2012年6月21日 星期四
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Overseas volunteers training in Taiwan
Volunteers learn about organic farming
Father”s Day celebration in Malaysia
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s headlines, we get an update on the recent overseas volunteers training seminar, which successfully concluded yesterday in Banqiao and Sanchong.
●We join Taipei”s agricultural volunteers at Chung Hsing (中興)University in Taichung, as they learn about organic farming methods.
●And, in Malaysia, the celebration for Father”s Day continues in Kuala Lumpur as volunteers organize an activity to express gratitude towards their parents.
First up in today”s show, prior to the annual overseas volunteers training seminar in Sanchong and Banqiao, volunteers first attended a series of lectures on the art of tea and flower arrangement at Tzu Chi”s Luzhou Jing Si Hall from June 10 to June 14. Local volunteers hope these overseas students will spread these arts once back home and inspire even more people to begin on the bodhisattva path.
首先來看今天的新聞,海外志工 四合一的幹部研習,在三重板橋展開,也在6月10日到14日,先為將近兩百位志工,舉辦了靜思茶道,真善美花道的研習課程,希望這些種子志工 將在課程中,學習到的茶花道精神,帶回僑居地,接引更多人間菩薩。
Overseas Tzu Chi volunteers when return to Taiwan, always try to gain as much as they can about the organization”s philosophy. For that reason, over 200 volunteers from around the globe arrive at the Luzhou Jing Si Hall, not only to learn about flower arrangement and tea making, but also how to incorporate Tzu Chi”s humanistic values into these artworks.
Tzu Chi”s first annual training seminar for overseas volunteers which successfully concluded yesterday, were held in both Sanchong and Banqiao, with the second seminar soon to take place in Banqiao on the 21 June. Among the participants at this year”s seminar, we meet Haitian volunteer Danel Georges, who is now certified as a Tzu Chi commissioner with the dharma name of Jizhi(濟志). He says, he hopes to absorb the Master”s dharma and spread her teachings far and wide when he returns home.
昨天 第一梯次慈濟全球,四合一幹部精進研習會,在板橋和三重靜思堂圓滿落幕,另外,會在6月21日舉行,第二梯次的研習會,參加研習會的還有來自海地的丹尼爾,今年他皈依了上人,有了法號「濟志」,他說要努力學習上人的法,並帶回海地落實。
The Tzu Chi training seminar for overseas volunteers, would not have been possible without the hard working efforts and dedication of their local counterparts. In the next story, we join local volunteers in Sanchong, who made sure the clothes, food and accommodation were as welcoming as possible for their brothers and sisters from abroad.
《 靜思語 》
Wisdom empowers Great Love.
In 2008, Tzu Chi put together its first group of agricultural volunteers to grow crops organically on Da Ai Farms that opened in Taipei, Taoyuan, Yunlin, Yilan and Hualien. The farms are run by paid staff and volunteers. Recently, a group of 80 farming volunteers from Sanxia, Taipei, took a few lectures in Chung Hsing(中興) University in Taichung, to learn more about organic farming methods at the university”s experimental agricultural station.
Tzu Chi volunteers take regular trainings, to increase their knowledge and get an update of the Buddhist NGO”s work around the globe. One such seminar was held in Indonesia”s Jakarta Tzu Chi Chapter for volunteers from different regions and faiths. The seminar included lessons on Buddhism etiquettes and ways to promote vegetarianism.
Moving to Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteer Dai Xiulan (戴秀蘭) from Malacca, has been selling meat zongzi for the past ten years. Last year September, after taking part in the musical adaptation of the Water Repentance Sutra, the woman was deeply moved and inspired. This year, for Dragon Boat Festival, she decided to switch to selling vegetarian sticky rice dumplings as she found going meatless, to be full of health benefits.
《 衲履足跡 》談感恩 On Gratitude
International disaster relief missions are difficult but Taiwan is fortunate to share its goodness and compassion with the world and disaster areas in need. We should be grateful as citizens of a country that prides itself in promoting compassion and love.
Staying in Malaysia, where Father”s Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June along with many countries around the world, Tzu Chi volunteers in the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chapter organize a small ceremony to show their love and gratitude to their parents. Volunteers all agree, it is with their parents and family”s support that they are able to devote themselves into spreading Tzu Chi”s seeds of love.
Also in Asia, but in the Philippines, on June 10th Tzu Chi volunteers held an aid distribution for their care recipients along with a celebration of Father”s Day. During the event the volunteers encouraged children of the beneficiaries to give their fathers a massage. Meanwhile, Tzu Chi volunteers also helped care recipient Jeffrey Andoy found a job through the relief work program and promised to help him find a home.
Back to Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers from Sanxia, New Taipei City visited a nursing home to care for the elderly people. Fulfilling the director”s request, they also held a mini Buddha Day ceremony. The volunteers not only led everyone in sincere prayers, but also transported the Buddha statue to the nursing home so that bedridden residents are able to take part in the ritual as well.
At the end of the show today, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien, who were invited to celebrate the coming Dragon Boat Festival with 183 new immigrants from China. Apart from bringing love and care to these women who are far away from home, volunteers also seized the opportunity to promote the idea of eating 80 percent full. Before leaving you with these images, we would also like to ask everyone to take note of the weather and have a safe journey home. Thank you for joining us. Goodbye.
節目最後 跟著花蓮慈濟志工,他們受邀參加183位大陸配偶,在花蓮舉辦的新住民同樂會,除了關懷這些離家在外的新住民外,志工也把握機會宣導八分飽理念,節目最後,還要提醒大家鎖定氣象報告,停留在安全的地方,感恩收看,再會。(2012.06.20)
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The torrential downpours last week left many regions in Taiwan in deep water including parts of northen Taiwan that do not normally flood. Over the weekend, some 140 Tzu Chi volunteers went to Yuanguang(圓光) Buddhist College in Zhongli to help clean up. Meanwhile, in Taoyuan, communities are still being affected by the floodwaters that have receded but left in their wake countless waterlogged homes. Tzu Chi volunteers have continued strongly with their post-flood relief efforts.
Tzu Chi”s annual training seminar for overseas volunteers was held in both the Sanchong and Banqiao chapter grounds, in Taiwan”s New Taipei City. In Sanchong”s Jing Si Hall 350 Tzu Chi volunteers from 23 countries gathered. Among them, Zhan Cuihua詹翠華 and husband Lin Zhi林智 from Orlando, Florida, USA have been volunteering for Tzu Chi for 17 years. Every other year, they would take a 20 hour flight back to Taiwan, to recharge their soul through participating in the annual seminar. Zhan Cuihua詹翠華 hopes to achieve tranquility of the mind, realize her life”s purpose and inspire her community to practice ”eat 80 perfect full, leave 20 percent for others”.
慈濟一年一度全球四合一,幹部精進研習會在三重和板橋進行,這次在三重靜思堂,總共聚集了23國 350名慈濟志工,來自美國奧蘭多的詹翠華師姐,和先生林智,在慈濟服務長達17年,大約每隔兩年,就會特別搭乘20多小時的飛機,回到台灣,精進充電, 她期許自己能夠做到不要心隨境轉,勇敢承擔自己的使命,也希望從自己做起,帶動奧蘭多社區,一起來落實八分飽,兩分助人好。
From Durban, South Africa, Beatrice Ngenzeni Sibisi also participated in the overseas volunteer training seminars in New Taipei City. This was her third trip to Taiwan, and Beatrice specifically wanted to learn more about recycling so she may share the knowledge with those back home.
《 靜思語 》
Helping the poor requires Great Love; educating the rich requires great patience.
On Saturday, June 16th, the Tzu Chi High School and Kindergarten in Hualien held their first joint graduation ceremony for 465 graduates from the high school, middle school, elementary school and kindergarten. Besides parents and teachers, Master Cheng Yen also attended the ceremony to give her blessings.
A joint graduation ceremony was also held for students attending the Tzu Chi Senior High School in Taiwan”s Tainan. Here over 500 students graduated from the high school, middle school and elementary school. It was the school”s third graduation. We join the ceremony to send off the young adults.
Among this year”s graduates from Tainan”s Tzu Chi Senior High was Fang Shanyuan方善淵, who came to the school a rebellious teenager who resented authority and rules-- both at home and at school. However, thanks to a Tzu Ching camp in 2012, Shanyuan suddenly had an insight into the nature of his behavior and soon began to make amends. Now Shanyuan, who is on his way to study at university in the fall, is seeing life through the lens of Tzu Chi values as opposed to his own selfish wants. Lets take a look.
慈中第三屆畢業典禮中,其中一位畢業生方善淵,他從踏入慈中開始,不管在學校還是在家中,都是個令人頭痛的孩子,但2012年參加了慈青營隊後,點醒了自 己行為的脫序,而開始修正自己的言行舉止,他現在透過推甄,順利上了國立大學,也從慈濟的理念上,看到自己的自私需求,一起來看看。
Though students in Taiwan may be graduating, in other parts of the world, getting an education is a challenge for many. To help, the Tzu Chi Chapter in the Philippines has recently expanded its range of scholarship services to include students from Marikina and San Mateo; therefore, another 130 students were added to the original 473 who were getting aid. Volunteers also personally visited all of the new recipients at home to get a better sense of their needs. Now thanks to the help of volunteers, these students, some of who had already dropped out of school due to a lack of money for tuition, can return to school and complete their education.
雖然現在是台灣學子的畢業旺季,不過在地球另一端,要受教育卻是奢侈的挑戰,為了幫助他們,菲律賓慈濟分會安心就學方案,今年擴大範圍,開放接受馬利僅那 市,及聖馬刁鎮的學生申請,除了原有的473位學生,還增加了130位學生能領到助學金,針對這群同學,慈濟志工展開家訪工作,要深入了解他們的需求,也 因為這些志工的幫助,這些學生中,有些因為家庭經濟因素,而輟學的人,現在他們可以重返學校,繼續完成學業了。
《 衲履足跡 》談修行 On Personal Growth
Interpersonal relationships help polish and refine us. Through observing how others live we learn to discipline ourselves and empathize with others. This leads to personal growth.
One of the leaders serving Taiwan”s Special Police Fifth Headquarters, Wang Renzhe王仁哲, has been a police officer for 30 years. When he is off duty, he works with Tzu Chi as a volunteer. He has also brought Tzu Chi”s conservation values to his work place and spread the positive message of taking part in community service to more officers.
To celebrate International Father”s Day, which falls on the third Sunday of June, the Tzu Chi kindergarteners in Malaysia”s Nibong Tebal followed their teachers and made special gifts, rice ball and bread, for their dads. Despite their young age, the students were attentive and tried their best to overcome the difficulties along the way.
為了慶祝國際父親節,日期 是6月第三個禮拜天,馬來西亞,高淵慈濟幼兒園的學生,跟著老師親手製作特別的禮物,飯糰和麵包,要送給爸爸,雖然孩子們還小,但他們卻很用心學習,克服困難。
At the end of today”s program, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City”s Tucheng as they help a senior clean up his home which was damaged by mudslides triggered by last week”s monsoon. Though Typhoon Guchol has missed Taiwan, it looks like Typhoon Talim was heading straight for us when we went to air and could bring even more rains. Be careful out there. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
節目最後 跟著新北市慈濟志工,因為持續不斷的豪雨,土石下滑,來到一位長者的家協助打掃,雖然谷超颱風沒有襲擊台灣,直到錄影時,另一個泰利颱風路徑像是會影響台灣,會帶來很大的雨量,大家要留意,感恩收看,再會。(2012.06.19)
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Two fires broke out in the town of Jelutong in Penang, Malaysia. Houses were burnt down or damaged, but there were no casualties. Tzu Chi volunteers rushed to the scenes to bring relief supplies and support to the fire survivors.
Moving to the United States, among Tzu Chi International Medical Association”s work in California, for the past ten years or so the organization has been providing free quality care to the residents of Antelope Valley, which is located 100 miles outside of Los Angeles. Residents of Antelope Valley are mostly illegal immigrant workers without ID and insurance, and therefore no healthcare. Tzu Chi”s medical services to the area began after one local teacher notified volunteers that many, if not all, the students in her school lack access to medical care. As part of their dedication to these children, Tzu Chi held another free clinic on June 10th.
鏡頭來到美國,加州的慈濟美國醫療志業基金會,十多年來定期到羚羊谷舉辦義診,羚羊谷離洛杉磯約一百哩,在這沙漠地區,居民以非法移民占多數,所以沒有戶 籍或保險,說起這段因緣,義診會來,全是因為一位老師告訴志工,許多甚至全部的學生都沒有醫療過,因為惜愛孩子們,所以6月10日,志工就又來這裡舉辦義 診。
In the Dominican Republic, Tzu Chi volunteers have been a regular visitor at a nursing home in Santo Domingo for more than ten years, always bringing a ray of sunshine to the seniors. In other parts of the country, they have also established a close relationship with various schools. Recently, volunteers came across an orphanage for girls run by nuns, and after learning that the home is struggling to get by, the Taiwanese NGO decided to provide regular assistance. In their latest trip to the orphanage, volunteers arrived with daily necessities and Jing Si aphorism posters. All of this we shall see in the next report.
Since last year, the Philippines” Tzu Chi volunteers have already organized three rice distributions in the city of San Juan, and whenever there is a fire, volunteers are always there in the shortest time possible to bring relief to the victims. To express their gratitude and learn more about Tzu Chi, Mayor Guia Gomez and leaders from 21 neighborhoods visited the Manila Tzu Chi chapter.
《 靜思語 》
Forgiveness arises from love, and it is life”s most moving chapter.
The 2012 ”A Night of Great Love” charity concert toured around the United States, stopping in four cities. The last concert was held at the newly renovated Tzu Chi Boston Chapter. The performances, designed to promote Da Ai TV, were a resounding success.
There was also a summer concert held at Malaysia”s Jing Si Books and Cafe in Penang. The stars of the performance were the children from the lcoal Tzu Chi Kindergarten, who put on short plays and sign language songs to show their love for their parents.
As the Dragon Boat Festival draws closer, Tzu Chi volunteers in Pingtung, Taiwan, invited care recipients to make special sticky rice dumplings for the occasion. Volunteers used the opportunity to encourage their guests to embrace a meatless diet for the sake of the environment.
Back in Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteer of 17 years Zhou Songcheng (周頌程) lost his battle with cancer and passed away on June 8th. His fellow volunteers put together a special memorial service on June 10th to honor the good man whio dedicated his efforts in the areas of recycling, caring for low income families, and fundraisers.
June 15th is National Police Day in Taiwan, and Yonghe Tzu Chi Police Welfare Association and Friends with Yonghe Police Officer”s Association held a special celebratory event to honor all the hardworking policemen and women. Besides praising talented individuals, Tzu Chi volunteers led the audience in a sign language song, and presented fruit baskets and flowers to show their deepest respect and gratitude for the officers.
In the next story, we meet police officer Wu Zongxian from Taichung City”s Beitun 北屯 Station, who is in charge of dealing with domestic violence. Though relatively young, Wu always shares the wisdom he gained from Tzu Chi with others. With a penchant for helping others, Wu is loving his life as a police officer and a Tzu Chi volunteer.
