2012年12月13日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121213

Caring for vehicle accident victims

Winter aid distribution in China

Taiwan’s Buddha statue craftsman

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.


●Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers are once again visiting those injured in the recent bus accident in Hsinchu’s Mackay Memorial Hospital.

●In China, Tzu Chi volunteers go door to door to inform the residents in Suqian(宿遷) City, Jiansu(江蘇) Province, of the coming winter aid distributions.

●And, in our feature report on Taiwan’s fading trades, we meet a Buddha statue craftsman, Wang Shiji(王仕吉) who has 3 decades of experience.





1. 馬偕關懷 Help with accident victims

2. 菲199牙科義診 199th dental clinic for Quezon City

3. 人醫外勞健診 Health checkup for foreign workers

4. 照顧戶醫腳 TIMA doctor helps care recipients

5. 蘇北冬令復勘 Winter aid distribution in China

6. 河北暖陽(2)安格莊鄉 Winter distribution continues in Hebei

7. 登嘉樓無量義(一) Last performance in Terengganu

8. 360粧佛 Taiwan’s Buddha statue craftsman

9. 與大地共舞(2) Environmental warrior, Lai Beiyuan


1. 馬偕關懷 Help with accident victims

First up, we get an update on the bus accident, in Hsinchu’s Jianshi(尖石) Township on December 9th, which have killed 13 and injured another 10. Some of the injured victims are currently receiving treatment at the Mackay Memorial Hospital in Hsinchu(新竹). Tzu Chi volunteers brought consolation cash and good luck ornaments to visit both the victims and their families.

節目的一開始,我們來看看,在 12月9 日造成13人死亡10受傷的,新竹尖石的翻車意外的後續消息,目前有些傷患在新竹的馬偕醫院,慈濟志工 送來慰問金和平安吊飾,安撫家屬和病患。

2. 菲199牙科義診 199th dental clinic for Quezon City

Next in the Philippines, Tzu Chi volunteers held their 199th dental clinic on December 5th, in Barangay Santo Domingo of Quezon City, where residents young and old seized the opportunity to receive their check-ups. The dental clinic helped a total of 84 patients resolve their prolonged dental problems.


3. 人醫外勞健診 Health checkup for foreign workers

In Taiwan, over the past 9 years, the Department of Labor, Taipei City Government and the TIMA medical team have been working together, to hold regular health checkups for foreign workers. At the end of this year, the health checkup was once again held in the lobby of Taipei Main Station, where the TIMA medical staff provided various medical services.


4. 照顧戶醫腳 TIMA doctor helps care recipients

Also caring for those suffering from illness, are Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA medical staff in Taichung’s Fengyuan(豐原) District, who visited 2 care recipients with wounds in their legs unable to recover due to long-term illness. Moved by Tzu Chi’s love, the two vows to pay the love forward one day.


5. 蘇北冬令復勘 Winter aid distribution in China

Moving to China, in Suqian(宿遷) City, north of Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers have been caring for the poor residents by providing cataract surgery and scholarship support to needy students. Recently, the volunteers are planning to conduct winter aid distributions, in 6 different locations, to help over 10,000 families. To inform the residents of the upcoming events, the volunteers visited local community members door to door.


6. 河北暖陽(2)安格莊鄉 Winter distribution continues in Hebei

After Tzu Chi volunteers in Hebei(河北) Province, held a winter aid distribution in Niugang(牛岡) Township, Yi(易) County, they traveled to Angezhuang(安格莊) Township, to continue their charity work. As this is the first time Tzu Chi is holding a distribution here, upon receiving rice, flour, blankets and other daily necessities, residents were deeply moved and grateful that they don’t have to worry about the coming New Year.


7. 登嘉樓無量義(一) Last performance in Terengganu

Since 2009, Malaysia Tzu Chi volunteers have been performing, the musical adaption of the “Sutra of In-nu-me-rable Meanings”. Recently, the volunteers held their last performance at Te-reng-ga-nu. Even though 95 percent of the local residents are Muslims, the volunteers were still able to encourage nearly 2,000 people to participate.


8. 360粧佛 Taiwan’s Buddha statue craftsman

The process of carving a Buddha statue is tedious work, from choosing the right material to detailing the face and features, as well as adding color to the piece. It’s often a long and lonely path for these craftsman, who need to have much patience to finish a piece. Today, we bring you the story of Wang Shiji(王仕吉), who has been crafting Buddha statues for the past 30 years, and the message of enlightenment that he has learned in that time.

木雕佛像的過程繁複,選木材、細細雕琢最後還得上色,這是一條很漫長孤獨的路,因此粧佛師需要很有耐心,今天我們帶你來看,做木雕神像 將近三十年的粧佛師王仕吉的故事,以及藉由粧佛得到修行的啟發。

9. 與大地共舞(2) Environmental warrior, Lai Beiyuan

In our next report we stay in Taiwan and go to the area around Taichung to meet Lai Beiyuan.(賴倍元) Formally a successful businessman in the cargo industry, Lai Beiyuan(賴倍元) became concerned about the impact his business was having on the environment. Therefore, at the age of 31, he began purchasing land near Daxue(大雪) Mountain National Forest in Taichung, on which he has personally planted 280,000 trees, over the past 28 years, reforesting 10 mountains. Here’s more.



We go to Brisbane, Australia, at the end of our program today and join Tzu Chi volunteers as they are holding their last session of the volunteers training seminar this year. The event was focused on sharing each other’s experience and the changes they have made after walking the Tzu Chi path. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.



