2013年5月31日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130530
Tending to US tornado survivors
The job of Taipower technicians
Celebration of the Nurses Day
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s top stories, US Tzu Chi volunteers in Dallas arrive in Oklahoma for a relief distribution to help 100 families.
●In Taiwan, we meet a group of Taipower technicians who put their lives on the line and work all year round to ensure we have access to electricity at home.
●And, in Malaysia, Tzu Chi volunteers and dialysis patients in Penang and Butterworth held an event to express their gratitude to the nursing staff there.
1.摩爾風災發放 Aid distribution in Moore
2.人醫長濱義診 Free clinic in Changbin Township
3.楊曉東手術(一) First of Xiaodong`s surgery a success
4.腕隧道治療 Understand carpal tunnel syndrome
5.電力知多少(2)送電這一關 The country`s unsung heroes
6.北區環保精進 N. Taipei recycling seminar
7.慈青蔬食競賽 Vegetarian cooking contest
8.檳城感恩護師 Happy Nurses Day
9.南京佛展圓滿 Cultural Items & Crafts Fair concludes
10.三峽行動浴佛 Buddha Day ceremonies in nursing homes
1.摩爾風災發放 Aid distribution in Moore
First up in the United States, as part of their tornado relief, Tzu Chi volunteers from Dallas reached Moore in Oklahoma after driving for three hours. As one of the hardest hit areas, 13,000 houses were destroyed and 33,000 people were affected in the city. At the first round of distribution, volunteers distributed cash cards and blankets, and helped a total of 100 families.
2.人醫長濱義診 Free clinic in Changbin Township
In Taiwan, medical staff from Hualien(花蓮), Guangshan(關山) and Yuli(玉里) Tzu Chi Hospitals, joined Tzu Chi volunteers in carrying out a free clinic at Changbin(長濱) Township, Taitung(台東) County. To make sure no one was left behind, TIMA doctors also made house calls to tend to immobile senior residents who lived nearby.
3.楊曉東手術(一) First of Xiaodong`s surgery a success
Yang Xiaodong(楊曉東) is a Tzu Chi care recipient in China`s Xiamen(廈門). Due to contracting polio, Xiaodong curled himself up, hid in his room and shut the world out. Eventually, he could no longer extend or flex his lower body. To help, volunteers arranged for Xiaodong, to undergo joint reconstruction and replacement surgery, at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan. We now update you on Xiaodong`s condition.
4.腕隧道治療 Understand carpal tunnel syndrome
People nowadays cannot live without computers. However, long hours of computer use can lead to discomfort in the wrists, a condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. So remember to take frequent breaks from typing at the keyboard, exercise your wrists and sit upright. We now tell you more about the condition and how to treat it.
《 靜思語 》
A marriage should be bound by love, not fear.
5.電力知多少(2)送電這一關 The country`s unsung heroes
In our continuing report on electricity, we take you to meet the unsung heroes, who make sure you have electricity when and where you need it. These are the maintenance staff of the electric towers and poles found in almost every corner of Taiwan. In a job that requires one to climb three stories in the air, sometimes under the worst of conditions, it is not a job for the faint hearted as our Da Ai reporter quickly finds out.
6.北區環保精進 N. Taipei recycling seminar
Staying in Taiwan; Tzu Chi`s northern district recycling volunteers recently held an intensive training seminar, at the Guandu(關渡) Tzu Chi Grounds and Luzhou`s(蘆洲) Jing Si Hall. In total, over 2,000 recycling volunteers participated. Here`s more.
7.慈青蔬食競賽 Vegetarian cooking contest
Some may feel that there is not much variety in vegetarian dishes, however with Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth volunteers` creativity, meatless dishes now have endless possibilities. In Kaohsiung(高雄), Taiwan, a group of Tzu Chings recently held a vegetarian cooking contest, in which they worked with Yi Te mothers to come up with the most creative and delicious meatless dishes.
《 衲履足跡 》談往生 On Facing Death
Studying the dharma in good health means one won`t be confused about life`s purpose. Master Cheng Yen compliments Tzu Chi volunteers in being able to peacefully and calmly face death.
If one has planted good karma and formed good affinities in this life, when death comes, wherever we are, beneficial conditions will also be present.
8.檳城感恩護師 Happy Nurses Day
In Malaysia, to mark the Nurses Day, staff and dialysis patients at the Tzu Chi Dialysis Centers held a tea gathering, which saw not only nurses attend, but also their parents. During the event, dialysis patients put on a performance to express their thanks to the nurse, while these medical staff also seized the opportunity to extend their gratitude to their parents.
9.南京佛展圓滿 Cultural Items & Crafts Fair concludes
In China`s Nanjing(南京), the International Buddhist Cultural Items and Crafts Fair successful concluded on May 26th. Throughout the fair, local Tzu Chi volunteers and their counterparts from Taiwan, showcased many books from Jing Si Publications and held many vegetarian cooking demonstrations, to encourage fair-goers to go meatless.
10.三峽行動浴佛 Buddha Day ceremonies in nursing homes
Back to Taiwan, in New Taipei City; to give senior residents and bedridden patients a chance to pay respects to the Buddha, Sanxia(三峽) District Tzu Chi volunteers held Buddha Day ceremonies at three different nursing homes. Let`s take a look.
We end today`s program in the United States; after the recent tornado attack in Oklahoma, Tzu Chi volunteers from Dallas arrived in one of the worst hit areas of Moore, to carry out distribution and bring emotional support to those affected by the disaster. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2013年5月29日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130529
Tzu Chi is here to support you
Methods of receiving energy
Let`s all walk the Tzu Chi path
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s show, Vietnam Tzu Chi volunteers, visit their care recipients, with relief items and much needed emotional support.
●As Taiwan is entering a peak season for energy consumption, we investigate the methods, Taiwan receives its energy.
●And, members of Tzu Chi Performers Association in Taiwan, hold a spiritual workshop, to encourage more actors to join their ranks.
1.越南五月發放 Home visitations in Ho Chi Minh City
2.美龍捲風發放 Comforting tornado victims
3.助照顧戶打掃 Helping care recipients move
4.電力知多少(一)台灣電力總論 A look into Taiwan`s energy sources
5.減碳未來 Troubles using green energy
6.馬淡小環保站 Setting up recycling pt in school
7.馬衛塞節浴佛併 Vesak Day celebrations
8.馬慈青手語 First rehearsal for musical
9.藝聯會動手做 Spiritual seminar for performers
1.越南五月發放 Home visitations in Ho Chi Minh City
Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam, regularly visit care recipients each month, to deliver relief items, as well as emotional support. In gratitude for the timely assistance provided by Tzu Chi, many care recipients give what they can, to help those in greater need.
2.美龍捲風發放 Comforting tornado victims
In the United States, a super tornado swept through O-kla-homa on May 20th, causing severe damage to everything in its path. On May 25th, accompanied by the Red Cross, Tzu Chi volunteers from the Tzu Chi Dallas Chapter, arrived in the Little Axe Community, to conduct a survey and later handed out cash cards to victims. Upon entering the disaster zone, volunteers were overwhelmed by the devastation left by the tornado.
3.助照顧戶打掃 Helping care recipients move
In Taiwan`s Changhua(彰化) County, we meet Tzu Chi care recipient, Mr. Hong(洪) and his family. As Hong(洪) suffers from diabetes, which has affected his eyesight and left him unemployed, his wife is now the sole breadwinner for the family. Before, the family of four, lived in an old house, with tattered walls and broken ceilings. Now that they have found a new home, Tzu Chi volunteers have decided to help them move, and also clean up their new place.
《 靜思語 》
With faith, there is nothing one cannot do. With patience, there is no responsibility too heavy to shoulder.
4.電力知多少(一)台灣電力總論 A look into Taiwan`s energy sources
As summer approaches, Taiwan will soon be entering a peak season for energy consumption, followed by a general across-the-board hike in electricity rates come October. Next, we take a look at where Taiwan is currently getting its energy from, as well as the pros and cons of each method. Here`s more.
5.減碳未來 Troubles using green energy
The main cul-prits behind Taiwan`s greenhouse gas, are the country`s coal-fired power plants. In fact, Tai-power`s Taichung(台中) Thermal Power Plant, is the biggest in the world, and also the largest carbon dioxide emitter. However, the only way to reduce the country`s dependency on fossil fuels, is to utilize re-newable energy. In our next report, we will tell you the challenges of going green, and how to overcome them.
6.馬淡小環保站 Setting up recycling pt in school
In Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Tzu Chi volunteers, have been caring for the students, at Sungai Buloh RRI Tamil School, since 2008`s New Shoots Scholarship program. Thanks to last year`s meal program and transportation subsidies, the impoverished students` school work and attendance, have greatly improved. In showing their appreciation for all of Tzu Chi`s help along the way, the school allowed volunteers, to renovate an old shack, into a Tzu Chi recycling point.
馬來西亞 雙溪毛糯,淡米爾小學,是慈濟雪隆慈濟志工,自2008年,因新芽助學計畫,而開始長期援助的學校,因為去年開始,啟動了交通與食物的補助金,明顯改善校內,清貧子弟的成績,因此校方騰出倉庫,作為慈濟環保站。
《 衲履足跡 》談道場 On Place of Practice
If conditions are not ripe, insisting won`t make a difference. Finally finding a beautiful piece of land to be ours, Tzu Chi volunteers need to work hard to transform it into a proper place of training.
As long as our hearts are firmly rooted in the dharma, even the most humble training venues can be spiritual breeding grounds for bodhisattvas.
7.馬衛塞節浴佛併 Vesak Day celebrations
Ve-sak Day is a day to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha. Many Buddhist countries hold large scale celebrations on this day in May. Tzu Chi volunteers in different regions of Malaysia, also hold Buddha Day ceremonies, to celebrate with some of the participants, coming to pay their respects, and others, looking to let go of their worries and resentment.
衛塞節是佛教傳統紀念,釋迦牟尼佛誕生,成道 涅槃的節日,許多佛教國家都會在五月,舉行盛大的慶典活動,在馬來西亞,慈濟志工也在各地辦浴佛活動,許多人來敬佛,也有的會在過程中,放下煩惱、怨恨。
8.馬慈青手語 First rehearsal for musical
In Malaysia, Tzu Chi Collegiate Youth volunteers, from the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chapter, will be performing the sign language musical of the Sutra of Profound Gratitude to Parents this October. After recruiting all the needed performers, the first rehearsal was arranged, during which students came together, to understand filial piety.