In an excursion to a Tzu Chi recycling station in Taipei, Taiwan, students from Shih Hsin University became better aware of the value of recycling, and the environmental damage posed by PET bottles. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120615
1.桃園災情+六龜關懷Flooding updates around the island
2.慈濟人關懷Evacuation from floods continues
3.三地門送餐Warm food for disaster victims
4.大安災民關懷46 evacuees from Da-an District
5.外生談慈大TCU”s int”l students
6.泰新芽助學金Scholarship funds for 1364 students
7.亞庇醫院關懷Celebrating harvest festival with the sick
8.愛心眼鏡行23 years of giving
9.菲本土培訓Volunteers training seminar
10.板橋四合一棉被Overseas volunteers training seminar
11.印照顧戶環保Care recipients volunteer at recycling station
1.桃園災情+六龜關懷Flooding updates around the island
The ongoing torrential rains in Taiwan continue to wreak havoc in many parts of the country. In our first report we go to Kaohsiung”s Liugui六龜 District, where Tzu Chi volunteers visited elderly evacuees sheltering in the community center in Dajin Borough. But before that, we have footage from Taoyuan in northern Taiwan, where a service center was set up at the local Jing Si Hall to provide relief assistance. As we went to air, more than 6,000 meals made by Tzu Chi volunteers have been delivered to flood-affected residents.
2.慈濟人關懷Evacuation from floods continues
Staying in Kaohsiung, one of the areas that bore the brunt of the recent downpours, Taoyuan, Maolin and Namaxia districts were all declared disaster zones. Fortunately the army was there to help evacuate flood trapped residents.
3.三地門送餐Warm food for disaster victims
Further south in Pingtung, more than 200 hundred villagers from Sandimen Township have been evacuated to the Sandimen gymnasium. Tzu Chi volunteers have been preparing hot meals for the survivors in the last few days, with the help of military personnel for meal deliveries.
4.大安災民關懷46 evacuees from Da-an District
The torrential rains have caused extensive damage in the capital city of Taipei as well. A mudslide struck Xuefu Borough of Da-an District, forcing 46 elderly residents to evacuate. Tzu Chi volunteers quickly arrived to make sure the seniors were being cared for.
5.外生談慈大TCU”s int”l students
The unique humanistic teaching at Hualien”s Tzu Chi University in Taiwan has drawn many international students to study there. The school also has a cultural exchange program with Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. The presence of international students on campus has helped broaden local students” perspective.
6.泰新芽助學金Scholarship funds for 1364 students
Moving to Thailand, Tzu Chi volunteers went to 42 schools to hand out 1,364 scholarship awards to disadvantaged students. To reciprocate, many of the recipients” parents made regular donations to their coin banks, and also encouraged their children to give.
7.亞庇醫院關懷Celebrating harvest festival with the sick
To bring cheer to the sick and bedridden for the Harvest Festival of Gawai Dayak, volunteers from Kota Kinabalu traveled to nearby Likas Hospital, to celebrate the holiday with young patients and their parents.
8.愛心眼鏡行23 years of giving
In Taiwan”s New Taipei City, Mr. Ye Zhangjie葉彰桔 is the owner of an optical store, who have been providing underprivileged children with free prescription glasses for 23 years. Let”s meet the Good Samaritan in our next story.
位於新北市永和的眼鏡行,老闆葉彰桔 23年來,持續提供免費眼鏡給貧困孩子,一起來看看。
9.菲本土培訓Volunteers training seminar
Recently in the Philippines, the Tzu Chi Chapter held its 26th training seminar for local volunteers. Two senior TIMA doctors were invited to give speeches introducing the beginning of Philippines” TIMA team, and Tzu Chi”s medicial mission.
10.板橋四合一棉被Overseas volunteers training seminar
A major training seminar is happening in New Taipei City, Taiwan, for nearly 1,500 Tzu Chi volunteers from 31 countries across the world. At the Banqiao Tzu Chi Chapter, which is one of the venues for the seminar, volunteers have been busy preparing the sleeping quarters for the attendants, to make them feel at home.
慈濟板橋園區、三重園區,舉辦 四合一全球海外營,共有31個國家,將近1500參與,在慈濟板橋園區,其中一個營隊舉辦地區,北區志工為營隊團員,準備一個像家一樣的寢室。
11.印照顧戶環保Care recipients volunteer at recycling station
In Indonesia, Jakarta Tzu Chi volunteers took their care recipients to an environmental station to get some hands-on experience on recycling. After getting hours of exercise from doing recycling work, the care recipients, especially those with frail health, all beamed with ruddy smiles.
The Tzu Chi School in Indonesia”s Pantai Indah Kapuk recently held its end-of-term ceremony for 240 students who enrolled last year as the school”s first batch of pupils. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
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1.三地門撤離TaiwanEvacuation proceeding in Sandimen
2.菲馬加致火災PhilippinesFire killed 4 people
3.慈小畢生感恩TaiwanStudents volunteer at Jing Si Abode
4.慈大畢典手語TaiwanTzu Chi University graduation ceremony of 2012
5.慈懿師生情TaiwanYide mother & Tzu Cheng fathers
6.慈警朱恆志(一)TaiwanCare and support for police officers
7.360百年理髮(一)Taiwan100-year-old barber shop
8.360百年理髮(二)TaiwanLike father, like son
1.三地門撤離TaiwanEvacuation proceeding in Sandimen
We start today”s program in Taiwan, where torrential rain have triggered flooding to many areas around the island. In response, the Tzu Chi Foundation has set up a disaster command center in Hualien, and an emergency coordination center in Kaohsiung. On Monday, in Pingtung, the nation”s army also assisted the residents of Dewen 德文and Dalai 達來 villages to evacuate. At around 2 pm, the elderly and sick of the villages, gathered at their community center where they awaited trucks, that would take them to the gym by Sandimen三地門 Elementary School.
今天節目一開始來到台灣,豪大雨造成台灣許多地區積水,因此,慈濟也在花蓮成立慈濟災難指揮中心,也在高雄成立緊急協調中心,周一,在屏東國軍八軍 團持續協助三地門德文村、及達來村的居民撤離,當天下午二點多,行動不便及老弱的居民陸續集中到活動中心,等待國軍用車子接送,至三地門國小旁的鄉立體育 館。
2.菲馬加致火災PhilippinesFire killed 4 people
In the Philippines, on May 30th a merciless fire occurred at Barangay Sing-ka-mas in Ma-ka-ti City, resulting in four deaths and leaving 222 households homeless. A faulty electrical wiring was said to be the cause of the accident. The very next day, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived on scene, bringing daily necessities and emotional comfort for the fire victims.
3.慈小畢生感恩TaiwanStudents volunteer at Jing Si Abode
This coming Saturday, Tzu Chi Elementary and High Schools will be holding their graduation ceremonies. On June 11th, graduates from Tzu Chi Elementary School went to volunteer at the Jing Si Abode, as a way to express their thanks to the volunteers. Some students also took this chance to share with others how much they”ve gained in their last six years at the school.
本周六,慈濟中、小學 將舉行畢業典禮,在6月11日,國小畢業班的同學回到靜思精舍,做志工回饋,有些學生也分享這六年的成長。
4.慈大畢典手語TaiwanTzu Chi University graduation ceremony of 2012
At Tzu Chi University, the students look to senior volunteers for advice and guidance. These volunteers are known as Tzu Cheng fathers and Yide mothers. They have been a tradition from when the first Tzu Chi school, Tzi Chi Junior College of Nursing, was first started in Hualien. At Tzu Chi University”s graduation this year, Tzu Cheng dads and Yide moms sang a sign language song to send off the graduates, wishing them a chance to fly far and wide in this world.
在慈濟大學裡,由資深的慈濟志工指導學生,這些志工是孩子們的懿德父母,是從當初慈大創校時,由來已久的傳統,今年的畢業典禮上,這群懿德爸爸媽媽,特地為即將踏出校園的畢業生準備了一首手語歌 ,祝福孩子展翅高飛。
5.慈懿師生情TaiwanYide mother & Tzu Cheng fathers
As we reported yesterday, to help students attending Tzu Chi”s university and technical college in the remote eastern Taiwan adjust to their new life, Master Cheng Yen founded the Yide Mothers Association, where female Tzu Chi volunteers signed up to counsel students. Later, Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members also joined as well, so students now have volunteer fathers and mothers who visit them on a monthly basis. Here”s more.
就如昨天的報導提到,證嚴法師成立懿德母姊會 ,是為了照顧離鄉到花蓮慈濟學府求學的莘莘學子,之後有慈誠男眾師兄加入,所以每位學生都有志工爸爸媽媽,一個月一次定期聚會,一起來看看。
6.慈警朱恆志(一)TaiwanCare and support for police officers
For many years, the Tzu Chi Policemen Welfare Association has been accompanying and caring for police officers all around Taiwan. In the first of our series of reports on police officers whose lives were changed after joining Tzu Chi, we meet officer Zhu Hengzhi 朱恆志 who was transferred from Kaohsiung to Taichung some 4 years ago. At that time, Zhu was depressed after coming across several setbacks in life. Luckily, he met Tzu Chi and learned to see life in a positive way.
許多年來,慈濟慈警會在全台各警局與派出所陪伴員警們,在第一集專題報導,關於生命因慈濟而改變的警員,我們來認識朱恆志,四年前,從高雄分發到台中,當時因家裡一連串變故,讓他非常憂鬱,幸好 他認識了慈濟,學會用樂觀的態度面對生命。
7.360百年理髮(一)Taiwan100-year-old barber shop
In our featured series on Taiwan”s traditional trades, today we go to Miaoli to visit a barber shop that is more than 100 years old. In the olden days, men went to barber shops while women went to hair salons. Now, with hairdressing chains opening one after the other, providing services to both men and women, traditional barber shops are slowly fading- except the one in our next story. We find out why.
8.360百年理髮(二)TaiwanLike father, like son
Continuing from the last report, this time we meet Xu Caigui”s(徐財貴) son, Xu Zhihao(徐志豪), the fourth generation owner of the 100-year-old barbershop in Miaoli. Although Zhihao never dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, he still came into the profession, partly out of a sense of duty to carry on the family business. Now, he has grown to love his job as a hairdresser, and has skills that make his father proud.
2012年6月14日 星期四
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120613
Flooding all around Taiwan
Meet policeman, Zhu Hengzhi
Traditional barber shop in Miaoli
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, as torrential rain caused severe flooding all around Taiwan, Pingtung”s Sandimen residents are evacuating from their village.
We meet Taichung police officer Zhu Hengzhi, who shares with us, how the love of Tzu Chi volunteers changed his life.
And, in our feature reports on Taiwan”s fading industries, we visit a century-old barber shop in Miaoli.
1.三地門撤離TaiwanEvacuation proceeding in Sandimen
2.菲馬加致火災PhilippinesFire killed 4 people
3.慈小畢生感恩TaiwanStudents volunteer at Jing Si Abode
4.慈大畢典手語TaiwanTzu Chi University graduation ceremony of 2012
5.慈懿師生情TaiwanYide mother & Tzu Cheng fathers
6.慈警朱恆志(一)TaiwanCare and support for police officers
7.360百年理髮(一)Taiwan100-year-old barber shop
8.360百年理髮(二)TaiwanLike father, like son
1.三地門撤離TaiwanEvacuation proceeding in Sandimen
We start today”s program in Taiwan, where torrential rain have triggered flooding to many areas around the island. In response, the Tzu Chi Foundation has set up a disaster command center in Hualien, and an emergency coordination center in Kaohsiung. On Monday, in Pingtung, the nation”s army also assisted the residents of Dewen 德文and Dalai 達來 villages to evacuate. At around 2 pm, the elderly and sick of the villages, gathered at their community center where they awaited trucks, that would take them to the gym by Sandimen三地門 Elementary School.
2.菲馬加致火災PhilippinesFire killed 4 people
In the Philippines, on May 30th a merciless fire occurred at Barangay Sing-ka-mas in Ma-ka-ti City, resulting in four deaths and leaving 222 households homeless. A faulty electrical wiring was said to be the cause of the accident. The very next day, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived on scene, bringing daily necessities and emotional comfort for the fire victims.
3.慈小畢生感恩TaiwanStudents volunteer at Jing Si Abode
This coming Saturday, Tzu Chi Elementary and High Schools will be holding their graduation ceremonies. On June 11th, graduates from Tzu Chi Elementary School went to volunteer at the Jing Si Abode, as a way to express their thanks to the volunteers. Some students also took this chance to share with others how much they”ve gained in their last six years at the school.
本周六,慈濟中、小學 將舉行畢業典禮,在6月11日,國小畢業班的同學回到靜思精舍,做志工回饋,有些學生也分享這六年的成長。
4.慈大畢典手語TaiwanTzu Chi University graduation ceremony of 2012
At Tzu Chi University, the students look to senior volunteers for advice and guidance. These volunteers are known as Tzu Cheng fathers and Yide mothers. They have been a tradition from when the first Tzu Chi school, Tzi Chi Junior College of Nursing, was first started in Hualien. At Tzu Chi University”s graduation this year, Tzu Cheng dads and Yide moms sang a sign language song to send off the graduates, wishing them a chance to fly far and wide in this world.
在慈濟大學裡,由資深的慈濟志工指導學生,這些志工是孩子們的懿德父母,是從當初慈大創校時,由來已久的傳統,今年的畢業典禮上,這群懿德爸爸媽媽,特地為即將踏出校園的畢業生準備了一首手語歌 ,祝福孩子展翅高飛。
5.慈懿師生情TaiwanYide mother & Tzu Cheng fathers
As we reported yesterday, to help students attending Tzu Chi”s university and technical college in the remote eastern Taiwan adjust to their new life, Master Cheng Yen founded the Yide Mothers Association, where female Tzu Chi volunteers signed up to counsel students. Later, Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members also joined as well, so students now have volunteer fathers and mothers who visit them on a monthly basis. Here”s more.
就如昨天的報導提到,證嚴法師成立懿德母姊會 ,是為了照顧離鄉到花蓮慈濟學府求學的莘莘學子,之後有慈誠男眾師兄加入,所以每位學生都有志工爸爸媽媽,一個月一次定期聚會,一起來看看。
6.慈警朱恆志(一)TaiwanCare and support for police officers
For many years, the Tzu Chi Policemen Welfare Association has been accompanying and caring for police officers all around Taiwan. In the first of our series of reports on police officers whose lives were changed after joining Tzu Chi, we meet officer Zhu Hengzhi 朱恆志 who was transferred from Kaohsiung to Taichung some 4 years ago. At that time, Zhu was depressed after coming across several setbacks in life. Luckily, he met Tzu Chi and learned to see life in a positive way.
許多年來,慈濟慈警會在全台各警局與派出所陪伴員警們,在第一集專題報導,關於生命因慈濟而改變的警員,我們來認識朱恆志,四年前,從高雄分發到台中,當時因家裡一連串變故,讓他非常憂鬱,幸好 他認識了慈濟,學會用樂觀的態度面對生命。
7.360百年理髮(一)Taiwan100-year-old barber shop
In our featured series on Taiwan”s traditional trades, today we go to Miaoli to visit a barber shop that is more than 100 years old. In the olden days, men went to barber shops while women went to hair salons. Now, with hairdressing chains opening one after the other, providing services to both men and women, traditional barber shops are slowly fading- except the one in our next story. We find out why.
8.360百年理髮(二)TaiwanLike father, like son
Continuing from the last report, this time we meet Xu Caigui”s(徐財貴) son, Xu Zhihao(徐志豪), the fourth generation owner of the 100-year-old barbershop in Miaoli. Although Zhihao never dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, he still came into the profession, partly out of a sense of duty to carry on the family business. Now, he has grown to love his job as a hairdresser, and has skills that make his father proud.
