2012年6月21日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120619



The torrential downpours last week left many regions in Taiwan in deep water including parts of northen Taiwan that do not normally flood. Over the weekend, some 140 Tzu Chi volunteers went to Yuanguang(圓光) Buddhist College in Zhongli to help clean up. Meanwhile, in Taoyuan, communities are still being affected by the floodwaters that have receded but left in their wake countless waterlogged homes. Tzu Chi volunteers have continued strongly with their post-flood relief efforts.



Tzu Chi”s annual training seminar for overseas volunteers was held in both the Sanchong and Banqiao chapter grounds, in Taiwan”s New Taipei City. In Sanchong”s Jing Si Hall 350 Tzu Chi volunteers from 23 countries gathered. Among them, Zhan Cuihua詹翠華 and husband Lin Zhi林智 from Orlando, Florida, USA have been volunteering for Tzu Chi for 17 years. Every other year, they would take a 20 hour flight back to Taiwan, to recharge their soul through participating in the annual seminar. Zhan Cuihua詹翠華 hopes to achieve tranquility of the mind, realize her life”s purpose and inspire her community to practice ”eat 80 perfect full, leave 20 percent for others”.

慈濟一年一度全球四合一,幹部精進研習會在三重和板橋進行,這次在三重靜思堂,總共聚集了23國 350名慈濟志工,來自美國奧蘭多的詹翠華師姐,和先生林智,在慈濟服務長達17年,大約每隔兩年,就會特別搭乘20多小時的飛機,回到台灣,精進充電, 她期許自己能夠做到不要心隨境轉,勇敢承擔自己的使命,也希望從自己做起,帶動奧蘭多社區,一起來落實八分飽,兩分助人好。


From Durban, South Africa, Beatrice Ngenzeni Sibisi also participated in the overseas volunteer training seminars in New Taipei City. This was her third trip to Taiwan, and Beatrice specifically wanted to learn more about recycling so she may share the knowledge with those back home.


《 靜思語 》

Helping the poor requires Great Love; educating the rich requires great patience.



On Saturday, June 16th, the Tzu Chi High School and Kindergarten in Hualien held their first joint graduation ceremony for 465 graduates from the high school, middle school, elementary school and kindergarten. Besides parents and teachers, Master Cheng Yen also attended the ceremony to give her blessings.



A joint graduation ceremony was also held for students attending the Tzu Chi Senior High School in Taiwan”s Tainan. Here over 500 students graduated from the high school, middle school and elementary school. It was the school”s third graduation. We join the ceremony to send off the young adults.



Among this year”s graduates from Tainan”s Tzu Chi Senior High was Fang Shanyuan方善淵, who came to the school a rebellious teenager who resented authority and rules-- both at home and at school. However, thanks to a Tzu Ching camp in 2012, Shanyuan suddenly had an insight into the nature of his behavior and soon began to make amends. Now Shanyuan, who is on his way to study at university in the fall, is seeing life through the lens of Tzu Chi values as opposed to his own selfish wants. Lets take a look.

慈中第三屆畢業典禮中,其中一位畢業生方善淵,他從踏入慈中開始,不管在學校還是在家中,都是個令人頭痛的孩子,但2012年參加了慈青營隊後,點醒了自 己行為的脫序,而開始修正自己的言行舉止,他現在透過推甄,順利上了國立大學,也從慈濟的理念上,看到自己的自私需求,一起來看看。


Though students in Taiwan may be graduating, in other parts of the world, getting an education is a challenge for many. To help, the Tzu Chi Chapter in the Philippines has recently expanded its range of scholarship services to include students from Marikina and San Mateo; therefore, another 130 students were added to the original 473 who were getting aid. Volunteers also personally visited all of the new recipients at home to get a better sense of their needs. Now thanks to the help of volunteers, these students, some of who had already dropped out of school due to a lack of money for tuition, can return to school and complete their education.

雖然現在是台灣學子的畢業旺季,不過在地球另一端,要受教育卻是奢侈的挑戰,為了幫助他們,菲律賓慈濟分會安心就學方案,今年擴大範圍,開放接受馬利僅那 市,及聖馬刁鎮的學生申請,除了原有的473位學生,還增加了130位學生能領到助學金,針對這群同學,慈濟志工展開家訪工作,要深入了解他們的需求,也 因為這些志工的幫助,這些學生中,有些因為家庭經濟因素,而輟學的人,現在他們可以重返學校,繼續完成學業了。

《 衲履足跡 》談修行 On Personal Growth

Interpersonal relationships help polish and refine us. Through observing how others live we learn to discipline ourselves and empathize with others. This leads to personal growth.



One of the leaders serving Taiwan”s Special Police Fifth Headquarters, Wang Renzhe王仁哲, has been a police officer for 30 years. When he is off duty, he works with Tzu Chi as a volunteer. He has also brought Tzu Chi”s conservation values to his work place and spread the positive message of taking part in community service to more officers.



To celebrate International Father”s Day, which falls on the third Sunday of June, the Tzu Chi kindergarteners in Malaysia”s Nibong Tebal followed their teachers and made special gifts, rice ball and bread, for their dads. Despite their young age, the students were attentive and tried their best to overcome the difficulties along the way.

為了慶祝國際父親節,日期 是6月第三個禮拜天,馬來西亞,高淵慈濟幼兒園的學生,跟著老師親手製作特別的禮物,飯糰和麵包,要送給爸爸,雖然孩子們還小,但他們卻很用心學習,克服困難。


At the end of today”s program, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City”s Tucheng as they help a senior clean up his home which was damaged by mudslides triggered by last week”s monsoon. Though Typhoon Guchol has missed Taiwan, it looks like Typhoon Talim was heading straight for us when we went to air and could bring even more rains. Be careful out there. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

節目最後 跟著新北市慈濟志工,因為持續不斷的豪雨,土石下滑,來到一位長者的家協助打掃,雖然谷超颱風沒有襲擊台灣,直到錄影時,另一個泰利颱風路徑像是會影響台灣,會帶來很大的雨量,大家要留意,感恩收看,再會。(2012.06.19)