9.藝聯會動手做 Spiritual seminar for performers
In Taiwan, it has been two years, since the Tzu Chi Performers Association was first established. The beauty of Tzu Chi has touched the hearts of many actors, who are now devoted volunteers. Recently a spiritual workshop, was held at the Tzu Chi Guandu(關渡) Grounds, as members of the association hope, to encourage more actors to join their ranks.
We stay in Taiwan at the end of the show; to encourage staff members to embrace the world of books, Wei Chuan(味全) Foods Corporation in Wufeng(霧峰), Taichung(台中), set up a reading area, inside their factory, with many books from Jing Si Publications. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130528
Caring for needy in Paraguay
Provide love & care to seniors
CO2 level and global warming
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s show, Paraguay Tzu Chi volunteers visit a local nursing home, to celebrate Mother`s Day and hold a free clinic at local liaison office to cure sickness.
●In China, Dongguan(東莞) Tzu Chi volunteers, visit two local nursing home, to hold a Buddha Day ceremony and care for the senior residents.
●As Pacific Ocean`s C02 level is on a rise, we investigate the problems it may cause, if we don`t take action now.
1.巴國訪視義診併 Tending to seniors & patients
2.海地建築回收 Reconstruction project by ILO
3.聯合國衛塞節 Vesak Day at UN HQ
4.馬衛塞節環保 Recycle during Vesak Festival
5.馬菲環保併 Recycling efforts start with you
6.東莞敬老關懷併 Visiting 2 Dongguan nursing homes
7.時光機CO2警鐘 NCU`s CO2 monitoring project
8.英大學參訪 Learn more about Tzu Chi
9.法入凱旋門(10)歐洲古城邦 Visiting an UNESCO World Heritage site
1.巴國訪視義診併 Tending to seniors & patients
In Paraguay, Tzu Chi volunteers visited a local nursing home, to celebrate Mother`s Day with the senior residents. As well, the volunteers organized a free clinic, at the Tzu Chi Asuncion Liaison Office, where Zhong Ruizhen (鍾瑞珍), a Chinese medicine doctor, contributed her medical skills in tending to the patients.
在巴拉圭,慈濟志工定期前往老人院關懷,陪年邁的奶奶度過母親節,另外,亞松森的志工,也在聯絡處舉辦例行義診,中醫師 鍾瑞珍,用心診治,讓患者受益良多。
2.海地建築回收 Reconstruction project by ILO
The United Nation International Labour Organization in Haiti, carried out a reconstruction project, after the 2010 earthquake, to help local residents rebuild their homes. The project, similar to Tzu Chi`s relief work program, gave residents the opportunity, for formal training and employment, while also improving their community environment.
3.聯合國衛塞節 Vesak Day at UN HQ
In the United states, the United Nations Headquarters, holds an annual conference, to celebrate Ve-sak Day, which commemorates the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha, and this year, Tzu Chi volunteers were invited, to attend the conference once again.
4.馬衛塞節環保 Recycle during Vesak Festival
In Malaysia, to celebrate the annual Buddhist holiday of Ve-sak, a float parade was organized by local Buddhists. Tzu Chi volunteers from the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter seized the opportunity, to encourage parade-goers to avoid littering and practice recycling.
《 靜思語 》
Only by moving forward in spite of challenges can one reach one`s goals.
5.馬菲環保併 Recycling efforts start with you
Recently in the Philippines, the Resorts World Manila asked Tzu Chi volunteers, to come share their experiences in environmental protection, with their employees; meanwhile a recycling volunteer in Malaysia, has been using his own house, as a temporary recycling point, for the past three years. Here`s more.
6.東莞敬老關懷併 Visiting 2 Dongguan nursing homes
In China`s Guangdong(廣東) Province, Dongguan(東莞) Tzu Chi volunteers, recently arrived at the new location of the Tanzhou(坦洲) Nursing Home, to care for senior residents. Meanwhile, the volunteers also brought the Buddha Day ceremony to senior residents, at the Qingxi(清溪) Nursing Home.
《 衲履足跡 》談醫療 On Medical Care
Front and center in every Tzu Chi`s Medical Mission is health care with dignity. Thus patients have nothing but gratitude for the benevolence and respect shown to them by medical staff and volunteers.(added staff because 醫療人員 refers to medical staff as well, not just volunteers - W) For their part, medical staff and volunteers need to remember to be sincere in the love they offer. In this way, they can form a bond of mutual trust and love with the sick and their families.
7.時光機CO2警鐘 NCU`s CO2 monitoring project
Since 1958, CO2 levels have been rising steadily worldwide. Taiwan`s National Central University, has been conducting its own research, to monitor the Pacific Ocean`s CO2 level, and has detected readings, exceeding 400 ppm in industrial areas. No matter how high these numbers soar, if we don`t action now, it is our children and their children, who will reap the seeds we sow.
自1958年以來,全球二氧化碳濃度仍然持續攀升,台灣的中央大學也有偵測太平洋,二氧化碳濃度的研究,並在工業去測得高於400 ppm,不管所測得的數據多麼高,假使我們沒有做為,享受惡果的會是我們自己,與我們的後代子孫。
8.英大學參訪 Learn more about Tzu Chi
Students from England`s Coventry University, recently visited the Kaohsiung(高雄) Jing Si Hall in Taiwan. As Geographic and Disaster Management major, they wish to gain a better understanding of Tzu Chi, and learn how the Buddhist NGO, provides first hand help, to people around the globe in face of disasters.
9.法入凱旋門(10)歐洲古城邦 Visiting an UNESCO World Heritage site
In our next report, we go to Spo-le-to, located in the Italian Province of Peru-gia. A thousand years ago, Spo-le-to was a major political center in Europe, and today, tourists can still see the remains of that past glory, in the city`s church and for-tress, as well as, its well-preserved streets and rich architecture.
接下來的報導,帶您認識世界遺產位址 斯波萊托城邦,它位在義大利的佩魯賈省,千多年前,它是歐洲大陸的政權中心,今日,觀光客還是能欣賞到城邦中,教堂與保壘的遺址,以及保存良好的老街,與豐富的建築。
We go back to Taiwan at the end of the show. As one of their tasks before graduation, students of Tzu Chi children`s class in Yilan(宜蘭) visited care recipients` home, to help them clean up their living surroundings. The students said although it was tiring, they were happy to help. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
2013年5月27日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130527
Polio sufferer arrives in Taiwan
France`s waste management
CO2 at all time high of 400ppm
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
●Coming up in today`s top stories, polio patient, Yang Xiaodong(楊曉東) from China arrives in Taiwan, to receive medical treatment at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital.
●In France, we join our Da Ai TV reporter in Paris to see how the city deals with its waste management.
●And, we look into why CO2 level is at an all time high of 400ppm and what it means for our planet`s living beings in the near future.
1.廈門楊曉東 First visit by TC volunteers
2.楊曉東來台 A life changing journey
3.英浴佛演繹 United Kingdom Collective prayer
4.馬惟孝方玉萍 A general affairs job
5.法入凱旋門(8)環保在法國 Residential garbage collection
6.分局做環保 Cleaning agent made from fruit peels
7.CO2只升不降 Colorless & odorless but everywhere
8.體檢環基法十年海岸篇(3)東海岸 Pristine no more
1.廈門楊曉東 First visit by TC volunteers
First up in today`s program, we meet polio patient Yang Xiaodong(楊曉東) from Xiamen(廈門), China, whose condition has worsened over the years. The vice-chairman of Xiamen Political Consultative Conference, Pan Shijian(潘世建), sought help from Tzu Chi and thanks to volunteers` love and care, Xiaodong(曉東) has shown great improvement. A visit to Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan was also arranged where he could receive further treatment.
2.楊曉東來台 A life changing journey
Continuing on our last report, after arriving in Taipei, Taiwan, under the guidance of Xiamen(廈門) and Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteers, Yang Xiaodong(楊曉東) arrived at Taipei Railway Station ready to travel to Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital where he will receive further treatment.
3.英浴佛演繹 United Kingdom Collective prayer
Tzu Chi volunteers in London, England, recently held a Buddha Day ceremony, where members of the public were invited to attend. Besides the Buddhist rituals, volunteers also led the participants in walking meditation and put on a sign language musical as well.
4.馬惟孝方玉萍 A general affairs job
In Malaysia, Fang Yuping(方玉萍) works in the general affairs department at the Tzu Chi Nibong Tebal Kindergarten. When Fang was four, her father passed away from cancer, and her mother had since been shouldering the responsibility of raising the family of nine. In 2006, Fang and her mother were introduced to Tzu Chi by her sister, and today, the trio are certified Tzu Chi commissioners, and are walking the bodhisattva path together.
《 靜思語 》
To benefit humankind is to enrich oneself
5.法入凱旋門(8)環保在法國 Residential garbage collection
Waste management is an issue that troubles many countries worldwide. Be it residential or public sector, governments have tried implementing various ways to collect and sort garbage. Though France is a first world country, residents are still not fully conscious of the need to recycle and cherish their resources. Let`s take a look.
6.分局做環保 Cleaning agent made from fruit peels
Moving to Taiwan, police officers from the Gangshan (岡山) Precinct of Kaohsiung City Police Department, visited the Tzu Chi Gangshan(岡山) Grounds, where they learned how to make an organic cleaning agent and enzyme solution with fruit peels, as well as the benefits of vegetarianism.
《 衲履足跡 》談資源回收 On Recycling Resources
DA.AI Technology has recently set up a factory in China, not with the goal of making money, but in the hopes of spreading recycling concepts.
The goal is to help China, with its massive population, reduce its waste, its use of non-renewable resources, and problems with overdevelopment.
7.CO2只升不降 Colorless & odorless but everywhere
A series of bizarre weather phenomena such as the recent catastrophic tornadoes that ripped through the US state of Oklahoma can trace their roots back to global warming. The current CO2 level has exceeded 400 ppm, which is believed to be the highest in 3.5 million years. If the level exceeds 450 ppm, the planet`s average temperature is predicted to increase by two degrees Celsius, paving the way for more violent and deadly weather patterns. Here`s more.