One of the most celebrated holiday in Taiwan is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is coming up on June 23 this year. To celebrate, Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien prepared 1,400 zongzi and apples to share with care recipients. And in Taitung, volunteers also made sticky rice dumplings to share with police officers and children from a local orphanage. We will leave you with all the images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
(影音連結) 資料來源:大愛電視台
Meet policeman, Zhu Hengzhi
Traditional barber shop in Miaoli
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, as torrential rain caused severe flooding all around Taiwan, Pingtung”s Sandimen residents are evacuating from their village.
We meet Taichung police officer Zhu Hengzhi, who shares with us, how the love of Tzu Chi volunteers changed his life.
And, in our feature reports on Taiwan”s fading industries, we visit a century-old barber shop in Miaoli.
1.三地門撤離TaiwanEvacuation proceeding in Sandimen
2.菲馬加致火災PhilippinesFire killed 4 people
3.慈小畢生感恩TaiwanStudents volunteer at Jing Si Abode
4.慈大畢典手語TaiwanTzu Chi University graduation ceremony of 2012
5.慈懿師生情TaiwanYide mother & Tzu Cheng fathers
6.慈警朱恆志(一)TaiwanCare and support for police officers
7.360百年理髮(一)Taiwan100-year-old barber shop
8.360百年理髮(二)TaiwanLike father, like son
1.三地門撤離TaiwanEvacuation proceeding in Sandimen
We start today”s program in Taiwan, where torrential rain have triggered flooding to many areas around the island. In response, the Tzu Chi Foundation has set up a disaster command center in Hualien, and an emergency coordination center in Kaohsiung. On Monday, in Pingtung, the nation”s army also assisted the residents of Dewen 德文and Dalai 達來 villages to evacuate. At around 2 pm, the elderly and sick of the villages, gathered at their community center where they awaited trucks, that would take them to the gym by Sandimen三地門 Elementary School.
2.菲馬加致火災PhilippinesFire killed 4 people
In the Philippines, on May 30th a merciless fire occurred at Barangay Sing-ka-mas in Ma-ka-ti City, resulting in four deaths and leaving 222 households homeless. A faulty electrical wiring was said to be the cause of the accident. The very next day, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived on scene, bringing daily necessities and emotional comfort for the fire victims.
3.慈小畢生感恩TaiwanStudents volunteer at Jing Si Abode
This coming Saturday, Tzu Chi Elementary and High Schools will be holding their graduation ceremonies. On June 11th, graduates from Tzu Chi Elementary School went to volunteer at the Jing Si Abode, as a way to express their thanks to the volunteers. Some students also took this chance to share with others how much they”ve gained in their last six years at the school.
本周六,慈濟中、小學 將舉行畢業典禮,在6月11日,國小畢業班的同學回到靜思精舍,做志工回饋,有些學生也分享這六年的成長。
4.慈大畢典手語TaiwanTzu Chi University graduation ceremony of 2012
At Tzu Chi University, the students look to senior volunteers for advice and guidance. These volunteers are known as Tzu Cheng fathers and Yide mothers. They have been a tradition from when the first Tzu Chi school, Tzi Chi Junior College of Nursing, was first started in Hualien. At Tzu Chi University”s graduation this year, Tzu Cheng dads and Yide moms sang a sign language song to send off the graduates, wishing them a chance to fly far and wide in this world.
在慈濟大學裡,由資深的慈濟志工指導學生,這些志工是孩子們的懿德父母,是從當初慈大創校時,由來已久的傳統,今年的畢業典禮上,這群懿德爸爸媽媽,特地為即將踏出校園的畢業生準備了一首手語歌 ,祝福孩子展翅高飛。
5.慈懿師生情TaiwanYide mother & Tzu Cheng fathers
As we reported yesterday, to help students attending Tzu Chi”s university and technical college in the remote eastern Taiwan adjust to their new life, Master Cheng Yen founded the Yide Mothers Association, where female Tzu Chi volunteers signed up to counsel students. Later, Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members also joined as well, so students now have volunteer fathers and mothers who visit them on a monthly basis. Here”s more.
就如昨天的報導提到,證嚴法師成立懿德母姊會 ,是為了照顧離鄉到花蓮慈濟學府求學的莘莘學子,之後有慈誠男眾師兄加入,所以每位學生都有志工爸爸媽媽,一個月一次定期聚會,一起來看看。
6.慈警朱恆志(一)TaiwanCare and support for police officers
For many years, the Tzu Chi Policemen Welfare Association has been accompanying and caring for police officers all around Taiwan. In the first of our series of reports on police officers whose lives were changed after joining Tzu Chi, we meet officer Zhu Hengzhi 朱恆志 who was transferred from Kaohsiung to Taichung some 4 years ago. At that time, Zhu was depressed after coming across several setbacks in life. Luckily, he met Tzu Chi and learned to see life in a positive way.
許多年來,慈濟慈警會在全台各警局與派出所陪伴員警們,在第一集專題報導,關於生命因慈濟而改變的警員,我們來認識朱恆志,四年前,從高雄分發到台中,當時因家裡一連串變故,讓他非常憂鬱,幸好 他認識了慈濟,學會用樂觀的態度面對生命。
7.360百年理髮(一)Taiwan100-year-old barber shop
In our featured series on Taiwan”s traditional trades, today we go to Miaoli to visit a barber shop that is more than 100 years old. In the olden days, men went to barber shops while women went to hair salons. Now, with hairdressing chains opening one after the other, providing services to both men and women, traditional barber shops are slowly fading- except the one in our next story. We find out why.
8.360百年理髮(二)TaiwanLike father, like son
Continuing from the last report, this time we meet Xu Caigui”s(徐財貴) son, Xu Zhihao(徐志豪), the fourth generation owner of the 100-year-old barbershop in Miaoli. Although Zhihao never dreamed of becoming a hairdresser, he still came into the profession, partly out of a sense of duty to carry on the family business. Now, he has grown to love his job as a hairdresser, and has skills that make his father proud.
One of the most celebrated holiday in Taiwan is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is coming up on June 23 this year. To celebrate, Tzu Chi volunteers in Hualien prepared 1,400 zongzi and apples to share with care recipients. And in Taitung, volunteers also made sticky rice dumplings to share with police officers and children from a local orphanage. We will leave you with all the images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
(影音連結) 資料來源:大愛電視台
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120612
Heavy rainfalls flood southern Taiwan
Tzu Chengs & commissioners seminar
Professionally trained & well mannered
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.
Continuous heavy downpour over the weekend inundates southern Taiwan causing serious flooding and landslides in several areas; we get an update from Tainan”s Tzu Chi volunteers. New Taipei City”s Banqiao and Sanchong Tzu Chi grounds host a training seminar for Tzu Chengs and Tzu Chi commissioners, which was attended by over 3,000 people. And, 791 students graduated from Hualien”s Tzu Chi University on Saturday; not only are they trained professionally, they have also taken Tzu Chi”s humanistic values to heart.
1.台南災況Heavy downpour in southern Taiwan
Over the weekend, southern Taiwan experienced heavy downpour, especially in Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Tainan. Rivers were flooded in Caoshan(草山) and Ganglin(岡林) in Tainan”s Zuozhen(左鎮) District, inundating bridges and causing landslides that blocked roads. In Caoshan Village, one household stranded by the flood was brought to safety by rescue rafts. Now taking shelter at a local school, the flood victims received a visit from Tainan”s Tzu Chi volunteers, who brought along care packages and much-needed emotional support.
As we went to air, more torrential rains were forcasted to hit southern Taiwan; we will keep you posted. On with today”s reports; a fire broke out in a scooter supply shop in Taiwan”s Taoyuan in early May. Sadly, the shop”s owner lost his son and granddaughter to the blaze on top of his financial losses. In order to restart his business, the owner must first clean up the scene of the disaster. Thankfully, a group of Good Samaritans including local Tzu Chi volunteers have been coming by to help.
3.菲179義診Putting the smile back on
Nex to the Philippines, local TIMA chapter held a dental free clinic in Quezon City on last week, to fulfill 145 patients” dental needs like filling cavities, teeth removal, and teeth cleaning. The dental free clinic helped people regain their confidence along with a smile.
4.北區委員精進Tzu Cheng & commissioner training seminar
In Taiwan”s New Taipei City, a two-day training seminar for Tzu Chengs and Tzu Chi commissioners was joined by over 3000 people. Due to the volume of participants, the seminar was held at Tzu Chi grounds in both Sanchong and Banqiao. A dharma master from Jing Si Abode in Hualien also made a special trip to lead the participants in a special ceremony honoring the Buddha.
5.機動香積精進Meal preparation for Tzu Chi seminar
Continuing from the last story, to make sure the seminar that took place in Banqiao Tzu Chi grounds ran smoothly, around 200 catering volunteers started preparing early in the morning. Meanwhile, there was also a team of volunteers who worked around the clock arranging parking spaces and finishing up various tasks. Although they could not join the seminar, the caregivers felt that they were spiritually empowered.
6.印山口洋關懷Sisters taking care of each other
In the city of Singkawang, Indonesia, there is a pair of sisters living in poverty. The 71-year-old younger sister suffers cranial nerve damage, and is paralyzed from the waist down. The 82-year-old older sister has cataracts and is visually impaired. The two sisters have no income. They rely purely on family, friends and neighbors” help to get by. At first when Tzu Chi volunteers called upon them, the two sisters refused help fearing that they would soon pass on. Finally under the volunteer”s frequent visits, the pair slowly began to change their mind and accept Tzu Chi”s aid. Inspired by the volunteers, the seniors started to save money each day to donate to help others in need.
7.慈大畢典TCU graduation ceremony
Hualien”s Tzu Chi University held this year”s graduation ceremony last Saturday, June 9. With sincere blessings from teachers, parents and Master Cheng Yen, 791 undergraduate and postgraduate students who received professional training and were disciplined the Tzu Chi way enter a new phase in life. At the ceremony, apart from academic awards, students who have contributed to community service were also recognized. Let”s take a look.
慈濟大學於上周六 6月9日舉行今年度的畢業典禮,在老師、家長與證嚴法師的祝福下,791位畢業生踏入
Due to its geography, eastern Taiwan is rather underdeveloped. To help the needy in this area of Taiwan, Master Cheng Yen started the Tzu Chi Foundation. Believing that an education can help fight poverty, the Master decided to build a college which kicked off Tzu Chi”s education mission. Now a student can receive more than just an education but also Tzu Chi”s signature character building from as young as a kindergartner all the way through university. Here”s how it all began.
9.蘇州愛心定存A new way to donate love
Daily contribution of fifty NT cents by a group of housewives helped support Tzu Chi Foundation”s charity mission over four decades ago. To keep such founding spirit alive, on July 9, the Suzhou Branch of the Bank of China announced the start of a new way to do banking. With its Affections Deposit Certificate, the bank will also be giving donations to Tzu Chi”s charitable activities in China. We find out more.
40年前 一群家庭主婦日存五毛錢,開啟行善之路,為了讓這個善行持續,6月9日,中國銀行蘇州城中支行 正式啟動了「愛心禮儀存單」的專案,蘇州民眾只要在這個專案下開戶,能定期儲蓄,更會另外提撥善款,支持慈濟在大陸推動的各項志業,一起來看看。
At the end of today”s program, we attend Read Malaysia 2012 held in Selangor. Once again Tzu Chi”s Jing Si Books and Cafe had been invited to showcase Jing Si publications, share Tzu Chi”s humanistic values, and give tips on parenting. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
(影音連結) 資料來源:大愛電視台
Tzu Chengs & commissioners seminar
Professionally trained & well mannered
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us.
Continuous heavy downpour over the weekend inundates southern Taiwan causing serious flooding and landslides in several areas; we get an update from Tainan”s Tzu Chi volunteers. New Taipei City”s Banqiao and Sanchong Tzu Chi grounds host a training seminar for Tzu Chengs and Tzu Chi commissioners, which was attended by over 3,000 people. And, 791 students graduated from Hualien”s Tzu Chi University on Saturday; not only are they trained professionally, they have also taken Tzu Chi”s humanistic values to heart.
1.台南災況Heavy downpour in southern Taiwan
Over the weekend, southern Taiwan experienced heavy downpour, especially in Pingtung, Kaohsiung and Tainan. Rivers were flooded in Caoshan(草山) and Ganglin(岡林) in Tainan”s Zuozhen(左鎮) District, inundating bridges and causing landslides that blocked roads. In Caoshan Village, one household stranded by the flood was brought to safety by rescue rafts. Now taking shelter at a local school, the flood victims received a visit from Tainan”s Tzu Chi volunteers, who brought along care packages and much-needed emotional support.
As we went to air, more torrential rains were forcasted to hit southern Taiwan; we will keep you posted. On with today”s reports; a fire broke out in a scooter supply shop in Taiwan”s Taoyuan in early May. Sadly, the shop”s owner lost his son and granddaughter to the blaze on top of his financial losses. In order to restart his business, the owner must first clean up the scene of the disaster. Thankfully, a group of Good Samaritans including local Tzu Chi volunteers have been coming by to help.
3.菲179義診Putting the smile back on
Nex to the Philippines, local TIMA chapter held a dental free clinic in Quezon City on last week, to fulfill 145 patients” dental needs like filling cavities, teeth removal, and teeth cleaning. The dental free clinic helped people regain their confidence along with a smile.
4.北區委員精進Tzu Cheng & commissioner training seminar
In Taiwan”s New Taipei City, a two-day training seminar for Tzu Chengs and Tzu Chi commissioners was joined by over 3000 people. Due to the volume of participants, the seminar was held at Tzu Chi grounds in both Sanchong and Banqiao. A dharma master from Jing Si Abode in Hualien also made a special trip to lead the participants in a special ceremony honoring the Buddha.
5.機動香積精進Meal preparation for Tzu Chi seminar
Continuing from the last story, to make sure the seminar that took place in Banqiao Tzu Chi grounds ran smoothly, around 200 catering volunteers started preparing early in the morning. Meanwhile, there was also a team of volunteers who worked around the clock arranging parking spaces and finishing up various tasks. Although they could not join the seminar, the caregivers felt that they were spiritually empowered.
6.印山口洋關懷Sisters taking care of each other
In the city of Singkawang, Indonesia, there is a pair of sisters living in poverty. The 71-year-old younger sister suffers cranial nerve damage, and is paralyzed from the waist down. The 82-year-old older sister has cataracts and is visually impaired. The two sisters have no income. They rely purely on family, friends and neighbors” help to get by. At first when Tzu Chi volunteers called upon them, the two sisters refused help fearing that they would soon pass on. Finally under the volunteer”s frequent visits, the pair slowly began to change their mind and accept Tzu Chi”s aid. Inspired by the volunteers, the seniors started to save money each day to donate to help others in need.
7.慈大畢典TCU graduation ceremony
Hualien”s Tzu Chi University held this year”s graduation ceremony last Saturday, June 9. With sincere blessings from teachers, parents and Master Cheng Yen, 791 undergraduate and postgraduate students who received professional training and were disciplined the Tzu Chi way enter a new phase in life. At the ceremony, apart from academic awards, students who have contributed to community service were also recognized. Let”s take a look.
慈濟大學於上周六 6月9日舉行今年度的畢業典禮,在老師、家長與證嚴法師的祝福下,791位畢業生踏入
Due to its geography, eastern Taiwan is rather underdeveloped. To help the needy in this area of Taiwan, Master Cheng Yen started the Tzu Chi Foundation. Believing that an education can help fight poverty, the Master decided to build a college which kicked off Tzu Chi”s education mission. Now a student can receive more than just an education but also Tzu Chi”s signature character building from as young as a kindergartner all the way through university. Here”s how it all began.
