2013年4月30日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20130429
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s top stories, in the United States, Tzu Chi receives recognition from the White House for its relief efforts after Hurricane Sandy. We visit local residents in China’s Sichuan(四川) Province, to see how they are adjusting to their lives, five years after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. And, as this year marks the 10th anniversary of the SARS epidemic, we look back at the devotion of medical staff at the-then Heping(和平) Hospital.
1. 美德州關懷
2. 白宮桑迪表揚
3. 美風災照片展
4. 川超越震殤(1)北川經驗
5. 體檢環基法十年(4)山林篇
6. (時光機)0426SARS回顧
7. 菲助學羅絲蒂
END: 巴東發放眼鏡
1. 美德州關懷
First up in the United States, days following the explosion of a fertilizer plant in the town of West, Texas, a security pe-ri-meter remains around the blast site to keep residents and media from entering. To date, only Tzu Chi has been granted permission, to enter the disaster zone, to assess and report on the current situation.
2. 白宮桑迪表揚
Staying in the United States, the White House regularly recognizes individuals, businesses and organizations, for making a difference in society, through the program of "Champions of Change". Among those recently awarded for their relieft efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, is Tzu Chi, the only international religious organization selected.
3. 美風災照片展
Following months of relief work to help Hurricane Sandy survivors, the Tzu Chi New York Chapter organized a photo exhibition at the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in New York. The exhibition moved local residents, as well as the mayor of Pingtung County, Cao Qihong(曹啟鴻), who was on an official trip to the United States.
《 靜思語 》
Treat the world as our classroom, where each person is a teacher and each encounter a lesson.
4. 川超越震殤(1)北川經驗
This year marks the 5th anniversary of the devastating 5/12 earthquake, with survivors slowly recovering from the terrifying event. Beginning today, Da Ai TV reporters are taking us back to Wenchuan(汶川), to see what the government has done, after the 2008 tremor to help local residents rebuild their homes.
5. 體檢環基法十年(4)山林篇
Have you heard of ecological restoration? It’s an increasingly common practice of restoring damaged ecosystems by human actions, such as planting trees. This practice is not limited to forests, but is applicable to wetlands, or any ecosystem that needs repair. Today, we meet an individual, who has turned his land from a betel nut tree farm into a ro-bust rainforest.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Correct Thought and (Correct) Action
When undertaking something that we know is correct, even if we encounter hindrances or setbacks, we won’t be put off, but instead will strive to be more careful. When we encounter unfortunate circumstances, they are there to show us that we are not yet ripe, that our hearts have yet to be fully purified and, therefore, need to be ever more motivated and diligent.
6. (時光機)0426SARS回顧
On April 24th, this year, Taiwan reported its first case of the H7N9 avian influenza. On the same day, 10 years ago, the-then Heping(和平) Hospital in Taipei, was locked down after having reported an outbreak of SARS. Today, we travel back in time, to the panic and fear the country lived through.
7. 菲助學羅絲蒂
Next, we meet Mary Detayson from the Philipines, who through the help of Tzu Chi, was able to complete her studies, and go on to become an elementary school teacher as she dreamed of.
END: 巴東發放眼鏡
In Indonesia’s West Sumatra, Tzu Chi volunteers who are concerned for the health of students, carried out a free eye examination service at a local school in Padang, and handed out glasses to those in need. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年4月26日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130426
Life after the Yaan Earthquake
Tending to vehicle accident victims
Lessons learnt in TW`s 9/21 quake
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s show, in China, we see how disaster survivors are coping nearly one week after the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake in Sichuan(四川) Province.
●Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan`s Pingtung(屏東) bring comfort and support to victims of a mutiple vehicle accident and their family members.
●And, 14 years after the 9/21 tremor, we look into whether government and citizens of Taiwan have learnt their lessons from the calamity.
1.邛崍路邊發放 Aid distribution helping needy
2.蘆山災後生活 10,000 people living in tents
3.蘆山兒童安心 Emotional support for disaster victims
4.災後症候群 Acute stress disorder
5.屏車禍關懷 Condolences for car crash victim
6.廣東獨居清掃 Visiting solitary senior
7.竹科感恩科技 Introducing recycling concepts to businesses
8.護理勞工表揚 A model labor worker, Zhang Qiongying
9.體檢環基法十年(山林篇)3結痂的土地 14 years after 9/21 Earthquake
10.慈大廣西中醫 Another milestone in Mission of Medicine
1.邛崍路邊發放 Aid distribution helping needy
We kick off today`s program in China; in a continuing effort to help those affected by the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake in Sichuan(四川) Province, on April 23rd, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at Qionglai(邛崍) City and organized a distribution at Jingkou(靖口) Village.
一開始首先來看中國,持續來看中國,四川雅安地震關懷的報導,4月23日 慈濟志工,來到邛崍市的,高興村和靖口村,舉辦發放。
2.蘆山災後生活 10,000 people living in tents
It has been nearly a week since the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake, devastated many parts of Sichuan Province, and more than 10,000 local residents are still living in poor conditions inside temporary shelters. Though charity organizations have donated drinking water and food, many are still in need of daily necessities, baby formula and supplies.
在中國 雅安地震,發生至今 快一周了,許多地方造成嚴重損傷,包括蘆山縣,目前當地有超過一萬人,在當地體育館旁搭建帳棚,因為慈善團體的幫忙,災民有足夠的食物和水,但是仍急需日常用品,尤其是嬰兒奶粉。
3.蘆山兒童安心 Emotional support for disaster victims
Following the 4/20 earthquake in Sichuan(四川) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers have established a children`s support center in Lushan(蘆山) County, to help them leave behind the traumatic experience and smile again.
4.災後症候群 Acute stress disorder
As news of earthquakes occurring around the globe continues to daunt many, some may be feeling anxious, frustrated, distracted and even have irregular sleeping patterns. If you experience the above symptoms, doctors suggest these may be signs of acute stress disorder and if not dealt with properly, may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder.
《 靜思語 》
Be understanding with small matters and tolerant with large matters.
5.屏車禍關懷 Condolences for car crash victim
In Taiwan`s Pingtung(屏東) City, a volunteer of the Zenan(人安) Homeless Social Welfare Foundation was driving a van when he accidentally hit multiple motorcycles and cars. The car crash took a motorist`s life, and injured three others. Tzu Chi volunteers soon arrived at the hospital to care for the wounded, and brought their condolences to the victim`s family.
6.廣東獨居清掃 Visiting solitary senior
In China`s Guangdong(廣東) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers from the Tzu Chi Liusha(流沙) Retreat in Puning(普寧) City, visited solitary senior resident, Grandpa Wang, to clean his living environment, and children from the neighborhood also arrived to lend a helping hand.
7.竹科感恩科技 Introducing recycling concepts to businesses
Back to Taiwan, United Micro-electronics Corporation in Hsinchu recently invited DA.AI Technology to their headquarters, to share environmental concepts and how its green products are made from PET bottles.
8.護理勞工表揚 A model labor worker, Zhang Qiongying
As Labor Day is just around the corner here in Taiwan, the Labor Affairs Bureau in Kaohsiung City recognized model labor workers through an award ceremony. A nursing supervisor at the Kaohsiung Medical University Chung Ho(中和) Memorial Hospital, Zhang Qiongying(張瓊櫻), was among the awardees acknowleged for her hardworking efforts.
《 衲履足跡 》談心靈教育 On Spiritual Education
Whether it is material aid or spiritual education, in both arenas, Tzu Chi volunteers give to the utmost of their abilities. Master Cheng Yen(changed ”I” to this, we don`t use first person persona) hopes that volunteers around the globe continue to recruit more people to the bodhisattva path, thus improving the state of our society through increasing the power of love and cleaning up the spiritual decay in hearts.
9.體檢環基法十年(山林篇)3結痂的土地 14 years after 9/21 Earthquake
It has been 14 years since the 9/21 Earthquake in Taiwan, which caused drastic changes around the island. In an effort to prevent further landslides, reforestation has been implemented in the aftermath of the tremor. However, have local residents and government officials learned anything from the catastrophe? We now take a look to find out.
10.慈大廣西中醫 Another milestone in Mission of Medicine
On April 24th, a group of delegates from China`s Guangxi(廣西) visited Master Cheng Yen at the Jing Si Abode in Hualien, to give personal thanks for Tzu Chi`s relief efforts in the recent disaster in Sichuan(四川). Meanwhile, the Guangxi(廣西) University of Chinese Medicine also signed an agreement for cooperation and exchange with Tzu Chi University`s School of Post-bac-ca-lau-re-ate Chinese Medicine, marking yet another milestone in Tzu Chi`s Mission of Medicine.
We go back to Taiwan at the end of today`s program, as disasters are becoming ever more frequent, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taipei`s Neihu(內湖) Recycling Station, for the past week, have been working to produce the signature grey blankets used at Tzu Chi`s international relief work. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年4月25日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130425
TC`s 1st large scale distribution
Cash cards for US explosion victims
Neglect environmental protection
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s top stories, in China, Sichuan Tzu Chi volunteers are carrying out Tzu Chi`s first large scale aid distribution in Qionglai(邛崍) City to help 3,500 residents.
●Tzu Chi volunteers in Texas of the United States, hand out cash cards to victims of the recent explosion in the town of West.
