2013年6月14日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130614

Caring for bus fire survivors

A blind woman`s zongzi

Don`t give into peer pressure

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Mary Lee. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s news, we travel to China and see how Xiamen Tzu Chi volunteers are providing emotional support and care for survivors of a recent bus fire.

●Walking out of the shadows of despair, we meet a blind Tzu Chi care recipient who makes sticky rice dumplings for volunteers every year during the Dragon Boat Festival.

●And, lastly in Taiwan`s anti-drug campaign, we take a look at the confession of a former drug user and his current message of just say no.






1.廈門火災關懷 Comforting families of fire victims

2.縱火社區關懷 Zhonghe house set on fire

3.馬健檢跨種族 Helping women refugees

4.安養端午關懷併+花東端午送粽 TC sends love to all corners

5.慈濟粽分送愛+粽送獨老消防 Happy Dragon Boat Festival

6.盲居關戶包粽 Ms. Xiao makes zongzi

7.馬素粽義賣 Zongzi for charity sale

8.毒海浮生錄(三) Confession of a former drug user

9.慈大附中畢典 Tzu Chi High School graduation

10.志工尋根之旅 China TC volunteers pays a visits


1.廈門火災關懷 Comforting families of fire victims

We start the show in China, on June 7 th, 47 people died and 37 were left injured as fire engulfed a BRT bus, which stands for Bus Rapid Transit, a mass transit system in Xiamen. Tzu Chi volunteers rushed to the scene after hearing the news, and for the past few days have done their best to comfort and console the families of victims-many who have not left the hospital since the tragedy occurred.


2.縱火社區關懷 Zhonghe house set on fire

Next is another fire story, but set in Taiwan. A couple of days ago in New Taipei City`s Zhonghe(中和) District, a home was intentionally set on fire. As the police conduct their investigation, Tzu Chi volunteers quickly arrived to comfort the startled neighborhood with Master Cheng Yen`s words and blessings. Here is our report.


3.馬健檢跨種族 Helping women refugees

According to a 2008 report of the Malaysian Radiological Society, the No. 1 and No. 2 killers of women are breast cancer and cervical cancer. Out of every 100 Malaysian women who are diagnosed with cancer, 31 suffer from breast cancer and 12 from cervical cancer. With regular health check-ups key to discovering these forms of cancer in the early, treatable stages, the Malaysian government enlisted the help of Tzu Chi volunteers to hold a free clinic for the country`s many Burmese refugees. Officials hope that such steps will leave these women better informed of possible health risks and the need for regular check-ups.


《 靜思語 》

The path of life is difficult and rough, but as long as one is willing to give with joy, the path will not be arduous.

4.安養端午關懷併+花東端午送粽 TC sends love to all corners

To celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in Taiwan, Tzu Chi volunteers made many vegetarian sticky rice dumplings to share. Taitung(台東) and Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi volunteers visited their local police stations, while New Taipei City and Penghu(澎湖) volunteers visited nursing homes. No matter who the volunteers visited, the sentiments were the same as they hoped to fill hearts as well as stomachs.


5.慈濟粽分送愛+粽送獨老消防 Happy Dragon Boat Festival

Also celebrating Dragon Boat Festival areTaipei and Kaohsiung Tzu Chi volunteers, who made delicious vegetarian zongzi. The love-filled snacks were later given to recycling volunteers and care recipients. Furthermore, volunteers also thoughtfully handed out zongzi to local police officers, as a way to express their gratitude to these hard working guardian angels.


6.盲居關戶包粽 Ms. Xiao makes zongzi

In Taiwan, a 72-year-old Tzu Chi care recipient, Ms. Xiao(蕭), lost her sight because of a car accident. And while hospitalized, her adopted daughter abandoned her. Left with nothing, the senior felt she was at the last straw. However in the past 12 years, with Tzu Chi volunteer`s love and care, Xiao(蕭) has finally let go of her past, and began life anew. Treating the volunteers like daughters, mama Xiao(蕭) makes sticky rice dumplings to share with them every year during Dragon Boat Festival. Let`s take a look.

在台灣,有一位七十二歲慈濟關懷 蕭媽媽,因為車禍導致雙眼失明,而養女在她住院期間,離她而去,一無所有的蕭媽媽,曾對生命感到絕望,不過,慈濟志工12年來的關懷,讓她勇敢跨出幽谷,展開新生活,與志工情同母女的蕭媽媽,每年的端午節,還會親手包粽子,和志工一起享用。

7.馬素粽義賣 Zongzi for charity sale

In Malaysia, to mark the Dragon Boat Festival, Tzu Chi volunteers in Kedah joined together to make sticky rice dumplings, for an upcoming charity sale, to raise funds for the new dialysis center and education building. Let`s take a look.

《 衲履足跡 》談貪念 On Desire

People are always searching for some new form of excitement. This insatiable need for `bigger and better` only serves to exhaust the earth`s resources. We should try to temper this desire in our hearts and replace it with love and an understanding of the importance of cultivating blessings. In this way, we protect the environment and create a life of peace and abundance.


8.毒海浮生錄(三) Confession of a former drug user
The number of youths involved in drug use in Taiwan has been on the rise over the years. What`s even more concerning is that these drugs have found their way onto school campuses. According to statistics released by the Department of Health`s Food and Drug Administration, 55.8 percent of drugs given to users are not supplied by dealers, but in fact by students, colleagues or friends. Today, we look at the story of a college student whose one wrong step tarnished him for life. Regretful for his actions and determined to start anew, not only has he refuted the use of narcotics, he also encourages his friends not to let their life go to waste with continued use.


9.慈大附中畢典 Tzu Chi High School graduation

In Hualien,Taiwan, on June 12th, a graduation ceremony for 471 students was held at the Affiliated Senior High School of Tzu Chi University for the high school, elementary and kindergarten divisions. On stage, students performed a sign language song to express their gratitude to their teachers` love and support. Meanwhile, a father also went on stage to thank Tzu Chi for changing not only his son but also himself.


10.志工尋根之旅 China TC volunteers pays a visits
Tzu Chi volunteers from Eastern China recently traveled to Taiwan to visit the birthplace of Tzu Chi. Before going to Hualien, they first visited Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital, where they learned more about the NGO`s unique brand of medical services. Many of the volunteers said this trip to Taiwan has given them a chance to gain a better understanding of Tzu Chi`s humanitarian spirit and mission.



Lastly, in Taiwan`s Taichung, Parents Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities set up a recycling station for those who suffer from mental disabilities and are unable to find a regular job to make ends meet. In the process, much of the trash become treasures and the recycling station thus also serves as a second-hand store for the public who`s looking for a bargain. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching. Goodbye.


