2013年6月20日 星期四

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130619

Preparing for rice distribution

Let`s fight against depression

Luo Funeng never gives up

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


● Coming up in today`s show, Philippines Tzu Chi volunteers, arrive at San Juan City, to distribute rice vouchers, to those in need.

● Psychologists of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan, hold a workshop, to help members of the public, gain a better understanding of depression.

● And, we meet second hand clothes collector, Luo Funeng(羅福能), to see where these clothes go-to, after being deposit, to the clothing collection bins.

● 今天的提要,菲律賓慈濟志工來到仙範市發送大米發放券給貧困居民。

● 台北慈濟醫院身心醫學科舉辦心靈講座,讓大眾了解憂鬱這個症狀。

● 接著,帶大家認識收集二手衣的羅福能,也帶大家去看看被丟至二手衣回收筒的二手衣去向為何。


1. 菲大米訪視 Preparing for San Juan rice distribution

2. 印助學生回饋 Former recipient reciprocates

3. 緬甸三姐妹 Love inspires three sisters

4. 螢火蟲先生 Mr. firefly, Lai Yinjiu

5. 楊曉東復健 Yang Xiaodong steps forward

6. 北慈心靈講座 Understanding depression

7. 城市運轉手(1) Used clothes collector

8. 馬黃金英環保 Recycling volunteer, Huang Jinying

9. 華東華北圓緣 Visiting the birthplace of TC


1. 菲大米訪視 Preparing for San Juan rice distribution

Tzu Chi volunteers recently traveled, to the city of San Juan in the Philippines, to hand out rice to needy families. Prior to the distribution, volunteers arrived for a visit, eight days earlier, to see which families needed Tzu Chi`s help the most, and give them a voucher, to exchange for rice. For both those that received aid, and those that gave it, it was a time of blessings for all.


2. 印助學生回饋 Former recipient reciprocates

In Indonesia, former scholarship recipient, Ach-mad Ar-di-an-syah lives with his five siblings. With the family struggling to get by, the chance of him receiving a higher education, seemed almost impossible. However, Tzu Chi`s scholarship aid, opened a window of opportunity, for this family. Now financially independent, he has decided to discontinue Tzu Chi`s aid, and help his siblings, get through school.


3. 緬甸三姐妹 Love inspires three sisters

In 2008, Cyclone Nargis tore through Myanmar, and left the country severely damaged, with massive death. Tzu Chi`s post disaster relief, moved and inspired many local residents, and in particular, three Huang(黃) sisters. The eldest sister, Huang Qiuping(黃秋萍) was the first, to join as a kitchen volunteer. Then it was the middle sister, followed by the youngest sibling. Now the three sisters, can always be seen, at local Tzu Chi events, helping out and giving selflessly.

2008年五月,納吉斯風災重創緬甸造成嚴重傷亡,慈濟志工前往緬甸救援讓許多緬甸人民 很感動,例如,黃三姐妹,先是大姊黃秋萍擔任香積志工,接著二姐,後來小妹也一起加入,現在,每次次慈濟活動都可以看到三姐妹無私奉獻的身影。

4. 螢火蟲先生 Mr. firefly, Lai Yinjiu

In our last report on fire-flies in Taiwan, we visited the Chongde (崇德)Elementary School, in New Taipei City, and saw how their fire-fly recovery project worked. Today, we meet Tzu Chi volunteer Lai Yinjiu(賴胤就), who is also a devoted fire-fly conservationist. 20 years ago, Lai(賴) made a promise to his daughter, to start a fire-fly restoration project, which later won national recognition. Following his retirement, Lai(賴) went back to his hometown in Pingtung`s(屏東) Xinpi(新埤) Township, where he converted a wax apple orchard, into a fire-fly conservation farm.

在最近一則的螢火蟲報導中, 我們拜訪了新北市崇德國小,了解他們的螢火蟲復育工作,今天我們拜訪了退休的老師賴胤就,賴老師是位慈濟志工也是熱心於螢火蟲保育,20年前因為對女兒的一句承諾,讓他在學校開始復育螢火蟲,結果贏得全國科展第一名,退休後,他回到老家屏東新埤鄉將兩千多坪的蓮霧園改造成螢火蟲生態復育農場。

5. 楊曉東復健 Yang Xiaodong steps forward

At the end of May, Xiamen(廈門) Tzu Chi care recipient Yang Xiaodong(楊曉東) from China, underwent a hip joint surgery, at the Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan. Thanks to the help of medical staff at the hospital, and his own determination, Yang(楊) has started to learn how to walk once again.


6. 北慈心靈講座 Understanding depression

In Taiwan, psychologists of Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital, held a spiritual workshop, to help members of the public, gain a better understanding of depression. Doctors also seized the opportunity, to share tips on how to combat the mood disorder, as they hope to help patients, face their sickness with bravery.


7. 城市運轉手(1) Used clothes collector

In Taiwan, one might notice large green metal bins, standing on the street corners, of residential areas. They are used as clothing collection bins. People can put clothes, they don`t wear, but are still in relatively good condition, inside a bag first, then deposit the bag in the bin. We now tell you what happens to the clothes, after you put them in the bin, through the inspirational story of, Luo Funeng(羅福能), and remember, do no put anything else, besides clothes inside the bin.


8. 馬黃金英環保 Recycling volunteer, Huang Jinying

In Malaysia, we meet Malacca recycling volunteer Huang Jinying (黃金英), who, for the past five years, has traveled door-to-door, collecting recyclables in her neighborhood. Her commitment not only moved her neighbors, but also inspired her 85-year-old mother, to join her in practicing recycling.


9. 華東華北圓緣 Visiting the birthplace of TC

101 volunteers from China`s east coast, and northern regions, arrived in Taiwan to visit, the birthplace of Tzu Chi. On the last day of their 7-day trip, the volunteers arrived at Jing Si Abode in Hualien(花蓮), to meet with Master Cheng Yen. The Master not only expressed her gratitude to the volunteers, for their years of dedication, but also encouraged them, to spread Tzu Chi`s Great Love far and wide, when they return home.

在台灣, 101位大陸華北華東的志工來到台灣,進行七天六夜的尋根之旅,最後一天來到,花蓮靜思精舍拜見上人,志工們勇猛精進的態度,證嚴上人感恩志工勇於承擔,期待大家能在當地灑下善種之後菩提成林。


We meet visually impaired artist Kang Zhian(康志安) at the end of the show. Despite of his sickness, Kang(康) uses poly-mer clay, to make art pieces and sales them, at various charity fairs, to make ends meet. He said as long as he can see, he wants to use his own ability to earn money. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.

節目最後,帶大家認識一眼全盲的康志安,儘管生病,他專注捏陶土,慢慢拼貼, 在公益園遊會販賣賺取生活費,他說,只要他還能看見,他會靠自己能力賺錢。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。


