2012年11月18日 星期日

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121116

Upcoming large scale distribution

A devoted doctor in Taitung

Taiwan`s wheelchair accessibility

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I`m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us.

●Coming up in today`s show, New York Tzu Chi volunteers are making the final preparation for a large-scale distribution to help 1,800 families this weekend.

●We meet another recipient of this year`s Medical Devotion Award, Dr. Zhang Guanyu(張冠宇), who is safeguarding the health of residents in Eastern Taiwan.

●And, as buildings are now required to provide wheelchair access, we find out ways to make restaurants handicapped-friendly.
















We kick off today`s program in the United States; and join New York Tzu Chi volunteers as they went to Ger-rit-sen Beach, in Brooklyn, to make the final preparations for a large-scale distribution this weekend, that will help a total of 1,800 households. As well, they also planned on holding a relief distribution at Coney Island. Though Hurricane Sandy caused major damage across New York City, the mainstream media only focused on the condition of its financial center, Manhattan. However, when Tzu Chi volunteers went further into the disaster area, they could deeply sense how helpless and hopeless many disaster victims are.



To help Hurricane Sandy victims in Keansburg Town, New Jersey, Tzu Chi volunteers held a relief distribution last weekend. The mayor of the town, George Hoff, also joined the distribution event. Afterwards, he finally had a chance to clean up his own home which was almost completely destroyed by the hurricane as well.



As rebuilding efforts begin on the east coast of the United States, Tzu Chi volunteers on the west coast continue to help through fundraising. In San Dimas, Los Angeles, a Japanese supermarket owner felt the love for Japan from all around the globe, in the aftermath of the 3/11 earthquake, and feels that he too, should reciprocate the kindness this time. In Sacramento, California, Tzu Chi volunteers took to the streets to appeal for donations. Among them were seniors in their 70`s and ones still bound with flu, but everyone wanted to give what they can.



While US Tzu Chi volunteers continue with their relief work, they have also been sending back progress reports, to the Tzu Chi Headquarters in Hualien. After seeing the reports, staff there realized that the damage is far beyond what they imagined. To help, staff from the foundation`s religious affairs department and the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, decided to start a fundraising campaign to canvass for donations.


《 靜思語 》

Constantly think good thoughts and cultivate ever-growing wisdom.



As we continue our report on those doctors honored at this year`s Medical Devotion Awards, we travel once again to Taiwan`s east coast to meet Dr. Zhang Guanyu.( 張冠宇) Originally from Tainan, Dr. Zhang moved to Taitung 25 years ago to work at the-then recently opened Taitung Mackay Memorial Hospital. He has been there ever since and currently serves as the hospital`s superintendent. When asked about his decision to move to Taitung, Dr. Zhang says that Taipei has all the doctors it needs, and one less would not be missed, but in remote areas like Taitung, doctors are desperately needed and each is a treasure for the community.

醫療奉獻獎專題,今天帶您認識,台東的人醫 張冠宇,本身是台南人的他,25年前選擇到台東服務,當時正好台東馬偕醫院剛啟用,做到現在,他成為醫院的院長,問到他為何決定到台東服務,他認為,台北不缺他一個醫生,但台東這樣的偏遠地區,更是需要醫生等重要的資源。


Recently, the Philippines Tzu Chi Chapter held a two-day charity sale, to raise funds for the construction of a Tzu Chi Ophthalmology Center. The event was joined by various food, electronic and motorbike companies. One company even donated 24,000 US dollars worth of products, to support the cause.


《 衲履足跡 》談成長智慧 On Spiritual Growth and Wisdom

Our ability to tell right from wrong can be developed into infinite wisdom. Being able to give love of the universal kind allows us to treat all living beings as equals and exercise compassion and wisdom on the Bodhisattva path.



Wheelchair accessibility is a term that you might hear often, but most people don`t think it applies to them. Yet for those tempo-ra-rily bound to the wheelchair due to an accident, or pushing around a baby stroller; ramps, elevators and plenty of space suddenly becomes an important factor for restaurant choices. Let`s take a look now, at how making a restaurant handicapped friendly, can be done without much hassle.

無障礙環境,您或許時常聽到,但大多數的人都覺得,自己並不需要,想想那些暫時需要用輪椅的病者,或是推著娃娃車的斜板、 升降梯,無障礙環境其實都是光顧餐廳時,非常需要考量的問題,我們來看看餐廳業者,可以怎麼樣不花大錢,改良無障礙環境。


As winter is fast approaching, Tzu Chi volunteers in China have begin preparations for upcoming winter relief distributions in Fujian Province. Biscuits and cakes donated by a local company are packed into gift bags to be given to the residents. On November 10th and 11th, Tzu Chi volunteers headed into townships located in mountainous areas, bringing warmth and care to the poor, sick and elderly.



We go back to the United States at the end of our program today, and join the group of ”Pick Up America”as they spent the last two and a half years, traveling from the east coast to the west, to pick up garbage. As they recently arrived in San Francisco, students of the Tzu Chi Academy joined in the conservation work. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.


