2012年11月2日 星期五

DaAiTV_DaAi Headlines_20121102

Welcome to Da Ai Headlines. I’m Wendy Chen. Thank you for joining us. Coming up in today’s show, Tzu Chi volunteer on the east coast of the United States are on the move to help Hurricane Sandy’s victims. A New Shoots Scholarship recipient, Wang Weide(王維德), is donating his liver to his father, who is in need of a liver transplant surgery. And, we meet one more of Taiwan’s urban farmers, Zhan Wulong(詹武龍), to see how he uses a potted plant gardening method to grow plants on his balcony.



1. 桑迪紐約+熱食發放

2. 泰北冬令發放

3. 菲慈濟表揚

4. 新芽王維德

5. 亞庇新芽(三)

6. 城市菜園(三)

7. 稻米博士張素貞

END: 新澤西送物資

1. 桑迪紐約+熱食發放

First up in the United States, Hurricane Sandy, now a tropical superstorm, damaged many areas on the east coast of the country in its wake. One of the hardest hit areas were in and around Manhattan, where electricity is still not available. Government officials asked the Tzu Chi New York Chapter to help provide 1,000 servings of hot meals to the temporary shelter on Grand Street in Lower Manhattan.

首先,帶大家美國,颶風桑迪現轉為熱帶風暴,重創美東地區,造成紐約市曼哈頓大停電,紐約市府連絡 慈濟紐約分會志工,提供1000份熱食給在曼哈頓下城格蘭街的收容所的難民。

2. 泰北冬令發放

As winter is approaching, Tzu Chi volunteers have kicked off this year’s first winter aid distribution in Northern Thailand. The first visit was to Phit-sa-nu-lok Province, which is over 370 kilometers north of Bangkok. Last year, severe floods struck the area, and Tzu Chi provided victims with 30,000 vegetarian lunchboxes. To make sure the weak and sick receive proper care, this time Tzu Chi volunteers brought blankets, second-handed clothing and aid supplies. In total, the distribution helped 1,578 people across 11 townships.


3. 菲慈濟表揚

In early August, torrential rain in the Philippines caused massive damage in San Mateo of Rizal Province, and Tzu Chi volunteers launched two work relief programs, to help the community clean up their homes. At the recent Foundation Day celebration, San Mateo gave out awards recognizing organizations and individuals, that have made contributions to the community, like Tzu Chi.


《 靜思語 》

True blessing comes from being content with one’s station in life, and from a tireless edication to give without asking for anything in return.


4. 新芽王維德

Next in Taiwan, we meet Wang Weide(王維德), who is a New Shoots Scholarship recipient of the Filial Piety Award this year. Early this year, Weide’s father, who suffered from liver cancer had to undergo liver transplant surgery. Upon receiving the news, Weide decided to donate his liver to his father.


5. 亞庇新芽(三)

At the award ceremony of New Shoots Scholarship in Malaysia’s Kota Kinabalu, Tzu Chi care recipient, Tukimin shared his experiences with other low-income families to encourage them to lead positive lives and become givers instead of receivers. Two years ago, Tukimin had a car accident that left his left leg severely injured. Thanks to the help of Tzu Chi volunteers, his family was able to return to a normal life.


《 衲履足跡 》

On Repentance

Disasters are happening around the world. While Thailand suffers from floods, the United States suffers from heavy snow. This is a wake up call for all. One should take the dharma to heart, embrace vegetarianism, get rid of bad habits and live life with honesty and sincerity.



6. 城市菜園(三)

In our continuing series on how to make gardening at home fun and easy, we once again take our viewers to meet another of Taiwan’s urban farmers. Zhan Wulong(詹武龍) grows a variety of editable plants and herbs on his balcony, using a simple potted plant method. With soil and fertilizer both collected from nature, Zhan says, his method is particularly attractive, as it requires little time and almost no money. Today our Da Ai TV reporter takes a closer look, at exactly how the potted plant gardening method works, and what makes it so special.


7. 稻米博士張素貞

In Miaoli County of Taiwan, there is a rice grain professor, Zhang Suzhen(張素貞), who has spent a good part of her life researching the perfect rice for senior residents, which is called Miaoli No. 2. Although her own father passed away before he could taste the delicious rice, Zhang(張) hopes to present her years of hard work for the world to enjoy.


END: 新澤西送物資

We go back to the United States at the end of our program today, and join Tzu Chi volunteers in New Jersey, as they are visiting 250 residents at a temporary shelter to hand out relief supplies and cash cards. New Jersey was said to have took the brunt of Hurricane Sandy, thus, volunteers are also helping displaced victims rebuild their homes. We will leave you with these images. Thank you for tuning in. Goodbye.

節目最後帶大家到美國,跟著新澤西慈濟志工,來到因為桑迪撒離而暫居的收容所,發放物資給二百五十位居民。新澤西受災嚴重,因此慈濟志工會協助災民重建家園,一起來看看 ,感恩收看,再會。(2012.11.02)

