing home, to carry out a free dental clinic. Seeing the selfless giving spirit of these doctors and volunteers, was a great inspiration for these university students.
4. 愛上台灣味(1)野蓮的幸福 A different side of foreign spouses
In Taiwan, there are over 46,000 foreign spouses, with the vast majority of them being females, who have traveled to live and marry in an un-familiar country. In Meinong(美濃) District of Kaohsiung(高雄) alone, there are over 700 foreign spouses. Among them is Du Sixuan(杜思璇), who came to live and work in Meinong(美濃), after her divorce. Despite her nationality, she is just like any Taiwanese mother, who will do anything for her son.
目前在台灣外籍配偶人數已高達46萬人,他們 大多數是女性 飄洋過海遠嫁台灣,在高雄美濃已經有七百名外籍配偶,來自越南的杜思璇在離婚後,來到這裡 美濃以採野蓮為生,她跟所有的台灣媽媽一樣,寧願吃苦也要把孩子好好帶大。
5. 肌萎慈母情 Helping family help themselves
In Taichung`s Fengyuan(豐原) District, lives one of Tzu Chi`s care recipient family, the Wang(王) family. Mr. Wang(王) passed away from ce-re-bellar a-trophy, and his three children, are all currently suffering from the same disease. Just when this family is in despair, Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff arrived with love and care.
6. 南非法親關懷 Remembering Jiang Fude
Tzu Chi`s history in Bloem-fon-tein, South Africa, began with Tzu Chi volunteer Jiang Fude(江富德), who seized every opportunity to do Tzu Chi`s work. He would often visit Zulu children in remote townships, distributing stationery. Although he passed away from cancer a few years ago, his spirit inspired many fellow volunteers, to continue spreading the seeds of love, all across the city.
慈濟在南非布魯芳登是從慈濟志工 江富德開始,江富德把握時間做慈濟,也常到鄉下發放文具用品給祖魯族學生,雖然他幾年前因癌症往生,他的慈濟法親承接他的遺願,讓愛的種子繼續在布魯芳登發芽茁壯。
7. 防菜價跌 How to avoid drastic price drops?
In Taiwan, facing price fluctuations in vegetables, many consumers find themselves at times, unable to afford certain vegetables. In fact, the Agriculture and Food Agency, established a plan to prevent this problem. To date, however, the plan has not been able, to stop market fluctuations. In our next report, let`s find out the reason, behind the fluctuation in vegetable prices.
8. 慈大生態農園 Creating an eco-park at Tzu Chi Univ.
When it comes to saving the earth, getting out the message of environmentalism is important; however, slogans and ideas still need to be turned into action. Students at the Tzu Chi University in Hualien,Taiwan were doing just that when they took the first step in transforming an empty lot into an ecological park and farm. Administrators and teachers at the school hope that such activities will encourage the students to continue their good work even after graduation.
We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show; international students from Paraguay, visited the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Guandu(關渡) of Taipei. These students not only visited Da Ai TV but also practiced recycling at the Tzu Chi Guandu(關渡) Grounds. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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