2012年12月18日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121217

US winter aid distributions

A successful musical in Malaysia

A master in repairing teapots

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today`s show, US Tzu Chi volunteers are carrying out winter aid distributions in two different states for those in need.

●In Malaysia, the sign language musical of the Sutra of In-numerable Meanings is inspiring many to change for the better.

●And, in Taiwan, what do we do with broken clay teapots? Master teapots maker and repairer, Zeng Zhengming (曾政銘) is the person to go to.




1.美匹茲堡冬令+美華森維爾Christmas is here

2.黃金海岸發放Distributions in Gold Coast

3.警專義賣援美Raising funds for Sandy survivors

4.登嘉樓無量義(三)Embracing meatless diet

5.馬肝炎洗腎機Expanding dialysis centre in Butterworth

6.懿德有愛Yide mother, Lin Rujin

7.陳素珍感恩Life of Chen Suzhen

8.環保楊王篤Recycling volunteer, Yang-Wang Du

9.360茶壺醫生Clay teapot maker

10.魚鰭刺傷感染Infectious seafood bacteria


1.美匹茲堡冬令+美華森維爾Christmas is here

As Christmas is just around the corner, US Tzu Chi volunteers organized two winter aid distributions in the City of Watsonville and A-li-quip-pa. Volunteers at Watsonville handed out 86 Christmas gifts to needy families. While a church pastor in Aliquippa said that, he was deeply moved by the volunteers` gestures of love.


2.黃金海岸發放Distributions in Gold Coast

Since a series of flood devastated Australia in January last year, Gold Coast Tzu Chi volunteers have continued to support and care for residents and schools in Ipswich. In the past two months, volunteers organized year-end food distributions, where they also fundraised for Hurricane Sandy victims in the United States.


3.警專義賣援美Raising funds for Sandy survivors

To help the survivors of Hurricane Sandy in the United States, students and Tzu Chings at a police college in Taiwan, held a bake sale in which the proceeds will be donated to help those in need. Inside each bag of cookies being sold, the students placed different Jing Si Aphorisms cards. Let`s take a look.


4.登嘉樓無量義(三)Embracing meatless diet

In Malaysia, the musical adaptation of the Sutra of In-nu-me-ra-ble Meanings, recently ended on a perfect note. Throughout the 10 performances, Tzu Chi volunteers worked closely with a local sound control company. Thanks to the performances, the staff at the company started to embrace a meatless diet and, were even inspired to be more filial towards their parents.


5.馬肝炎洗腎機Expanding dialysis centre in Butterworth

Staying in Malaysia, the Tzu Chi Butterworth Dialysis Center, officially opened in 2002. In order to offer their services to more patients in need, expansion work on the centre began this October. The new dialysis centre is expected to occupy 2 floors, which will hold 51 dialysis machines, including 3 for Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C patients.


6.懿德有愛Yide mother, Lin Rujin

Next, we meet Tzu Chi volunteer, Lin Rujin(林如金), a busy woman joggling her time between work and home, and still manages to be a Yide(懿德) mother at the Tzu Chi College of Technology. To thank her for her unselfish devotion, the Ministry of Education presented her with an award, in hopes of encouraging her to continue the good work.


7.陳素珍感恩Life of Chen Suzhen

In Nantou`s(南投) Puli(埔里), Chen Suzhen(陳素珍) is a Tzu Chi volunteer who suffered many mishaps in her life. The continuous mishaps left Chen devastated, yet thanks to Tzu Chi and Master Cheng Yen`s dharma, Chen Suzhen(陳素珍) gradually took on the Bodhisattva path and left her misery behind.


8.環保楊王篤Recycling volunteer, Yang-Wang Du

In Taiwan`s New Taipei City, recycling volunteer, 73-year-old Yang-Wang Du(楊王篤) from Banqiao(板橋) has been devoted to recycling work for the past 14 years. Despite being a diabetes patient, and suffering from a minor stroke, nothing has stopped this senior from collecting and sorting recyclables each and every day.


9.360茶壺醫生Clay teapot maker

Yixing (宜興) clay teapots is an umbrella term for teapots made dating back to the 15th century in China and, such teapots are still made today. When treasured teapots are chipped or cracked, collectors will often send them out for repairs. One master repairer is Zeng Zhengming(曾政銘), who takes the time to find the right color clay, and the right temperature for firing, to match and mend the cracks to perfection.

宜興茶壺,是中國15世紀做的茶壺所表示的代名詞,這種茶壺今天還有愛茶者所養,萬一稍有破損,收藏家就需要茶壺醫生來修補,一位茶壺補修達人是曾政銘,他會細心的找出色澤相仿的陶土,跟適合窯燒溫度 ,才能將受損的痕跡完全掩蓋,我們來看看 曾政銘是怎麼做的。

10.魚鰭刺傷感染Infectious seafood bacteria

Most of us have probably heard of vi-brio vul-ni-fi-cus, a bacteria in seafood that can spread through consumption of seafood or contact through open wounds. The infection, if not taken care of properly, may lead to sep-ti-ce-mia and eventually death. Recently, another kind of bacteria, known as motile aero-mo-nads, has been discovered to be just as poisonous. Mr. Chen from Taichung, was pricked by a freshwater fish and did not take note of the wound. Luckily, he was treated in time and escaped death.



In Indonesia, the Sinar Mas Group, established in 1962, has tens of thousands of employees, and among them, many are also Tzu Chi volunteers. These volunteers are the backbone in promoting Tzu Chi`s work in the country, thus, leading many of their colleagues to walk the Buddhist path, and become certified volunteers. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