●And, we see how Taiwan`s government neglects to reinforce laws that protect our environment, in favor of economic benefits.
1.邛崍發放 TC is here for you
2.邛崍備物資 Help is on the way
3.蘆山安心站 Bringing emotional support
4.川震菩薩 Living Bodhisattva rising from disaster
5.德州現值卡 Cash cards for explosion survivors
6.敬老院關懷併 Helping others help themselves
7.搶救病危少年 A miracle at Taichung TCH
8.菲為川震祈禱 Rehearsals for upcoming Buddha Day
9.體檢環基法十年(山林篇)2 In favor of monetary gains
1.邛崍發放 TC is here for you
First up in China; following the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake on April 20th, Sichuan Tzu Chi volunteers have visited the disaster zones, to better understand the needs of local residents. On April 23rd, Tzu Chi`s first large scale aid distribution after the tremor was held, at Gaohe(高何) Town, in Qionglai(邛崍) City, helping 3,500 residents from 950 households. This time each family received two blankets and a relief pack.
在中國,4月20日的雅安地震後,四川慈濟志工來到災區了解災民的需求,在4月23日,強震後的第一場大型發放,在邛崍市 高何鎮舉行,幫助950戶 3,500多人,這次每戶人家,收到兩條慈濟毛毯,以及生活包。
2.邛崍備物資 Help is on the way
Prior to the distribution at Gaohe(高何) Town of Qionglai(邛崍) City, relief items and blankets donated by RT-MART and DA.AI Technology, both Taiwan corporations whose branch offices is located in the cities of Meishan(眉山) and Shifang(什邡), arrived at the disaster area the night before. Upon seeing the aid supplies, local residents all reached a helping with the unloading.
邛崍市 高何鎮,舉辦發放前,發放物資都是由來自台灣的大潤發賣場,和大愛感恩科技,它們分別在中國眉山市,和什邡市都有據點,物資在前一晚抵達災區,看見物資的到來,當地居民也紛紛伸出援手,幫忙卸貨。
3.蘆山安心站 Bringing emotional support
As relief items pour into the hard hit areas of the recent earthquake in China`s Sichuan(四川) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers also arrived to carry out an aid distribution and bring emotional support to local residents in Lushan(蘆山). After deciding to set up a temporary support center for children, volunteers received help from other organizations and a local kindergarten, and were able to bring smiles to children in the disaster areas, through pictures and songs.
4.川震菩薩 Living Bodhisattva rising from disaster
Among the Tzu Chi volunteers carrying out aid distributions in China`s Sichuan(四川) Province, is Jiang Xiaolei(蔣曉蕾), who also took part in the relief efforts after the 2008 Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake. Following a failure in running her restaurant business, Jiang (蔣) began reflecting on her life and soon after decided to follow in Master Cheng Yen`s footsteps. In the aftermath of the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake, Jiang(蔣) joined other volunteers at relief work and vowed to accompany her fellow countrymen through this difficult time.
420雅安廬山地震過後,四川當地慈濟志工立刻動員,將物資送到災區,其中 一位蔣曉蕾,曾在汶川大地震,投入賑災行列,而與慈濟結緣,在生意遭受挫敗後,讓她開始停下腳步,自我反省,也才跟隨證嚴上人的腳步,這次420地震,她和其他志工一起投入賑災,承諾陪伴自己的鄉親。
《 靜思語 》
Every person has shortcomings; if the shortcomings can be overcome, we will live a wholesome life.
5.德州現值卡 Cash cards for explosion survivors
Moving to the United States, following an explosion at a fertilizer plant in the town of West, Texas, 142 houses were destroyed and 51 houses suffered major damage. In the aftermath of the explosion, besides handing out relief items to the victims, Tzu Chi volunteers from the Tzu Chi Dallas Chapter also distributed cash cards at a nearby community center.
6.敬老院關懷併 Helping others help themselves
Back to China, Xiamen Tzu Chi volunteers have been paying regular visits to nursing homes in the area for over 4 years. These visits have moved 72-year-old Yan Jihua(顏基華), who not only joined the volunteers, in caring for nursing home residents, but has also decided to go one step further, and sign up for a volunteer training course.
中國 廈門慈濟志工,四年來,定期關懷海滄敬老院,真誠的付出感動了,72歲的院友顏基華,他不單是穿起志工背心,關懷同院的老人,也進一步參加志工培訓。
7.搶救病危少年 A miracle at Taichung TCH
In Taiwan`s Taichung, 16-year-old Lin(林) was involved in a vehicle accident last November and suffered severe injuries. Such was the seriousness of his condition that the boy`s family even considered donating his organs if he didn`t make it. However, medical staff from seven different departments at the Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi Hospital worked together and miraculously brought the boy back to life.
《 衲履足跡 》談品德教育 On Moral Education
We need to increase our vigilance and not let small desires or wrong thoughts cloud our hearts. Although perhaps small at the beginning, such desires and thoughts can(added this) slowly grow in power, eventually muddying our original nature and exhausting our spiritual resources. And a heart that has been despoiled as such, will do the same to the environment at large.
8.菲為川震祈禱 Rehearsals for upcoming Buddha Day
Tzu Chi volunteers in the Philippines have begun rehearsals for the up-coming Buddha Day ceremony in May. And among the 473 performers taking part are Tzu Chi care recipients from Manila and local volunteers from Quezon City. At a recent rehearsal, everyone`s love came together regardless of their faith, as they prayed for victims of the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake in Sichuan, China.
9.體檢環基法十年(山林篇)2 In favor of monetary gains
In the recent years, Taiwan`s government has put boosting economical benefits ahead of environmental protection, such examples are the excessive limestone mining in Hualien, and the overdevelopment of tourist attractions in Ali(阿里) Mountain. Although Taiwan`s laws clearly states, un-renewable resources must be monitored and protected, sometimes governing bodies will turn a blind eye to such laws in favor of future economic benefits.
We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show, @ at the Hewei(和緯) Recycling Station in Tainan(台南), recycling volunteers designed a large storage cabinet to help tidy up the station`s environment, and invited students of the community`s parent-child class to come and paint the exterior surface of the cabinet. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年4月24日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130424
Putting our environment at risk
Spreading TC spirit far and wide
Caring for seniors in remote area
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s show, we learn about Taiwan`s Environmental Constitution Supervision Act, and how if properly governed, can help minimize the losses from disasters.
●In China, we go to the 2013 China Fuzhou(福州) International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair, and see how Tzu Chi volunteers are promoting humanitarianism to fairgoers.
●And, in Taiwan, Northern District TIMA doctors are providing medical checkups, to senior residents in Pingxi(平溪) District.
1.邛崍村民互助 Gaohe Town severely damaged
2.體檢環基法十年(山林篇) Expansion or protection?
3.馬地震體驗 Earthquake drill at TC Kindergarten
4.佛事展開幕 International Buddhist Fair concludes
5.佛事展推素 Promoting vegetarianism at fair
6.緬烏達密 Spreading TC`s love far & wide
7.雙溪醫療關懷 TIMA doctors` unfaltering care
8.漸凍感恩慈濟 ALS patient attends memorial service
9.(時光機)0421高山小麥 Growing organic wheat in Mt. Ali
1.邛崍村民互助 Gaohe Town severely damaged
In China, after the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake on April 20th, many parts of Sichuan Province were left severely damaged. To help, on April 23rd, Tzu Chi volunteers held the first relief distribution, at Gaohe(高何) town in Qionglai(邛崍) City, helping more than 920 households. But first, let`s take a look, at the current living environment of local residents, and see how they are helpinig each other, through this difficult time.
在中國 4月20日,雅安地震後,四川省許多地方,受到嚴重影響,為了幫助受災鄉親,慈濟志工4月23日,在邛崍市高何鎮,舉辦第一場發放,幫助超過920戶,現在,我們先來看看,受災鄉親,目前的生活狀況,以及看他們是如何幫助彼此度過這個難關。
2.體檢環基法十年(山林篇) Expansion or protection?
In 2002, Taiwan`s Environmental Constitution Supervision Act was established, but with no governing body, to carry out the act, many regional planning projects, slide by, without environmental consideration. Over the past 10 years, many natural disasters, have been ca-ta-stro-phic, but perhaps the residents of Taiwan, with the help of the act, could have helped prevent such devastating losses.
3.馬地震體驗 Earthquake drill at TC Kindergarten
Due to its geographic location, the country of Malaysia, does not suffer from earthquakes. However, teachers at the Tzu Chi Butterworth Kindergarten nevertheless, organized an earthquake drill. Teachers hoped that through this experience, students will be prepared when disaster strikes.
《 靜思語 》
Do not fear making mistakes; fear only not correcting them.
4.佛事展開幕 International Buddhist Fair concludes
The 2013 China Fuzhou(福州) International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair, sucessfully concluded on April 22nd. Among the exhibitors was Tzu Chi`s Jing Si Books and Cafe, whose booth was commended for its elegance and clean display.
5.佛事展推素 Promoting vegetarianism at fair
At the 2013 China Fuzhou(福州) International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair, Tzu Chi volunteers not only promoted Tzu Chi`s ideals to members of the public, but also promoted vegetarianism, by preparing vegetarian dishes for visitors to try.