8.體檢環基法十年海岸篇(3)東海岸 Pristine no more
Over the past few days, we looked into how Taiwan`s west coast faces the constant threat of environmental degradation, due to industrial development and the growing population. Today, however, we shift our focus to Taiwan`s relatively untouched east coast, where a new threat is emerging in the shape of the tourism industry. With over 20 major resorts and BOT projects, in the pipeline, for the fragile and pristine coastline of Taitung(台東), activists and environmentalist worry that such projects will not only destroy the beauty of Taiwan`s east coast, but also threaten the lifestyle of the indigenous tribes that currently call the area their home.
We end today`s program in Indonesia; besides providing scholarship support to underprivileged students, Tzu Chi volunteers also held an event at the Tzu Chi Indonesia Chapter in Jakarta, to promote filial piety. The children showed their love and gratitude to their parents by serving tea and giving them a foot bath. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年5月25日 星期六
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130524
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s top stories, in the United States, Tzu Chi’s mobile clinic arrives in Milpitas, California, to provide dental treatments to local residents. In France, we meet a volunteer couple Zheng Long(鄭龍) and Lv Yue(呂月), to see how they promote Tzu Chi’s work in the European country. And, we see how environmental protection is overlooked when it comes to industrial development on the west coast of Taiwan.
1. 美大愛牙醫定點
2. 蘆山不倒(3)
3. 大陸推素義賣
4. 法入凱旋門(4)巴黎種子
5. 法入凱旋門(5)不一樣的力量
6. 體檢環基法十年海岸篇(2)西海岸
7. 馬惟孝楊麗銀
End: 東京浴佛發放
1. 美大愛牙醫定點
In California, the United States, Tzu Chi’s mobile clinic arrived in Milpitas to perform free dental services. This time, the mobile clinic will stay in the city, in order to provide local residents ample health care opportunities and to recruit more volunteers who recognize Tzu Chi’s ideals.
2. 蘆山不倒(3)
Moving to China, in Lushan(盧山) County, Sichuan(四川) Province, Wan Chenghai(萬成海), who is in the architecture industry, built a dream home for his family some 8 years ago. However, his house was severely damaged by the recent Yaan(雅安) Earthquake. Though devastated, the man is grateful that his family is safe and slowly recovering from the tremor.
3. 大陸推素義賣
Also in China; Tzu Chi volunteers are promoting vegetarianism in their local communities. At the vegetarian cooking class in Kunshan(昆山), Jiangsu(江蘇) Province, students learned how to cook a delicious meatless meal, and hoped to invite their family members to join them. Meanwhile in Zhangzhou(漳州), Fujian(福建) Province, a vegetarian restaurant owner who is also a volunteer, provides free lunch every 1st and 15th day of the lunar calendar, to enable her community to enjoy the healthy and environmental benefits that vegetarianism has to offer.
《 靜思語 》
Walk on the right path, open the right door, express the right thoughts through action.
4. 法入凱旋門(4)巴黎種子
Continuing on Tzu Chi’s work in Europe; in France, we meet a volunteer couple, Zheng Long(鄭龍) and Lv Yue(呂月), who prior to the new Tzu Chi office in Paris, turned their home to a gathering ground for the like-minded, and devoted themselves to promoting the Buddhist NGO to anyone they came across. The pair also stayed in touch with Master Cheng Yen’s teachings through watching Da Ai TV. Thanks to the couple’s hard work, now there is a new Tzu Chi office in Europe.
5. 法入凱旋門(5)不一樣的力量
Tzu Chi could not have opened its first office in Paris, without the help of many people. For example, two Chinese nationals from Cambodia who have lived in France for 30 years, volunteered to take on the maintenance and repair work at the office and do an amazing job without spending a dime. And let’s not forget Taiwan’s ambassador to France, Lu Ching-Long(呂慶龍), who seizes every opportunity to promote Tzu Chi’s work during his speeches.
《 衲履足跡 》
On Education
In this day and age, with values so skewed, we need to be extra diligent. Master Cheng Yen hopes that everyone will work from the same aspiration to create a solid foundation of moral education. By nurturing future talents and establishing educational models, we can bring about a revolution in our educational practices.
開示:在價值觀偏差的時代,更要提高警覺,希望大家有志一同,穩固生活教育、品德教育的基礎,盡心力為天下育英才,也樹立教育典範,帶動整體教育風氣 。
6. 體檢環基法十年海岸篇(2)西海岸
In the recent years, industrial developments have led to increasing pollutions on our coastlines, particularly on the west. Lawyers specializing in environmental law believe that the problems have arisen, because Taiwan has no laws governing the use and protection of its seacoasts. Although the Basic Environmental Act has been in effect for ten years, Taiwan has yet to extend environmental protection to the oceans that surround the island. Here’s more.
7. 馬惟孝楊麗銀
In Malaysia, we meet a staff from the Tzu Chi Malaysia Chapter, Yang Liyin(楊麗銀), who was a rebellious child when she was young. Thankfully, after joining Tzu Chi and seeing those who are less fortunate, Yang realized how blessed she was and decided to quit her bad habits and also became a filial child.
End: 東京浴佛發放
We end today’s program in Japan; Tzu Chi volunteers in Tokyo seized the opportunity at their monthly distribution, and held a mobile Buddha Day ceremony for the homeless. Though it rained on the day, participants put on rain coats and umbrellas, to pay respect to the Enlightened One. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年5月24日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130523
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteers and TIMA doctors, hold a free clinic in Haiti, to help a total of 750 people. In France, we go to Tzu Chi’s first office in Europe, and take a look at how it strives, to inspire more people to walk the Tzu Chi path.And, we investigate Taiwan’s Basic Environment Act, and see if it really works to protect our environment.
歡迎收看大愛英語新聞,我是廖珮如,感恩您的加入。今天的提要:慈濟志工和人醫會醫生在海地舉辦義診,幫助750位患者。我們來到法國來看 歐洲第一個慈濟會所,看看志工如何努力鼓勵更多人行走菩薩道。接著,我們帶大家看看台灣環基法,以及是否真的保護到台灣的國土。
1. 海地義診
2. 昆士蘭發放
3. 蘆山不倒(2)
4. 法入凱旋門(2)第一站巴黎
5. 法入凱旋門(3)美麗與哀愁
6. 體檢環基法十年海岸篇(1)事件簿
7. 時光機--地震防災
END: 加社區浴佛
1. 海地義診
We kick off the show in Haiti, at one of the schools Tzu Chi helped rebuild, Haiti TIMA members held their second free clinic on May 18th, local time, to serve a total of 750 patients. In addition to the 22 local doctors, members of the US TIMA also arrived to take part.
2. 昆士蘭發放
In Australia, a tropical cyclone hit the state of Queensland in late January, causing massive floods in the city of Bundaberg. Knowing that many flood victims, still faced difficulties in rebuilding their homes, Brisbane Tzu Chi volunteers returned to the disaster site, to provide assistance and propose a relief work program.
3. 蘆山不倒(2)
In China, it has been a month, since the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake devastated Sichuan Province, and the Chinese government has established plans, to help quake survivors move out of tents, and start a new page of their lives. In our next report, let’s take a look, at the current living conditions of quake survivors, still living in the designated tent areas.
大陸四川 雅安地震一個月過去了,中國政府也推出計劃幫助受災鄉親,搬出帳棚重新生活,下一則新聞,我們來看看目前帳棚區受災鄉親的生活狀況。
《 靜思語 》
A sincere smile and a blessing are the greatest forces in soothing the human mind.
4. 法入凱旋門(2)第一站巴黎
With the establishment of Tzu Chi’s first office in Europe, the office will not only be a sanctuary for Tzu Chi volunteers, but also a cultivation ground to gather more like minded individuals. This grand opening, marks a new beginning, for other European Tzu Chi volunteers.
5. 法入凱旋門(3)美麗與哀愁
France is the fifth largest economy in the world, and its capital, Paris, is the world’s center of fine arts, fashion, and culture. Because of the European debt crisis, the country is battling the highest unemployment in 13 years. Therefore, it makes us wonder, whether living in Paris, is no longer peaches and cream?
《 衲履足跡 》
On the Buddha
The Buddha is not a god to whom we pray, but a teacher to whom we show respect for showing us the right path to walk.
So every year on Buddha Day, Buddhists have a responsibility to tell everyone of this saint that once walked the earth. His solomn image, therefore, is just a tool to bring people closer to his message.
6. 體檢環基法十年海岸篇(1)事件簿
Taiwan passed the Basic Environment Act, 10 years ago, to help protect the country’s beautiful natural resources, from abuse by humans. Article 28, which states that the government, will seek monetary compensation from those, who cause pollution, to help restore the environment, helped the country cope with a series of oil spills that happened later. But many say that Article 3, which gives environmental protection priority over development, and Article 17, intended to preserve indigenous culture and peoples, were overlooked, when Taitung(台東)’s Mi-ra-mar Resort build-operate-transfer project was commissioned. Where does the country really stand on environmental protection 10 years later? Here’s more.
7. 時光機--地震防災
Monday, May 20th, marked the first anniversary of the Yaan(雅安 )earthquake in China, and 14 years ago, Taiwan was devastated by the 9/21 tremor. The earthquake also made many areas prone to landslides, and sparked concerns, in the architectural design, scientific and disaster prevention sectors, urging engineers and scientists, to re-evaluate their regulations and activities. In our next report, we find out what Taiwan has learned, from the painful experience of the 1999 disaster.
END: 加社區浴佛
We go to Canada at the end of the show, Mississauga Tzu Chi volunteers held a Buddha Day ceremony at a nursing home, to give senior residents a chance, to pay respect to the Buddha. On the other hand, their counterpart in Ottawa, also held a similar event at their local Tzu Chi academy. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
節目最後,在加拿大的渥太華,慈濟志工在安養中心辦浴佛典禮,讓行動不便的長者也能浴佛。另外在渥太華,也在人文學校 舉辦類似的活動,一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2013.05.23)
2013年5月22日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130522
Promoting Tzu Chi in Europe
Taiwan`s rescue volunteers
Learning TC`s humanitarianism
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s top stories, we learn how Tzu Chi volunteers in Europe promote the Buddhist NGO`s work through various channels.