9.蘇州愛心定存A new way to donate love
Daily contribution of fifty NT cents by a group of housewives helped support Tzu Chi Foundation”s charity mission over four decades ago. To keep such founding spirit alive, on July 9, the Suzhou Branch of the Bank of China announced the start of a new way to do banking. With its Affections Deposit Certificate, the bank will also be giving donations to Tzu Chi”s charitable activities in China. We find out more.
40年前 一群家庭主婦日存五毛錢,開啟行善之路,為了讓這個善行持續,6月9日,中國銀行蘇州城中支行 正式啟動了「愛心禮儀存單」的專案,蘇州民眾只要在這個專案下開戶,能定期儲蓄,更會另外提撥善款,支持慈濟在大陸推動的各項志業,一起來看看。
At the end of today”s program, we attend Read Malaysia 2012 held in Selangor. Once again Tzu Chi”s Jing Si Books and Cafe had been invited to showcase Jing Si publications, share Tzu Chi”s humanistic values, and give tips on parenting. That”s all the time we have for. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
(影音連結) 資料來源:大愛電視台
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120611
< Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. >
Lessons of 8/8 flood reconstruction
Helping a hearing impaired girl
A papercutting master in Taiwan
In our top stories, Maria Elena Aquino Cruz, the sister of the president of the Philippines, pays a special visit to Tzu Chi”s Shanlin Da Ai Community in Taiwan.
In Indonesia, a hearing impaired girl is able to improve on her speech thanks to the brand new hearing aid from Tzu Chi.
And later, in our regular series on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we meet one papercutting master who is considered a national treasure for his ability to produce wonders with just paper and scissors.
Maria Elena Aquino-Cruz, the sister of the Philippines” president, recently traveled to Taiwan to learn more about Tzu Chi. Her first stop was the Tzu Chi Shanlin Da Ai Community where she hoped to gain a better understanding of Tzu Chi”s reconstruction efforts after the devastating 8/8 flood of 2009, and also get to know the community”s new residents.
In the last of our featured series on the works of Taiwan”s Zhishan Foundation for underprivileged children in Vietnam, today we meet Yang Guimei, a famous Taiwanese actress who was the spokesperson for the Foundation in 2006. Recently, Yang traveled to Quang Binh province to meet her sponsored child of six years, Dao Thi, who is now a college student. Dao Thi”s grandmother passed away three years ago, leaving the then 12th grader to fend for herself. All this time, Yang continued to support Dao Thi like a mother, and their recent reunion was an emotional one.
《 靜思語 》
Love transcends distance and eliminates chaos in society.
In Indonesia, we meet hearing impaired girl Mariyati, who, although already 14 years old, is still in second grade because being unable to hear properly made learning extremely difficult for her. Fortunately, Tzu Chi came to her rescue by giving her a hearing aid. And Mariyati couldn”t have made it in school with her aunty”s patient instructions and guidance.
Over to China, Xiamen”s second parent-child class of this year recently opened to rave reviews. The first class was such a success, the number of students who enrolled for the second one increased by more than 20 percent. Many of the parents say the biggest beneficiaries of these classes have actually been themselves.
Staying on the topic of education, in Singapore, the Tzu Chi Continuing Education Center recently held a graduation ceremony, featuring its students” work. Students also put on a series of performances to demonstrate what they have learned.
《 衲履足跡 》On Setting An Example 談典範
An educator”s duty is to impart knowledge and good values, and serve as students” counselor. Through leading by example, the teachers at Tzu Chi Senior High Schools hope to pass on the virtues of courteousness and rationality. Students are also reminded to be friendly and kind, and be generous with their love, appreciation and respect for others to maintain interpersonal harmony.
The art of papercutting is quite popular in northwestern China, and its origin dates back to the sixth century or even earlier. In Taiwan, there is a papercutting master, Li Huanzhang, (李煥章) who came to the country in the late 40s. He learned about the art growing up and whenever he missed his home, he would cut some paper to help reconnect with his past. In time, he would be awarded the title of National Treasure.
After papercutting master Li Huanzhang (李煥章) came to Taiwan from China some 60 years ago, he first worked as an elementary school teacher. He then started teaching some of his students the traditional art. Now that he has retired, Master Li can dedicate all his time to teaching his lifelong passion of papercutting. We now take you to a couple of exhibition halls in Taiwan that feature the Master”s work.
IkamvaYouth is an NPO in South Africa that aims to empower underprivileged children through education. Last year, Johannesburg Tzu Chi volunteers and IkamvaYouth began to work together to help students from low-income families. Recently, IkamvaYouth held its first tutoring event in Ivory Park, where Tzu Chi also handed out food to the students.
At the end of the show, we go back to Taiwan, where nearly 1,000 Da Ai Mothers in Taipei have come together for a seminar to share with each other their teaching experiences at schools. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
(影音連結) 資料來源:大愛電視台
Lessons of 8/8 flood reconstruction
Helping a hearing impaired girl
A papercutting master in Taiwan
In our top stories, Maria Elena Aquino Cruz, the sister of the president of the Philippines, pays a special visit to Tzu Chi”s Shanlin Da Ai Community in Taiwan.
In Indonesia, a hearing impaired girl is able to improve on her speech thanks to the brand new hearing aid from Tzu Chi.
And later, in our regular series on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we meet one papercutting master who is considered a national treasure for his ability to produce wonders with just paper and scissors.
Maria Elena Aquino-Cruz, the sister of the Philippines” president, recently traveled to Taiwan to learn more about Tzu Chi. Her first stop was the Tzu Chi Shanlin Da Ai Community where she hoped to gain a better understanding of Tzu Chi”s reconstruction efforts after the devastating 8/8 flood of 2009, and also get to know the community”s new residents.
In the last of our featured series on the works of Taiwan”s Zhishan Foundation for underprivileged children in Vietnam, today we meet Yang Guimei, a famous Taiwanese actress who was the spokesperson for the Foundation in 2006. Recently, Yang traveled to Quang Binh province to meet her sponsored child of six years, Dao Thi, who is now a college student. Dao Thi”s grandmother passed away three years ago, leaving the then 12th grader to fend for herself. All this time, Yang continued to support Dao Thi like a mother, and their recent reunion was an emotional one.
《 靜思語 》
Love transcends distance and eliminates chaos in society.
In Indonesia, we meet hearing impaired girl Mariyati, who, although already 14 years old, is still in second grade because being unable to hear properly made learning extremely difficult for her. Fortunately, Tzu Chi came to her rescue by giving her a hearing aid. And Mariyati couldn”t have made it in school with her aunty”s patient instructions and guidance.
Over to China, Xiamen”s second parent-child class of this year recently opened to rave reviews. The first class was such a success, the number of students who enrolled for the second one increased by more than 20 percent. Many of the parents say the biggest beneficiaries of these classes have actually been themselves.
Staying on the topic of education, in Singapore, the Tzu Chi Continuing Education Center recently held a graduation ceremony, featuring its students” work. Students also put on a series of performances to demonstrate what they have learned.
《 衲履足跡 》On Setting An Example 談典範
An educator”s duty is to impart knowledge and good values, and serve as students” counselor. Through leading by example, the teachers at Tzu Chi Senior High Schools hope to pass on the virtues of courteousness and rationality. Students are also reminded to be friendly and kind, and be generous with their love, appreciation and respect for others to maintain interpersonal harmony.
The art of papercutting is quite popular in northwestern China, and its origin dates back to the sixth century or even earlier. In Taiwan, there is a papercutting master, Li Huanzhang, (李煥章) who came to the country in the late 40s. He learned about the art growing up and whenever he missed his home, he would cut some paper to help reconnect with his past. In time, he would be awarded the title of National Treasure.
After papercutting master Li Huanzhang (李煥章) came to Taiwan from China some 60 years ago, he first worked as an elementary school teacher. He then started teaching some of his students the traditional art. Now that he has retired, Master Li can dedicate all his time to teaching his lifelong passion of papercutting. We now take you to a couple of exhibition halls in Taiwan that feature the Master”s work.
IkamvaYouth is an NPO in South Africa that aims to empower underprivileged children through education. Last year, Johannesburg Tzu Chi volunteers and IkamvaYouth began to work together to help students from low-income families. Recently, IkamvaYouth held its first tutoring event in Ivory Park, where Tzu Chi also handed out food to the students.
At the end of the show, we go back to Taiwan, where nearly 1,000 Da Ai Mothers in Taipei have come together for a seminar to share with each other their teaching experiences at schools. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
(影音連結) 資料來源:大愛電視台
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120608
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. In today”s lineup, Tzu Chi”s scholarship program continues to give underprivileged children a chance at an education, this time for over 200 students in Penang, Malaysia. In Ireland, Tzu Chi volunteers hand out food and blankets to the homeless to help give them a better and warmer night”s sleep. Later, in our regular feature on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we meet a craftsman who is very passionate about the ancient Chinese art of Cochin pottery.
1. 馬育苗金頒發
2. 馬洪祖聞助學
3. 越南助學報告書(三)
4. 愛爾蘭關懷
5. 印感恩志工
6. 八分飽行善
7. 360交趾陶
8. 星師父座談
9. 蔡玉珠捐大體
END: 香港音樂會
1. 馬育苗金頒發
For several years now, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia”s Penang have been handing out scholarship funds to support students from poor families. At the latest scholarship award ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers also put in a session in the program where the student aid recipients were given an opportunity to show their love and gratitude to their parents.
2. 馬洪祖聞助學
Also from Malaysia, the next story introduces us to one more student who was able to go to school thanks to Tzu Chi”s intervention. After high school, 17-year-old Hong Zuwen from Kuala Lumpur couldn”t continue to study, either because his family couldn”t afford the school, or he was rejected due to his disability. However, after his story was aired on the Da Ai Channel at the beginning of this year, the principal of MINES E-able Training Institute was so moved by the young man”s desire to learn she enrolled him in her school, on full scholarhip.
3. 越南助學報告書(三)
Moving to Vietnam, in the third part of our reports on the work of Taiwan”s Zhi-Shan Foundation in the country, we travel to Quang Binh Province- one of Vietnam”s poorest areas with a chronic shortage of medical personnel. One girl has a dream to change that, and her name is Le Thi Thao Nhi, who recently tested into the local medical school. It has been her Taiwanese sponsor who helped support her study. Recently Thao Nhi”s sponsor traveled to Vietnam again to give encouragement to the hardworking girl.
《 靜思語 》
Great Love embodies individual love, but individual love cannot comprehend Great Love.
4. 愛爾蘭關懷
The effects of Europe”s economy crisis have reached Dublin, the capital of Ireland, as the number of homeless people has increased dramatically. Recently Tzu Chi volunteers handed out blankets and food to help those without shelter better endure the chilling temperature.
5. 印感恩志工
In Northern Jakarata, Indonesia, an appreciation ceremony was held at the Tzu Chi School, where young students gave thanks to kitchen volunteers who prepared their daily meals for the past year. Let”s take a look.
6. 八分飽行善
Eating only 80 percent full and sparing the remaining 20 percent to help the less fortunate, is a campaign that Master Cheng Yen started, and many of her disciples are doing that exactly. We now go to southern Taiwan to see how several Tzu Chi volunteers are putting their compassion to action.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Saving The Planet
As disasters occur around the world, many are left hungry and impoverished. This makes it ever more urgent to promote vegetarianism and environmental conservation. People need to know to love each other, and that our survival lies together with the fate of the planet.
7. 360交趾陶
In our featured series on the Taiwan”s traditional trades, today, we”re going show you Cochin ceramic figurines that decorate the roof ridge of temples. As colorful Cochin ware takes a long time to make, and involves many complicated steps, most of the craftsmen have left the trade. But, we meet one Cochin artist from Yingge, in New Taipei City, who loves this art more than food and sleep.
8. 星師父座談
Back to more updates on Tzu Chi, in Singapore, the local office recently hosted a Tzu Cheng Faith Corps seminar where dharma masters from Hualien”s Jing Si Abode were invited to give a lecture. Among the masters was Dharma Master Derang 德勷, who helped establish Tzu Chi”s missions in the country before she became a nun. Needless to say, it was also happy family reunion for the country”s volunteers.
9. 蔡玉珠捐大體
Tainan Tzu Chi volunteer Cai Yuzhu (蔡玉珠) had been devoted to the NGO”s recycling work for more than 20 years. Sadly, the 78-year-old senior was injured in a car accident in early May, and passed away this week. To honor her wish, Cai”s family decided to donate her body to medical science.
END: 香港音樂會
Finally today, we go to the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai, Hong Kong, where the local Tzu Chi chapter held a concert to acknowledge the contribution of all those who served with Tzu Chi to help make a difference throughout the world. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. In today”s lineup, Tzu Chi”s scholarship program continues to give underprivileged children a chance at an education, this time for over 200 students in Penang, Malaysia. In Ireland, Tzu Chi volunteers hand out food and blankets to the homeless to help give them a better and warmer night”s sleep. Later, in our regular feature on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we meet a craftsman who is very passionate about the ancient Chinese art of Cochin pottery.
1. 馬育苗金頒發
2. 馬洪祖聞助學
3. 越南助學報告書(三)
4. 愛爾蘭關懷
5. 印感恩志工
6. 八分飽行善
7. 360交趾陶
8. 星師父座談
9. 蔡玉珠捐大體
END: 香港音樂會
1. 馬育苗金頒發
For several years now, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia”s Penang have been handing out scholarship funds to support students from poor families. At the latest scholarship award ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers also put in a session in the program where the student aid recipients were given an opportunity to show their love and gratitude to their parents.
2. 馬洪祖聞助學
Also from Malaysia, the next story introduces us to one more student who was able to go to school thanks to Tzu Chi”s intervention. After high school, 17-year-old Hong Zuwen from Kuala Lumpur couldn”t continue to study, either because his family couldn”t afford the school, or he was rejected due to his disability. However, after his story was aired on the Da Ai Channel at the beginning of this year, the principal of MINES E-able Training Institute was so moved by the young man”s desire to learn she enrolled him in her school, on full scholarhip.
3. 越南助學報告書(三)
Moving to Vietnam, in the third part of our reports on the work of Taiwan”s Zhi-Shan Foundation in the country, we travel to Quang Binh Province- one of Vietnam”s poorest areas with a chronic shortage of medical personnel. One girl has a dream to change that, and her name is Le Thi Thao Nhi, who recently tested into the local medical school. It has been her Taiwanese sponsor who helped support her study. Recently Thao Nhi”s sponsor traveled to Vietnam again to give encouragement to the hardworking girl.
《 靜思語 》
Great Love embodies individual love, but individual love cannot comprehend Great Love.
4. 愛爾蘭關懷
The effects of Europe”s economy crisis have reached Dublin, the capital of Ireland, as the number of homeless people has increased dramatically. Recently Tzu Chi volunteers handed out blankets and food to help those without shelter better endure the chilling temperature.
5. 印感恩志工
In Northern Jakarata, Indonesia, an appreciation ceremony was held at the Tzu Chi School, where young students gave thanks to kitchen volunteers who prepared their daily meals for the past year. Let”s take a look.