6.緬烏達密 Spreading TC`s love far & wide
In our next report, we go to Myanmar to meet Tzu Chi care recipient U Thar Myint. Due to old age, the senior was no longer able to farm; therefore, starting last year, Tzu Chi began providing the senior with 50kg of rice, on a monthly basis. Touched by the volunteers` gesture, U Thar Myint decided to cook black sugar sago porridge for his fellow villagers. Unfortunately, the senior passed away from a brain hemorrhage two days later.
《 衲履足跡 》談人間菩薩招生 On Calling on Bodhisattvas
There is no limit to the amount of people that can walk the bodhisattva path. Our goal, however, is not to recruit new members for the sake of their donations, but to give them an opportunity to understand Tzu Chi. I hope that everyone can one day be a part of Tzu Chi and manifest the Buddhist NGO in their own lives.
7.雙溪醫療關懷 TIMA doctors` unfaltering care
The recent rains in Northern Taiwan, has meant fewer visitors, are coming to visit Pingxi(平溪) District - the home of the sky lanterns. However, the care of TIMA doctors, has not wavered, and they can still be seen, visiting senior residents in remote townships, providing them with medical checkups.
8.漸凍感恩慈濟 ALS patient attends memorial service
Next, we meet Tzu Chi care recipient, A-Xue(阿雪), who suffers from ALS. A disorder that causes muscle weakness and atrophy. As she was unable to attend her mother and husband`s funeral personally. Tzu Chi volunteers used a digital device, to record the memorial service for her. As a way to show her appreciation, A-Xue(阿雪) wrote a letter to express her thanks to Master Cheng Yen and Tzu Chi volunteers.
9.(時光機)0421高山小麥 Growing organic wheat in Mt. Ali
Over the past few days, we learned of the rise and fall of Taiwan`s wheat industry and visited a few wheat farmers, who are currently growing the crop in Taiwan. Beginning last year, a group of women, living on Ali(阿里) Mountain, also started growing wheat near their old village, and even convinced their family members, to switch to a more natural way of farming.
We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show; to celebrate the World Reading Day and encourage youngsters to develop reading habits, a music concert was held at Tzu Chi Senior High School in Hualien. The event included musical performances, poetry recitations, and Hawaiian dance from international students. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130423
Earthquake rattles China`s Sichuan
Caring for Texas explosion survivors
Europe Tzu Chi training seminar
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s show, China Tzu Chi volunteers are carrying out a series of relief work, to help those affected by the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake in Sichuan(四川) Province.
●Texas Tzu Chi volunteers in the United States, are handing out cash cards and blankets, to victims of the recent, fertilizer plant explosion, in the town of West.
●And, Europe Tzu Chi volunteers are holding a volunteer training seminar, at the Tzu Chi office in France.
1.川備物資關懷+名山一中打包 Struck by 7.0 magnitude earthquake
2.名山一中發放 Helping needy students
3.四川地震關懷 First TC team to reach survivors
4.前進國小收容 School able to withstand 8.0 earthquake
5.德州爆炸發放 Helping disaster victims in Texas
6.歐洲啟用典禮 Opening of first office in Europe
7.歐洲精進首日 Training seminar for volunteers
8.歐洲傳心傳法 Spreading Tzu Chi`s ideals far & wide
9.(時光機)0420喜願麥苗 Revival of wheat market
10.馬腎友掃中心 Giving dialysis center a fresh look
1.川備物資關懷+名山一中打包 Struck by 7.0 magnitude earthquake
We start today`s show in Sichun(四川) Province, China; soon after Yaan(雅安) earthquake occurred on April 20th, with help from the China Charity Federation, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at the Mingshan(名山) Senior High School, with bread and dry provisions. The next day, relief items donated by corporations, arrived at the school, and teachers and students, all reached out a helping hand, in packing the aid supplies.
2.名山一中發放 Helping needy students
The Yaan(雅安) Earthquake, brought severe damage to many areas in Sichuan Province. Upon receiving the news, Sichuan Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at Mingshan(名山) Senior High School with relief items donated by corporations and handed out the aid supplies to students on campus.
3.四川地震關懷 First TC team to reach survivors
In the immediate hours, after Yaan(雅安) Earthquake, the first team of Sichuan(四川) Tzu Chi volunteers reached Mingshan(名山) Senior High School, a school that was rebuilt by the Buddhist NGO, after the 2008 Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake, despite roads being restricted.
4.前進國小收容 School able to withstand 8.0 earthquake
Five years ago, the Qianjin(前進) Elementary School was destroyed in the Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake. Tzu Chi Foundation has since help rebuild Qianjin(前進) Elementary. In the aftermath of the recent Yaan(雅安) Earthquake, many local residents fled to the elementary school for shelter.
《 靜思語 》
Genuine selfless love can purify all.
5.德州爆炸發放 Helping disaster victims in Texas
In the United States, following an explosion, at a fertilizer plant, in the town of West, Texas, Tzu Chi volunteers team up with other organizations, handing out cash cards and blankets. They hope the relief items, will be the first step, in helping residents through this difficult time.
6.歐洲啟用典禮 Opening of first office in Europe
To spread Tzu Chi`s philosophy in Europe, Tzu Chi volunteers set up the first Tzu Chi Office in Paris. At the opening ceremony, volunteers from eight different European countries and regions, arrived to witness this historical moment, for Tzu Chi in Europe.
7.歐洲精進首日 Training seminar for volunteers
Tzu Chi`s two-day volunteers training seminar in Europe, officially took place on April 20th. Some 80 volunteers from different countries in Europe, gathered at the Tzu Chi office in France.
8.歐洲傳心傳法 Spreading Tzu Chi`s ideals far & wide
The volunteers training seminar in France, was also attended by Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteers, where they shared their experiences with their counterparts.
《 衲履足跡 》談放寬心胸 On Opening Our Hearts
Our lives should not be tense but taut. This tautness comes from our understanding of the correct path and our sagacious use of every second to progress on this path. With our feet firmly planted on the path, we will notice a sense of ease in our lives; conversely, being nervous and tense comes from too much gain and loss in our hearts.
9.(時光機)0420喜願麥苗 Revival of wheat market
In 2007, the price of flour skyrocketed, following an international food crisis, and Taiwan, being heavily dependent on wheat imports, suffered heavily. It was then, that the deputy director of an export company, Shi Minghuang(施明煌), thought of the possibility, of producing locally grown wheat, and began working with farmers to fulfill this dream.
10.馬腎友掃中心 Giving dialysis center a fresh look
In Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Kedah Dialysis Center, recently carried out a renovation to replace their lights. To avoid disrupting dialysis patients` treatment, the center chose to carry out the work on Sunday. Thanks to the volunteers and dialysis patients, the renovation work was smoothly completed.
We go back to China at the end of the show, Fujian(福建) Tzu Chi volunteers attending the 2013 China Fuzhou(福州) International Buddhist Items and Crafts Fair, seized the opportunity to pray for the quake survivors in Sichuan Province. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2013年4月22日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130422
Indonesia`s Lily TC Da Ai Village
Wheat industry fading in TW
Visiting scholarship applicants
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s top stories, we join Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers, as they help last year`s fire victims move into the newly built Da Ai village in Medan.
●We look into why Taiwan is becoming more reliant on wheat import from the United States, and the history of our wheat industry.
●And, in Malaysia`s Kota Kinabalu, we join Tzu Chi volunteers and teachers as they visit the homes of their scholarship applicants.
1.棉蘭大愛村啟用 Opening ceremony of Da Ai Village
2.環保站防流感 Changhua steps up preventative efforts
3.孫翠鳳新戲 New series joined by Sun Cuifeng
4.(時光機)0419小麥興衰 Rise and fall of the wheat industry
5.科技學校愛灑併 Learning the fundamentals of life
6.靜思語教學研習 Jing Si Aphorism seminar
7.愛上台灣味(4)密莉安的移動城堡 Fighting for you
8.亞庇助學家訪 Visiting scholarship applicants
9.新莊照顧戶搬家 Helping care recipients move home
1.棉蘭大愛村啟用 Opening ceremony of Da Ai Village
After a fire broke out near Medan City, Indonesia, last February, Tzu Chi volunteers not only carried out aid distributions, but also made plans to build a Da Ai village to house the fire survivors. Under the collaboration of the local Chinese community and Tzu Chi, 66 prefabricated houses were completed on February 3rd this year.
去年二月 印尼棉蘭發生火災,造成近九十戶人家全毀,慈濟志工除了提供緊急救助,也展開重建家園計畫,在當地華人及慈濟協助下,66間大愛屋在2月3號,正式啟用。
2.環保站防流感 Changhua steps up preventative efforts
As part of Taiwan`s preventative efforts for the H7N9 bird flu, the government has strengthen sanitization work in all poultry farms, with a particular focus in Changhua(彰化), the center of the nation`s poultry market. The Tzu Chi Ziqiang(自強) Recycling Station, in Changhua(彰化) has also carried out periodic disinfection, and provided surgical masks to recycling volunteers.
3.孫翠鳳新戲 New series joined by Sun Cuifeng
In Taiwan, since September of 2012, Da Ai TV has been airing ”Bodhi Mind”, to promote Buddhist teachings through Taiwanese opera. Starting from April 22nd this year, the show will be joined by Sun Cuifeng(孫翠鳳) and her fellow performers.