In Taiwan, a group of volunteer rescue workers attend regular trainings to prepare themselves in times of disasters.
And, the education team of the US Tzu Chi Headquarters organize a special class for students of the newly opened schools built by Tzu Chi in Haiti.
1.法入凱旋門(1)慈濟歐盟足跡Tzu Chi in Europe
2.蘆山不倒A month aftaer 420 Yaan quake
3.川愛伴重生(7)愛心接力Love`s influence in Sichuan
4.0518民間自發力Rescue teams of different NGOs
5.斯國食物發放Food distribution for care recipients
6.海地茶花道課A class of art
1.法入凱旋門(1)慈濟歐盟足跡Tzu Chi in Europe
For the past decade, Tzu Chi volunteers have promoted the Buddhist NGO`s work in the Netherlands, Germany, England, France and other European nations. But each of the countries has different laws and customs. Tzu Chi`s challenge is how to best spread its ideals and recruit new volunteers in these culturally different environments.
2.蘆山不倒A month aftaer 420 Yaan quake
This Monday, May 20th, marked the first month anniversary of the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake in China`s Sichuan(四川) Province. In the immediate aftermath, the Chinese government launched a ”Temporary Settlement Plan” to place quake survivors in designated tent areas. And today, a ”Transitional Resettlement Plan” is also drawn up, to encourage these residents to rent houses or move in with relatives or friends, with the subsidies provided by the government.
3.川愛伴重生(7)愛心接力Love`s influence in Sichuan
Staying in China; the 2008 Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake changed the lives of many local residents, and today, many survivors have finally moved on and are finding a re-newed sese of life. Such changes can be seen in Chen Qiufan(陳秋帆), who was only 17 the year the tremor rattled her hometown, and escaped death as she was late for class. Inspired by the tragic event, Chen now studies nursing and is also promoting recycling at school. But first, we meet a group of senior recycling volunteers in Hanwang(漢旺), who despite their own hardship, collect recyclables three days a week in their community, in hopes of paying the love forward.
4.0518民間自發力Rescue teams of different NGOs
In times of any disaster, be it natural or accidental, besides police officers, the military or firefighters, there is another important group of men who play a vital role in rescue efforts, and they are the volunteer rescue workers from many different charity organizations in our society, including the Red Cross, Taiwan`s Search and Rescue Association and Tzu Chi Foundation. These rescue workers are required to attend regular trainings, and in the event of an emergency, they will show up wherever and whenever needed.
每當災難發生的時候,不論是天災還是意外,除了仰賴軍警消之外,還有一批重要的救援人力,正是來自民間的救難人員,這些民間團體包含紅十字會、中華搜救總會,以及慈濟基金會等,他們平時參與各種專業訓練、搜救課程,一旦有災難發生,救難志工就得立即出動,朝著民眾最需要幫助的地方前進 。
5.斯國食物發放Food distribution for care recipients
Moving to Sri Lanka; in Colombo, local volunteers carried out a food distribution for care recipients. As they delivered aid supplies to the doorsteps of these residents, many donated their bamboo coin banks to reciprocate Tzu Chi`s love.
6.海地茶花道課A class of art
In Haiti, as the three schools built by Tzu Chi for the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne officially opened, Tzu Chi US Headquarters organized a special class on tea ceremony and flower arrangement, hoping to share the organization`s humanitarian spirit with these students.
We end today`s program in Indonesia, and join Tzu Chi volunteers who regularly visit senior residents at local nursing homes in West Java each month. At every visit, volunteers not only help residents trim their nails and give them haircuts, but also deliver family-like love and care. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年5月21日 星期二
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130521
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi and the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne, hold an opening ceremony for the schools, that the Buddhist NGO has rebuilt in Haiti. In China, we take a look at the changes of the government’s response, from the 2008 Wenchu(汶川) Earthquake, to the recent Yaan(雅安) Earthquake. And, we visit the newly established Jing Si Bookstore in Hangzhou(杭州),China, to see how it works, to encourage more people to walk the Tzu Chi path.
1. 海地啟用典禮
2. 海地訪幼兒園
3. 海地三人物
4. 海地浴佛
5. 從汶川到雅安
6. 川愛伴重生(6)以愛相伴
7. 杭州書軒啟業
END: 環保福田聯誼
1. 海地啟用典禮
We kick off the show in Haiti; on May 17th Haitian time, Tzu Chi and the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Anne, held an opening ceremony for the three schools, that the Buddhist NGO has rebuilt. The event was attended by approximately 500 people. Sister Rita from the congregation’s headquarters in Canada said, that Tzu Chi not only rebuilt schools, but also brought hope to Haiti.
2. 海地訪幼兒園
Prior to the opening ceremony for the three schools that Tzu Chi has rebuilt, 33 Tzu Chi volunteers from the United States, Canada and Taiwan arrived at the Milier Kindergarten in Port-au-Prince, to hand out pencil boxes to students. The visit was also attended by Joseph Champagne, the mayor of South Toms River, New Jersey, who originally comes from Haiti.
3. 海地三人物
Problems of infrastructure and governmental administration, can be daunting in Haiti, but Tzu Chi and Overseas Engineering and Construction Company, worked together to overcome difficulties, in the building of the three schools. In our next report, let’s meet the three people that made everything possible.
《 靜思語 》
With the righteous thoughts, we will have everlasting perseverance.
4. 海地浴佛
Having helped rebuild three schools in Haiti, Tzu Chi volunteers also took the opportunity, to hold a Buddha Day ceremony, inside the Catholic Saint Alexandre Church. This was the fourth consecutive celebration, held at the church, after the Buddhist NGO first set foot in the country, in response to the 2010 Haiti earthquake.
5. 從汶川到雅安
In China, following the Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake in 2008, which led to major injuries and daths, both relief work and aid supplies were heavily delayed. Learning from this painful experience, the Chinese government’s response and relief work, after the recent Yaan(雅安) earthquake saw great progress.
6. 川愛伴重生(6)以愛相伴
In the aftermath of the Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake, many non-governmental organizations poured into Sichuan(四川), China, to help in Mingshan(名山) District, Yaan(雅安) City. Taiwan’s Red Cross relief efforts, eventually led the local social workers to care for their own.
7. 杭州書軒啟業
Tzu Chi’s Jing Si Bookstore now has a new location in China. It is situated in the bustling downtown area of Hangzhou(杭州). Attracting passersby with the aroma of coffee and an array of educational publications, the shop will introduce Tzu Chi’s humansitic spirit to more people and help them cultivate spiritually.
END: 環保福田聯誼
We go to Taiwan at the end of the show, where in Tainan(台南)’s east district Tzu Chi volunteers, held a gratitude event to express their thanks to all the recycling volunteers for their selfless dedication. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130520
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s top stories, we join Vietnam Tzu Chi volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City, as they carry out their regular home visitation. In China, we meet a survivor of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, Wei Yunlu(魏云露), to see how she is doing today with her newly fitted prosthesis leg. And, we meet a cancer patient caseworker at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Lin Yinghui(林英惠) who makes sure her patients are following up on their treatment.
1. 越照顧戶發放
2. 中風嬤居家清掃
3. 川愛伴重生(5)大步邁進
4. 菲律賓浴佛
5. 泰國浴佛
6. 護理護你(5)林英惠
7. 幫母做回收
8. 居家義診慈母
End: 美小學環保營
1. 越照顧戶發放
We kick off today’s program in Vietnam, each month Tzu Chi volunteers will travel to the 8th and 9th boroughs in Ho Chi Minh City, to carry out home visitations. In addition to learning about the lives of care recipients there, volunteers also hand out subsidies to help cover their daily living expenses. By witnessing poverty first-hand, volunteers gain an even deeper understanding of the importance of Tzu Chi’s timely charitable work, and are also inspired to cherish their own blessings.
2. 中風嬤居家清掃
Moving to Taiwan, a senior resident in Yuanlin(員林) Town of Changhua(彰化) County, is paralyzed from the waist down after suffering a stroke, yet, she still shoulders the responsibility of caring for her two grandsons. With limited mobility, garbage slowly piled up and the living environment became unhygienic. Upon seeing this family’s plight, Tzu Chi volunteers soon arrived with their cleaning tools, and helped restore the house to its original cleanliness.
《 靜思語 》
One who acts with integrity and a sincere heart will win the trust of others.
3. 川愛伴重生(5)大步邁進
In the past few days, we have brought you stories on all the rebuilding efforts and work in China, following the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake. Today, we continue the topic, by bringing you the story of Wei Yunlu(魏云露), who was a month away from graduating from elementary school when the earthquake struck. The tremor took away the lives of 16 of her classmates as well as her left leg. Nonetheless, the love that poured into Sichuan afterwards, gave her a pros-the-sis leg to stand on and a new mission in life. She is now a junior in high school and lives her life to the fullest in loving memory of her 16 classmates.
過去幾天帶大家看了中國 2008四川地震後愛伴重生的報導,帶各位認識魏云露的故事。2008四川地震時,只剩不到一個月就要小學畢業了,地震卻奪走班上16人的性命,還有她的左小腿,在各界讓愛援助四川的支援下,她裝上義肢,也給予她新的志向,現在這個高二的小女生,用功念書,要想把16人份的生命活下來。
4. 菲律賓浴佛
Continuing on with our Buddha Day reports from around the globe; the Buddha Day ceremony organized by the Tzu Chi Philippines Chapter, took place at the Marikina Sports Park on May 12th. Joining the event were the mayor of Marikina City, Dharma Master Dao Yuan(道元) and other monks, as well as Catholic nuns. And with gratitude, respect and love, 10,500 participants came together to pray for peace and harmony for our the world.
5. 泰國浴佛
Also holding a Buddha Day ceremony are Tzu Chi volunteers in Thailand; who organized this year’s event at the Taiwanese center in Samut Prakan Province. Besides the Buddhist ritual, Tzu Chi volunteers also set aside an area for an exhibition, to promote vegetarianism and recycling concepts. The event was attended by 378 Tzu Chi volunteers, foundation staff and members of the public, all of whom came together to honor the Buddha, parents and all living beings.