6. 八分飽行善
Eating only 80 percent full and sparing the remaining 20 percent to help the less fortunate, is a campaign that Master Cheng Yen started, and many of her disciples are doing that exactly. We now go to southern Taiwan to see how several Tzu Chi volunteers are putting their compassion to action.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Saving The Planet
As disasters occur around the world, many are left hungry and impoverished. This makes it ever more urgent to promote vegetarianism and environmental conservation. People need to know to love each other, and that our survival lies together with the fate of the planet.
7. 360交趾陶
In our featured series on the Taiwan”s traditional trades, today, we”re going show you Cochin ceramic figurines that decorate the roof ridge of temples. As colorful Cochin ware takes a long time to make, and involves many complicated steps, most of the craftsmen have left the trade. But, we meet one Cochin artist from Yingge, in New Taipei City, who loves this art more than food and sleep.
8. 星師父座談
Back to more updates on Tzu Chi, in Singapore, the local office recently hosted a Tzu Cheng Faith Corps seminar where dharma masters from Hualien”s Jing Si Abode were invited to give a lecture. Among the masters was Dharma Master Derang 德勷, who helped establish Tzu Chi”s missions in the country before she became a nun. Needless to say, it was also happy family reunion for the country”s volunteers.
9. 蔡玉珠捐大體
Tainan Tzu Chi volunteer Cai Yuzhu (蔡玉珠) had been devoted to the NGO”s recycling work for more than 20 years. Sadly, the 78-year-old senior was injured in a car accident in early May, and passed away this week. To honor her wish, Cai”s family decided to donate her body to medical science.
END: 香港音樂會
Finally today, we go to the Queen Elizabeth Stadium in Wan Chai, Hong Kong, where the local Tzu Chi chapter held a concert to acknowledge the contribution of all those who served with Tzu Chi to help make a difference throughout the world. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年6月8日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120607
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. In our top stories, Tzu Chi University”s Medical Informatics students have innovated a device to create intelligent bicycles that can identify its owner and give feedback on his or her heart rate and workout. In our regular feature on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we check out who are still making Chinese calligraphy brush pens by hand. And in the Islamic state of Kelantan, in Malaysia, Tzu Chi”s musical adaptation of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings opens to 3,000 audience members.
1. 南加大愛之夜
2. 越南助學報告書(二)
3. 心電圖智慧鐵馬
4. 綠屋頂成教材
5. 360毛筆
6. 許芳宜生身不息
7. 視障有情
8. 吉蘭丹無量義
9. 吉蘭丹人物
END: 吳姞諳圓夢
1. 南加大愛之夜
To promote Da Ai Channel, the Tzu Chi US Headquarters recently held the concert, A Night of Great Love, in Los Angeles. The musical performance drew a crowd of over 2,000 people, including long time Da Ai TV viewers.
2. 越南助學報告書(二)
As we reported yesterday, Taiwan”s Zhi-Shan Foundation has been helping the impoverished people of Vietnam for 15 years. Currently, 3,000 students in Vietnam”s poor Thua Thien-Hue Province are on the foundation”s scholarship program. Through the program, Taiwanese businessman Chen Qingfu has adopted 40 of these children in need. Recently, Chen had a chance to visit Vietnam and met up with his adopted children.
3. 心電圖智慧鐵馬
The study of Medical Informatics is a combination of information science, computer science, and health care. At Taiwan”s Tzu Chi University, a student of the department installed a microprocessor on a bike to help monitor the rider”s health. His instructing professor took the system one step further, and came up with an EKG based biometrics that will accurately identify a person regardless of his or her heart condition after a workout.
4. 綠屋頂成教材
Still in Taiwan, in Shunde Borough of Sanchong District, New Taipei City, for the past ten years residents have been working together to make their home a greener place. The community has been so successful in their environmental efforts that a publisher incorporated their story in the teaching material for Taiwan”s elementary schools.
《 靜思語 》
Only by transcending individual love can one”s ability to love and be loved be free of stress and anxiety.
5. 360毛筆
In our continuing series on Taiwan”s sunset industries, we meet the country”s few remaining masters of handmade Chinese calligraphy pen brushes. Formally a bustling trade in the 60 and 70”s, the business of hand made writing brushes has slowly faded as people turn to pens and computers. In the business for 38 years, Cheng Jingcong(陳景聰)says he is not ready to retire as it is his duty to keep the ancient and beautiful art alive.
6. 許芳宜生身不息
Taiwan”s top notch modern dancer Xu Fangyi (許芳宜) was formally the principal dancer of the renowned Martha Graham Dance Company, as well as the youngest winner of Taiwan”s National Award for Arts. This year Xu Fanyi will be bringing to Taiwanese audiences ”Timeless”, a piece by British choreographer Akram Khan, featuring herself and Wendy Whelan, the principal dancer of the New York City Ballet.
現代舞者許芳宜,曾是知名瑪莎‧葛蘭姆劇團的首席舞者,也是台灣最年輕的國家文藝獎得主,許芳宜今年首度在台灣推出舞碼《生身不息》 芭蕾,編舞者是英國著名的編舞家阿喀郎,參與演出者還有來自紐約的首席芭蕾舞者Wendy Whelan。
7. 視障有情
Ceng Hongqing from Taichung has been visually impaired all his life. He was raised in a single family, and learned the trade of massaging at a very young age, to help his mother out. Now, Chen has his own business, and treats his employees like family.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Helping Others
Only by helping one another with love can we pacify disasters. Many thanks to Tzu Chi volunteers for their post 3/11 disaster relief efforts. Rain or shine and wherever they were in the world, they came together for the disaster victims.
8. 吉蘭丹無量義
The Tzu Chi stage production of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings recently opened again in Kelantan, a Malaysian state with an Islamic majority. For the musical rendition, which is based on a Buddhist sutra, to come together in Kelantan was no easy task, but thanks to the efforts of 216 volunteers, the three performances successfully reached, and inspired, more than 3,000 viewers.
9. 吉蘭丹人物
Continuing from the last report, next we speak to the musical”s cast members, including the oldest one, about their participation in the performance.
END: 吳姞諳圓夢
At the end of the show, we go to the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan, where medical professionals helped a 28-year-old tongue cancer patient fight her disease and realize her goal to pay her love forward. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. In our top stories, Tzu Chi University”s Medical Informatics students have innovated a device to create intelligent bicycles that can identify its owner and give feedback on his or her heart rate and workout. In our regular feature on Taiwan”s traditional trades, we check out who are still making Chinese calligraphy brush pens by hand. And in the Islamic state of Kelantan, in Malaysia, Tzu Chi”s musical adaptation of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings opens to 3,000 audience members.
1. 南加大愛之夜
2. 越南助學報告書(二)
3. 心電圖智慧鐵馬
4. 綠屋頂成教材
5. 360毛筆
6. 許芳宜生身不息
7. 視障有情
8. 吉蘭丹無量義
9. 吉蘭丹人物
END: 吳姞諳圓夢
1. 南加大愛之夜
To promote Da Ai Channel, the Tzu Chi US Headquarters recently held the concert, A Night of Great Love, in Los Angeles. The musical performance drew a crowd of over 2,000 people, including long time Da Ai TV viewers.
2. 越南助學報告書(二)
As we reported yesterday, Taiwan”s Zhi-Shan Foundation has been helping the impoverished people of Vietnam for 15 years. Currently, 3,000 students in Vietnam”s poor Thua Thien-Hue Province are on the foundation”s scholarship program. Through the program, Taiwanese businessman Chen Qingfu has adopted 40 of these children in need. Recently, Chen had a chance to visit Vietnam and met up with his adopted children.
3. 心電圖智慧鐵馬
The study of Medical Informatics is a combination of information science, computer science, and health care. At Taiwan”s Tzu Chi University, a student of the department installed a microprocessor on a bike to help monitor the rider”s health. His instructing professor took the system one step further, and came up with an EKG based biometrics that will accurately identify a person regardless of his or her heart condition after a workout.
4. 綠屋頂成教材
Still in Taiwan, in Shunde Borough of Sanchong District, New Taipei City, for the past ten years residents have been working together to make their home a greener place. The community has been so successful in their environmental efforts that a publisher incorporated their story in the teaching material for Taiwan”s elementary schools.
《 靜思語 》
Only by transcending individual love can one”s ability to love and be loved be free of stress and anxiety.
5. 360毛筆
In our continuing series on Taiwan”s sunset industries, we meet the country”s few remaining masters of handmade Chinese calligraphy pen brushes. Formally a bustling trade in the 60 and 70”s, the business of hand made writing brushes has slowly faded as people turn to pens and computers. In the business for 38 years, Cheng Jingcong(陳景聰)says he is not ready to retire as it is his duty to keep the ancient and beautiful art alive.
6. 許芳宜生身不息
Taiwan”s top notch modern dancer Xu Fangyi (許芳宜) was formally the principal dancer of the renowned Martha Graham Dance Company, as well as the youngest winner of Taiwan”s National Award for Arts. This year Xu Fanyi will be bringing to Taiwanese audiences ”Timeless”, a piece by British choreographer Akram Khan, featuring herself and Wendy Whelan, the principal dancer of the New York City Ballet.
現代舞者許芳宜,曾是知名瑪莎‧葛蘭姆劇團的首席舞者,也是台灣最年輕的國家文藝獎得主,許芳宜今年首度在台灣推出舞碼《生身不息》 芭蕾,編舞者是英國著名的編舞家阿喀郎,參與演出者還有來自紐約的首席芭蕾舞者Wendy Whelan。
7. 視障有情
Ceng Hongqing from Taichung has been visually impaired all his life. He was raised in a single family, and learned the trade of massaging at a very young age, to help his mother out. Now, Chen has his own business, and treats his employees like family.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Helping Others
Only by helping one another with love can we pacify disasters. Many thanks to Tzu Chi volunteers for their post 3/11 disaster relief efforts. Rain or shine and wherever they were in the world, they came together for the disaster victims.
8. 吉蘭丹無量義
The Tzu Chi stage production of the Sutra of Innumerable Meanings recently opened again in Kelantan, a Malaysian state with an Islamic majority. For the musical rendition, which is based on a Buddhist sutra, to come together in Kelantan was no easy task, but thanks to the efforts of 216 volunteers, the three performances successfully reached, and inspired, more than 3,000 viewers.
9. 吉蘭丹人物
Continuing from the last report, next we speak to the musical”s cast members, including the oldest one, about their participation in the performance.
END: 吳姞諳圓夢
At the end of the show, we go to the Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan, where medical professionals helped a 28-year-old tongue cancer patient fight her disease and realize her goal to pay her love forward. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2012年6月6日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120606
Ways to reuse, reduce and recycle
Dialysis patients join volunteering
Memorable gifts for parents
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s headlines, as the World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, Tzu Chi Foundation invites energy-saving experts to share their knowledge with volunteers and members.
●In Malaysia, patients at the Kedah Tzu Chi Dialysis Center join medical staff at a free clinic in remote areas.
●And, in our feature reports on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we meet Xie Meiyun from Taichung, who help parents make lasting memorable gifts for their children.
First up in today”s program, as the World Environment Day is celebrated yesterday on June 5, and in response to inflation, the Tzu Chi Foundation invited energy-saving experts, to demonstrate how to reuse and reduce waste.
節目一開始, 6月5日就是世界環境日,慈濟基金會因應物價高漲時代,邀請省長達人,教導會眾如何省水節電,達到節能減碳的目地。
MAIN:MalaysiaFamilies learn about conservation
Staying on the topic of environmentalism, at the Da Ai Educare center, in Malacca, Malaysia, children, parents and teachers visited the local Tzu Chi recycling center to learn about conservation and how to sort recyclables.
《 衲履足跡 》談心靈富足 On Being Content
People who are discontent are usually bound by desires. People who are content may be poor but are rich in spirit because they are happy to help the needy. In spite of our wealth, we all have the ability to help others.
The nurses and patients at the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center in Kedah, recently sacrificed their time off, to help put together a free clinic with TIMA members in the rural areas. Dialysis patients, who were ill themselves, seized the opportunity to help at the health event, to make the most use of their lives.
Also looking after residents living in remote areas, are the TIMA medical staff from Central Taiwan, who traveled to Miaoli”s Jhuolan(卓蘭) and Taichung”s Shinshe(新社) to hold free clinics. Let”s take a look.
In 1998, Mr. Zhang killed his girlfriend after a violent argument and was later sentenced to 16 years in prison for manslaughter. While serving his terms, Zhang, who was full of regrets, found salvation in Da Ai Radio. Listening to broadcasted sermons of Master Cheng Yen and stories of Tzu Chi volunteers, Zhang slowly begin to see his life in a new light. Following his release this March, Zhang has joined Tzu Chi as a volunteer and makes frequent contributions to the local recycling center.
《 靜思語 》
Taiwan”s Zhi-Shan(至善) Foundation was started 15 years ago by dharma master Shanshan 善山 from Vietnam. The master was learning Chinese in Taiwan at the time and was inspired to establish the charity having witnessed the plight of the Vietnamese people. As Taiwan”s donors visited the orphanage in May, we tagged along to learn about its significance.
Tzu Chi volunteers in China”s Guangdong Province, recently visited two schools in Heping County to award scholarships to students. The volunteers make four long trips each year from Dongguan to Heping to visit these children, hoping that an education can help reverse their fortunes.
廣東慈濟志工前往和平縣 兩所學校,進行助學金發放,東莞往返和平訪視,一年要走四趟,志工們盼望這些孩子,將來能夠成大器。 \
In today”s report on Taiwan”s fading industries, we meet Xie Meiyun (謝美雲) and her husband Lv Qinghui (呂清輝) in Taichung who are helping parents create lasting memories of their children”s birth, by making brush pens with baby”s hair, and also a stamp using the umbilical cord. Here”s more.
At the end of today”s program, we go back to China and join Tzu Chi volunteers in Guangdong Province, as they visit a local kindergarten to promote conservation work. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
Ways to reuse, reduce and recycle
Dialysis patients join volunteering
Memorable gifts for parents
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today”s headlines, as the World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, Tzu Chi Foundation invites energy-saving experts to share their knowledge with volunteers and members.
●In Malaysia, patients at the Kedah Tzu Chi Dialysis Center join medical staff at a free clinic in remote areas.
●And, in our feature reports on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we meet Xie Meiyun from Taichung, who help parents make lasting memorable gifts for their children.
First up in today”s program, as the World Environment Day is celebrated yesterday on June 5, and in response to inflation, the Tzu Chi Foundation invited energy-saving experts, to demonstrate how to reuse and reduce waste.
節目一開始, 6月5日就是世界環境日,慈濟基金會因應物價高漲時代,邀請省長達人,教導會眾如何省水節電,達到節能減碳的目地。
MAIN:MalaysiaFamilies learn about conservation
Staying on the topic of environmentalism, at the Da Ai Educare center, in Malacca, Malaysia, children, parents and teachers visited the local Tzu Chi recycling center to learn about conservation and how to sort recyclables.
《 衲履足跡 》談心靈富足 On Being Content
People who are discontent are usually bound by desires. People who are content may be poor but are rich in spirit because they are happy to help the needy. In spite of our wealth, we all have the ability to help others.
The nurses and patients at the Tzu Chi Dialysis Center in Kedah, recently sacrificed their time off, to help put together a free clinic with TIMA members in the rural areas. Dialysis patients, who were ill themselves, seized the opportunity to help at the health event, to make the most use of their lives.
Also looking after residents living in remote areas, are the TIMA medical staff from Central Taiwan, who traveled to Miaoli”s Jhuolan(卓蘭) and Taichung”s Shinshe(新社) to hold free clinics. Let”s take a look.