《 靜思語 》
Retain a pure heart without greed and we shall have peace and serenity.
4.(時光機)0419小麥興衰 Rise and fall of the wheat industry
Taiwan was once known as the hometown of wheat, however, in the recent years, large swaths of wheat fields can no longer be found. To study the history of the rise and fall of Taiwan`s wheat industry, we travel back in time to see how people here first fell in love with food made from flour, and how it became a staple for many.
5.科技學校愛灑併 Learning the fundamentals of life
Moving to China`s Guangdong(廣東) Province; besides inviting Tzu Chi volunteers to teach Jing Si Aphorisms, teachers and students from the Dongguan(東莞) School of Electronics and Technology, also followed them on a visit to the local nursing home, to learn the principals of life and the importance of family bonding.
6.靜思語教學研習 Jing Si Aphorism seminar
To help teachers incorporate Jing Si Aphorism into their curriculum, the Tzu Chi Teachers Association in Northern Taiwan organized a training seminar, where teachers with decades of experience were invited to share their knowledge and expertise.
《 衲履足跡 》談善效應 On Creating Good Effects
Natural disasters are not something that humans can predict or prevent, but we can, however, change our hearts. We can become aware of the scarcity of the earth`s resources and engage in responsible self-restraint, changing our habits where necessary. Along those lines, the 80% full campaign has the power to change people`s behavior for the better.
7.愛上台灣味(4)密莉安的移動城堡 Fighting for you
Migrant workers in Taiwan are sometimes faced with unfair treatment, stepping in to make sure their rights are not being over looked is Ueriam Hsu, a foreign spouse from the Philippines. Hsu had personal experience in her rights being taken away, and since then, has been fighting to give international workers in Taiwan a voice.
8.亞庇助學家訪 Visiting scholarship applicants
In Kota Kinabalu of Malaysia, as Tzu Chi volunteers will be handing out New Shoots Scholarship to needy students very soon, they invited school teachers to join them, on a trip to the homes of scholarship applicants. Seeing the living environment of these students, teachers promised to encourage their co-workers to join their ranks, and help the students when they return to school.
在馬來西亞 亞庇,慈濟志工即將頒發慈濟新芽獎學金,志工最近邀請學校老師,一同前往獎學金申請者的家,看見這些學生的生活環境,兩位老師答應,回去學校後,要鼓勵同事,一起幫助這些學生。
9.新莊照顧戶搬家 Helping care recipients move home
In Taiwan, we meet care recipient, Mrs. Su(蘇), who lives in Xinzhuang (新莊), New Taipei City. As she is a single mother raising her two children alone, Tzu Chi volunteers visit the family on a regular basis. Recently, Mrs. Su found a job in Muzha(木柵) and needed to move, thus over 20 Tzu Chi volunteers showed up to lend a helping hand.
在台灣有位照顧戶 蘇女士,住在新北市新莊,她是位單親媽媽,獨自扶養二名孩子,因此慈濟志工經常造訪,最近因為工作,必須搬到木柵,志工特地動員二十多人,協助她搬家。
In the United States, after an explosion in a fertilizer plant outside Waco of Texas, Dallas Tzu Chi volunteers immediately arrived to carry out a disaster survey. As police officers and fire fighters were still carrying out emergency work, volunteers contacted the local government official to offer their support. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年4月19日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130419
Tending to Canada`s fire victims
Promoting recycling concepts
Building water wells for home
Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in Canada tend to fire victims in Langley City, by handing out relief items and cash cards.
Students and teachers from various educational institutes in Hsinchu(新竹), Taiwan, are learning environmental ideals through seminar and recycling work.
And, we meet Ruan Xuerong(阮雪絨) from Vietnam, who is now running a strawberry farm with her Taiwanese husband in Miaoli(苗栗) County.
1.加火災發放Helping fire victims in Langley
First up in Canada, in the city of Langley, British Columbia, a fire in the Elm Seniors` Apartment left 99 rooms ruined, and one casualty. Upon hearing the news, volunteers quickly prepared warm clothing and cash cards for the victims, which were handed out during an information session held by the city government.
2.菲浴佛彩排Coming together for Buddha Day
As the Tzu Chi Philippines Chapter plans to hold a Buddha Day ceremony in May, scholarship recipients, local volunteers, and long-term care recipients have already started rehearsing for the big event. Although most of the participants are Catholic, this has not diminished their willingness to take part and learn.
3.廈門北慈醫療Visiting Taipei TCH
In China, Tzu Chi volunteers in Xiamen(廈門) of Fujian(福建) Province, have built a positive relationship with the local government through charity work and medical training seminars. To learn more about the Buddhist NGO, a group of Xiamen government officials arrived at the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital for a short visit.
4.蘭嶼婦科回診Enjoy a life free from pain
In Taiwan, while carrying out a free clinic on Lanyu(蘭嶼) Island, at the end of March, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital and Eastern District TIMA medial staff encountered 42-year-old Zhang Huilan(張惠蘭), who has suffered from severe back pain for years. Luckily, with help from Tzu Chi, she was able to travel to Hualien to undergo surgery.
5.竹校園推環保+學生環保課Learning to love our planet
Staying in Taiwan, teachers and students from the Renwu(仁武) Senior High School in Kaohsiung(高雄) visited the local recycling station, to get hands on experience at sorting recyclables. Meanwhile, the Hsin Chu(新竹) Primary School invited Tzu Chi volunteers to give a talk on environmental concepts, to inspire students to reduce their carbon footprint.
6.廣東訪慈濟A visit to the Fengyuan Jing Si Hall
A group of Chinese visitors from Guandong`s(廣東) Lion Club, took the opportunity during their holiday in Taiwan, to visit the Fengyuan(豐原) Jing Si Hall in Taichung(台中) City, and were all inspired in the process.
一群來自廣東的獅子會成員,趁著來台灣旅遊時,到台中豐原的靜思參訪,參訪過程讓參訪者 非常感動。
7.馬教育展Tzu Chi attending education fair
In Malaysia, since 2000, the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center has been offering scholarships to students, who decide to study nursing. This year, Tzu Chi was invited to attend an education fair held at the Bagan Jaya High School in Butterworth, to explain the organization`s scholarship program to students.
8.愛上台灣味(3)苺夢成真Children of new immigrant parent
In Taiwan, some farmers will often travel to other countries in Asia, in search of a suitable wife, as not many local Taiwanese women are willing to do such laborious work. When Ruan Xuerong(阮雪絨) from Vietnam married her husband, she never thought she would enjoy farm work so much. Now a mother of two, Ruan is taking care of the strawberry fields with her husband in Miaoli(苗栗).
在台灣,有些農民會娶亞洲其他國家的太太,是因為很多台灣女生不想婚後辛苦工作,而越籍配偶阮雪絨嫁到台灣時,她沒想到她會如此喜歡農作,現在她是兩個孩子的媽,阮雪絨還跟先生 一起從事種植草莓園的工作。
9.精舍惜福菜干Cherish food resources
The recent heavy downpour in Taiwan, has worsened the situation for many farmers who already faced a loss in crops, due to the overgrowing amount of vegetables. Jing Si Abode masters and Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien, together turned the damaged harvest into dried vegetables and ensured nothing went to waste.
10.勇敢癱少女A brave girl, Zhuang Pinxuan
Moving to Taichung(台中), we meet Zhuang Pinxuan(莊品瑄), who suddenly became ill when she was in her first year of high school. Despite being paralyzed and needing blood transmissions, the girl bravely faced her health condition and did not give up on her rehab. Let`s hear her story.
In the aftermath of the 311 trio disasters in Japan, in 2011, Tzu Chi volunteers carried out a series of relief work to help the disaster victims, and have built long lasting friendship with local residents along the way. At a recent photo exhibition, residents living in prefab housing community in Iwate Prefecture were invited to attend. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年4月18日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130418
Refrain from eating raw eggs
The spirit of selfless Great Love
Foreign spouse find root in TW
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s top stories, to prevent contracting the H7N9 bird flu, doctors suggest all to eat cooked eggs instead of raw ones.
● In Lesotho, a local volunteer Lethebele Mokhothu, set aside the tragic loss of his wife to complete a home visitation before returning home.
● And, we meet Annie from Vietnam, who is the star of the Sin Li Mei(新麗美) Taiwanese Opera Troupe in Chiayi(嘉義).
● 今天的提要,為了預防 H7N9病毒的接觸醫師建議不要吃生雞蛋。
● 在賴索托,一位當地志工途中接到妻子往生的消息,還是依然完成訪視的工作。
● 接著,帶大家認識來自越南的安妮,現在 是嘉義「新麗美歌劇團」歌仔戲團的明星演員。
1. 波士頓台人 Boston bombing updates
2. 生雞蛋損健康 Raw eggs = a health hazard
3. 輕安居健檢 Safeguarding the health of senior residents
4. 台北車站義診 Free clinic in Taipei Main Station
5. 賴索托關懷 Selfless love of volunteer Lethebele
6. 月刊捐柬埔寨 Packing 5,000 magazines
7. 永和約旦分享 Sharing experiences from Jordan
8. 愛上台灣味 (2) 安妮的新麗美歌劇團 Newcomer to traditional opera
9.親子班送愛 Cherishing their blessings
10. 雪隆環保展 10 day environmental exhibition
11. 在地飲食綠餐廳 An appreciation for food
1. 波士頓台人 Boston bombing updates
First up in today`s program, in the United States, the twin-bombing at the Boston Marathon on April 15th, left 3 dead, including an 8-year-old boy, and over 100 injured. As there were 7 Taiwanese athletes who took part in the event, the Taipei Economic and Culture Office in Boston quickly took steps to contact them to confirm their safety.