On Spreading the Dharma
Understanding the Dharma and being aware of cause and effect means that complex situations become quite simple. Bring the dharma into peoples’ hearts and they find peace. A Buddhist is not someone who asks for protection or blessings on their behalf, but a person who strives to introduce right beliefs, right knowledge and right views to all beings.
6. 護理護你(5)林英惠
A cancer patient caseworker is someone who makes sure cancer patients are following their treatment program. We now introduce you to Lin Yinghui(林英惠), who holds such a title at the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. At first a nurse, Yinghui(英惠) was inspired by her father who developed cancer, to take on the new position. Here is her story.
7. 幫母做回收
In Taiwan, after her father passed away, Tainan(台南) Tzu Chi volunteer Song Yilan(宋依蘭) couldn’t bear to see her mother grieving alone at home all day, so she invited her to volunteer at the local Tzu Chi recycling station. Song’s mother enjoyed collecting and recycling plastic bags, until health problems forced her to cut back on volunteer work. To put her mother’s mind at ease, Song Yilan(宋依蘭) has taken over her mother’s recycling work.
8. 居家義診慈母
Staying in Taiwan, but moving to Kaohsiung(高雄) City for our final report of the day, to meet Ms. Zhang(張), whose daughter was left paralyzed from the neck down after an accident 19 years ago. To ease her burden, a TIMA doctor and Tzu Chi volunteers arrived at her house, to check up on her daughter’s health condition and let this brave mother know, that Tzu Chi will always be there by her side.
End: 美小學環保營
We go to the United States at the end of today’s program; over 60 second graders from Ekstrand Elementary School in San Dimas, California, visited the Tzu Chi US Headquarters to learn about recycling concepts as well as ways to cherish all resources. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年5月17日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130517
Tzu Chi recognized in the US
Tzu Chi homes change lives
Finding satisfaction in giving
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
歡迎收看大愛英語新聞 ,我是陳美瑾,感恩您的收看。
Coming up in today`s show, US Tzu Chi Headquarters receives Member of the Year Award from the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.
In China, we visit the Guangming(光明) villagers in Sichuan, to see how their lives are changing for the better after Tzu Chi`s rebuilding work.
And, we meet a group of nurses from Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital`s pediatrics ward, to see how they find satisfaction in their ever more challenging job.
1.美志工獎Tzu Chi recognized by NVOAD
2.廣東孝親祈福Blessing ceremonies in Guangdong
3.福鼎孝親感恩Promoting filial piety
4.環保站報親恩A month for mothers
5.川愛伴重生(3)光明新貌Rebuilding houses, rebuilding lives
6.護理護你(4)A sense jubilation & accomplishment
7.馬阿嬤搬家Helping a senior move
8.馬雪隆浴佛回饋A token of appreciation
9.獎學金幫家計Filial child & bright student
1.美志工獎Tzu Chi recognized by NVOAD
First up in today`s program, Tzu Chi US Headquarters has received Member of the Year Award from the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, which is an award given to the year`s best volunteer organization in the nation. The award marked yet another important milestone in the history of Tzu Chi in the United States.
2.廣東孝親祈福Blessing ceremonies in Guangdong
In China`s Guangdong(廣東) Province, Tzu Chi volunteers in both Guangzhou(廣州) and Shantou(汕頭) held blessing ceremonies where members of the public were invited to attend. Apart from introducing Tzu Chi to their audience, volunteers also encouraged children to express their love to their parents.
3.福鼎孝親感恩Promoting filial piety
Moving to Fujian(福建) Province; as May is also known as the Month of Gratitude, Tzu Chi volunteers in Fuding(福鼎), recently held an event at the Tzu Chi retreat to promote filial piety. On the day, some volunteers also shared their secret to maintaining a harmonious relationship at home.
轉到福建,每年的五月分,也是慈濟的感恩月,福鼎慈濟志工,在共修處舉辦孝親感恩活動,孩子們為母親奉茶表達感恩,同時也有慈濟志工,分享維持家庭和諧的秘密 。
4.環保站報親恩A month for mothers
Also holding events to promote filial piety, are Tzu Chi volunteers in northern Taiwan, who organized activities for community residents at the Zhonghe(中和) and Wugu(五股) Tzu Chi Recycling Stations. Let`s take a look.
有是一則孝親的報導,台灣中和 五股環保站慈濟志工,為婆婆媽媽舉辦孝親奉茶活動,一起來看看。
5.川愛伴重生(3)光明新貌Rebuilding houses, rebuilding lives
In many areas of China, there are still houses made out of clay bricks, as local residents are unable to afford proper construction materials. One such place is Guangming(光明) Village in Sichuan`s(四川) Zhongjiang(中江) County. During the 2008 Sichuan(四川) Earthquake, 91 houses in the village fell apart, and as part of Tzu Chi`s rebuilding efforts, those houses were reconstructed properly. Here`s more.
6.護理護你(4)A sense jubilation & accomplishment
For the past couple of days, we have been bringing you stories of the nurses working in the pediatrics ward of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. Today, we have more on these nurses` commitment to serve and give selflessly. The nurses say they know every job has its own challenges, but their job brings them ju-bi-la-tion, as well as a sense of accomplishment.
7.馬阿嬤搬家Helping a senior move
In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , Tzu Chi care recipient Wu Lianying (吳蓮英), has been living in the cemetery grounds since her husband`s passing. But, as the cemetery premises have been damaged, the senior had no choice but to relocate elsewhere. With the help of Tzu Chi volunteers, the elderly woman was moved to a nearby nursing home.
8.馬雪隆浴佛回饋A token of appreciation
Staying in Malaysia, as the Buddha Day ceremony in Selangor, drew to a successful conclusion, many moving stories were unveiled of how care recipients and members of the public were inspired to pay the love forward. Let`s take a look.
9.獎學金幫家計Filial child & bright student
In our final report of the day, we meet a third grader at Taichung`s Qinghai(清海) Junior High School, Chen Ruigang(陳睿崗), who is a filial child at home, a bright student at school, as well as a volunteer at the local recycling station. What`s worth mentioning is that Chen is also an awardee of this year`s President Educational Award.
We stay in Taiwan at the end of today`s program, Tzu Chi volunteers in Taipei`s Zhongshan(中山) District, regularly visit a local nursing home each month to care for the senior residents there. At the most recent visit, volunteers organized a Buddha Day ceremony for residents. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130516
Premature Xie Chunan turns 7
Preserve new school facilities
Elderly pursue happiness
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s top stories, a premature infant born in Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital turns 7 thanks to the love and care of medical staff there.
In China, students of the newly rebuilt Qianjin(前進) Elementary School, go above and beyond to preserve their school premises.
And, in Taiwan, many elderly residents no longer sit around at home, but are out there pursuing their own happiness.
1.德本浴佛Buddha Day ceremony in Durban
We kick off today`s program in Durban, South Africa, Tzu Chi volunteers organized two Buddha Day ceremonies - one for members of the Chinese community and the other for local volunteers and South Africans. While most of the Zulu volunteers are Catholic, they nonetheless paid homage to the Buddha with sincerity and respect.
2.護理慈母心Expressing her gratitude
When Xie Chunan(謝淳安) came into the world at Taipei Tzu Chi Hospital in Taiwan, she weighed only 720 grams, slightly heavier than a small bottle of mineral water. But the hospital`s medical team brought her safely through the critical period and she has now grown to be a happy, healthy 7-year-old girl. Accompanied by her family, Chunan(淳安) has returned to the neo-na-tal intensive-care unit, to express her thanks to the nursing staff for taking such good care of her.
3.護理護你(3) 友善環境零離職Keep nurses committed to their post
Yesterday, we introduced you to Zheng Yajun(鄭雅君), who is the head nurse of the pediatrics ward at Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. Under her leadership, the ward has not lost a nurse and has been fully staffed since 2010. Here`s Yajun`s secret.
4.川 愛伴重生(2)前進人文Project of Hope, 3 years later
After the 921 earthquake in Taiwan, Tzu Chi started rebuilding schools in hard hit areas with its Project Hope campaign, in hopes of giving students a safe and comfortable environment, in which to continue their education. After the 512 Sichuan Earthquake, Tzu Chi Foundation simi-lar-ly started rebuilding efforts in China. When the massive 420 earthquake struck in April, one of the rebuilt schools, Qianjin(前進) Elementary School, became a temporary shelter for local residents, as the building was constructed to withstand an 8.0 magnitude tremor. The school`s education is also infused with Tzu Chi`s philosophy, and each student does their best to help preserve the school.
5.印法師參訪A visit to Da Ai TV
Back to Taiwan, on May 14th, Dharma Master Brahm from Indonesia visited the Tzu Chi Humanitarian Center in Taipei. In fact, Dharma Master Brahm is originally from England and decided to become a monk soon after he graduated from university. Through the visit, he was inspired by Tzu Chi`s humanitarian spirit and was also moved by Da Ai TV`s determination to spread the truth, goodness and beauty through the media channel.
6.0512樂齡老人Spicing up life in retirement
According to government figures, Taiwan`s elderly population now nears 2.5 million people. In less than five years, the figure could soar above three million. As the country develops into an aging society, young people need to re-evaluate their filial piety practices. But the elderly are no longer just waiting for the young to tend to their needs. Many are learning to pursue their own happiness. Here`s more.
7.慈母慈濟情3A hard working mother
In our next report, we go to Fengyuan(豐原) District of Taichung(台中) City, to meet Tzu Chi care recipient Mrs. Xie(謝). 18 years ago, Mrs. Xie(謝)`s husband passed away from ce-re-bellar atrophy and soon she realized that two of her sons also suffered from the same illness. To make ends meet, Mrs. Xie(謝) began working as a cleaner at the Feng Yuan(豐原) Hospital. In spite of the long working hours, she insists on visiting her two sick children at a local nursing home every day.
Staying in Taiwan at the end of today`s program, Master Demin(德旻) and Master Deshou(德守) from Hualien`s Jing Si Abode, arrived at the Tainan Tzu Chi Senior High School, to lead the elementary students there in the Buddha Day ceremony, and also experience the grace of the Buddha and their parents. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年5月15日 星期三
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130515
Buddha Day celebrations worldwide
TC`s endless love in Sichuan, China
More than just preparing a banquet
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers in Canada and the United States, are holding Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration of, Buddha day, Mother`s Day and Global Tzu Chi Day, to honor the Buddha.