In 1998, Mr. Zhang killed his girlfriend after a violent argument and was later sentenced to 16 years in prison for manslaughter. While serving his terms, Zhang, who was full of regrets, found salvation in Da Ai Radio. Listening to broadcasted sermons of Master Cheng Yen and stories of Tzu Chi volunteers, Zhang slowly begin to see his life in a new light. Following his release this March, Zhang has joined Tzu Chi as a volunteer and makes frequent contributions to the local recycling center.
《 靜思語 》
Taiwan”s Zhi-Shan(至善) Foundation was started 15 years ago by dharma master Shanshan 善山 from Vietnam. The master was learning Chinese in Taiwan at the time and was inspired to establish the charity having witnessed the plight of the Vietnamese people. As Taiwan”s donors visited the orphanage in May, we tagged along to learn about its significance.
Tzu Chi volunteers in China”s Guangdong Province, recently visited two schools in Heping County to award scholarships to students. The volunteers make four long trips each year from Dongguan to Heping to visit these children, hoping that an education can help reverse their fortunes.
廣東慈濟志工前往和平縣 兩所學校,進行助學金發放,東莞往返和平訪視,一年要走四趟,志工們盼望這些孩子,將來能夠成大器。 \
In today”s report on Taiwan”s fading industries, we meet Xie Meiyun (謝美雲) and her husband Lv Qinghui (呂清輝) in Taichung who are helping parents create lasting memories of their children”s birth, by making brush pens with baby”s hair, and also a stamp using the umbilical cord. Here”s more.
At the end of today”s program, we go back to China and join Tzu Chi volunteers in Guangdong Province, as they visit a local kindergarten to promote conservation work. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120605
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. The first Tzu Chi school established outside of Taiwan, the Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School in Thailand, which opened in 2005, finally has a secondary school division. After over 20 years of continuous care to prisoners in southern Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers have successfully helped many stay on the righteous path. A Tzu Chi care recipient in Malaysia”s Penang, though Lin Laifu is still struggling in life, he has learned to become more optimistic after going on home visitations.
1. 菲計順火災
2. 清邁中學啟用
3. 三重車被單
4. 更生人善效應
5. 更生人廣播
6. 印尼謝財泉
7. 緬甸外勞關懷
8. 馬照顧戶變志工
9. 海地浴佛
ENDING: 校園靜思語
1. 菲計順火災
But first to the Philippines for a fire relief report. A mid-May fire in Quezon City”s Barangay San Vincente caused two deaths and left some 100 families homeless. Upon learning the situation, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived for a quick survey and soon returned to hold an aid distribution.
2. 清邁中學啟用
In Thailand, on May 31, the Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School”s Middle School Division officially opened, after construction began in 2007. The school, which was Tzu Chi”s first educational establishment outside Taiwan, first enrolled elementary pupils in 2005. Now, it is ready to welcome middle school students, catering to even more youngsters to equip them with the knowledge to succeed.
3. 三重車被單
In Taiwan, Sanchong”s Tzu Chi grounds will soon be hosting a training seminar for overseas volunteers. To make sure their guests will feel welcomed and get a good night”s sleep, volunteers are working hard to finish 2,400 sets of new bedding. Here”s more.
《 靜思語 》
One who has love and works together with others with one heart and one mind never walks alone.
4. 更生人善效應
Kaohsiung”s Tzu Chi volunteers were first invited to spread the charity”s positive message to prisoners in Tainan”s Mingde Prison 20 years ago. Eventually, a rehabilitation program was also developed to help reintroduce former inmates back into society. Not only have many of these many former inmates manage to walk the righteous path, many have also joined Tzu Chi”s ranks and share their stories to inspire others.
5. 更生人廣播
Another method that Tzu Chi uses to spread its postive message in Taiwan”s prisons is thru radio broadcasting. Tzu Chi”s Da Ai radio first appeared on the air as a paid programming on November 16, 1985. The show featured Master Cheng Yen”s lectures, inspirational articles and stimulating stories of Tzu Chi volunteers and care recipients. Since 1991, prisoners have also been writing in and sharing their stories of repentance and reflection. Their contribution stands as a testament to the power of the station to change lives of even those in the most trying circumstances. Let”s take a look.
另一種在台灣監獄分享慈濟美善訊息的方式,就是透過廣播。1985年11月16日,慈濟廣播節目開播,內容有證嚴上人開示、發人省思的文章,以及慈濟人與照顧戶的真實故事等等。從1991年開始,慈濟廣播陸續收到受刑人的信件,有懺悔、有反省,受刑人的告白與回饋 ,就是慈濟廣播善效應、在最黑暗的時候點亮人心的最佳證明,一起來看看。
《 衲履足跡 》
The musical production of the Water Repentance Sutra aims to encourage everyone to practice the Buddha”s dharma. To embrace the dharma means developing the ability to demonstrate kindness, compassion, joy and selfless giving. In a world fraught with disasters we need to carry out Tzu Chi”s missions and inspire others to help those in need.
6. 印尼謝財泉
Born in Malaysia, 41 year-old Xie Caiquan started working and living in Indonesia seven years ago. It was then that he started watching Da Ai TV and learned about Tzu Chi. Eventually, Xie Caiquan would become a Tzu Chi volunteer and help the needy in his second home.
7. 緬甸外勞關懷
Twenty-nine years old Kyaw Soe Win from Myanmar had been working in Malaysia for the past five years, buy in April, due to a work accident, he injured his spine, causing paralysis to his lower body. When Malaysia”s Tzu Chi volunteers learned of the news, they rushed to his aid and subsidized his medical bills. They also donated a wheelchair and money for a return ticket to send Kyaw Soe Win back home. Upon arrival, Myanmar”s Tzu Chi volunteers picked him up at the airport to offer their support and encouragement.
8. 馬照顧戶變志工
Once a Tzu Chi care recipient in Malaysia”s Penang, Lin Laifu was injured in a vehicle accident in 2010, and was soon diagnosed with diabetes. After making a recovery, Lin followed volunteers on their home visitations and was much inspired when seeing those less fortunate than himself. Though the man lacks a stable income, he has promised to give more when he is capable.
9. 海地浴佛
For the third straight year, Tzu Chi volunteers held a Buddha Day Ceremony in Haiti. The volunteers decorated the venue with Bodhi and Moringa leaves. Students on Tzu Chi”s Happy Campus Program also joined the ceremony to experience dharma joy.
ENDING: 校園靜思語
In Taiwan”s Kaohsiung, Tzu Chi volunteers used lively skits to help the young students of Kaohsiung”s Youchang Elementary School understand the wisdom of Jing Si Aphorisms and the importance of environmental conservation. We join them at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Dennis Wu. Thank you for joining us. The first Tzu Chi school established outside of Taiwan, the Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School in Thailand, which opened in 2005, finally has a secondary school division. After over 20 years of continuous care to prisoners in southern Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers have successfully helped many stay on the righteous path. A Tzu Chi care recipient in Malaysia”s Penang, though Lin Laifu is still struggling in life, he has learned to become more optimistic after going on home visitations.
1. 菲計順火災
2. 清邁中學啟用
3. 三重車被單
4. 更生人善效應
5. 更生人廣播
6. 印尼謝財泉
7. 緬甸外勞關懷
8. 馬照顧戶變志工
9. 海地浴佛
ENDING: 校園靜思語
1. 菲計順火災
But first to the Philippines for a fire relief report. A mid-May fire in Quezon City”s Barangay San Vincente caused two deaths and left some 100 families homeless. Upon learning the situation, Tzu Chi volunteers arrived for a quick survey and soon returned to hold an aid distribution.
2. 清邁中學啟用
In Thailand, on May 31, the Chiang Mai Tzu Chi School”s Middle School Division officially opened, after construction began in 2007. The school, which was Tzu Chi”s first educational establishment outside Taiwan, first enrolled elementary pupils in 2005. Now, it is ready to welcome middle school students, catering to even more youngsters to equip them with the knowledge to succeed.
3. 三重車被單
In Taiwan, Sanchong”s Tzu Chi grounds will soon be hosting a training seminar for overseas volunteers. To make sure their guests will feel welcomed and get a good night”s sleep, volunteers are working hard to finish 2,400 sets of new bedding. Here”s more.
《 靜思語 》
One who has love and works together with others with one heart and one mind never walks alone.
4. 更生人善效應
Kaohsiung”s Tzu Chi volunteers were first invited to spread the charity”s positive message to prisoners in Tainan”s Mingde Prison 20 years ago. Eventually, a rehabilitation program was also developed to help reintroduce former inmates back into society. Not only have many of these many former inmates manage to walk the righteous path, many have also joined Tzu Chi”s ranks and share their stories to inspire others.
5. 更生人廣播
Another method that Tzu Chi uses to spread its postive message in Taiwan”s prisons is thru radio broadcasting. Tzu Chi”s Da Ai radio first appeared on the air as a paid programming on November 16, 1985. The show featured Master Cheng Yen”s lectures, inspirational articles and stimulating stories of Tzu Chi volunteers and care recipients. Since 1991, prisoners have also been writing in and sharing their stories of repentance and reflection. Their contribution stands as a testament to the power of the station to change lives of even those in the most trying circumstances. Let”s take a look.
另一種在台灣監獄分享慈濟美善訊息的方式,就是透過廣播。1985年11月16日,慈濟廣播節目開播,內容有證嚴上人開示、發人省思的文章,以及慈濟人與照顧戶的真實故事等等。從1991年開始,慈濟廣播陸續收到受刑人的信件,有懺悔、有反省,受刑人的告白與回饋 ,就是慈濟廣播善效應、在最黑暗的時候點亮人心的最佳證明,一起來看看。
《 衲履足跡 》
The musical production of the Water Repentance Sutra aims to encourage everyone to practice the Buddha”s dharma. To embrace the dharma means developing the ability to demonstrate kindness, compassion, joy and selfless giving. In a world fraught with disasters we need to carry out Tzu Chi”s missions and inspire others to help those in need.
6. 印尼謝財泉
Born in Malaysia, 41 year-old Xie Caiquan started working and living in Indonesia seven years ago. It was then that he started watching Da Ai TV and learned about Tzu Chi. Eventually, Xie Caiquan would become a Tzu Chi volunteer and help the needy in his second home.
7. 緬甸外勞關懷
Twenty-nine years old Kyaw Soe Win from Myanmar had been working in Malaysia for the past five years, buy in April, due to a work accident, he injured his spine, causing paralysis to his lower body. When Malaysia”s Tzu Chi volunteers learned of the news, they rushed to his aid and subsidized his medical bills. They also donated a wheelchair and money for a return ticket to send Kyaw Soe Win back home. Upon arrival, Myanmar”s Tzu Chi volunteers picked him up at the airport to offer their support and encouragement.
8. 馬照顧戶變志工
Once a Tzu Chi care recipient in Malaysia”s Penang, Lin Laifu was injured in a vehicle accident in 2010, and was soon diagnosed with diabetes. After making a recovery, Lin followed volunteers on their home visitations and was much inspired when seeing those less fortunate than himself. Though the man lacks a stable income, he has promised to give more when he is capable.
9. 海地浴佛
For the third straight year, Tzu Chi volunteers held a Buddha Day Ceremony in Haiti. The volunteers decorated the venue with Bodhi and Moringa leaves. Students on Tzu Chi”s Happy Campus Program also joined the ceremony to experience dharma joy.
ENDING: 校園靜思語
In Taiwan”s Kaohsiung, Tzu Chi volunteers used lively skits to help the young students of Kaohsiung”s Youchang Elementary School understand the wisdom of Jing Si Aphorisms and the importance of environmental conservation. We join them at the end of today”s program. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2012年6月4日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120604
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. In our top stories, a new Tzu Chi recycling education center opens in an industrial park in Malaysia”s Malacca, after four years of research and planning. For more than 20 years now, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan have been visiting prisons to deliver their message of love, and inspiring inmates to turn over a new leaf. Taiwan”s indigenous Atayal people are still weaving their own apparel. We find out in our double feature today what complex steps are involved in preserving the Atayal culture through weaving.
1. 馬環保站啟用
2. 海地幸福校園
3. 更生人慈濟關懷
4. 朱志花關懷
5. 慈青二十謝瑞君
6. 360泰雅織女(一)
7. 360泰雅織女的傳承(二)
8. 廈助學倡環保
ENDING: 印山口洋慈青
1. 馬環保站啟用
After four years of searching, this year the Malacca Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia finally bought a factory at the Ayer Keroh Industrial Park to serve as an environmental station. In the next report, we watch as the dusty factory gets transformed into a brand new recycling education station.
2. 海地幸福校園
Tzu Chi Foundation”s mid- to long-term aid programs to Port-au-Prince, which was devastated during the 2010 Haitian earthquake, includes school feeding schemes and after-school tuition for students. We join volunteers as they make their latest trip to deliver their care to Port au Prince.
3. 更生人慈濟關懷
In 1991, Tzu Chi volunteers began to bring love and Tzu Chi”s message of self-cultivation into Taiwan”s prisons. Volunteers believe that with the right guidance, each and every inmate will be able to find a positive force in their lives and start anew.
4. 朱志花關懷
Tzu Chi volunteers” care is always extended to the neediest corners, such as this household in China”s Zhejiang Province, where a mother of two was confined to bed due to her illness. Volunteers provided the woman with a regular supply of nutritious food until she made a complete recovery, and could even take part in Tzu Chi”s activities.
5. 慈青二十謝瑞君
Continuing with our featured reports on Tzu Ching”s 20 anniversary, today we meet Xie Ruijun, who is a teacher at the Tzu Chi University Elementary School. Ruijun first came to know Tzu Chi in 1994, when she saw many Tzu Chi volunteers helping typhoon victims rebuild their lives. She was so inspired she became a Tzu Ching in college, doing what she truly loves: being there for those in need, and spreading Tzu Chi”s message of love.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Practicing Dharma
With so many disasters across the globe, the Buddha”s dharma is the only way to save the world. It is hoped that everyone can pass on Tzu Chi”s spirit of humanity and encourage more people to join in. To practice the Dharma we need to find a good way to promote it and by doing so we can purify the human heart.
6. 360泰雅織女(一)
In today”s look at Taiwan”s traditional trades, we travel to Taoyuan County”s Fuxing Township to meet a family of Atayal weavers. The indigenous Atayal people make their clothes from ramie. Though the plant”s fiber is well known for its strength, wrinkle-free properties, and silky luster, it must undergo strenuous stages of processing before it can be used.
7. 360泰雅織女的傳承(二)
To help preserve the traditional art of Atayal weaving, Wang Bizhen from the last story even quit her day job and became a weaving teacher. She now teaches at a local primary school and the indigenous weaving museum in Fuxing Township.
8. 廈助學倡環保
Back to China, Xiamen Tzu Chi volunteers distributed scholarships to students across five different high schools. This time, volunteers also prepared a presentation on environmental protection for students, in hopes to inspire them to adopt a more eco-friendly way of life.
ENDING: 印山口洋慈青
At the Singkawang Tzu Chi Liaison Office in Indonesia, a Tzu Ching camp with the theme of charity and filial devotion was held, with an excursion to a local nursing home to highlight the importance of community service. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us. In our top stories, a new Tzu Chi recycling education center opens in an industrial park in Malaysia”s Malacca, after four years of research and planning. For more than 20 years now, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan have been visiting prisons to deliver their message of love, and inspiring inmates to turn over a new leaf. Taiwan”s indigenous Atayal people are still weaving their own apparel. We find out in our double feature today what complex steps are involved in preserving the Atayal culture through weaving.