節目的一開始來到美國,波士頓馬拉松競賽發生兩個爆炸事件造成三人往生,包括一個8歲小男孩以及上百人受傷,由於有七名台灣選手參加,外交部駐波士頓的台北經濟文化辦事處,緊急聯絡七名選手,所幸掌握的訊息是,大家都很平安 。
2. 生雞蛋損健康 Raw eggs = a health hazard
Many probably think that raw eggs are more nutritious than cooked ones. However, doctors confirmed that more protein can be absorbed in cooked eggs than from raw eggs. In addition, bacterias which can easily find its way into human body are often found in raw eggs, increasing the chances of coming into contact with bird flus. Here`s more.
3. 輕安居健檢 Safeguarding the health of senior residents
In Taiwan, as elderly people are more vulnerable to infections, a health checkup was organized at the adult day care center inside the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, where senior residents were able to receive an update of their health status in one go.
在台灣,因為超齡長者對病菌比較沒有免疫力,因此 ,花蓮慈濟醫院的輕安居就舉辦了一場健康檢查,讓這些長者省去麻煩,能為健康把關。
4. 台北車站義診 Free clinic in Taipei Main Station
Tzu Chi`s TIMA medical staff, regularly works with the Department of Labor in Taipei, to provide free clinics for foreign workers. The recent event consisted of dental, ophthalmology and several other medical services.
5. 賴索托關懷 Selfless love of volunteer Lethebele
Earlier this month, Tzu Chi volunteers in Lesotho travelled to a community in Maseru to visit care recipients there. Among them, is Lethebele Mokhothu who received news that his wife had passed away from a heart attack earlier that morning. Although bereaved with grief and sorrow, Mokhothu nevertheless assisted his fellow volunteers in finishing the home visitations before heading home.
6. 月刊捐柬埔寨 Packing 5,000 magazines
A participant at a Tzu Chi introductory seminar, Xie Mingxin(謝明鑫), who works in the air freight business in Cambodia, was deeply moved by Tzu Chi`s work worldwide and thus decided to pay for the cost of sending 5,000 Tzu Chi Monthly Magazines to his country. To get these magazines ready, Tzu Chi volunteers in Shuanghe(雙和) first came together to clean and package them.
7. 永和約旦分享 Sharing experiences from Jordan
Jordan Tzu Chi volunteer, Chen Chionhwa(陳秋華), while on a trip back to Taiwan, was invited to share his experiences in carrying out Tzu Chi`s work abroad, at the Tzu Chi commissioner training seminar in Yonghe(永和) District of New Taipei City. Let`s take a look.
8. 愛上台灣味 (2) 安妮的新麗美歌劇團 Newcomer to traditional opera
In our next report, we meet Annie from Vietnam, who originally came to Taiwan as the star of the National Vietnam Circus, but married a Taiwanese man and ended up staying here for good. As her husband`s family performs traditional opera as a trade, Annie has also taken it upon herself to learn the art. Today, Annie is working with her husband to pass on the fading Taiwanese Opera.
我們接下來帶大家認識,原本是越南馬戲團台柱的安妮,嫁給台灣人當媳婦後,結束過去馬戲團的工作,先生的家業是經營歌仔戲團,安妮也努力學習唱調,現在,她和先生一起要將本土歌仔戲文化 繼續傳承下去。
9.親子班送愛 Cherishing their blessings
To inspire children to cherish their blessings, students from the Tzu Chi parent-child class in Tainan City visited the Ping Tung Bethany Home. Two months prior to the visit, members of the class held a fundraising activity, of which the procceds were used to purchase daily necessities to donate to the special home.
10. 雪隆環保展 10 day environmental exhibition
In Malaysia, starting from April 13th to April 22nd, Tzu Chi volunteers will be holding an exhibition at the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, to promote environmental concepts. Tzu Chi volunteers thoughtfully created models of a Jing Si Hall, an ant, and a 6 foot tall Earth with recyclables to encourage members of the public to join their ranks in safeguarding the planet. Let`s take a look.
11. 在地飲食綠餐廳 An appreciation for food
The recent downpour in Taiwan was a major headache for fruit and vegetable farmers, as many crops suffered damage from the rains. The Eco Kitchen, a restaurant established by Hualien`s Dong Hua(東華) University, thus, work in conjunction with a nearby organic farm, to salvage these failed harvests, which are otherwise turned into fertilizer.
Staying in Taiwan at the end of today`s program; as this year marks the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi`s work in bone marrow donation, Pingtung Tzu Chi volunteers decided to hold an event to promote blood donation inside a local shopping mall. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2013年4月17日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130417
TC volunteers cleaning after celebration
Brave foreign spouse living in Taiwan
Establishing an ecological park & farm
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s show, Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi volunteers in Dajia(大甲) District, are cleaning up the streets and picking litters, after the annual Mazu(媽祖) Pil-gri-mage Pro-cession.
● We go to Meinong(美濃) District in Kaohsiung(高雄) City, to meet foreign spouse Du Sixuan(杜思璇), who is raising her children on her own, after her divorce.
● And, students at the Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi University, are turning an empty land, near their dormitory, into an eco-logical park and farm.
● 今天的提要,馬祖遶境圓滿後,大甲慈濟志工動員進行街道清掃。
● 來到高雄美濃,外籍配偶杜思璇離婚後獨自撫養小孩。
● 接著,花蓮慈濟大學的學生,將宿舍附近的空地變成生態農園。
1. 媽祖安座掃街 Cleaning the streets of Taichung
2. 疾管疫情 & H7N9傳播途徑 H7N9 continues to raise concerns
3. 學生教養院義診 Malaysia interns visit Tzu Chi
4. 愛上台灣味(1)野蓮的幸福 A different side of foreign spouses
5. 肌萎慈母情 Helping family help themselves
6. 南非法親關懷 Remembering Jiang Fude
7. 防菜價跌 How to avoid drastic price drops?
8. 慈大生態農園 Creating an eco-park at Tzu Chi Univ.
1. 媽祖安座掃街 Cleaning the streets of Taichung
The Mazu(媽祖) Pil-gri-mage Pro-cession in Taichung(台中) City, Taiwan, successfully ended last weekend. The event attracted many visitors to the Dajia(大甲) District, but also left a large amount of garbage. To ensure the streets are clean before members of the public get back to work, Tzu Chi volunteers and community workers were mobilized, to pick up rubbish and sweep the grounds.
媽祖遶境於上周末落幕 ,台中市大甲區湧入的人潮眾多也帶來了大量的垃圾,為了確認街頭恢復原來的整潔慈濟志工與社區志工一起動員清掃街道。
2. 疾管疫情 & H7N9傳播途徑 H7N9 continues to raise concerns
As of April 14th, 60 cases of H7N9 infection, have been reported in China, with the death toll at 13. Although currently, there is no concrete evidence, of human-to-human transmission, new research shows, genetic changes in the H7N9 strain, could possibly make the virus more infectious. Meanwhile, in Taiwan, the Council of Agriculture, expressed the possibility, that the ban, on the slaughtering of live poultry, at traditional markets, may come earlier than planned.
截至4月14號為止,中國H7N9流感累計60人感染 13人死亡,但是目前還沒有足夠證據有人傳人的傳播,根據世衛組織公布的資料顯示,目前H7N9病毒已經有一個變異,另一方面,台灣農政單位表示,因應疫情上升逐步禁止傳統市場屠宰活禽的實施時間可能提前。
3. 學生教養院義診 Malaysia interns visit Tzu Chi
A group of Malaysia medical students recently came to Taiwan, to learn how the medical system operates here. As a part of their trip, the students followed TIMA medical staff to a nursing home, to carry out a free dental clinic. Seeing the selfless giving spirit of these doctors and volunteers, was a great inspiration for these university students.
4. 愛上台灣味(1)野蓮的幸福 A different side of foreign spouses
In Taiwan, there are over 46,000 foreign spouses, with the vast majority of them being females, who have traveled to live and marry in an un-familiar country. In Meinong(美濃) District of Kaohsiung(高雄) alone, there are over 700 foreign spouses. Among them is Du Sixuan(杜思璇), who came to live and work in Meinong(美濃), after her divorce. Despite her nationality, she is just like any Taiwanese mother, who will do anything for her son.
目前在台灣外籍配偶人數已高達46萬人,他們 大多數是女性 飄洋過海遠嫁台灣,在高雄美濃已經有七百名外籍配偶,來自越南的杜思璇在離婚後,來到這裡 美濃以採野蓮為生,她跟所有的台灣媽媽一樣,寧願吃苦也要把孩子好好帶大。
5. 肌萎慈母情 Helping family help themselves
In Taichung`s Fengyuan(豐原) District, lives one of Tzu Chi`s care recipient family, the Wang(王) family. Mr. Wang(王) passed away from ce-re-bellar a-trophy, and his three children, are all currently suffering from the same disease. Just when this family is in despair, Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff arrived with love and care.