In China, we take a look at how Tzu Chi volunteers` love and care, have helped Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake survivors, through the past five years.
In Yunlin(雲林),Taiwan, we meet Ding Wenling(丁玟玲), who has become a banquet chef,as a way to fulfill her filial duty.
1. 美加浴佛Praise the Buddha
We kick off the show in Canada and the United States, where Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration of Mother`s Day, Buddha Day and Global Tzu Chi Day were held at various places. But first, let`s take a look at the ceremony, held at the US Tzu Chi Headquarters in California, where eight chefs from Panda Express, a fast food Chinese restaurant chain, were on scene, to cook delicious vegetarian meals, for members of the public, as a way to show their support for the Buddhist NGO.
一開始,帶大家到加拿大和美國,慈濟在不同的地點舉辦母親節、佛誕日和全球慈濟日,三節合一的慶典,不過首先,我們先來看看慈濟美國總會所舉辦的浴佛節,典禮上 八位來自熊貓集團的廚師也來到現場,為大家煮美味的素食,來表示對慈濟的支持,讓我們來看看。
2.護理護你(二)志為護理鄭雅君Committed to nursing
Experts believe that the shortage of nurses in Taiwan, is due to a lack of passion in the profession. And many nursing students upon graduation, have second thoughts, about entering the field, when faced with the reality of the hard work, a career in nursing entails. Zheng Yajun (鄭雅君), head nurse of the pe-di-a-trics ward, at the Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi Hospital, once felt that way, but now nursing has become a part of her life.
3.川 愛伴重生(1)五年Love`s influence in disaster times
On May 12th, 2008, China`s Sichuan(四川) Province, experienced a 8.0 magnitude earthquake; it not only shook local residents, but also the world. Everyone jumped to assist with rebuilding efforts, and in less than four years, rebuilding was completed. During this time, Tzu Chi and other NGOs arrived in China, inspiring local charity organizations to flourish as well. In our new reports, we take a look at how love has influenced Sichuan(四川), in the past five years.
2008年5月12號,四川發生芮氏規模8.0強震,不僅居民驚嚇,也震驚世界,全世界的愛心湧入,協助四川重建,四川在不到四年的時間重建完成,期間,慈濟以及其他NGO團體 都進駐中國,因此也讓中國NGO團體也蓬勃成長,今天的專題愛伴重生,看看五年來,愛的力量所產生的影響。
4.0511傳承報親恩Staying connected thru cooking
Often times when children want to be filial to their parents, the parents might no longer be around. It is therefore important to seize the moment to honor our parents. Today, we introduce you to the story of Ding Wenling(丁玟玲). She hated manual labor and working in a hot and oily environment, but is now an successful banquet chef in Taiwan`s Yunlin(雲林) County, because of her love for her father.
5.慈母慈濟情(1)林郭阿菊A mother`s love
Next, we meet 70-year-old Mrs. Lin(林) in Taichung(台中)`s Fengyuan(豐原) District. In spite of having sustained arm and shoulder injuries in accidents and wearing a knee pros-thesis, she still insists on caring for her son, who has been semi-paralyzed by a stroke. To pay for medical bills, Mrs. Lin(林) works part-time as a dishwasher in a local restaurant. She and her son have been listed as Tzu Chi care recipients, but recently Mrs. Lin(林) has requested that the money Tzu Chi gives her, be used to help others in greater need.
6.雙和孝親Promoting filial piety
Prior to Mother`s Day, Zhonghe(中和) and Yonghe(永和) Tzu Chi volunteers in New Taipei City, both organized events to promote filial piety. Through puppet shows, interactive activities and serving tea to parents, children all realized their parents` hardship, in raising a family, and vowed to do whatever they could, to ease their parents` burden.
We go back to China at the end of the show, where Tzu Chi Suzhou(蘇州) Grounds, held a blessing ceremony and charity fair, to raise funds and pray for those, who suffered from the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130514
Celebrating Buddha Day in Taipei
Tri-celebration in the Philippines
Joy & bliss of an extended family
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Helen Liao. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s show, we go to Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan, where Tzu Chi volunteers hold a Buddha Day ceremony, with some 30,000 people take part.
In the Philippines, over 10,000 participants, arrive at the Marikina Sports Stadium, to join Tzu Chi`s Mother Day, Buddha Day, and Global Tzu Chi Day, tri-celebration.
And we meet Hsinchu(新竹) Cultural Affairs Bureau director, Cai Rongguang(蔡榮光) and see how his family of four generations, happily live together under the same roof.
1.台北浴佛大典30,000 prayed together at CKS Memorial
For Tzu Chi, Buddha Day is a day that holds much significance, as it represents reverence, gratitude and compassion. This day, also reminds us to be grateful for the grace of Buddha, our parents and all humanity. The two Buddha Day ceremonies, held at the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, on May 12th, saw some 30,000 people take part. Although there was a downpour of rain, half way through the event, the rain water was like dharma, which washed away ignorance and delusions, and restored purity and clarity, to the hearts of all.
2.法師+大使浴佛Participants from all walks of life
At this year`s Buddha Day ceremony held at Taipei`s Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, participants from all walks of life came together, to pray for peace and harmony. Among them were representatives from Switzerland, Paraguay, India and many other countries. Some were first-timers, but the experience was a moving one for all. As well, nearly 400 dharma masters from various organizations were also onsite - leading the participants through the first phase of the ceremony.
今年,於台北中正紀念堂舉辦的浴佛大典,參與的民眾有來自各行各業 ,大家一起虔誠祈禱社會祥和,當中有來自不同國家的代表,包括瑞士 巴拉圭、印度,還有許多個國家,有些人雖然是第一次參與,但這樣的經驗卻讓大家都很感動,另外還有將近四百位不同團體的法師 ,在現場帶領大眾展開莊嚴的法會。
3.人文媒體浴佛+藝人浴佛VIPs of CKS Memorial ceremony
The Buddha Day ceremony at Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, was also joined by Taiwanese celebrities such as Cai Yiling (蔡依林), Xu Ruoxuan (徐若瑄) and the casts of Da Ai Drama, all of whom had set aside their busy schedules, to attend the event. Many senior media executives were also present. Among them were Era Communications CEO Lian Taisheng (練台生), CtiTV CEO Ma Yongrui(馬詠睿) and PTS News manager He Guohua(何國華), who hoped to dedicate the merits of the occasion, to his recently deceased mother.
在中正紀念堂舉行的浴佛典禮中,也能看見許多歌手及表演工作者,像是蔡依林、徐若瑄,以及大愛劇場演員,全都在百忙中抽空參與盛會,今年也有許多資深媒體人,包含年代電視台董事長練台生,中天電視台董事長馬詠睿,也都共同來參加浴佛,而公視新聞部經理何國華也到場浴佛 ,希望將這樣的福報,回向給最近往生的母親。
4.菲夢鄉村浴佛Large scale Buddha Day ceremony
The Philippines Tzu Chi Chapter held their Buddha Day ceremony, at the Marikina Sports Stadium, where over 10,000 Tzu Chi volunteers, local volunteers and residents participated. Also attending were 300 residents of Dreamland Village, Cavite Province, whom Tzu Chi has aided for many years.
菲律賓慈濟分會,在馬利僅那市體育場 舉行萬人浴佛活動,當中有慈濟志工、當地志工還有居民參與,這次有三百多位夢鄉村居民前來參與,也是慈濟多年來提供協助的一個貧困村落。
5.北加州+黃金海岸+馬六甲浴佛Celebrating the Buddha Day
On May 12th, Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide, celebrated the NGO`s tri-celebration of Mother`s Day, Buddha Day and Global Tzu Chi Day. The two Buddha Day ceremonies, held at the Tzu Chi Malacca Chapter in Malaysia, were attended by approximately 7,700 people, while the ceremony held in Gold Coast, Australia was attended, not only by members of the Chinese community, but also those from different race or faith. But first, let`s take a look at the Buddha Day celebration, held at Tzu Chi`s Northern California Chapter, in the United States.
6.夢想無障礙(4)圓夢舞台Inspiring performances
In Taiwan, there`s a performing art troupe, made up entirely of disabled individuals. The performers challenge themselves to showcase their talents, despite their disabilities. Every year, they perform over 100 shows throughout the island, inspiring audience members with their positive energy. In today`s report, let`s meet one of the performers Liu Lihong(劉麗紅) and the director of the troupe.
7.0510孝的轉變4 generations under one roof
With industrialization and westernization, most of Taiwan`s families, have waived the traditional extended family, and opted for a nuclear family. Typically, large family get-togethers, only happen on special occasions, such as celebrating Chinese New Year. However, we now introduce you to the family of Hsinchu(新竹) Cultural Affairs Bureau director, Cai Rongguang (蔡榮光), where four generations live together under one roof.
We go to the United States at the end of the show, where Seattle Tzu Chings held an event to educate youngsters of the importance of filial piety. Meanwhile in New Zealand, Tzu Chings arrived at a local nursing home with performances, to celebrate Mother`s Day with the senior residents. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for watching Da Ai Headlines. Goodbye.
節目最後來到美國,西雅圖慈濟人帶著小朋友舉辦孝親活動,另外,在紐西蘭一群慈青,來到老人院 跟著長者們歡度母親節。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。(2013.05.14)
2013年5月13日 星期一
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130513
First ceremo
ny in Hualien
Australia joins celebration
Mother`s Day in Vietnam
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s top stories, Buddha Day celebrations are held worldwide, with Master Cheng Yen leading the first ceremony in Hualien`s Jing Si Hall.
Australia Tzu Chi volunteers join their counterpart around the globe, by holding a Buddha Day ceremony in Eastwood of Sydney.
And, as Mother`s Day falls on the same day as the Buddha Day, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam organize an event to spread the message of filial piety.