1. 馬環保站啟用
2. 海地幸福校園
3. 更生人慈濟關懷
4. 朱志花關懷
5. 慈青二十謝瑞君
6. 360泰雅織女(一)
7. 360泰雅織女的傳承(二)
8. 廈助學倡環保
ENDING: 印山口洋慈青
1. 馬環保站啟用
After four years of searching, this year the Malacca Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia finally bought a factory at the Ayer Keroh Industrial Park to serve as an environmental station. In the next report, we watch as the dusty factory gets transformed into a brand new recycling education station.
2. 海地幸福校園
Tzu Chi Foundation”s mid- to long-term aid programs to Port-au-Prince, which was devastated during the 2010 Haitian earthquake, includes school feeding schemes and after-school tuition for students. We join volunteers as they make their latest trip to deliver their care to Port au Prince.
3. 更生人慈濟關懷
In 1991, Tzu Chi volunteers began to bring love and Tzu Chi”s message of self-cultivation into Taiwan”s prisons. Volunteers believe that with the right guidance, each and every inmate will be able to find a positive force in their lives and start anew.
4. 朱志花關懷
Tzu Chi volunteers” care is always extended to the neediest corners, such as this household in China”s Zhejiang Province, where a mother of two was confined to bed due to her illness. Volunteers provided the woman with a regular supply of nutritious food until she made a complete recovery, and could even take part in Tzu Chi”s activities.
5. 慈青二十謝瑞君
Continuing with our featured reports on Tzu Ching”s 20 anniversary, today we meet Xie Ruijun, who is a teacher at the Tzu Chi University Elementary School. Ruijun first came to know Tzu Chi in 1994, when she saw many Tzu Chi volunteers helping typhoon victims rebuild their lives. She was so inspired she became a Tzu Ching in college, doing what she truly loves: being there for those in need, and spreading Tzu Chi”s message of love.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Practicing Dharma
With so many disasters across the globe, the Buddha”s dharma is the only way to save the world. It is hoped that everyone can pass on Tzu Chi”s spirit of humanity and encourage more people to join in. To practice the Dharma we need to find a good way to promote it and by doing so we can purify the human heart.
6. 360泰雅織女(一)
In today”s look at Taiwan”s traditional trades, we travel to Taoyuan County”s Fuxing Township to meet a family of Atayal weavers. The indigenous Atayal people make their clothes from ramie. Though the plant”s fiber is well known for its strength, wrinkle-free properties, and silky luster, it must undergo strenuous stages of processing before it can be used.
7. 360泰雅織女的傳承(二)
To help preserve the traditional art of Atayal weaving, Wang Bizhen from the last story even quit her day job and became a weaving teacher. She now teaches at a local primary school and the indigenous weaving museum in Fuxing Township.
8. 廈助學倡環保
Back to China, Xiamen Tzu Chi volunteers distributed scholarships to students across five different high schools. This time, volunteers also prepared a presentation on environmental protection for students, in hopes to inspire them to adopt a more eco-friendly way of life.
ENDING: 印山口洋慈青
At the Singkawang Tzu Chi Liaison Office in Indonesia, a Tzu Ching camp with the theme of charity and filial devotion was held, with an excursion to a local nursing home to highlight the importance of community service. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.
2012年6月2日 星期六
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120601
Protecting children”s health
Unwanted goods for the poor
Culture & history cast in stone
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in the show, children living near Bantar Gebang, Indonesia”s largest landfill, have their health checked at another one of Tzu Chi”s free clinics.
We speak to a social welfare foundation in Taiwan that specializes in collecting reusable items for the poor, and selling donated goods to help disabled children.
And in today”s feature on Taiwan”s weird and wonderful trades, we meet indigenous stone carver E-sai, who is using his art to document and preserve the culture and history of his people.
1.印垃圾山義診Free clinic at the Dinamika School
2.關慈長濱義診Free clinic at Changbin Township
3.黃秀菊捐大體Farewell, Huang Xiuju
4.育成回收舊物Recycling work at Yu Cheng Foundation
5.家電免費回收Old home appliances for recycling
6.華寶推環保Corporations join recycling effort
7.360原住民石雕Stonemason in Pingdong
8.愛讓世界轉動(3)Making enzymes to raise funds
9.慈青二十田念穎Work & volunteer all in one
1.印垃圾山義診Free clinic at the Dinamika School
We start the show in Indonesia, where Tzu Chi volunteers regularly care for those living around Bekasi”s Bantar Gebang trash dump, which processes 6,000 tons of trash from Jakarta on a daily basis. Recently, volunteers once again arrived at the Dinamika School near the landfill, to hold a free clinic for the students.
2.關慈長濱義診Free clinic at Changbin Township
A Tzu Chi charity clinic was also recently held at Changbin (長濱) Township in Taiwan”s Taitung County, where there was a shortage of healthcare services. To make sure they have a chance to see a doctor, many Changbin residents lined up at the local health center early in the morning.
3.黃秀菊捐大體Farewell, Huang Xiuju
Tzu Chi volunteer Huang Xiuju(黃秀菊) first joined up with the Buddhist charity while she was living in Argentina. After she found out she had developed the debilitating ALS disease, she returned to Taiwan and continued to volunteer. Sadly, the dedicated senior passed away this Tuesday night, but not before she signed up to become a Silent Mentor.
4.育成回收舊物Recycling work at Yu Cheng Foundation
Taiwan”s Yu-Cheng Social Welfare Foundation has a recycling branch that collects reusable items to give to people who need them, or sells the donated goods for charity to help disabled children. However, the donated castoffs are often mixed with trash, making the sorting very difficult. So, if you would like to give your old stuff away, remember to clean it so that the processing won”t be a chore for others.
育成基金會在6年前成立資源回收部,將收到的東西一一整理後,送給需要的人,或義賣之後幫助身心障礙兒,但有人沒有整理物品就送出來,讓工作人員整理的相當辛苦,因此,假如你有東西要丟棄時,請將回收物清洗乾淨,讓整理的人 減少辛勞。
5.家電免費回收Old home appliances for recycling
Taiwan”s government is promoting the recycling of small and large home appliances. If you are thinking about buying a new TV, fridge, washing machine, computer, air-conditioner or heater, you can dispose of your old ones by calling up any hypermarket to pick them up from your home, for free. The unwanted appliances are recycled for their metal and plastic parts, which can be processed and reused.
台灣政府積極規劃各項物品的回收,包括大小型家電,如果您正打算汰換電視機、電冰箱、洗衣機、冷暖氣機 以及電腦,可以聯絡各大賣場,做免費到家回收的服務,拆解後的零件,有金屬以及塑料都可以回收再利用。
6.華寶推環保Corporations join recycling effort
Apart from governmental agencies, Taiwan”s corporations are also working hard to promote conservation. In Taipei, a telecommunications company invited Tzu Chi volunteers to speak to its employees about the importance of cherishing natural resources and reducing garbage.
7.360原住民石雕Stonemason in Pingdong
In our continuing series on Taiwan”s sunset industries, today we travel to Pingtung to meet E-sai峨賽, of the few stonemasons left from the indigenous Sandimen(三地門) community. E-sai is a stone carver for over 20 years. Following the 88 Floods in 2009, E-sai”s tribe was forced to leave behind their ancestral land and move down from the mountain. With their houses and carvings lost, the village elders turned to E-sai, to once again record the tribe”s history in stone, so their story will not be forgotten.
8.愛讓世界轉動(3)Making enzymes to raise funds
Pingtung”s屏東 Koushe(口社) Elementary School is situated in a mountainous area. The students found it hard to imagine that people living in Tuvalu, across many seas, are actually facing a water shortage. To show that they care, the pupils made and sold enzyme cleaners, the proceeds of which are donated to Tuvalu.
9.慈青二十田念穎Work & volunteer all in one
Continuing with our featured series to mark the 20 anniversary of Tzu Ching, today we meet Tian Nianying, who is a social worker for Tzu Chi. In Taiwan, you can only become a Tzu Ching member by joining Tzu Ching clubs in college as a student, but Tian Nianying already had a taste of being a Tzu Chi volunteer before college, thanks to her mother-- let”s find out more.
Saying thank you to your parents or children is one of the most direct ways of showing love and appreciation. Tzu Chi volunteers in Klang, Malaysia, recently organized a special event for entire families where activities were organized for them to pamper one another with love and gratitude. We”ll leave you with these images, thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
Protecting children”s health
Unwanted goods for the poor
Culture & history cast in stone
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in the show, children living near Bantar Gebang, Indonesia”s largest landfill, have their health checked at another one of Tzu Chi”s free clinics.
We speak to a social welfare foundation in Taiwan that specializes in collecting reusable items for the poor, and selling donated goods to help disabled children.
And in today”s feature on Taiwan”s weird and wonderful trades, we meet indigenous stone carver E-sai, who is using his art to document and preserve the culture and history of his people.
1.印垃圾山義診Free clinic at the Dinamika School
2.關慈長濱義診Free clinic at Changbin Township
3.黃秀菊捐大體Farewell, Huang Xiuju
4.育成回收舊物Recycling work at Yu Cheng Foundation
5.家電免費回收Old home appliances for recycling
6.華寶推環保Corporations join recycling effort
7.360原住民石雕Stonemason in Pingdong
8.愛讓世界轉動(3)Making enzymes to raise funds
9.慈青二十田念穎Work & volunteer all in one
1.印垃圾山義診Free clinic at the Dinamika School
We start the show in Indonesia, where Tzu Chi volunteers regularly care for those living around Bekasi”s Bantar Gebang trash dump, which processes 6,000 tons of trash from Jakarta on a daily basis. Recently, volunteers once again arrived at the Dinamika School near the landfill, to hold a free clinic for the students.
2.關慈長濱義診Free clinic at Changbin Township
A Tzu Chi charity clinic was also recently held at Changbin (長濱) Township in Taiwan”s Taitung County, where there was a shortage of healthcare services. To make sure they have a chance to see a doctor, many Changbin residents lined up at the local health center early in the morning.
3.黃秀菊捐大體Farewell, Huang Xiuju
Tzu Chi volunteer Huang Xiuju(黃秀菊) first joined up with the Buddhist charity while she was living in Argentina. After she found out she had developed the debilitating ALS disease, she returned to Taiwan and continued to volunteer. Sadly, the dedicated senior passed away this Tuesday night, but not before she signed up to become a Silent Mentor.
4.育成回收舊物Recycling work at Yu Cheng Foundation
Taiwan”s Yu-Cheng Social Welfare Foundation has a recycling branch that collects reusable items to give to people who need them, or sells the donated goods for charity to help disabled children. However, the donated castoffs are often mixed with trash, making the sorting very difficult. So, if you would like to give your old stuff away, remember to clean it so that the processing won”t be a chore for others.
育成基金會在6年前成立資源回收部,將收到的東西一一整理後,送給需要的人,或義賣之後幫助身心障礙兒,但有人沒有整理物品就送出來,讓工作人員整理的相當辛苦,因此,假如你有東西要丟棄時,請將回收物清洗乾淨,讓整理的人 減少辛勞。
5.家電免費回收Old home appliances for recycling
Taiwan”s government is promoting the recycling of small and large home appliances. If you are thinking about buying a new TV, fridge, washing machine, computer, air-conditioner or heater, you can dispose of your old ones by calling up any hypermarket to pick them up from your home, for free. The unwanted appliances are recycled for their metal and plastic parts, which can be processed and reused.
台灣政府積極規劃各項物品的回收,包括大小型家電,如果您正打算汰換電視機、電冰箱、洗衣機、冷暖氣機 以及電腦,可以聯絡各大賣場,做免費到家回收的服務,拆解後的零件,有金屬以及塑料都可以回收再利用。
6.華寶推環保Corporations join recycling effort
Apart from governmental agencies, Taiwan”s corporations are also working hard to promote conservation. In Taipei, a telecommunications company invited Tzu Chi volunteers to speak to its employees about the importance of cherishing natural resources and reducing garbage.
7.360原住民石雕Stonemason in Pingdong
In our continuing series on Taiwan”s sunset industries, today we travel to Pingtung to meet E-sai峨賽, of the few stonemasons left from the indigenous Sandimen(三地門) community. E-sai is a stone carver for over 20 years. Following the 88 Floods in 2009, E-sai”s tribe was forced to leave behind their ancestral land and move down from the mountain. With their houses and carvings lost, the village elders turned to E-sai, to once again record the tribe”s history in stone, so their story will not be forgotten.
8.愛讓世界轉動(3)Making enzymes to raise funds
Pingtung”s屏東 Koushe(口社) Elementary School is situated in a mountainous area. The students found it hard to imagine that people living in Tuvalu, across many seas, are actually facing a water shortage. To show that they care, the pupils made and sold enzyme cleaners, the proceeds of which are donated to Tuvalu.
9.慈青二十田念穎Work & volunteer all in one
Continuing with our featured series to mark the 20 anniversary of Tzu Ching, today we meet Tian Nianying, who is a social worker for Tzu Chi. In Taiwan, you can only become a Tzu Ching member by joining Tzu Ching clubs in college as a student, but Tian Nianying already had a taste of being a Tzu Chi volunteer before college, thanks to her mother-- let”s find out more.
Saying thank you to your parents or children is one of the most direct ways of showing love and appreciation. Tzu Chi volunteers in Klang, Malaysia, recently organized a special event for entire families where activities were organized for them to pamper one another with love and gratitude. We”ll leave you with these images, thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120531
Aid relief for storm victims
Tzu Ching is 20 years old
All natural bean curd skin
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
In our top stories, windstorm victims in Balik Pulau, in Malaysia”s Penang, receive much-needed relief supplies from Tzu Chi immediately after the disaster.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth, we have a featured series on former college volunteers who are dedicating their life for the greater good.
And later, we take you on a tour to understand how the traditional Chinese delicacy, tofu skin, is made, free from any additives, at an old factory in Taiwan”s Kaohsiung.
1.馬風災發放Visit storm victims in Balik Pulau
2.美風災發放Relief items for tornado victims
3.蘇州收割小麥First crop of organic wheat for volunteers
4.河北石俊關懷Tzu Chi care recipient Shi Jun
5.併巴西義診Free clinics in Rio & Sao Paolo
6.許瀞分人醫A young popular doctor
7.慈青二十葉秉倫Exemplary Tzu Ching in every way
8.愛讓世界轉動(2)Kitchen waste reduction project
9.360手工豆皮Making tofu skins the traditional way
1.馬風災發放Visit storm victims in Balik Pulau
A sudden windstorm in Bulik Pulau, in Malaysia” Penang caused heavy damage across three local villages, affecting some 150 people. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Tzu Chi volunteers immediately traveled to the reeling communities to deliver relief goods.
2.美風災發放Relief items for tornado victims
Still on the topic of disaster relief, at the beginning of March this year, a tornado outbreak occured across mid-western United States, with Kentucky being one of the worst-hit states. Recently Tzu Chi volunteers returned to Kentucky to hold an aid distribution in Kenton County, with cash cards and relief items for 40 families.
3.蘇州收割小麥First crop of organic wheat for volunteers
Moving to China, Tzu Chi has an organic farm in Suzhou, and the first crop of wheat is now ready for harvest. As families and volunteers worked together for the harvest, they learned more about the importance of organic farming.
4.河北石俊關懷Tzu Chi care recipient Shi Jun
Staying in China but moving to Hebei Province, we meet 9-year-old Shi Jun, a Tzu Chi care recipient born with a dislocated hip, whose family couldn”t afford to rehabilitate her legs. Fortunately, Tzu Chi stepped in to help give Shi Jun a new leg on life.