6. 南非法親關懷 Remembering Jiang Fude
Tzu Chi`s history in Bloem-fon-tein, South Africa, began with Tzu Chi volunteer Jiang Fude(江富德), who seized every opportunity to do Tzu Chi`s work. He would often visit Zulu children in remote townships, distributing stationery. Although he passed away from cancer a few years ago, his spirit inspired many fellow volunteers, to continue spreading the seeds of love, all across the city.
慈濟在南非布魯芳登是從慈濟志工 江富德開始,江富德把握時間做慈濟,也常到鄉下發放文具用品給祖魯族學生,雖然他幾年前因癌症往生,他的慈濟法親承接他的遺願,讓愛的種子繼續在布魯芳登發芽茁壯。
7. 防菜價跌 How to avoid drastic price drops?
In Taiwan, facing price fluctuations in vegetables, many consumers find themselves at times, unable to afford certain vegetables. In fact, the Agriculture and Food Agency, established a plan to prevent this problem. To date, however, the plan has not been able, to stop market fluctuations. In our next report, let`s find out the reason, behind the fluctuation in vegetable prices.
8. 慈大生態農園 Creating an eco-park at Tzu Chi Univ.
When it comes to saving the earth, getting out the message of environmentalism is important; however, slogans and ideas still need to be turned into action. Students at the Tzu Chi University in Hualien,Taiwan were doing just that when they took the first step in transforming an empty lot into an ecological park and farm. Administrators and teachers at the school hope that such activities will encourage the students to continue their good work even after graduation.
We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show; international students from Paraguay, visited the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Guandu(關渡) of Taipei. These students not only visited Da Ai TV but also practiced recycling at the Tzu Chi Guandu(關渡) Grounds. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2013年4月16日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130416
Providing love & care to fire victims
Helping underprivileged children
Tzu Ching Camp inspiring youngsters
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s show, Thailand Tzu Chi volunteers are handing out emergency cash and relief items to around 200 fire victims in Bangkok.
● In China, Tzu Chi volunteers have been providing scholarships to needy students in Xiamen(廈門) City, helping a total of 288 children to date.
● And, New Zealand Tzu Chi volunteers are holding a four-day Tzu Ching Camp, to educate youngsters of the importance of filial piety and safeguarding the planet.
● 今天的提要,泰國慈濟志工發放救急金和物品給曼谷200戶受災戶。
● 在中國,慈濟志工提供助學金給夏門的貧窮學生幫助了288位學生。
● 接著,紐西蘭慈濟志工舉辦4天的慈青生活營教導學生行孝和環保的重要性。
1. 曼谷火災發放 Aid distribution for fire victims
2. 峇株巴轄發放 Caring for tornado victims
3. 疾管疫情 & 防疫做環保 H7N9 continues to spread in China
4. 菜農辛酸 No one knows our sorrows
5. 廈門城中村助學 Tzu Chi helping immigrant families
6. 越南平新助學 Tuition support for needy students
7. 卓蘭醫病醫心 House calls in remote areas
8. 紐慈青生活營 A 4 day Tzu Ching Camp
9. 美社教紙雕 Paper sculpting develops patience
1. 曼谷火災發放 Aid distribution for fire victims
We start off the show in Thailand, In downtown Bangkok, a fire broke out at midnight, leaving some 200 residents homeless. Upon receiving the news, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived to hand out emergency cash and relief items. As the local residents were celebrating Song-kran, as part of their New Year`s festivities, volunteers also arranged some activities to help the fire victims, feel the happiness of the New Year.
2. 峇株巴轄發放 Caring for tornado victims
In early April, a tornado hit Se-gen-ting, a small town in Batu Pahat, Malaysia. Altogether eight households suffered damages from the tornado, but thankfully there were no casualties. Upon learning of the disaster, Tzu Chi volunteers rushed to survey the aftermath and later handed out consolation cash and relief supplies. Knowing that the emergency cash was donated by compassionate people for the less fortunate, all eight households decided to donate it back to Tzu Chi to continue this cycle of kindness.
3. 疾管疫情 & 防疫做環保 H7N9 continues to spread in China
With the H7N9 virus threat un-diminished, Tzu Chi volunteers have geared up efforts for prevention. In light of the H7N9 outbreak in China, Tzu Chi volunteers at the Zhonghe (中和) and Yonghe (永和) recycling stations in Taiwan have taken measures to ensure the safety of their recycling volunteers. Meanwhile in China, the H7N9 virus continues to spread, now including Beijing(北京) and Henan(河南) Province , among Jiangsu (江蘇), Zhejiang (浙江), Anhui (安徽) Provinces and Shanghai City. With the first family cluster, for H7N9 identified in Shanghai, officials from the Center for Disease Control says, it is possible that transmission is limited between close family members, but they have not ruled out the possibility of human-to-human transmission at this stage.
4. 菜農辛酸 No one knows our sorrows
In Taiwan, after Chinese New Year, prices for cabbage have been as low as 3 New Taiwanese Dollars per kilograms. As cabbage farmers don`t make any profit with such low prices, many have decided to destroy their cabbages or have let members of the public, to take them home free of charge. In our next report, we meet a few cabbage farmers and listen to the problems they are currently facing. Here`s more.
5. 廈門城中村助學 Tzu Chi helping immigrant families
Currently living in Fujian(福建)`s Xiamen(廈門) City are over 1 million immigrants from China`s interior. Most of them can be found living in one of the city`s oldest areas. Starting in 2010, Tzu Chi volunteers have been extending school scholarships to promising children from these families. Over the last two years alone, 288 children have received financial help from Tzu Chi, to continue with their schooling. The scholarships have also motivated these students to study hard so that, they too, one day may give back to society.
6. 越南平新助學 Tuition support for needy students
In Vietnam, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to help needy families with tuition support. This time, volunteers are helping those students living in Binh Tan District, in Ho Chi Min City. The volunteers not only handed out tuition aid, daily necessities, but also showed a film about protecting the environment, in hopes that students and parents alike will excercise such concepts in their daily lives.
7. 卓蘭醫病醫心 House calls in remote areas
In Taiwan, over the past decade, TIMA doctors and medical volunteers have carried out monthly free clinics, for residents living in mountainous areas of Miaoli(苗栗) County. As part of their regular visits, doctors and volunteers made house calls to patients with limited mobility. Seeing how these medical volunteers treated their patients like family, the Tzu Chings, who were along for this visit, were inspired to follow their path, in serving the needy.
在台灣過去是多年來,慈濟人醫會志工每個月定期前往苗栗偏遠山區舉行義診,在定期的活動中,醫師和志工前往行動不便的貧病家庭看診,看見醫病之間親如家人,參與的慈青深受感動,承諾要追隨他們 幫助弱勢。
8. 紐慈青生活營 A 4 day Tzu Ching Camp
In New Zealand, a four day Tzu Ching Camp was held at the local Tzu Chi Chapter. The variety of activities from cooking meals, actualizing filial piety to cleaning up the environment, left all participants filled with dharma and wisdom. Many learned the value of giving and were excited to have reconnected with old friends, while making new ones at the same time.
9. 美社教紙雕 Paper sculpting develops patience
In Southern California of the United States, Tzu Chi`s El Monte Liaison Office, recently held a 3-dimensional paper craft class. Many participants were first timers to the art, but through assembling each detailed piece, students learned not only patience, but that careful hands are a must.
We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show, before the Dajia(大甲) Mazu(媽祖)`s Homecoming ceremony, local Tzu Chi volunteers have setup nine recycling booths, as they hope to decrease the amount of garbage. On the next morning, 250 volunteers were also mobilized to clean up the area. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2013年4月15日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130415
TC volunteers training seminars
Fluctuations of cabbage market
A visit to children`s special home
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s top stories, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam and Malaysia are holding training seminars to cultivate their wisdom and blessings.
● In Taiwan, we look into how the overgrowing of cabbages is leading to a wild fluctuation in the vegetable market and the impact on farmers.
● And, teachers and students from Nibong Tebal Tzu Chi Kindergarten in Malaysia, bring handmade picture book to a special home for children.
● 今天的提要,越南和馬來西亞,慈濟志工舉辦培訓課,共修精進增長智慧。
● 在台灣,我們帶大家看看,栽種過剩的高麗菜是如何造成市場波動以及對菜農的衝擊。
● 接著,馬來西亞高淵慈濟幼兒園的師生帶著自製繪本到特殊兒童中心 關懷。
1. 越南委員培訓 & 馬環保培訓 TC volunteers training seminars
2. 澳慈青生活營 Learning a precious lesson
3. 加追思感恩會 Memorial service to honor parents
4. 菜價崩盤 Deflation of vegetable prices
5. 輕安長者樂收成 Garden brings joy to hospital residents
6. 馬環保老菩薩(四) A guardian of the recycling station
7. 星百歲嬤關懷 Tzu Chi cares for centenarian
8. 馬幼兒關懷 Caring for challenged students
9. 癌友捕捉希望 Photography to encourage cancer patients
1. 越南委員培訓 & 馬環保培訓 TC volunteers training seminars
As a part of the commitment in carrying out Tzu Chi`s missions, Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe regularly hold training seminars, to get the latest news on the organization`s work worldwide, as well as to further motivate themselves to walk the bodhisattva path with perseverance. In Malaysia, at the Tzu Chi Klang Branch, 22 Tzu Cheng members put on the musical of “Vow in Action” at a recycling volunteer training seminar, for over 200 participants. But first, we join Vietnam Tzu Chi volunteers, who held their first commissioner and Tzu Cheng training seminar, to help the newly joined members better understand the Buddhist NGO.
