2013年6月18日 星期二

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130617

Sticky rice dumplings for charity

Raising anti-drug awareness

Decline in firefly populations

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.


● Coming up in today`s show, Thailand Tzu Chi volunteers and community residents, are making glutinous rice dumplings for charity.

● In our final report, in our series on drug use in Taiwan, we meet university instructor Liang Mingyi(梁明義), whose brother lost his life, due to drug use.

● And, we investigate why human, is the primary cause of the decline, in fire-fly population in Taiwan.

● 今天的提要,泰國慈濟志工和社區居民為慈善包粽子。

● 今天的毒海浮生錄專題中,帶大家認識大學教官梁明義,因為吸毒喪失生命的哥哥。

● 接著,來看看為何人類是台灣螢火蟲數量降低的原因。

1. 泰國素粽義賣

We kick off the show in Thailand, to celebrate the Duanwu(端午) Festival, Tzu Chi volunteers, community residents, and the mother of a scholarship recipient, gathered together, to make sticky rice dumplings, also known as “zongzi”, for a four-day charity sale. The proceeds collected from the sale, will be donated to help those in greater need.

一開始來到泰國為了慶祝端午節,慈濟志工社區志工以及一位助學生的媽媽聚集在一起,連續四天製作糯米飯糰、 粽子,義賣的錢則會捐出來幫助需要的人。

2. 大陸端陽關懷

In China, Tzu Chi volunteers continue to help the less fortunate, as Fujian(福建) Tzu Chi volunteers took the opportunity, to visit a senior home, during the Dragon Boat Festival. Meanwhile in Guangdong(廣東) Province, those who have received Tzu Chi`s help in the past, joined volunteers in a recent aid distributions, to continue the cycle of love.

中國慈濟志工持續關懷需要被幫助的人,福建慈濟志工在端午佳節期間到敬老院進行關懷,另外,在廣東深圳曾受慈濟幫助的人也加入志工行列,幫助發放工作 持續愛的循環。

3. 新竹畢業奉茶

In Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers have been promoting Tzu Chi`s humanistic teachings in schools, and these wisdoms, have taught many students the importance to recricopate. At Hsinchu(新竹)`s Dong Yuan(東園) Elementary School, prior to their graduation ceremony, 6th grade students, sincerely offer tea, to thank their teachers, for guilding them on their path of education.


4. 毒海浮生錄(4)

Today, the problem of drug use on school grounds, and drug addiction among students, has become increasingly wide-spread. Statistics show that between 1999 and 2012, offenders between the ages of 20-30, imprisoned for drug use, has increased by 5.6 percent. Today, in our final report, in our series on drug use in Taiwan, we meet university instructor, Liang Mingyi (梁明義), whose very own brother, lost his life to pro-longed drug use. Therefore, Liang(梁) has taken it upon himself, to counsel youths, in hopes that his brother`s misfortune, will not repeat itself, in the next generation.

校園毒品氾濫,學生藥物濫用的情況愈來愈普遍,根據統計 98年到101年間,因吸毒入監的20歲到30歲的受刑人攀升了5.6個百分點,在今天最後一集的系列報導中,我們帶您認識一位大學教官梁明義,梁明義的哥哥就是因為吸毒毀了一生,最後暴斃,梁明義因此在校園內服導青少年,希望哥哥的悲劇不會在下一代身上重演。

5. 種梨戒毒助弱

Liu Zhanxian(劉展憲) from Taichung(台中), Taiwan, was addicted to drugs when younger. Developing audi-tory hallucinations, as a result of pro-longed drug use, and facing the loss of those close to him, forced Liu(劉) to re-examine his life. Thanks to the support of his childhood friend, Liu(劉) was finally able to kick his habit, by concentrating on farming Asian pears. Now 54, Liu(劉) is a successful farmer, and donates his proceeds to help those in greater need.


6. 慈濟反毒隊

Kaohisung(高雄) Tzu Chi volunteers in Taiwan, recently visited Liugui(六龜) Elementary School, to educate students on the dangers of drug abuse. Volunteers thoughtfully prepared video clips, that showed the effects of drugs on the human body, which was followed by a Q and A session. The volunteers hope through the seminar, students can bravely say “No” to drugs.
台灣高雄慈濟志工,最近來到六龜國小宣導毒品的壞處,志工貼心的準備影片,告訴孩子吸毒對身體的壞處,接著還有問答題,希望透過今天的活動,學生可以勇敢的向毒品說 不。

7. 賞螢亂象

In Taiwan, the fire-fly breeding season, starts in April, during which visitors and amateur photographers alike, swarm to their breeding grounds, to capture the beauty of the glowing creatures. However, humans bring not only light pollution, which affects the insects` mating process, but also litter and human footprints, that threaten the species itself. Currently, the population of Taiwan`s fire-flies has already dropped from 1.4 million to 1 million. Unless this problem is dealt with, our future generation, may no longer be able, to see the magic of the fire-flies` dance.


8. 永和警察節

Police Day is celebrated on June 15th in Taiwan. To make this year`s celebration a little bit different, the chief of Yonghe(永和) Police Station in New Taipei City, decided to invite all police in his district, to a Police Day Games. Through competitions, officers strengthened their bonds with each other and their family. Tzu Chi volunteers also showed up to show their support and also seized the opportunity, to encourage the officers to cherish resources.


9. 慈濟府院拜會

Stay in Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States, did not return home immediately, at the conclusion of the Tzu Chi Annual Board Meeting. Instead they visited the Presidential Palace and the Legislative Yuan, to meet with government officials, to thank them for helping Tzu Chi, carry out its international relief works.



We go to Indonesia at the end of the show; since last year, many impoverished families in West Sumatra`s Padang City, moved into new houses built by Tzu Chi. To express their gratitude, many home owners have become recycling volunteers, at their local recycling station. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.



