2013年6月5日 星期三

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130605

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, we take a look at the current situation, in Nantou(南投) County, Taiwan, after the recent strong quake. We go to Taipei’s famous book streets, and investigate the problems, behind the fading, of the retail bookstore industry. And, Shanghai(上海) Tzu Chi volunteers traveled to Shuyang(沭陽) County, Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, to hand out scholarships, to 200 needy students.



1. 0603南投+信義+竹鹿狀況

2. 搶修聯絡處

3. 曾御慈祝福

4. 消失的書店(一)重慶南書街

5. 當格朗人文展

6. 印海軍備忘錄

7. 沭陽助學發放

8. 時光機--茄荖山莊

END: 美謝師餐會

1. 0603南投+信義+竹鹿狀況

We kick of the show in Taiwan, the 6.3 magnitude earthquake, which struck Nantou(南投) County, on June 2nd, has triggered landslides and rock-falls in moutntain areas. To date, the tremor has at least killed four people, and destoryed many buildings. In our next report, we go to Zhushan(竹山) Town, Lugu(鹿谷) and Xinyi(信義) Township, to take a look at the current situation.

2. 搶修聯絡處
Following the strong quake, Tzu Chi’s Puli (埔里)Liaison Office in Nantou(南投) County was damaged. On June 3rd, more than 20 Tzu Chi volunteers came together, to help clean up the venue.


3. 曾御慈祝福

Dr. Zeng Yuci(曾御慈) of National Taiwan University Hospital, was struck down by a drunk driver, on May 28th. Pronounced brain dead shortly after, her family members, decided to donate the her organs, to those in need. Although she will be greatly missed, her spirit carries on, in the lives she has touched.


《 靜思語 》
For the peace we wish for tomorrow, start working on it today.


4. 消失的書店(一)重慶南書街
In recent years, with the economic downturn, as well as the booming of online bookstores, many retail bookstores in Taiwan have closed down. Next, we go Taipei’s Chongqing(重慶) South Road, an area once famous, for its bookstores, and investigate the problems, behind the fading of the retail bookstore industry.


5. 當格朗人文展

In Indonesia,Tzu Chi volunteers held an exhibition, at a local mall, in Tan-ger-ang, Baten Province, to introduce Jing Si Publications and products, to members of the public. Volunteers also displayed eco- friendly products, to raise awareness, of the importance of protecting the planet.


6. 印海軍備忘錄

The massive flooding, that occurred in Jakarta earlier this year, caused devastation to many regions. With Indonesia’s Navy supplying rafts and am-phi-bi-ous vehicles, Tzu Chi volunteers were able, to carry out aid distributions successfully. Continuing the collaboration, the two organizations, decided to sign a me-mo-randum of understanding.


《 衲履足跡》
Unselfish Giving

Tzu Chi’s work must follow a spiritual purpose and an educational direction; otherwise, Tzu Chi becomes no different than any other charity organization and volunteers will slowly lose their way. The reason that Tzu Chi volunteers are able to give selflessly is that their actions spring from a spiritual mindset and therefore they are not seduced by fame or profit.



7. 沭陽助學發放
In China, Shanghai(上海) Tzu Chi volunteers, recently traveled once again, to Shuyang(沭陽) County, Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, where they handed out scholarships, to 200 impoverished students.


8. 時光機--茄荖山莊

Established by the Taotun(草屯) Psychi-atric Center, Ke Lao(茄荖) Villa, in Taiwan’s Nantou(南投), is the first re-ha-bi-li-tation community in the country, that helps drug addicts, recover without using medication. Thus far, the villa has treated 273 addicts, of which 73 percent have remained drug-free. Here’s more.


END: 美謝師餐會

We go to the United States, at the end of the show; Tzu Chi volunteers in both Texas and California, held gratitude banquets, to thank teachers and students for their endless support. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