5.併巴西義診Free clinics in Rio & Sao Paolo
A group of Tzu Chi”s Traditional Chinese Medicine specialists from Taiwan traveled to Brazil”s Sao Paolo and Rio, for charity clinics that benefitted both locals and the Chinese community alike. Let”s find out more.
6.許瀞分人醫A young popular doctor
When going to the hospital, many people are inclined to avoid young doctors fearing they lack the experience; however, at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Dr. Xu Jingfen is actually very popular in spite of her young age. We find out why.
7.慈青二十葉秉倫Exemplary Tzu Ching in every way
This year is the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth, or college Tzu Chi volunteers. To mark the milestone, starting today we”ll be bringing you a five part series on former Tzu Chings who followed their calling to serve humanity. Today we introduce to you Ye Binglun, who studied in Australia, became a lawyer after college, and gave up a promising career to follow in the footsteps of Master Cheng Yen, as a Buddhist lay practitioner at the Jing Si Abode in Taiwan.
8.愛讓世界轉動(2)Kitchen waste reduction project
Like Ye Binglun in the previous story, many people have been inspired to give at a young age. In the continuation of our featured report, ”Love Changes the World”, today we meet another group of sixth graders, this time from Chiayi, who were inspired to do something for famine-stricken African children, by promoting kitchen waste reduction to local restaurants.
9.360手工豆皮Making tofu skins the traditional way
Hand making tofu skins takes a lot of work and generates little profit, which explains why the trade has started to fade out. But,a 60-year-old bean curd sheet factory in Kaohsiung”s Meinong District insists on making the soy product the traditional way. In today”s feature series on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we learn how this factory still keeps up without compromising their all-natural recipe.
Finally today, we follow a group of Tzu Chings in Sydney, Australia, as they called on many volunteers to help plant 1,550 tree saplings in the farming town of Boorowa. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
Aid relief for storm victims
Tzu Ching is 20 years old
All natural bean curd skin
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Leeway Tsai. Thank you for joining us.
In our top stories, windstorm victims in Balik Pulau, in Malaysia”s Penang, receive much-needed relief supplies from Tzu Chi immediately after the disaster.
To celebrate the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth, we have a featured series on former college volunteers who are dedicating their life for the greater good.
And later, we take you on a tour to understand how the traditional Chinese delicacy, tofu skin, is made, free from any additives, at an old factory in Taiwan”s Kaohsiung.
1.馬風災發放Visit storm victims in Balik Pulau
2.美風災發放Relief items for tornado victims
3.蘇州收割小麥First crop of organic wheat for volunteers
4.河北石俊關懷Tzu Chi care recipient Shi Jun
5.併巴西義診Free clinics in Rio & Sao Paolo
6.許瀞分人醫A young popular doctor
7.慈青二十葉秉倫Exemplary Tzu Ching in every way
8.愛讓世界轉動(2)Kitchen waste reduction project
9.360手工豆皮Making tofu skins the traditional way
1.馬風災發放Visit storm victims in Balik Pulau
A sudden windstorm in Bulik Pulau, in Malaysia” Penang caused heavy damage across three local villages, affecting some 150 people. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Tzu Chi volunteers immediately traveled to the reeling communities to deliver relief goods.
2.美風災發放Relief items for tornado victims
Still on the topic of disaster relief, at the beginning of March this year, a tornado outbreak occured across mid-western United States, with Kentucky being one of the worst-hit states. Recently Tzu Chi volunteers returned to Kentucky to hold an aid distribution in Kenton County, with cash cards and relief items for 40 families.
3.蘇州收割小麥First crop of organic wheat for volunteers
Moving to China, Tzu Chi has an organic farm in Suzhou, and the first crop of wheat is now ready for harvest. As families and volunteers worked together for the harvest, they learned more about the importance of organic farming.
4.河北石俊關懷Tzu Chi care recipient Shi Jun
Staying in China but moving to Hebei Province, we meet 9-year-old Shi Jun, a Tzu Chi care recipient born with a dislocated hip, whose family couldn”t afford to rehabilitate her legs. Fortunately, Tzu Chi stepped in to help give Shi Jun a new leg on life.
5.併巴西義診Free clinics in Rio & Sao Paolo
A group of Tzu Chi”s Traditional Chinese Medicine specialists from Taiwan traveled to Brazil”s Sao Paolo and Rio, for charity clinics that benefitted both locals and the Chinese community alike. Let”s find out more.
6.許瀞分人醫A young popular doctor
When going to the hospital, many people are inclined to avoid young doctors fearing they lack the experience; however, at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, Dr. Xu Jingfen is actually very popular in spite of her young age. We find out why.
7.慈青二十葉秉倫Exemplary Tzu Ching in every way
This year is the 20th anniversary of Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth, or college Tzu Chi volunteers. To mark the milestone, starting today we”ll be bringing you a five part series on former Tzu Chings who followed their calling to serve humanity. Today we introduce to you Ye Binglun, who studied in Australia, became a lawyer after college, and gave up a promising career to follow in the footsteps of Master Cheng Yen, as a Buddhist lay practitioner at the Jing Si Abode in Taiwan.
8.愛讓世界轉動(2)Kitchen waste reduction project
Like Ye Binglun in the previous story, many people have been inspired to give at a young age. In the continuation of our featured report, ”Love Changes the World”, today we meet another group of sixth graders, this time from Chiayi, who were inspired to do something for famine-stricken African children, by promoting kitchen waste reduction to local restaurants.
9.360手工豆皮Making tofu skins the traditional way
Hand making tofu skins takes a lot of work and generates little profit, which explains why the trade has started to fade out. But,a 60-year-old bean curd sheet factory in Kaohsiung”s Meinong District insists on making the soy product the traditional way. In today”s feature series on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we learn how this factory still keeps up without compromising their all-natural recipe.
Finally today, we follow a group of Tzu Chings in Sydney, Australia, as they called on many volunteers to help plant 1,550 tree saplings in the farming town of Boorowa. We”ll leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2012年6月1日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20120530
Children making a difference
Kamaishi City mayor visits Tzu Chi
Taiwan”s traditional tea seed oil
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, we start a new series of reports ”Love Changes the World”, on children around Taiwan, who are giving their love to make a difference.
In Japan, the mayor of Kamaishi City visits the Tzu Chi Tokyo Chapter, to express his gratitude towards the Buddhist NGO for its relief work after the 311 disasters.
And, in our featured reports on Taiwan”s fading industries, we learn about tea-seeds oil making and meet the owner of a 40-year-old store in Taipei”s Muzha.
接著,台灣夕陽行業的報導中,帶大家 認識如何製作茶籽油,以及位在台北木柵老街上40年的茶油店
1.越第九郡發放VietnamRelief cash distribution in District 9
2.加助學金發放CanadaTzu Chi scholarship ceremony in Canada
3.愛讓世界轉動(1)TaiwanChildren can make a difference
4.隧道快與危(5)EuropeTunnel safety worldwide
5.日市長訪分會JapanMayor visited Tzu Chi Chapter
6.蘇州健檢訪花TaiwanDelegates from China visit Hualien
7.360茶籽油TaiwanOil from tea seeds
8.新住民健檢TaiwanHealth checkups for new immigrants
9.印顏蒂關懷IndonesiaThe story of TC care recipient Yanti
1.越第九郡發放VietnamRelief cash distribution in District 9
First up in today”s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam who visited District Nine of Ho Chi Minh City to distribute relief cash. Despite the difficult road conditions, volunteers all worked together to overcome the obstacles along the way, and managed to complete the distribution in the end.
2.加助學金發放CanadaTzu Chi scholarship ceremony in Canada
In Canada, Tzu Chi volunteers have been providing scholarships to students of Maple Ridge School of District No. 42 for over ten years. Among the students, Joshua who is visually impaired, is now able to attend college to study music thanks to Tzu Chi”s help.
加拿大慈濟志工十年多年來,在楓樹嶺42學區提供獎助學金,其中,盲生喬書亞從幼稚園開始,就接受幫助 也因為慈濟,讓他今年能上大學。
3.愛讓世界轉動(1)TaiwanChildren can make a difference
Today, we start our ”Love Changes the World” series of reports on children around Taiwan who are making an effort to help those in greater need. First, we visit Kaohsiung”s Zhenchang 鎮昌Elementary School, where a class of sixth graders came together to raise funds for the 311 disaster victims in Japan. The youngsters” act of love won themselves an award of 10,000 NTD from the King Car Education Foundation, which they donated to the school”s library, in a cycle of love.
4.隧道快與危(5)EuropeTunnel safety worldwide
In our next report on our series on road tunnel safety, after the accident on May 7 in Taiwan”s Hsuehshan Tunnel, we turn to Europe to see how these countries are working to handle tunnel safety following the frequent fatal tunnel accidents they have had in the past.
5.日市長訪分會JapanMayor visited Tzu Chi Chapter
After the 311 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers have been providing funds for lunches and buses for students in the city of Kamaishi. Recently the mayor of the city visited the Tzu Chi Tokyo Chapter to express his gratitude towards the charity organization, on behalf of the city”s residents.
6.蘇州健檢訪花TaiwanDelegates from China visit Hualien
Last week, a group of delegates from China”s Suzhou Health Screening Center, arrived in Taiwan to gain a deeper understanding of Tzu Chi and its missions. After a tour in Taipei, the medical personnel visited the Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital and Master Cheng Yen in Hualien this Monday.
7.360茶籽油TaiwanOil from tea seeds
In today”s featured series on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we learn about how to make oil from tea seeds. We found an old shop in Muzha(木柵), Taipei, that has been selling tea seed oil for nearly 40 years. The owner is glad to see both his sons taking over this family business, and applying what they know about marketing to help the business grow.
8.新住民健檢TaiwanHealth checkups for new immigrants
The number of new immigrants in New Taipei City ranks the highest in the country. In Sanchong District, Tzu Chi volunteers invited 17 new immigrants to Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital for free health checkups, so they can feel family-like care and love, far away from home.
9.印顏蒂關懷IndonesiaThe story of TC care recipient Yanti
In 2009, Tzu Chi care recipient Yanti from Indonesia underwent surgery for breast cancer. Unfortunately, cancer reappeared seven months later, but thanks to the help from Tzu Chi Foundation, Yanti was able to undergo chemotherapy. Though her condition did not improve after the treatment, she hopes that she can continue her volunteer activities once she recovers
At the end of today”s show, we go to Malaysia, and join medical staff in Tzu Chi”s Dialysis Center in Penang, as they carry out a fire drill. Firefighters were invited to share tips on what to do in the case of emergency and how to properly use a fire extinguisher. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
Children making a difference
Kamaishi City mayor visits Tzu Chi
Taiwan”s traditional tea seed oil
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I”m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today”s headlines, we start a new series of reports ”Love Changes the World”, on children around Taiwan, who are giving their love to make a difference.
In Japan, the mayor of Kamaishi City visits the Tzu Chi Tokyo Chapter, to express his gratitude towards the Buddhist NGO for its relief work after the 311 disasters.
And, in our featured reports on Taiwan”s fading industries, we learn about tea-seeds oil making and meet the owner of a 40-year-old store in Taipei”s Muzha.
接著,台灣夕陽行業的報導中,帶大家 認識如何製作茶籽油,以及位在台北木柵老街上40年的茶油店
1.越第九郡發放VietnamRelief cash distribution in District 9
2.加助學金發放CanadaTzu Chi scholarship ceremony in Canada
3.愛讓世界轉動(1)TaiwanChildren can make a difference
4.隧道快與危(5)EuropeTunnel safety worldwide
5.日市長訪分會JapanMayor visited Tzu Chi Chapter
6.蘇州健檢訪花TaiwanDelegates from China visit Hualien
7.360茶籽油TaiwanOil from tea seeds
8.新住民健檢TaiwanHealth checkups for new immigrants
9.印顏蒂關懷IndonesiaThe story of TC care recipient Yanti
1.越第九郡發放VietnamRelief cash distribution in District 9
First up in today”s show, we join Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam who visited District Nine of Ho Chi Minh City to distribute relief cash. Despite the difficult road conditions, volunteers all worked together to overcome the obstacles along the way, and managed to complete the distribution in the end.
2.加助學金發放CanadaTzu Chi scholarship ceremony in Canada
In Canada, Tzu Chi volunteers have been providing scholarships to students of Maple Ridge School of District No. 42 for over ten years. Among the students, Joshua who is visually impaired, is now able to attend college to study music thanks to Tzu Chi”s help.
加拿大慈濟志工十年多年來,在楓樹嶺42學區提供獎助學金,其中,盲生喬書亞從幼稚園開始,就接受幫助 也因為慈濟,讓他今年能上大學。
3.愛讓世界轉動(1)TaiwanChildren can make a difference
Today, we start our ”Love Changes the World” series of reports on children around Taiwan who are making an effort to help those in greater need. First, we visit Kaohsiung”s Zhenchang 鎮昌Elementary School, where a class of sixth graders came together to raise funds for the 311 disaster victims in Japan. The youngsters” act of love won themselves an award of 10,000 NTD from the King Car Education Foundation, which they donated to the school”s library, in a cycle of love.
4.隧道快與危(5)EuropeTunnel safety worldwide
In our next report on our series on road tunnel safety, after the accident on May 7 in Taiwan”s Hsuehshan Tunnel, we turn to Europe to see how these countries are working to handle tunnel safety following the frequent fatal tunnel accidents they have had in the past.
5.日市長訪分會JapanMayor visited Tzu Chi Chapter
After the 311 earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan, Tzu Chi volunteers have been providing funds for lunches and buses for students in the city of Kamaishi. Recently the mayor of the city visited the Tzu Chi Tokyo Chapter to express his gratitude towards the charity organization, on behalf of the city”s residents.
6.蘇州健檢訪花TaiwanDelegates from China visit Hualien
Last week, a group of delegates from China”s Suzhou Health Screening Center, arrived in Taiwan to gain a deeper understanding of Tzu Chi and its missions. After a tour in Taipei, the medical personnel visited the Yuli Tzu Chi Hospital and Master Cheng Yen in Hualien this Monday.
7.360茶籽油TaiwanOil from tea seeds
In today”s featured series on Taiwan”s sunset trades, we learn about how to make oil from tea seeds. We found an old shop in Muzha(木柵), Taipei, that has been selling tea seed oil for nearly 40 years. The owner is glad to see both his sons taking over this family business, and applying what they know about marketing to help the business grow.
8.新住民健檢TaiwanHealth checkups for new immigrants
The number of new immigrants in New Taipei City ranks the highest in the country. In Sanchong District, Tzu Chi volunteers invited 17 new immigrants to Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital for free health checkups, so they can feel family-like care and love, far away from home.
9.印顏蒂關懷IndonesiaThe story of TC care recipient Yanti
In 2009, Tzu Chi care recipient Yanti from Indonesia underwent surgery for breast cancer. Unfortunately, cancer reappeared seven months later, but thanks to the help from Tzu Chi Foundation, Yanti was able to undergo chemotherapy. Though her condition did not improve after the treatment, she hopes that she can continue her volunteer activities once she recovers
At the end of today”s show, we go to Malaysia, and join medical staff in Tzu Chi”s Dialysis Center in Penang, as they carry out a fire drill. Firefighters were invited to share tips on what to do in the case of emergency and how to properly use a fire extinguisher. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
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