2013年5月31日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130530

Tending to US tornado survivors

The job of Taipower technicians

Celebration of the Nurses Day

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s top stories, US Tzu Chi volunteers in Dallas arrive in Oklahoma for a relief distribution to help 100 families.

●In Taiwan, we meet a group of Taipower technicians who put their lives on the line and work all year round to ensure we have access to electricity at home.

●And, in Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers and dialysis patients in Penang and Butterworth held an event to express their gratitude to the nursing staff there.






1.摩爾風災發放 Aid distribution in Moore

2.人醫長濱義診 Free clinic in Changbin Township

3.楊曉東手術(一) First of Xiaodong`s surgery a success

4.腕隧道治療 Understand carpal tunnel syndrome

5.電力知多少(2)送電這一關 The country`s unsung heroes

6.北區環保精進 N. Taipei recycling seminar

7.慈青蔬食競賽 Vegetarian cooking contest

8.檳城感恩護師 Happy Nurses Day

9.南京佛展圓滿 Cultural Items & Crafts Fair concludes

10.三峽行動浴佛 Buddha Day ceremonies in nursing homes


1.摩爾風災發放 Aid distribution in Moore

First up in the United States, as part of their tornado relief, Tzu Chi volunteers from Dallas reached Moore in Oklahoma after driving for three hours. As one of the hardest hit areas, 13,000 houses were destroyed and 33,000 people were affected in the city. At the first round of distribution, volunteers distributed cash cards and blankets, and helped a total of 100 families.


2.人醫長濱義診 Free clinic in Changbin Township

In Taiwan, medical staff from Hualien(花蓮), Guangshan(關山) and Yuli(玉里) Tzu Chi Hospitals, joined Tzu Chi volunteers in carrying out a free clinic at Changbin(長濱) Township, Taitung(台東) County. To make sure no one was left behind, TIMA doctors also made house calls to tend to immobile senior residents who lived nearby.


3.楊曉東手術(一) First of Xiaodong`s surgery a success

Yang Xiaodong(楊曉東) is a Tzu Chi care recipient in China`s Xiamen(廈門). Due to contracting polio, Xiaodong curled himself up, hid in his room and shut the world out. Eventually, he could no longer extend or flex his lower body. To help, volunteers arranged for Xiaodong, to undergo joint reconstruction and replacement surgery, at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan. We now update you on Xiaodong`s condition.


4.腕隧道治療 Understand carpal tunnel syndrome

People nowadays cannot live without computers. However, long hours of computer use can lead to discomfort in the wrists, a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. So remember to take frequent breaks from typing at the keyboard, exercise your wrists and sit upright. We now tell you more about the condition and how to treat it.


《 靜思語 》
A marriage should be bound by love, not fear.


5.電力知多少(2)送電這一關 The country`s unsung heroes

In our continuing report on electricity, we take you to meet the unsung heroes, who make sure you have electricity when and where you need it. These are the maintenance staff of the electric towers and poles found in almost every corner of Taiwan. In a job that requires one to climb three stories in the air, sometimes under the worst of conditions, it is not a job for the faint hearted as our Da Ai reporter quickly finds out.


6.北區環保精進 N. Taipei recycling seminar

Staying in Taiwan; Tzu Chi`s northern district recycling volunteers recently held an intensive training seminar, at the Guandu(關渡) Tzu Chi Grounds and Luzhou`s(蘆洲) Jing Si Hall. In total, over 2,000 recycling volunteers participated. Here`s more.


7.慈青蔬食競賽 Vegetarian cooking contest

Some may feel that there is not much variety in vegetarian dishes, however with Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth volunteers` creativity, meatless dishes now have endless possibilities. In Kaohsiung(高雄), Taiwan, a group of Tzu Chings recently held a vegetarian cooking contest, in which they worked with Yi Te mothers to come up with the most creative and delicious meatless dishes.


《 衲履足跡 》談往生 On Facing Death
Studying the dharma in good health means one won`t be confused about life`s purpose. Master Cheng Yen compliments Tzu Chi volunteers in being able to peacefully and calmly face death.

If one has planted good karma and formed good affinities in this life, when death comes, wherever we are, beneficial conditions will also be present.


8.檳城感恩護師 Happy Nurses Day

In Malaysia, to mark the Nurses Day, staff and dialysis patients at the Tzu Chi Dialysis Centers held a tea gathering, which saw not only nurses attend, but also their parents. During the event, dialysis patients put on a performance to express their thanks to the nurse, while these medical staff also seized the opportunity to extend their gratitude to their parents.


9.南京佛展圓滿 Cultural Items & Crafts Fair concludes

In China`s Nanjing(南京), the International Buddhist Cultural Items and Crafts Fair successful concluded on May 26th. Throughout the fair, local Tzu Chi volunteers and their counterparts from Taiwan, showcased many books from Jing Si Publications and held many vegetarian cooking demonstrations, to encourage fair-goers to go meatless.


10.三峽行動浴佛 Buddha Day ceremonies in nursing homes
Back to Taiwan, in New Taipei City; to give senior residents and bedridden patients a chance to pay respects to the Buddha, Sanxia(三峽) District Tzu Chi volunteers held Buddha Day ceremonies at three different nursing homes. Let`s take a look.



We end today`s program in the United States; after the recent tornado attack in Oklahoma, Tzu Chi volunteers from Dallas arrived in one of the worst hit areas of Moore, to carry out distribution and bring emotional support to those affected by the disaster. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.