今天的提要,佛誕節慶祝活動,在證嚴上人 於花蓮靜思堂引領下,在全球同步舉辦
澳洲慈濟志工,在雪梨也舉辦佛誕節 ,加入浴佛典禮的行列
1.全球首場浴佛Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration
2.夏綠地浴佛Large scale ceremony in Taichung
3.高雄浴佛TIMA members join in celebration
4.澳洲分會浴佛Sydney Buddha Day ceremony
5.馬痲瘋院浴佛Visiting Sungai Buloh Leprosarium
6.中正浴佛人物Buddha Day ceremony in Taipei
7.浴佛黃秋蘭Filial daughter, Huang Qiulan
8.夢想無障礙(3)行夢Disabled group tour
9.越南母親節Celebrating Mother`s Day
1.全球首場浴佛Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration
On May 12th, Tzu Chi volunteers in 34 countries worldwide held Buddha Day ceremonies to mark the Buddha Day, Mother`s Day, and Tzu Chi Day. Yesterday at 7am local time in Taiwan, under the leadership of Master Cheng Yen and dharma masters from Jing Si Abode, the first Buddha Day ceremony commenced at the Hualien Jing Si Hall.
5月12號在全球,34個國家地區的慈濟志工,都舉辦浴佛典禮,一同慶祝佛誕節 、母親節與全球慈濟日,在證嚴上人與靜思精舍法師的帶領下,昨天台灣時間上午七點,花蓮靜思堂舉辦了全球首場浴佛典禮。
2.夏綠地浴佛Large scale ceremony in Taichung
Next, we join the largest Buddha Day ceremony in central Taiwan, which was held at the Charlotte(夏綠地) Square in Taichung, with nearly 8,000 residents participating. Let`s take a look.
3.高雄浴佛TIMA members join in celebration
At the Buddha Day ceremony held in Kaohsiung`s Jing Si Hall, TIMA members were also onsite, to provide free health check to participants. And as the day also marked the Nurse`s Day, medical staff all found it to be particularly meaningful, to celebrate the day by contributing to help those in need.
在高雄靜思堂浴佛典禮中,人醫會成員 特地來到這裡,為民眾進行醫療諮詢,因為5月12日也是護師節,為了這個特別的節日,許多白衣大士也歡喜來付出。
4.澳洲分會浴佛Sydney Buddha Day ceremony
Joining their counterparts in the tri-celebrations worldwide, were Tzu Chi volunteers in Sydney, Australia, who rented the field next to the Eastwood Station for the Buddha Day ceremony. Here`s more.
5.馬痲瘋院浴佛Visiting Sungai Buloh Leprosarium
To ensure everyone have the opportunity to take part in the Buddha Day ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia, have visited residents at the Sungai Buloh Lepro-sa-rium each year since 2010, to hold a mobile ritual there. This year, besides making paper flowers, some students also brought their handmade cards to wish the seniors a happy Parent`s Day.
6.中正浴佛人物Buddha Day ceremony in Taipei
Prior to the Buddha Day ceremony at the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Tzu Chi volunteers from various districts have been practicing hard for the upcoming celebration. We meet Xu Ruizhen(許瑞珍) and a Japanese volunteer, to see the efforts and dedication they put in, to make the day perfect.
7.浴佛黃秋蘭Filial daughter, Huang Qiulan
Staying in Taiwan; Tzu Chi volunteer Huang Qiulan(黃秋蘭) from Miaoli(苗栗), is a filial daughter, who despite being married for some 30 years now, still visits her mother weekly, to help out around the house. And Huang`s 85-year-old mother shows her support to her daughter by sorting recyclables every day, and also takes part in the Buddha Day ceremony each year.
8.夢想無障礙(3)行夢Disabled group tour
Finding a job is often a difficult task for the disabled, and some opt to start their own businesses. A sufferer of A-myo-trophic Lateral Sclerosis, Xu Zhangrong(許展容), overcame her physical condition and against all odds, managed to set up a tour group, to give the handicapped in Taiwan, an opportunity to explore the beautiful sceneries the island has to offer.
9.越南母親節Celebrating Mother`s Day
As Mother`s coincides with Buddha Day, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam organized a parent-child day on May 5th, at the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Binh Duong Province, where the youngsters all came to understand their parents` unconditional love.
We go back to Hualien at the end of today`s program, and join Tzu Chi volunteers at their second Buddha Day ceremony, where Jing Si Abode masters led students of Tzu Chi`s Education Mission and members of the public, in praying for a world free from disasters. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
ny in Hualien
Australia joins celebration
Mother`s Day in Vietnam
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
Coming up in today`s top stories, Buddha Day celebrations are held worldwide, with Master Cheng Yen leading the first ceremony in Hualien`s Jing Si Hall.
Australia Tzu Chi volunteers join their counterpart around the globe, by holding a Buddha Day ceremony in Eastwood of Sydney.
And, as Mother`s Day falls on the same day as the Buddha Day, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam organize an event to spread the message of filial piety.
今天的提要,佛誕節慶祝活動,在證嚴上人 於花蓮靜思堂引領下,在全球同步舉辦
澳洲慈濟志工,在雪梨也舉辦佛誕節 ,加入浴佛典禮的行列
1.全球首場浴佛Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration
2.夏綠地浴佛Large scale ceremony in Taichung
3.高雄浴佛TIMA members join in celebration
4.澳洲分會浴佛Sydney Buddha Day ceremony
5.馬痲瘋院浴佛Visiting Sungai Buloh Leprosarium
6.中正浴佛人物Buddha Day ceremony in Taipei
7.浴佛黃秋蘭Filial daughter, Huang Qiulan
8.夢想無障礙(3)行夢Disabled group tour
9.越南母親節Celebrating Mother`s Day
1.全球首場浴佛Tzu Chi`s tri-celebration
On May 12th, Tzu Chi volunteers in 34 countries worldwide held Buddha Day ceremonies to mark the Buddha Day, Mother`s Day, and Tzu Chi Day. Yesterday at 7am local time in Taiwan, under the leadership of Master Cheng Yen and dharma masters from Jing Si Abode, the first Buddha Day ceremony commenced at the Hualien Jing Si Hall.
5月12號在全球,34個國家地區的慈濟志工,都舉辦浴佛典禮,一同慶祝佛誕節 、母親節與全球慈濟日,在證嚴上人與靜思精舍法師的帶領下,昨天台灣時間上午七點,花蓮靜思堂舉辦了全球首場浴佛典禮。
2.夏綠地浴佛Large scale ceremony in Taichung
Next, we join the largest Buddha Day ceremony in central Taiwan, which was held at the Charlotte(夏綠地) Square in Taichung, with nearly 8,000 residents participating. Let`s take a look.
3.高雄浴佛TIMA members join in celebration
At the Buddha Day ceremony held in Kaohsiung`s Jing Si Hall, TIMA members were also onsite, to provide free health check to participants. And as the day also marked the Nurse`s Day, medical staff all found it to be particularly meaningful, to celebrate the day by contributing to help those in need.
在高雄靜思堂浴佛典禮中,人醫會成員 特地來到這裡,為民眾進行醫療諮詢,因為5月12日也是護師節,為了這個特別的節日,許多白衣大士也歡喜來付出。
4.澳洲分會浴佛Sydney Buddha Day ceremony
Joining their counterparts in the tri-celebrations worldwide, were Tzu Chi volunteers in Sydney, Australia, who rented the field next to the Eastwood Station for the Buddha Day ceremony. Here`s more.
5.馬痲瘋院浴佛Visiting Sungai Buloh Leprosarium
To ensure everyone have the opportunity to take part in the Buddha Day ceremony, Tzu Chi volunteers in Malaysia, have visited residents at the Sungai Buloh Lepro-sa-rium each year since 2010, to hold a mobile ritual there. This year, besides making paper flowers, some students also brought their handmade cards to wish the seniors a happy Parent`s Day.
6.中正浴佛人物Buddha Day ceremony in Taipei
Prior to the Buddha Day ceremony at the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Tzu Chi volunteers from various districts have been practicing hard for the upcoming celebration. We meet Xu Ruizhen(許瑞珍) and a Japanese volunteer, to see the efforts and dedication they put in, to make the day perfect.
7.浴佛黃秋蘭Filial daughter, Huang Qiulan
Staying in Taiwan; Tzu Chi volunteer Huang Qiulan(黃秋蘭) from Miaoli(苗栗), is a filial daughter, who despite being married for some 30 years now, still visits her mother weekly, to help out around the house. And Huang`s 85-year-old mother shows her support to her daughter by sorting recyclables every day, and also takes part in the Buddha Day ceremony each year.
8.夢想無障礙(3)行夢Disabled group tour
Finding a job is often a difficult task for the disabled, and some opt to start their own businesses. A sufferer of A-myo-trophic Lateral Sclerosis, Xu Zhangrong(許展容), overcame her physical condition and against all odds, managed to set up a tour group, to give the handicapped in Taiwan, an opportunity to explore the beautiful sceneries the island has to offer.
9.越南母親節Celebrating Mother`s Day
As Mother`s coincides with Buddha Day, Tzu Chi volunteers in Vietnam organized a parent-child day on May 5th, at the Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce in Binh Duong Province, where the youngsters all came to understand their parents` unconditional love.
We go back to Hualien at the end of today`s program, and join Tzu Chi volunteers at their second Buddha Day ceremony, where Jing Si Abode masters led students of Tzu Chi`s Education Mission and members of the public, in praying for a world free from disasters. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
2013年5月10日 星期五
DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20130510
Buddha Day rituals worldwide
Job opportunities for disabled
International Nurses Day
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s show, Tzu Chi volunteers around the globe are holding ceremonies to celebrate the upcoming Buddha Day, Mother`s Day and Global Tzu Chi Day.
● Employment service centers in Taiwan are now able to help the handicapped find a suitable job and we meet one beneficiary of this service, Wu Xifu(吳錫福).
● And, with Nurses Day coming, Taichung and Dalin Tzu Chi Hospitals are expressing their gratitude to their nursing staff.