2. 澳慈青生活營 Learning a precious lesson
Moving to the Down Under, in Melbourne, Australia, Tzu Chi volunteers and Tzu Chings held an introductory seminar for university students, to learn more about the charity organization, as well as to promote filial piety and recycling concepts. Through watching a series of video clips, short plays, and sign language performances, these students not only came to realize their wrongdoings, but were also inspired to contribute what they can to society.
將鏡頭轉到南半球在澳洲墨爾本,慈濟志工以及慈青舉辦慈青生活營,邀請當地大學生參加,了解慈濟也推廣孝順還有環保理念,透過看影片、短劇還有手語表演,學生們不只了解自己過去所犯的錯,也深受啟發 為社會付出。
3. 加追思感恩會 Memorial service to honor parents
In Canada, the Tzu Chi Toronto Branch held a memorial ceremony for the overseas Chinese community, to honor their ancestors. At the event, Tzu Chi volunteers led the participants in chanting the Lotus Sutra, and dedicated the blessings to the deceased. Through listening to Master Cheng Yen`s teachings, the attendees also came to learn of the true meaning behind filial piety, and vowed to do good deeds to create blessings for their parents.
4. 菜價崩盤 Deflation of vegetable prices
To farmers, little rainfall meant a suitable time for growing vegetables, and thus, many in Taiwan did so during this year`s spring season. However, a good harvest of cabbages also led to an overall price drop in the vegetable market. According to the Xiluo(西螺) Traditional Market in Yunlin(雲林) County - which is the largest fruit and vegetable trading center in Taiwan - the average price for cabbages dropped from 28 to just 3 NTD. In our next report, we investigate the problems behind the fluc-tua-ting price of cabbages. Here`s more.
5. 輕安長者樂收成 Garden brings joy to hospital residents
Staying in Taiwan, but moving to the east coast; seniors at the adult day care center inside the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, now have a new found hobby. Under the guidence of medical staff, these elderly people can spend time in an enclosed garden area, watering plants, weeding, and even harvesting the fruits of their hard work. Let`s take a look.
6. 馬環保老菩薩(四) A guardian of the recycling station
Here in Butterworth, Malaysia, recycling volunteer Zhen Songfang(甄松芳) has become a guardian of the Mohamad Saad Recycling Station, as he works to protect recyclables from outsiders who try to steal them. Although he has not signed up to become a Tzu Chi volunteer, whenever and wherever help is needed, Zhen(甄) will always be there to lend his support to the volunteers. Zhen Songfang(甄松芳) says, recycling work has made his retired life more colourful and fulfilling.
7. 星百歲嬤關懷 Tzu Chi cares for centenarian
In the neighboring country of Singapore, care recipient Chen Xinjing(陳心景) turned 105 this year. For the past 20 years, Chen has been a recipient of Tzu Chi`s aid and care. Despite not coming from a wealthy background, Chen still found much joy in helping others, by donating any spare change she had. Now, with her advanced age, Tzu Chi volunteers remain by Chen`s side ensuring that her twilight years, are filled with companionship and the warmth of a loving family.
8. 馬幼兒關懷 Caring for challenged students
In Malaysia, teachers and students from the Tzu Chi Nibong Tebal Kindergarten regularly visit an education center for challenged children. Over the past three years, these students always prepare activities for the youngsters to enjoy. This time around, students not only made their own picture book by hand, but also put on a performance to illustrate the story.
9. 癌友捕捉希望 Photography to encourage cancer patients
Moving to Taiwan, the Hope Foundation for Cancer Care held an award ceremony for the winners of the 2013 Hope Photo Contest. The foundation has been holding the event for four consecutive years, to help cancer patients find the courage to fight their illnesses and the strength to go on. Among this year`s winners, is Chen Baoling(陳寶齡), a breast cancer patient who suffered a relapse of her illness. Chen was once depressed and could not come to terms with her condition, but she rediscovered the meaning of life in photography.
Back to Malaysia at the end of today`s program, the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter has been providing New Shoots scholarship to needy students for 16 years now. In preparation of the award ceremony in November, Tzu Chi volunteers are visiting the homes of the 5,055 applicants over 40 days. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_ 20130412
Taiwan`s update on H7N9 bird flu
Palliative care, a natural life cycle
MY Tzu Chings audition for musical
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s show, Taiwan`s government is implementing necessary safety measures to prevent the possible spreading of the H7N9 bird flu.
In our final report on the topic of palliative care, we look into why it is probably the best choice of treatment for terminally ill patients and family members.
And, to prepare for the upcoming musical in October, Malaysia Tzu Chings are calling on students from various universities to take part.
1.0410疾管疫情+禽鳥禁餵食H7N9 brings Taiwan on high alert
First up; in order to prevent the possible spreading of the H7N9 virus into Taiwan, local residents are asked to avoid direct contact with bird species. Beginning Wednesday, April 10th, the Taipei City Government has taken measures to reinforce the Waste Disposal Act, which states that the feeding of animals can be penalized by law. Though there are currently no confirmed reports of H7N9 breakout in Taiwan, as of April 10th, 46 suspected cases were reported, of which 41 were dismissed, and 5 are still under investigations. The Central Epidemic Command Center also sent two Taiwanese e-pi-de-mio-logists to Shanghai, who upon their return have confirmed that the live poultry markets has been closed. However whether this method is effective in containing the bird flu or not, will depend on the number of reported cases after April 15th. So far, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission, however members of the public are to remain alert and pay attention to personal hygiene.
2.開普敦家訪Visiting communities with aid supplies
Moving to Cape Town of South Africa, Tzu Chi volunteers and local volunteers together visited local communities with relief supplies. The volunteers also seized the opportunity to share with residents, the joy of selfess giving and encouraged them to do good deeds.
3.緬潑水節送禮Gifts for Burmese care recipients
In Myanmar, the Burmese celebrate their New Year in mid-April, through what is known as the ”Water Festival.” As the festival is just around the corner, Tzu Chi volunteers purchased New Year`s gifts and daily necessities to deliver to the doorsteps of their care recipients.
4.最後一哩路(3)Ultimate goal of palliative care
Comprehensive palliative care is not only about giving patients suffering from terminal illness, peace of mind and better quality of life in their final days, but it also shares the heavy burden of many family members, by giving them support as they accompany their loved ones. The cycle of life is something we hear about every day, but in fact, when it comes to your loved one, it is never easy to let go and bid farewell.
5.馬環保老菩薩(三)A committed recycling volunteer
At the Mohamad Saad Recycling Station in Butterworth, Malaysia, 72-year-old recycling volunteer, Hu Yuai(胡玉愛), is committed to recycling work come rain or shine. Hu(胡) says, it is through recycling that she has gain a healthy body, got rid of her bad temper and improved her relationship with her children.
6.靜思堂打掃Cleaning up inside and out
Back to Taiwan, in New Taipei City`s Banqiao(板橋) District, volunteer Zeng Yanlong(曾燕隆), for the past 7 years, has helped clean up the local Tzu Chi Grounds each morning. Meanwhile, 108 volunteers from Yilan(宜蘭) County traveled to the Hualien Jing Si Hall, to help turn the building into a shining and sparkling one.
7.馬父母恩召募Building momentum for performance
This coming October, Tzu Chings from the Tzu Chi Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, in Malaysia will be holding the musical of the Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents. To get more college students to participate, Tzu Chings held a briefing, to explain the fundraising process, and also pass on the message of filial piety.
8.經典攝影展Rhythms monthly - Memoirs of Taiwan
As this year marks the 15th anniversary of the Rhythms Monthly Magazine, a photo exhibition tour,”Memoirs of Taiwan”, opened on April 10th in New Taipei City and will run till April 23rd. Combining graphics and photography, 138 photos are on display, exhibiting Taiwan`s 400 years of rich history, geography, and culture.
今年正好是經典雜誌創刊15周年慶 ,舉辦經典台灣誌巡迴攝影展,在4月10號在新北市正式開跑,一直到4月23日,結合平面和攝影,總共138張照片,呈現台灣400年來豐富歷史、地理、人文。
9.文藻訪慈濟Visiting local Jing Si Hall
In Taiwan`s Kaohsiung(高雄) City, more than 40 students from Wenzao(文藻) Ursuline College of Languages visited their local Jing Si Hall. During their visit, Tzu Chi volunteers explained to these youngsters of Tzu Chi`s mission and inspired them to look at life from a different perspective.
In the United States, the Tzu Chi US Headquarters has been invited to take part in the 2013 ”Taiwan Night” to be held on April 16th, at the Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles, California. In preparation of the event, Tzu Chi volunteers are practicing a special formation in line with their drumming performance. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130411
Preventions for H7N9 influenze
Relief work for Brazil flood victims
Hualien TCH Heart Lotu
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s top stories; with rising concerns over the H7N9 bird flu, hospitals in Hualien, Taiwan, set up preventive measures and quarantine.
