2012年6月21日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120620
Overseas volunteers training in Taiwan
Volunteers learn about organic farming
Father”s Day celebration in Malaysia
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s headlines, we get an update on the recent overseas volunteers training seminar, which successfully concluded yesterday in Banqiao and Sanchong.
●We join Taipei”s agricultural volunteers at Chung Hsing (中興)University in Taichung, as they learn about organic farming methods.
●And, in Malaysia, the celebration for Father”s Day continues in Kuala Lumpur as volunteers organize an activity to express gratitude towards their parents.
First up in today”s show, prior to the annual overseas volunteers training seminar in Sanchong and Banqiao, volunteers first attended a series of lectures on the art of tea and flower arrangement at Tzu Chi”s Luzhou Jing Si Hall from June 10 to June 14. Local volunteers hope these overseas students will spread these arts once back home and inspire even more people to begin on the bodhisattva path.
首先來看今天的新聞,海外志工 四合一的幹部研習,在三重板橋展開,也在6月10日到14日,先為將近兩百位志工,舉辦了靜思茶道,真善美花道的研習課程,希望這些種子志工 將在課程中,學習到的茶花道精神,帶回僑居地,接引更多人間菩薩。
Overseas Tzu Chi volunteers when return to Taiwan, always try to gain as much as they can about the organization”s philosophy. For that reason, over 200 volunteers from around the globe arrive at the Luzhou Jing Si Hall, not only to learn about flower arrangement and tea making, but also how to incorporate Tzu Chi”s humanistic values into these artworks.
Tzu Chi”s first annual training seminar for overseas volunteers which successfully concluded yesterday, were held in both Sanchong and Banqiao, with the second seminar soon to take place in Banqiao on the 21 June. Among the participants at this year”s seminar, we meet Haitian volunteer Danel Georges, who is now certified as a Tzu Chi commissioner with the dharma name of Jizhi(濟志). He says, he hopes to absorb the Master”s dharma and spread her teachings far and wide when he returns home.
昨天 第一梯次慈濟全球,四合一幹部精進研習會,在板橋和三重靜思堂圓滿落幕,另外,會在6月21日舉行,第二梯次的研習會,參加研習會的還有來自海地的丹尼爾,今年他皈依了上人,有了法號「濟志」,他說要努力學習上人的法,並帶回海地落實。
The Tzu Chi training seminar for overseas volunteers, would not have been possible without the hard working efforts and dedication of their local counterparts. In the next story, we join local volunteers in Sanchong, who made sure the clothes, food and accommodation were as welcoming as possible for their brothers and sisters from abroad.
《 靜思語 》
Wisdom empowers Great Love.
In 2008, Tzu Chi put together its first group of agricultural volunteers to grow crops organically on Da Ai Farms that opened in Taipei, Taoyuan, Yunlin, Yilan and Hualien. The farms are run by paid staff and volunteers. Recently, a group of 80 farming volunteers from Sanxia, Taipei, took a few lectures in Chung Hsing(中興) University in Taichung, to learn more about organic farming methods at the university”s experimental agricultural station.
Tzu Chi volunteers take regular trainings, to increase their knowledge and get an update of the Buddhist NGO”s work around the globe. One such seminar was held in Indonesia”s Jakarta Tzu Chi Chapter for volunteers from different regions and faiths. The seminar included lessons on Buddhism etiquettes and ways to promote vegetarianism.
Moving to Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteer Dai Xiulan (戴秀蘭) from Malacca, has been selling meat zongzi for the past ten years. Last year September, after taking part in the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra, the woman was deeply moved and inspired. This year, for Dragon Boat Festival, she decided to switch to selling vegetarian sticky rice dumplings as she found going meatless, to be full of health benefits.
《 衲履足跡 》談感恩 On Gratitude
International disaster relief missions are difficult but Taiwan is fortunate to share its goodness and compassion with the world and disaster areas in need. We should be grateful as citizens of a country that prides itself in promoting compassion and love.
Staying in Malaysia, where Father”s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June along with many countries around the world, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chapter organize a small ceremony to show their love and gratitude to their parents. Volunteers all agree, it is with their parents and family”s support that they are able to devote themselves into spreading Tzu Chi”s seeds of love.
Also in Asia, but in the Philippines, on June 10th Tzu Chi volunteers held an aid distribution for their care recipients along with a celebration of Father”s Day. During the event the volunteers encouraged children of the beneficiaries to give their fathers a massage. Meanwhile, Tzu Chi volunteers also helped care recipient Jeffrey Andoy found a job through the relief work program and promised to help him find a home.
Back to Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers from Sanxia, New Taipei City visited a nursing home to care for the elderly people. Fulfilling the director”s request, they also held a mini Buddha Day ceremony. The volunteers not only led everyone in sincere prayers, but also transported the Buddha statue to the nursing home so that bedridden residents are able to take part in the ritual as well.
At the end of the show today, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien, who were invited to celebrate the coming Dragon Boat Festival with 183 new immigrants from China. Apart from bringing love and care to these women who are far away from home, volunteers also seized the opportunity to promote the idea of eating 80 percent full. Before leaving you with these images, we would also like to ask everyone to take note of the weather and have a safe journey home. Thank you for joining us. Goodbye.
節目最後 跟著花蓮慈濟志工,他們受邀參加183位大陸配偶,在花蓮舉辦的新住民同樂會,除了關懷這些離家在外的新住民外,志工也把握機會宣導八分飽理念,節目最後,還要提醒大家鎖定氣象報告,停留在安全的地方,感恩收看,再會。(2012.06.20)
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