● 今天的提要,全球慈濟志工在各地舉行即將到來的佛誕節,母親節和慈濟日的活動。
● 台灣身障就業服務中心,幫助身障人士找合適的工作,要帶你其中一位受惠的個案,吳錫福。
● 接著,護師節節將到來台中和大林慈院,感恩護理人員的付出。
1. 美浴佛朝山 Pilgrimage at Tzu Chi HQ
2. 澎湖眷村浴佛 Buddha Day in Penghu
3. 星送佛到家 Buddha Day ceremony for patients
4. 浴佛陳世倫 Chen Shilun`s harmonious family
5. 夢想無障礙(2) Job placement for the disadvantaged
6. 七十進蘆山 Yan Chuantian, a living bodhisattva
7. 蘆山帳棚消演 Fire drills at temporary shelters
8. 中慈護理師節 & 大林愛心護師 May 12th, Nurses Day
9. 許桃圓滿生命 Selfless giving of TC volunteer
1. 美浴佛朝山 Pilgrimage at Tzu Chi HQ
We kick off today`s program in the United States, where the US Tzu Chi Headquarters also recently celebrated the NGO`s 47th birthday by holding a pilgrimage. While some prayed for the world`s living, many participated in hopes of cleansing their minds and purifying their spirit.
2. 澎湖眷村浴佛 Buddha Day in Penghu
In Taiwan, as Tzu Chi`s Buddha Day celebration is fast approaching, to make it more convenient for elderly people to attend the ceremony, Penghu(澎湖) Tzu Chi volunteers held a Buddha Day ritual in a local community. Let`s take a look.
3. 星送佛到家 Buddha Day ceremony for patients
Also celebrating the Buddha Day in advance are Tzu Chi volunteers in Singapore, who organized a ceremony at the Institute of Mental Health, for their long term care recipients there. Volunteers hope that the patients can find serenity and peace through the solemn occasion.
4. 浴佛陳世倫 Chen Shilun`s harmonious family
In our next report, we visit the Chen family of four generations. The patriarch of the family is 97-year-old Grandpa Chen, who has five children, all of whom later settled with their families near him. Despite having 26 members in the family, family relations have remained harmonious due to Grandpa Chen`s emphasis on unity when managing household affairs.
接下來的報導中,帶各位看看四代同堂的故事,高齡97歲的陳爺爺,有五個子女通通都住在附近,儘管家族成員有26位,因為陳爺爺有個獨門家訓,全家人 一條心。
5. 夢想無障礙(2) Job placement for the disadvantaged
On average, disabled individuals find it difficult to make ends meet, and the reason behind this, is that finding a suitable job they enjoy is not an easy task. Therefore, many disadvantaged will seek help from employment service centers for the disabled, where experienced case workers will assist them in finding a suitable career. And, in our next report, we meet Wu Xifu(吳錫福), who was placed at a job in a clothing accessories company.
6. 七十進蘆山 Yan Chuantian, a living bodhisattva
Moving to China`s Sichuan(四川) Province, we meet 70-year-old senior Tzu Chi volunteer, Yan Chuantian(閻傳田), who has been taking part in the relief work to assist disaster survivors following the 4/20 earthquake. After encountering Tzu Chi in the 2008 Wenchuan(汶川) Earthquake, Yan(閻) no longer goes around temples praying for blessings, but instead, seizes each opportunity to give.
7. 蘆山帳棚消演 Fire drills at temporary shelters
Staying in Lushan(蘆山) County of Sichuan, as survivors of the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake are living in makeshift tents and cooking their meals around the temporary shelters, government officials assigned a fire fighter to each area, and also carried out fire drills to ready everyone in case of an emergency.
也是四川蘆山的報導,雅安地震的受災鄉親還住在安置帳棚區,也在帳棚區 開伙煮飯,政府在每一區安置警義消人員,也在帳棚區舉辦了消防及人員疏散演練。
8. 中慈護理師節 & 大林愛心護師 May 12th, Nurses Day
This Sunday, May 12th, marks the Mother`s Day, Buddha Day, Global Tzu Chi Day as well as the International Nurses Day. At the Dalin(大林) Tzu Chi Hospital, we meet Xu Yuzhen(許玉珍), who has been devoted to her job for nearly 20 years. But first, we join the superintendent of the Taichung(台中) Tzu Chi Hospital and Tzu Chi volunteers as they go around to each ward to express their gratitude to the nursing staff.
9. 許桃圓滿生命 Selfless giving of TC volunteer
On Wednesday, May 8th, 78-year-old Taiwan Tzu Chi volunteer, Xu Tao(許桃) passed away peacefully at the Hualien(花蓮) Tzu Chi Hospital. Xu lived with visually impaired volunteer, Wang-Gao Chu(王高出), and both supported each other through life`s many challenges. Though diagnosed with breast cancer several years ago, Xu led a simple life and donated money from the sale of her famous dumplings to Tzu Chi.
We go to the United States at the end of today`s program; and join Tzu Chi volunteers and students of the Tri-Valley Tzu Chi Academy, as they held their first event to celebrate Mother`s Day. Students and volunteers alike, all served tea to their mothers to express their gratitude. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
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Practice for TC`s tri-celebrations
Help the handicapped find a job
Promoting vegetarianism in HK
Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.
● Coming up in today`s top stories, Tzu Chi volunteers are getting ready for the tri-celebration to be held at the Chiang Kai-Shek Memerial Hall in Taipei this Sunday.
● In a new series of feature reports, we find out what Taiwan`s government is doing to help those with disability find a steady job.
● And, in Hong Kong, Tzu Chi volunteers are taking to the streets to promote vegetarianism to the general public.
● 今天的提要,慈濟志工在中正紀念堂為浴佛做準備。
● 今天的專題中,我們來看看台灣政府如何幫助身障人士找到工作。
● 接著在香港,慈濟志工走上街頭對大眾宣導茹素。
1. 浴佛布幔彩排 Rehearsing for upcoming celebration
2. 竹北市場浴佛 Buddha Day celebration in Hsinchu
3. 太麻里三節愛灑 Spreading TC`s ideals at Taimali
4. 浴佛李順福 A filial family
5. 夢想無障礙(一) Incentives for hiring disabled workers
6. 智慧行動照護 Mobile nursing cart at Taichung TCH
7. 蘆山牙醫義診 Quake survivor Lei Zhigang
8. 印尼朝山 Getting closer to Tzu Chi
9. 照顧戶母親節 Praying for ill mother
10. 香港推廣茹素 Promoting vegetarianism
1. 浴佛布幔彩排 Rehearsing for upcoming celebration
First up in Taiwan; with Tzu Chi`s Buddha Day ceremony just around the corner, on May 4th, members of Tzu Chi`s Emergency Rescue Team and 30 Tzu Chengs arrived at Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, to rehearse for the hoisting of the Buddha banner. Let`s take a look.
2. 竹北市場浴佛 Buddha Day celebration in Hsinchu
Tzu Chi volunteers worldwide have begun preparations for the upcoming Buddha Day celebration. To invite more people to join in this solemn occasion, Tzu Chi volunteers from Hsinchu (新竹), Taiwan, organized a Buddha Day ceremony at a local market, which was attended by members of the public and shop owners.
3. 太麻里三節愛灑 Spreading TC`s ideals at Taimali
After the 8/8 floods left a trail of destruction in southern Taiwan in 2009, Taitung(台東) Tzu Chi volunteers have since formed good affinities with Taimali(太麻里) residents. Volunteers recently returned to hold a “Spread the Seeds of Love” event, to share the meaning behind Tzu Chi`s tri-celebrations this weekend, with villagers from Jialan(嘉蘭) and Sanhe(三和).
4. 浴佛李順福 A filial family
98-year-old Li-Guo Chengjian(李郭成見) has eight children, more than a dozen grandchildren and even more great-grandchildren. Apart from those offspring who live abroad, those in Taiwan take turns watching over the nonagenarian 24/7, for they know to have an elderly at home, is like having a treasure at their fingertips.
5. 夢想無障礙(一) Incentives for hiring disabled workers
Taiwan`s unemployment rate continues to rise and for the nation`s over 1.1 million people who suffer from disabilities, finding a job is even more difficult. Currently, our government is promoting a work model called Special Subsidiary Enterprise, where incentives are given to companies who hire disabled workers. In Tainan(台南), a steel company has become the first Special Subsidiary Enterprise in Taiwan, with 20 percent of its workers having special needs.
6. 智慧行動照護 Mobile nursing cart at Taichung TCH
The Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital recently incorporated smart technology into their nursing care system. With a mobile nursing cart and wireless technology, a patient`s physio-logical data is immediately transferred to a doctor`s smart phone or tablet computer, enabling them to better understand the condition of their patients anytime, and anywhere.
7. 蘆山牙醫義診 Quake survivor Lei Zhigang
Moving to China, we meet dentist Lei Zhigang(雷志剛), from Lushan(盧山) County of Sichuan(四川) Province. Following the Yaan(雅安) Earthquake, inspite of the damage caused to his clinic, Lei traveled to disaster areas, to distribute aid supplies to those in need, and even provided free treatments to quake survivors, in a mobile dental vehicle outside of his clinic.
8. 印尼朝山 Getting closer to Tzu Chi
In celebration of the 47th anniversary of the Tzu Chi Foundation, Indonesia Tzu Chi volunteers decided to further their spirituality in different ways. One group participated in the Hualien Jing Si Abode`s Medicine Buddha Sutra study group over the Internet, while another group hiked up a mountain, as a way to discipline their body and mind.
9. 照顧戶母親節 Praying for ill mother
In Taiwan`s Kaohsiung, we meet a single father, Mr. Zhuang(莊), who has been caring for his stroke-ridden father for some 20 years, only to later suffer a stroke himself. Besides losing his job, the man was also left to raise his two children alone after his divorce. Recently, Mr. Zhuang`s mother was also hospitalized after becoming ill, and Tzu Chi volunteers arrived to comfort this family in need.
10. 香港推廣茹素 Promoting vegetarianism
Moving to Hong Kong, Tzu Chi volunteers were mobilized to encourage members of the public, to go meatless by introducing the benefits of vegetarianism. The volunteers hope that through their efforts, more and more people can change their eating habits, to not only benefit their own health, but also safeguard the planet at the same time.
In Canada; as the government is carrying out a project to beautify a park near the Richmond Tzu Chi Academy, Tzu Chi volunteers invited the students there to take part in the gardening work together. Though it is the first gardening experience for many, students quickly picked up the tips from the government staff onsite. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.
在加拿大當地市政府要在列治文慈濟人文學校附近的一座公園進行美化計畫,慈濟志工特地邀請人文學校進修班的學生一起參與整地工作,雖然大家都是首次做園藝工作,但是很快地 就在市府人員指導下快速上手。一起來看看,感恩收看,再會。
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