In Brazil, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to help flood victims in Cubatao City, by handing out daily necessities and mattresses.
And, we see how medical staff at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital`s Heart Lotus Ward, works together to bring peace of mind to patients in their final days.
今天的提要,H7N9流感疫情猖獗,台灣花蓮的醫院 展開防疫查檢
1.花防範H7N9Hualien`s hospitals heighten alert
First up in today`s program, the rising death toll of the H7N9 avian influenza in China, has sparked worldwide concerns. Though currently, confirmed cases of the bird flu have been limited to eastern China, public health officials in Taiwan are in fear of another SARS epidemic. As Hualien County is a popular destination among Chinese tourists, the Hualien County Health Bureau has conducted inspections in all of the county`s hospitals to ensure quarantine and treatment measures are in place.
首先來看,H7N9 流感,在中國大陸,死亡人數還在增加中,引起全球的關注,雖然目前疫情只限中國與香港,但是台灣政府擔心疫情遲早會傳到台灣,由於花蓮縣每年大陸旅客不斷增加,因此花蓮縣衛生局展開全縣H7N9防疫查檢,針對花蓮醫院進行查核,提前做足防疫準備工作。
2.正確戴口罩How to wear a surgical mask
Continuing on the topic of the H7N9 bird flu, many residents in Taiwan have started purchasing or wearing surgical masks. (會秀口罩)But, do you which side is the correct way to wear a surgical mask? In our next report, doctors from the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital share with us, a few tips on the correct way to wear a surgical mask.
3.印白內障義診+澳塔拉義診Free clinic helps local residents
In Brisbane, Australia, TIMA medical staff has been organizing free dental clinics in Tara for several years now. At a recent visit, they extended their help to Wie-am-billa Community, to provide dental services to those living on the outskirts of the town. Meanwhile in Ja-ya-pu-ra City, Indonesia, Tzu Chi volunteers organized their 89th free clinic, during which a total of 294 cataract patients regained their vision.
4.巴西古巴東發放Third relief distribution in Cubatao
As the February monsoon brought heavy rainfall to Brazil, many areas, including the capital of Sao Paulo and Cubatao City, experienced severe flooding. Tzu Chi volunteers have carried out free clinics and aid distributions to help those affected by the flood. Last weekend, Tzu Chi volunteers returned to Cubatao City for the third time to hold a relief distribution for villagers in Es-pe-ran-ca.
巴西二月經歷豪雨,造成許多地區,包括首都聖保羅市、還有古巴東市 ,慈濟志工持續走入災區,進行義診及發放工作,上周末,他們第三次來到古巴東市,展開發放活動,幫助希望之村的鄉親。
5.馬水屋關懷Handing out consolation cash
Moving to Malaysia, a fire broke out in a village in Kota Kinabalu, at the end of March, affecting over 2,000 residents. Following two rounds of aid distributions, Tzu Chi volunteers once again returned to the disaster area, to hand out consolation cash.
6.龍捲送慰問+屏東怪風關懷Caring for tornado victims
Also caring for disaster victims are Tzu Chi volunteers in southern Taiwan; as tornadoes left a trail of destruction in Kaohsiung(高雄) and Pingtung(屏東), Tzu Chi volunteers visited disaster victims to provide both emergency cash and emotional support. Let`s take a look.
7.火災送餐關懷Helping emergency response providers
In Taiwan, on April 8th, a fire broke out in an electronics factory, located in New Taipei City`s Wugu(五股) District. The local fire department was quickly dispatched to the scene to put out the blaze. As many of the firefighters had no time to eat breakfast, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived with fresh water, fried noodles and steamed buns.
8.最後一哩路(2)Comprehensive palliative care
In the Heart Lotus Palliative Ward at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, medical staff play an important role in not only treating patients` illnesses, but also providing emotional support. Through listening and communicating with their patients, doctors and nurses build up a trusting and loving doctor-patient relationship, thus, allowing patients and their families to find peace of mind in the final days of their lives.
9.環保老菩薩Recycling volunteer Huang Cisong
As Malaysia Tzu Chi volunteers, have been promoting recycling for over a decade now, in a small town one and a half hours away from Penang, many local residents have since joined Tzu Chi`s recycling efforts. Among the volunteers, is 74-year-old Huang Cisong(黃慈頌), who is gaining both happiness and good health from recycling work.
We go back to Taiwan at the end of today`s program, and meet 85-year-old Tzu Chi volunteer Wu-Zeng Huan(吳曾煥), from Taipei`s Neihu(內湖) District, who despite her age, began learning calligraphy and painting when she was 70. Today, her children are coming together to hold an exhibition for their mother, in hopes of inspiring senior residents alike, to pursue their dreams with courage. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130410
What is palliative care program?
Praticing recycling = good habit
Books for children in remote areas
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s show, we learn about the palliative care program, which provides dying patients, the opportunity to live the final days of their lives in dignity.
In China, students from Zhangzhou(漳州) Normal University, join Tzu Chi volunteers at their most recent recycling event in their local community.
And we meet a group of mother, who is transforming a mini-van, into a mobile library, to give children in remote areas the chance, to embrace the world of books.
1.緬學生關懷Seeing those less fortunate
First up in Myanmar, we join Tzu Chi volunteers, as they continue their efforts, to help impoverished students. This time around, they brought scholarship recipients, to a local care center and an orphanage, where students had an opportunity to care for the less fortunate, and realize how blessed they truly are.
2.關懷智障友Caring for the mentally challenged
In Taiwan`s Hsinchu(新竹), Tzu Chi volunteers took Guanxi(關西) Senior High School students, to visit mentally challenged children, living at the Catholic Hua Kuang(華光) Development Center. Seeing the less fortunate, the 50 students learned to cherish their blessings, and also experienced the happiness that comes from helping the needy.
3.顏常端遺愛Tzu Chi member extending Great Love
Also in Taiwan, Banqiao (板橋)Tzu Chi volunteer Yan Changduan(顏常端), had a car accident and later passed away from her severe injuries. To extend her Great Love forward, following her death, Yan`s(顏) family members decided to donate Yan`s organs, to help those needing organ transplants, and chose to forgive the young man, who caused the accident.
4.最後一哩路(1)The last mile in life
In order for dying patients, to live the last few days or months of their lives in dignity, a palliative care legislation was passed last year, giving members of the public, the right to sign off an agreement, that gives consent to medical staff to not insert tubes or use electric shock, to revive patients when nearing death. Here`s more.
5.漳州師範環保Practicing recycling every Friday night
In China, Zhangzhou(漳州) Tzu Chi volunteers in Fujian(福建) Province, have been holding recycling events every Friday night, at the local Tzu Chi office. Their most recent recycling event, was joined by six students from Zhangzhou(漳州) Normal University, who promised to spread the concept of recycling when they return to school.
6.台緬企業環保Learning to practice recycling
In Malaysia, a local company brought 46 Burmese employees, to visit the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter, where they learned about Tzu Chi`s work and missions. Later, the volunteers also took them to a recycling station, and taught them how to sort recyclables.
7.馬環保老菩薩(一)Tzu Chi volunteer Zhang Jinlian
In our next report, we travel to Kedah, Malaysia, to meet 68-year-old recycling volunteer Zhang Jinlian(張金蓮) Despite her age, the senior works as a cleaning lady, in addition to taking care of her bed-ridden husband. However, she says her time at the recycling station, have instead brought a new sense of joy and meaning to her life.
8.0407社區媽媽力量大Community moms of Yanpu Township
The Township of Yanpu(鹽埔) in Pingtung(屏東) County, was for years the only township in Taiwan without a library. One teacher began providing books and a place for children to read, and this gesture gradually led to a group of mothers coming together. Later, these mothers have transformed a mini-van into a mobile library, to give children in remote areas, the chance to embrace the world of books.
9.雙和無毒有我Anti-drug campaign
In Taiwan`s New Taipei City, a teacher from the Tzu Chi Teachers Association, who has had years of experience, in accompanying former drug users on school campuses, was invited to speak at a recent Tzu Shao meeting. By hearing the real life examples and stories that this teacher had to share, Tzu Shaos were made aware of the impact drug abuse has on the body.
10.美幼兒素食宴Catering company visit TC kindergarten
In the United States, recently the staff members of the Bevaris Alliance catering company, visited the Monrovia Tzu Chi Great Love Kindergarten, to learn more about the values and culture of the Buddhist NGO. Seeing the students at the kindergarten cherish their food, amazed the guests, who promised to spread Tzu Chi`s ideals to the other institutions, to whom they provide catering service.
在美國,慈濟志工在暑假將會辦一系列活動,屆時會有需要外燴服務,外燴公司比佛瑞餐飲集團,過去未提供素食外燴服務,於是先到蒙洛維亞大愛幼兒園參訪,了解慈濟的價值觀與文化,看到孩子們對食物的珍惜,集團的主管 大廚都表示願意將慈濟的理念,散播給其他學校學習。
We stay in the United States at the end of the show, in preparation of the Buddha Day ceremony in May, local Tzu Chi volunteers have gathered together, at the Tzu Chi El Monte Liaison Office, making blessing ornaments. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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